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User Review : Mercenaries 2: World in Flames

A game in need of a lot of polish

Mercenaries 2 is one of the first sandbox games that's taken the Grand Theft Auto concepts and tried to make them more about doing whatever you want that might be fun and less about story and structure. The problem is, focusing on certain elements has made the game mostly frustrating and unnoteworthy.

I'm not into long reviews, so here are the pros and cons.


- Open world that allows you to really open up on the environment however you want
- Well structured method of gaining new equipment through contracts being completed
- Ability to play as one of three characters to suit your gameplay, even a female character
- Lots of weapon and vehicle options, allowing for run and gun, sniping, or big gun blasting gameplay
- Good length of gameplay; 20+ hours with working on all of the contracts in the game


- Contracts are either fail or pass and there exist no save points within a contracts begin or end; failure towards the end of a contract results in starting over, possibly without anything but a pistol
- GPS is practically useless for navigating in city areas
- Opponents spawn endlessly, making for a constant run and gun scenario rather than an organized and structured contract scenario
- Open world, but unstructured; it's great to have areas open, but the level of danger in some areas close to your base can lead to deaths just for exploring where you're allowed and expected to go rather than a properly directed and defined world area
- Sloppy targeting and jumpy gunfire, making hitting targets accurately with weapons using bullets for ammo less precise unless using sniping or big blast weapons, which is annoying considering how often you're on foot attacking enemies in fast moving vehicles

Lots of flaws to make it feel like more work than fun much of the time in the game
Reminiscent of later PS2 graphics with slightly higher polycount
Audio is passable, but lip-synching is horrible and soundtrack is fairly uninteresting
Fun Factor
Great for blowing stuff up, but gameplay holds back the overall fun factor

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There are oh, so many sequels in video games these days. We've got eight games that we wish would get a follow up.

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higgins783454d ago

I cant agree with a lot of games on this list. Far, far more deserving entries - which I wont go into now. All I will say is Blast Corps U...I can dream, cant I?

I_am_Batman3454d ago

The Darkness games are among my favorite games of last gen. Both were very unique in their own ways. I'd love to see a third iteration though I doubt it'll happen.

Folklore 2 would be nice as well.

idlet3453d ago

Folklore was great! Great mechanics and atmosphere. Shame it never got too much notice

I_am_Batman3453d ago

Yeah. If I hadn't played the demo I would've probably missed out on it as well.

Helloween133454d ago

Well apart from Jak and Daxter the rest are total crap and I for 1 are glad there was no more of that crap, now if you want to talk about Heavenly sword and Medievil now thats 2 that should have another go at this gen

TomLovesXBOX3454d ago

Legend of Dragoon. That is all that needs to be said.

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