
Nvidia In Reply To AMD: PS4 & X720 are 3X slower than the GeForce Titan

Now this is great. Almost two weeks ago, Nvidia claimed that it was not worth investing on consoles and that was precisely why they did not bother with PS4 and X720. As Tony Tamasi, Senior VP of content and technology at Nvidia, stated back then, Nvidia came to the conclusion that it didn’t want to do the business at the price Sony was willing to pay. And as you’d expect, AMD decided to stand up and face Nvidia, claiming that they were able to offer PS4 the hardware Nvidia couldn’t.

Neal Robison, director of ISV relations at AMD, told TechRadar that AMD was able to provide an integrated solution through its APU that Nvidia couldn’t, by ‘optimizing information flows, generating greater performance, better power and heat efficiency, and by providing tools and dev relationships‘ to provide the PS4 a strong launch.

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iGAM3R-VIII4078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

So they're comparing a $1000 card to a console that will cost around 400$ ... that's nice. True that their cards are powerful, but even they couldn't supply a technology that is so ahead of the current gen at a reasonable price. And while they could supply what they used for the Titan, who would buy a let's say $1200 console? All I know is that the Sony and MS made the right choice for AMD.

Anyway, to sum up this article in one picture....

Oh Lord....

Ezz20134078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

Nvidia: you mad that my 1000$ GFX card is better than your 400$ consoles

AMD: no, you just mad that no one want you....you look like the girl in the pram night that no one want to dance with her

Nvidia: oh yeah, you are the cheap hooker that every one can ride

AMD: at least i can get laid

Nvidia : ohh you B****.....Now It's on

AMD: come at me

*pillow fight*

Dark114078d ago

hahahaha , Bubble up + man!

iGAM3R-VIII4078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

What about the part where Sony and MS show up at the sleepover and join the pillow fight on AMD's side so it is 3v1?? lool and then the PC's show up and join Nvidia :P

SilentNegotiator4078d ago

An excerpt from Ezz2013's documentary, A Tale of Two Hardware Companies. In Theaters April 1st.

thechosenone4078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

shouldn't it read

"3x more powerful than the PS4 and 4x to 5x more powerful than the 720?"


badz1494078d ago

nVidia chose to be a butthurt bi**h and keep barking over a lost cause. I thought they would be more classy than this. If they really don't care about the console business, why even bother commenting on it? Sounds like it does matter a bit to them that AMD got the upper hand this time around in the console business!

nVidia makes good GPU no question about it but their performers always come at a price while AMD always has that perfect performance to price ratio GPU for everybody.

Sure, go on and compare the next gen consoles with your top of the line niche card that cost maybe more than both consoles combined but AMD (just like any other companies) is in the business for profit so I doubt Sony and MS are underpaying AMD for anything. nVidia is just greedy and they lost the race on this one!

Mounce4078d ago

To be honest. With this kind of childish PR. It really makes me not want to purchase Nvidia GPU's. I always bought Laptops of the last 6 years and coincidentally all of my laptops had ATI Cards in them. However, with this kind of stupidity of butthurt I've seen of Nvidia of the past month? I don't want to do business with them, I'd rather avoid buying a laptop with Nvidia in it now and if I make my own PC Rig? Without Nvidia.

They should focus their energy on better things than mud-slinging like a child.

Martywren4078d ago

@Ezz2013 that was hilarious.

AsimLeonheart4078d ago

LOL! Seriously though, Nvidia is being very immature now. They are going too far now.

DatNJDom814078d ago

Nvidia is the same as envidia which is Spanish for envy. hehehe. Green powerz!

Kevin ButIer4078d ago

lolololol Ezz2013 we should take that approach for console wars...

Nick_5154078d ago


It's coming full circle now.

MoveTheGlow4078d ago

I love this fight - last generation, we had a battle between console fans above all else. This generation, let's just leave the battle with AMD and Nvidia, marvel at how stupidly awesome it is, and play some mother flipping games.

Flipflopp4078d ago

@thechosenone, good catch. I didnt notice the chart went from PS4 to the Titan. Then the Xbox was sitting lower in the chart under the PS4.

Bobby Kotex4078d ago

I like and own Nvidia cards and all, but why can't they STFU? This is like the corporate version of butthurt.

FlyingFoxy4077d ago

AMD could be better if they fixed microstuttering on multiple card setups, 2 7870's stomp all over Titan and are cheaper.. No good with the stutter existing though.

Maybe it would stop Nvidia releasing overpriced stop gap cards, or at least make them a lot more powerful than just a bit over a 680 which the Titan is. Titan's price will drop like a rock in the next couple of months when the real next gen cards arrive.

I'm not upgrading till Doom 4, or Half Life 3 is announced tho.

khan_saab4077d ago

is it weird that your comment got me hard

SkyGamer4077d ago

NVIDIA is my graphics card of choice. Went from a 8600gt oc to 9600gt to 9800gtx to gtx275 to gtx470 to gtx570 superclocked. Can they be more mature, sure but look at the numbers. They are posting record profits while amd is a sinking ship. If ea and ubisoft and the whole tablet and mobile division are right in their claims, this could be the end of amd if consoles don't do as well this coming generation. They are bleeding fast and arm is rapidly taking the mobile market share.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 4077d ago
Lior4078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

I have 2 gtx 680s in sli best money spent in years bf3 in 2560 1440 resolution i get 70fps well amazing LOL IGAMER-VLL is on crack or something does he know anything about gpus? gtx 680 got me before i upgraded 45 fps around that anyway on 2560 1440 on bf3 now I bought another gtx 680 so now I am getting around 70fps nearly double the performance it is simple maths.

iGAM3R-VIII4078d ago

So let me get this straight, you have 2 of the same GPU's in the same 1 computer. I do not even think ANY graphic cards or GPU's can do 70fps in a game in fact again I don't even think BF3 can do 70fps in 2560x1440 res. It isn't even possible to put two GPU's in one computer let alone make a game and/or GPU/Graphics card that can do 70fps at 2560x1440. Either that was an April Fools joke or you are high, or just talking nonsense

UnSelf4078d ago

this just in:

The US military supercomputers are also more powerful than the PS4


Parapraxis4078d ago

iGAM3R-VIII, I'll take all of the above for $500.

Robbert_jansen4078d ago

iGAM3R-VIII you have no idea what you're talking about

Software_Lover4078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )


............................. ................... ............. You should've just kept quiet. Now you are food for the hounds. I hope that response by you was just an Aprils fool joke, but I highly doubt it.

iGAM3R-VIII4078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

*CAN YOU PEOPLE CALM DOWN, I'M JOKING. CAN'T YOU TAKE A JOKE, knowing you people you wouldn't really beleive it as a joke and if you saw Lior's orginal comment, you would see why my respose was right, as you can see trolls usually change their comment when they know they are talking nonsense

shoddy4078d ago

That's my problem with pc, upgrade.

The cpu, gpu, ram, motherboard are lining up for upgrade one at a time every year if you wanna brag about power.

dennett3164078d ago

Oh iGAM3R-VIII....way to make yourself look amazingly ignorant.
Please, look stuff up before commenting because now you just look silly. Look up sli and crossfire....should tell you all you need to know about hooking up GPU's in those configurations.
43.57 FPS on GTX 560 (2 in SLI) on Ultra settings. 680 should easily hit 70+fps.
No card can do 70fps in a game? What? CoD on 360 runs at 60fps for goodness sake....what makes you think PC can't hit way higher than that?

And don't try to claim you were trolling, nobody falls for that dopey excuse.

iGAM3R-VIII4078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

Also, I can see you edited your original comment because YOU were talking nonsense before, you said you were. speaking of math it is III not LLL you fool, (roman numerals)

EDIT: @dennett316, now you are looking like a fool, there is a difference between a troll and a joke and someone who decides to COMPLETELY change their comment to make ME look like the fool.

FlyingFoxy4078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

You don't need to upgrade the mobo and cpu every year, original i7's from 2008 are still just as good as the newer i7's at the same clockspeed. All you need is a new gpu every couple of years until a big jump comes in cpu power.

Also Titan is like a Mars card, overpriced and only a bit better than the 680, if they need to release a card so expensive they should make it better than at least 2 generations ahead, what a fail. the companies should work on fixing micro stutter on multi gpu's because anything higher than 1080p will be slow and a waste of time and cash.

But 1080p is the sweet spot for speed, and better performing that way than consoles.

Army_of_Darkness4078d ago

All I got from your comment was.. My expensive PC components makes my PC version of BF3 run great...
well, what can I say but congratulations! for spending all that money to play that one pretty game bro;-)LOL!

MysticStrummer4078d ago

"I have 2 gtx 680s in sli best money spent in years bf3 in 2560 1440 resolution i get 70fps well amazing LOL IGAMER-VLL is on crack or something does he know anything about gpus? gtx 680 got me before i upgraded 45 fps around that anyway on 2560 1440 on bf3 now I bought another gtx 680 so now I am getting around 70fps nearly double the performance it is simple maths."

*eyes glaze over with disinterest*

Nvidia keeps making themselves look more and more ridiculous.


Good troll igam3r... I got it.

SatanSki4078d ago

I dont know if your story is true but i like it as this site is kingdom of cheap and poor - consoles and amd fanboys.

towelie12884078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

@ IGAM3R_VIII HAHAHAHAHA DUDE LOL u have no idea what ur talking about
keep off the internet u clown HAHAHA

steve30x4078d ago

Simple math fails you Lior because your two GPU's are more expensive than the next Xbox and PS4.

@ grassyknoll : You dont speak for everybody.

kane_13714078d ago

igam3r-viii you make me ashamed of being a console gaming fan.
Learn your gaming knowledge or just do not talk.

The more graphical memmory you have the better performances, but that only gets you that far, you also need a good proccessor.
And pls, two GPU cards in a pc case is nothing new, actually Nvidia's beast GPU 690 is based on that system.

And I know Nvidea is acting immature and all, but you guys are stupid if you really don't want to use Nvidea anymore for your PCs.
not only the best quality but also the greatest price too.
You can't compete with Nvidea in Pc branch and AMD knows that too.
Now for Consoles AMD is vey good since it is easily tweakable and pretty cheap.
It is really no comparision, one is this Graphic giant that is dominating, one is this Graphical giant that is not dominating since its hardwares are not as good anymore. :D

andrewsqual4077d ago (Edited 4077d ago )

Exactly Army_of_Darkness. I think these PC idiots are forgetting one thing. Where are the games that will actually use your rig.
For example, Lior is talking about a game that was released a year and a half ago.
And lets get one thing straight, Tomb Raider looks a bit better on PC than consoles but is it really a substantial difference? No, no it isn't.
Another great example, it has been three and a half years since the last major Ratchet and Clank game (Crack in Time). On PC you have yet to experience a game that plays and looks anything close to that. Enjoy your tech demos. That T rex from "Demo 1" on the PS1 still looks great to this day too.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 4077d ago
showtimefolks4078d ago

Nvidia is coming out of this looking bad, they were the reasons the original xbox failed so badly. They were charging MS left and right and now when sony and MS have learned their lessons all of the sudden Nvidia doesn't care about console business

yeh sour grapes the way i see it

chukamachine4078d ago

I thought the first xbox failed because of dvd drive price.

rainslacker4078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )


The first Xbox wasn't really a failure, it just had a short life, namely due to Nvidia wanting to stop production of the chip, and wanting to charge MS more to continue manufacturing it. From what I understand(at least by rumors), was that NVidia wanted more than they charged for the initial supply, and this was during a time when MS was looking at cutting the Xbox's price to compete more against the PS2.

It was a hard decision on MS part, because they knew the ramifications of dropping support so early on a console. The 360 wasn't quite ready, and they were forced to rush it out the door, which caused some of it's early hardware issues.

In the end, things worked out for MS, but this whole thing is one of those ugly side of the industry stories that most people never hear about...or willfully neglect in the interest of console preference.

As far as DVD price, the DVD drive in the original Xbox was a standard off-the-shelf DVD player that you could put into a PC(or get from any computer shop). At the time I believe they were retailing for less than $50, so MS was probably buying them for $10 in bulk.

ginsunuva4078d ago

Are there a bunch of AMD employees making n4g accounts and making false accusations and downplaying Nvidia? Seems that way.

Dark_king4078d ago

@chukamachine Dvd drive was fine it was the HDD that your thinking of.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4078d ago
THEDON82z14078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

@iGAM3R-VIII/showtimefolks=Yea h you right,all I can say is:"CHURCH"!!!!LLOOL L!!!

fr0sty4078d ago

Nvidia keeps making themselves look worse and worse every time they open their mouths. I mean, we knew they were butthurt over losing their console business, but this is a little much.

$1k cards being compared against a console. First of all, PC cards never get maxed out before they are due to be replaced. This is the reason why, if you go back and look at every PC game that came out during the time of RSX's launch, the vast majority of them ended up being outshined by RSX before PS3's lifespan was over (look at Beyond, TLOU, etc). This, despite the Geforce cards for PC at the time being way more advanced that RSX's GeForce 7 series specs. These PC games have to be coded to work on a wide range of hardware, so no card ever really gets maxed out. Not to mention Cell's ability to aid RSX (which PS4's CPU also has the advantage of being able to do, as well as GPU being able to aid CPU), which is much harder on a PC architecture because of the bandwidth limitations of PCI express, etc. When your GPU and CPU are on the same chip, as we see in the next gen consoles, they can communicate much faster.

As such, in reality that $1k titan isn't going to give you 2-3x better graphics than you'll get out of these next gen consoles. Yes, it'll do better framerates, higher resolutions, and better AA/AF/etc., but their twice to three times argument is garbage.

Oner4078d ago

Exactly. +Agree & +Well Said.

4078d ago
nukeitall4078d ago

Problem is, by the time PS4 and next Xbox is released, that Titan will cost as much as the console and 6 months later, it will cost less. In about 2-years you will find a far more powerful graphics card at half the cost of next generation console.

It is what it is, but upon release these consoles will be a steal compared to an equivalent PC due to the subsidizing from console manufacturers taking a loss to build their platform consumer support.

Monkeysmarts4078d ago

Why do PC gamers care so much that their hardware outperforms a console?

Somebody4078d ago

@ Monkeysmart

Why not? Console gamers love to brag when their next gen consoles outperform PC hardware when they launch. First it was the CELL processor will kill PC gaming and now it's the GDDR5 RAM. So it's natural for PC gamers to reply in turn with better hardware in the years after. Console gamers then will fight back with the gameplay vs graphics argument while they wait for the next-next gen rumors to start the cycle all over again.

nukeitall4078d ago


Ironically, I'm not a much of PC gamer. I primarily game on consoles and my PC has a lonely GeForce GT240. Which is pretty weak and cost $50 a year ago!

I'm just putting it out there as it is that nvidia is right. There are advantages to consoles, but it isn't in hardware capability.

Monkeysmarts4078d ago

I guess I just don't get it. I mean, I see both sides... the console fanboys seem just ignorantly boastful, PC fanboys seem like they are defending their sister's honor. I prefer gaming on a console but I've never been of the mind that a console ever out powers a PC or will "kill PC gaming" any more than beastly GPU's on PC rigs will "kill console gaming." To each their own, there is plenty of room for both and it only makes gaming better for us all. I guess that's not as fun as trolling, bashing and arguing though lol...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4078d ago
kevnb4078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

or we can just wait a few years and buy a $200 card. Nvidia should start proving these fools wrong... they cant just say it, they have to show it. But the problem is they want us to buy a new card every now and then lol. You could still have a 7800 or a 8800 and play games at console levels or even better than console levels. Heck the 9800/8800 is still the most possible model of card in use and plays all the multiplats better than a console. Optimization on console isnt nearly as good as people think.


WUTCHUGUNNADO4078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

Upgrading is a personal choice... everyone acts like your required to upgrade whenever a new game comes out which is never the case unless they don't support whatever DX level your card is. Just because you don't meet the minimal specs it isn't a direct indication of your computer not being able to play it. Now there is a cut off point however and that's usually limited to integrated graphics or insanely old cards which will fail to even launch the game. As it stands right now any computer that meets the specs of the 360(all but the ram) is still able to play the most recent games give or take DX level exclusions... that will scale accordingly to next gen. If your PC matches the specs then you will be able to play the games but you just won't max them out.

dougr4078d ago

While I think the bitching by Nvidia is petty, the next gen consoles are not better off with AMD in them rather than Nvidia. It would have been nice had Nvidia put the GPU in rather than AMD. After making the switch to Nvidia a couple of years ago with the GTX 570, I'll never go back to AMD. At least as far as computers are concerned, I know I can count on green much more than red.

Leviathan4078d ago

I don't even know why these articles exist.

Nvidia KNEW they wouldn't be in the PS4 because they don't make x86 processors.


AMD's APU has no Nvidia equivalent because Nvidia doesn't make x86 processors.

These articles are made up PROPAGANDA.

4lc4pon34078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

i would buy a 1200.00 PS4 if it had a titan in it and gave me some of the best visuals you have ever seen. Shit my Gaming RIG alone running sli 680s and nvidia surround 3d cost me well over 3k.

i love all the bitching about prices but think about it 1200k is hardly that expensive and if it did offer a titan in it imagine how long the console would last. Instead of the mediocre 7-8 years you could push 12.

I have no doubt in my mind that game devs will do amazing things with the new gen consoles but its def in my eyes needed to be more powerful

WUTCHUGUNNADO4078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

$1200 is a bit extreme for a console but that's what it would take to match a top-tier 2012-13 rig. Considering how the PS3 did at the launch price I don't blame them for not wanting to shoot for anything over $600. PC tech is on a different level than it was in 2005-06 but in order to achieve that it costs $$$.

ajax174078d ago

Lol, ten people are like NOPE. You're dead wrong. Trolls gotta troll.

Giru0174078d ago

They should have compared TITAN to the AMD "7990" Devil 13... It's faster than Titan and only slightly (3%) slower than GTX 690.

I use an Nvidia card on my PC, but damn, shame on you Nvidia... Jealousy is an ugly thing.

dcbronco4078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )


I have read your comments in the past and thought you were either eleven or not all there. But you proved me wrong with that comment. Very well said.

Nvidia is acting like the popular chick that lost the starting QB to another girl. They are making fools of themselves. Plus if Nvidia can only offer a card that is 3x the power of the next console for $1000, what could AMD do with a $100 console? Offer 10x the power.

Nvidia most people wouldn't have noticed that you are falling apart if you had kept your mouth shut. Investors have to be questioning your leadership. Especially since no one wanted Tegra 4. Your stock price has dropped almost 20%. Just shut up.

Edit: I seem to remember John Carmack saying that a console could do the same thing as a PC with half the power because of optimization and specialized parts. So the Titan is just 50% better than the next gen consoles for 250% more money. Nvidia don't shut up. STFU!

chaldo4078d ago

I can't believe these comments.. Yes Nvidia is stupid for saying this but you guys know very well that Nvidia is better than AMD by far. Just because AMD is in consoles now doesn't mean it's the greatest thing of all time. jesus...

ooquis4078d ago

"So they're comparing a $1000 card to a console that will cost around 400$"That's the most inspiring comment i have ever came across on this website. your one intelligent man...

Nilemonitors134078d ago

True my friend, let them spend a 1000$ on the card alone, that will get console owners their respective console and around 8 games. Btw, nvidia might be derived from envy, as much as they talk like they didn't care, walking away from millions of dollars is probably hurting them inside. All they are showing is their namesake.

sengoku4078d ago

LOL anyone notice that the next xbox according to nvidia graph is less powerful then the PS4??
it's also released 3 to 6 months later..

DeadlyFire4078d ago

Like AMD doesn't have 1000 card. What is AMD 7990 then. :P

Consoles are set right for the price. APU with same kinda performance could only be done by AMD at the time. Intel has some work on APU with their graphics. Haswell CPUs are expected to come with 1 Tflop on them.

AMD's PS4 APU at 1.84Tflops is miles ahead of that. Likely AMD will put heavier cores on it for a PC version of same APU so it would likely be less than 1.84 Tflops, but with more heft.

I expect next gen after this one AMD, Intel, and NVIDIA will all be fighting with APUs for nextnext gen consoles.

fatstarr4078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

Yo do know that the titan architecture is going to bthe next main card. Nvdia will make a cheaper version

Ex titan is the 790
They will come out with mid tier version 760 that will shit on the next gen

And then a low end 750 that will shit on the next gen as well

The architecture is set to destroy give it a year before they roll out.

Anarki4078d ago

Goodluck getting the games for that 1000$ card. Pointless tech is pointless right now

Mini05104077d ago

As a PC gamer, I agree. The comparison not practical at all. Nvidia is just trying to advertise their products, etc.

IAmLee4077d ago

Nvidia : The most butthurt company of 2013..

gamernova4077d ago

So...the ps4 has been confirmed to be 400 bucks?

user76939584077d ago

It may be 3 "slower"but it has 100 times more support and so far the games showed on the PS4 look better than any tech demo they have done for the titan.. in the end we want to play games not tech demos.

And I will have not mind spending $1000 for a more hight end PS4 but a low price so most of my friends who mind can buy one with fast and easier to develop games so I can get more and better games are more important features and quality to have.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 4077d ago
BurninDragon084078d ago

Me: PS4 & X720 get my money. So, who loses?

zebramocha4078d ago

How else was he/she suppose to acquire a ps4?it's not like we have a bartering system or some work exchange.

4lc4pon34078d ago

if you actually had a good job i dont think ur wallet would care. at least mine doesnt

HammadTheBeast4078d ago

Also, PS4's main focus is gaming, so although the graphics card is 3x more powerful, it's a smaller gap due to specialization.

Nilemonitors134078d ago

Super saiyan 4 is about 5 times more powerful than the nvidia card, but you don't see goku busting their balls for it.

Prcko4078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

it's all about optimisation
titan is maybe 3x faster but using only 50% of his capabilities.
in other hand PS4 will be 3x slower but system will use(at beggining)60% and later 100% capabilities.
if you didn't know ps4 using new technology where CPU and GPU working together,results-MORE POWER-better looking visuals.
ps4 games will look like today pc games with all ultra graphic,or even better.thx bye

Kennytaur4078d ago

You're right about a console being more capable than the sum of its parts. Even though you do present it in a mild fanboy manner.

An interesting fact is that Nvidia said you need 10x the power to get twice the graphic fidelity. With that in mind, the "only" 3x more powerful Titan comes off a bit useless... seeing it'll just play the same games.

pete0074078d ago

porco, you know the first party ones will allways push a bit more the hardware than all others, truth is a hi-end pc will have allways the edge over consoles, like it or not. consoles are great only for exclusives, multi-plat allwyz on pc

SonyPS3604078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

Why would the titan only be using "50% of his capabilities", exactly? You kind of just pulled that out of your ass with no basis whatsoever.

You can argue "WELL IT'S MORE EXPENSIVE SO NERR!", but you won't argue that the Titan isn't far more capable.

Also you can buy the Titan today, and it's already more powerful. The price will have dropped by the time the new consoles come out too, so as far as the "well no shit sherlock blahblahblah, because it's more pricey blahblahbla" argument goes, you should really save it. Do a price check on the Titan when we have the new consoles, then give it a shot.

I really don't give a rats ass because I'll just buy both a Ps4 and a Titan when it's worth investing in one, not on release. Just please don't pretend like you have clue about the internal workings of these machines if you're going to talk such drivel.

KwietStorm_BLM4078d ago

Curious, where exactly are you getting these percentages from?

DwightOwen4078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

From his ass, like all fanboys do.

Seriously, these guys have no idea how retarded they sound. 60% power at launch, huh? Why, isn't Guerilla competent enough to get at least two-thirds power out of the PS4, lol? Not very "optimized", now is it?

Prcko4078d ago

just giving numbers so you can see what i talikg about

dirthurts4078d ago

If PC hardware is only running at 50% it's capacity, it's because the game doesn't need any more. If you're hitting 60fps, there is no need to run at 100% all the time.
This is where this misconception comes from.
Me? I can normally take full advantage of every ounce of hardware I have.
It's not 1995 anymore. OS doesn't take but maybe 1-2% of my cpu, 0% of my GPU, and maybe...600Mb ram (out of 4gb).

kevnb4078d ago

consoles get a small boost from optimization, a 8800 gtx still beats consoles easily and came out around the same time the ps3 did. It was expensive at the time, but the ps3 uses a souped up 7800 gtx and can barely play most multiplat games at 30 fps at settings equivalent to low on pc. Heck often they have to drop resolution to hit near 30 fps. How did people get so brainwashed?

ILive4078d ago

You speak of multiplats, what about exclusives?

4lc4pon34078d ago

false even if they made it look amazing on the PS4 it will always be or look better on PC. PC's video cards can render way more then a console gpu so that adds alot of extra's on screen such as more visuals, physx, detail n more.

PCs will always be ahead of consoles PC hardware gets updated constantly while consoles get updated many years down the road.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4078d ago
Parapraxis4078d ago

ePeen warz, gotta love em when the big boys go at it haha

PirateThom4078d ago

Ever since Nvidia were confirmed to not have a hand in any console this gen, they seem mad.

How many people, in all honesty, are going to put down the sort of money they're asking for a Titan? It's going to be the big enthusists and, even then, it's only going to be the ones who really need to be on the bleeding edge.

It's never going to be a mass market item because PC gaming with that type of card is not really a mainstream market. Whatever number they sell, it will never match the easy licence that is console GPU development where the product doesn't change for 6+ years.

Robbert_jansen4078d ago

they ran out of stock because production couldn't keep up with the demand

PirateThom4078d ago

Wholly irrelevent without knowing what demand or production levels were, though.

Again, anyway, it's the sort of thing enthusiasts, you know the ones who need the be cutting edge, would buy as soon as it's available anyway.

SonyPS3604078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

They're actually sold out and out of stock, so I don't think Nvidia are "mad" at all, really.

NateCole4078d ago

As a PC gamer i can tell you this card can be found at less price if you know where to look or wait a couple of months.

PC gamers from my experience also generally do not see $600 for an upgrade as too much.

People must also understand that the graphics card are also used for something else other than gaming.

For me i work in GIS/RS and i always do need a great graphics card and a powerful processor for imagery processing/analysis and animation rendering. It's also for something else other than just gaming which puts that $1000 into perspective.

There are also other advantages such as cheaper games and free mods etc on PC gaming.

Form my perspective is not really that hard to justify considering what i will use it for. I am sure others are in the same boat.

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AMD Could Revolutionize Handheld Gaming In 2024

Shaz from GL writes: "AMD could spur the beginning of a new era in handheld gaming with their upcoming APUs"

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rlow115d ago

To me the most important hardware is the battery. Doesn’t matter how powerful the chips are.

ABizzel115d ago

Eh…. It’s a combination of multiple things.

The battery is hugely important as it allows you to have ideally 4 - 5 hour gaming sessions.

The more powerful the processor the more games developers can share to the handheld, nd of course the better said games perform.

From there display, software, and ergonomics matter, as a good display/software will allow games to be more vivid, run at variable fps 30/40/60 ideally, and good ergonomics means it’s comfortable to play for said 4 - 5 hours. Everything else is gravy at that point.

rlow114d ago

I know we all want more power. But it’s sad that 4-5 hours is considered good now. It really shows how batteries have progressed at a much slower pace than hungry components.

redrum0614d ago

Of course it matters how powerful the chips are for it to be future proof. Don't you want to be able to play new games?

Neonridr14d ago

the Switch proves that you don't need the most cutting edge power out there to be successful.

RaiderNation14d ago

@Neonrdr that doesn't prove anything because only Nintendo could get away with that. Their games aren't the most complex/graphically ambitious and Nintendo fans don't care.

Vits14d ago


If anything, the Switch proves the exact point "redrum06" was making. Yes, it might be successful, but it's definitely not future-proof. Just look at how many games and franchises completely skip the platform.

redrum0614d ago

I have a Switch, and recently got the Legion Go. I havent touched the Switch ever since, purely because of its inability to play even older games at a decent frame rate. For anyone wanting to play multiplatform games as well, people should skip the Switch.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 14d ago
Marcus Fenix15d ago

There’s no way you’re getting that 40CU 16-core APU in a handheld. That’s too hot and power hungry for that. The highest end APU they’re suggesting is going to end up in gaming laptops that can cool a 100W chip.

Jingsing15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

I think these articles get things a little out of perspective, Steam Deck has sold around 3 million and Switch has sold 140 million. But if you are browsing certain parts internet you'd think the Steam Deck had sold over 100 million. If articles are going to continue to circulate like this and continue to put the Steam Deck in the same arena then I'm comfortable calling the device a flop.

Neonridr14d ago

Steam Deck, while considerably more popular due to it's lower barrier of entry, is still a niche device with the likes of the ROG Ally and others.

I own one and it's really nice to be able to play some games on the go or in bed, but it'll never fully compete with a system like the Switch.

Skuletor14d ago

Especially when they're not in the same price range, the Switch is considerably cheaper.

gold_drake14d ago

sure but theres still a limit to what u can put in there ha. power consumption would be the biggest hurdle. and cooling.

Demetrius14d ago

I wana try out a pc handheld but I would like to experience a steady framerate etc I don't wana have to keep going into my settings trying to make things smoother in gameplay, that's the only thing that's been keepin me from getting one I've heard others having to go into the settings time from time that'll be annoying


AMD gaming revenue declined massively year-over-year, CFO says the demand is 'weak'

Poor Xbox sales have affected AMD’S bottom line

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RonsonPL29d ago

Oh wow. How surprising! Nvidia overpriced their RTX cards by +100% and AMD instead of offering real competition, decided to join Nvidia in their greedy approach, while not having the same mindshare as Nvidia (sadly) does. The 7900 launch was a marketing disaster. All the reviews were made while the card was not worth the money at all, they lowered the price a bit later on, but not only not enough but also too late and out of "free marketing" window coming along with the new card generation release. Then the geniuses at AMD axed the high-end SKUs with increased cache etc, cause "nobody will buy expensive cards to play games" while Nvidia laughed at them selling their 2000€ 4090s.
Intel had all the mindshare among PC enthusiasts with their CPUs. All it took was a competetive product and good price (Ryzen 7000 series and especially 7800x3d) and guess what? AMD regained the market share in DYI PCs in no time! The same could've have happened with Radeon 5000, Radeon 6000 and Radeon 7000.
But meh. Why bother. Let's cancell high-end RDNA 4 and use the TSMC wafers for AI and then let the clueless "analysts" make their articles about "gaming demand dwingling".

I'm sure low-end, very overpriced and barely faster if not slower RDNA4 will turn things around. It will have AI and RT! Two things nobody asked for, especially not gamers who'd like to use the PC for what's most exciting about PC gaming (VR, high framerate gaming, hi-res gaming).
8000 series will be slow, overpriced and marketed based on its much improved RT/AI... and it will flop badly.
And there will be no sane conclusions made at AMD about that. There will be just one, insane: Gaming is not worth catering to. Let's go into AI/RT instead, what could go wrong..."

Crows9029d ago

What would you say would be the correct pricing for new cards?

Very insightful post!

RonsonPL29d ago

That's a complicated question. Depends on what you mean. The pricing at the release date or the pricing planned ahead. They couldn't just suddenly end up in a situation where their existing stock of 6000 cards is suddenly unsellable, but if it was properly rolled out, the prices should be where they were while PC gaming industry was healthy. I recognize the arguments about inflation, higher power draw and PCB/BOM costs, more expensive wafers from TSMC etc. but still, PC gaming needs some sanity to exist and be healthy. Past few years were very unhealthy and dangerous to whole PC gaming. AMD should recognize this market is very good for them as they have advantage in software for gaming and other markets while attractive short term, may be just too difficult to compete at. AI is the modern day gold rush and Nvidia and Intel can easily out-spend AMD on R&D. Meanwhile gaming is tricky for newcomers and Nvidia doesn't seem to care that much about gaming anymore. So I would argue that it should be in AMDs interest to even sell some Radeon SKUs at zero profit, just to prevent the PC gaming from collapsing. Cards like 6400 and 6500 should never exist at their prices. This tier was traditionally "office only" and priced at 50$ in early 2000s. Then we have Radeons 7600 which is not really 6-tier card. Those were traditionally quite performant cards based on wider than 128-bit memory bus. Also 8GB is screaming "low end". So I'd say the 7600 should've been available at below 200$ (+taxes etc.) as soon as possible, at least for some cheaper SKUs.For faster cards, the situation is bad for AMD, because people spending like $400+ are usually fairly knowledgable and demanding. While personally I don't see any value in upscallers and RT for 400-700$ cards, the fact is that especially DLSS is a valuable feature for potential buyers. Therefore, even 7800 and 7900 cards should be significantly cheaper than they currently are. People knew what they were paying for when buying Radeon 9700, 9800, X800, 4870 etc. They were getting gaming experience truly unlike console or low-end PC gaming. By all means, let's have expensive AMD cards for even above $1000, but first, AMD needs to show value. Make the product attractive. PS5 consoles can be bought at 400$. If AMD offers just a slightly better upscalled image on the 400$ GPU, or their 900$ GPU cannot even push 3x as many fps compared to cheap consoles, the pricing acts like cancer on PC gaming. And poor old PC gaming can endure only so much.

MrCrimson29d ago

I appreciate your rant sir, but it has very little to do with gpus. It is the fact that the PS5 and Xbox are in end cycle before a refresh.

RonsonPL28d ago

Yes, but also no. AMD let their PC GPU marketshare to shrink by a lot (and accidentally helped the whole market shrink in general due to bad value of PC GPUs over the years) and while their console business may be important here, I'd still argue their profits from GPU division could've been much better if not for mismanagement.

bababooiy29d ago

This is something many have argued over the last few years when it comes to AMD. The days of them selling their cards at a slight discount while having a similar offering are over. Its not just a matter of poor drivers anymore, they are behind on everything.

RNTody29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Great post. I went for a Nvidia RTX 3060Ti which was insane value for money when I look at the fidelity and frame rates I can push in most games including new releases. Can't justify spending 3 times what my card cost at the time to get marginal better returns or the big sell of "ray tracing", which is a nice to have feature but hardly essential given what it costs to maintain.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 28d ago
29d ago Replies(1)
KwietStorm_BLM29d ago

Well that's gonna happen when you don't really try. I want to support AMD so badly and give Nvidia some actual competition but they don't very much seem interested in challenging, by their own accord. I been waiting for them to attack the GPU segment the same way they took over CPU, but they just seem so content with handing Nvidia the market year after year, and it's happening again this year with their cancelled high end card.

MrCrimson29d ago

I think you're going to see almost zero interest from AMD or Nvidia on the gaming GPU market. They are all in on AI.

RhinoGamer8829d ago

No Executive bonuses then...right?

enkiduxiv29d ago

What are smoking? Got to layoff your way to those bonuses. Fire 500 employees right before Christmas. That should get you there.

Tapani29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Well, if you are 48% down in Q4 in your Gaming sector as they are, which in absolute money terms is north of 500M USD, then you are not likely to get at least your quarterly STI, but can be applicable for annual STI. The LTI may be something you are still eligible for, such as RSUs or other equity and benefits, especially if they are based on the company total result rather than your unit. All depends on your contract and AMD's reward system.

MrCrimson29d ago

Lisa Su took AMD from bankruptcy to one of the best semiconductor companies on the planet. AMD from 2 dollars a share to 147. She can take whatever she wants.

Tapani28d ago

You are not wrong about what she did for AMD and that is remarkable. However, MNCs' Rewards schemes do not work like "take whatever you want, because you performed well in the past".

darksky29d ago

AMD prcied their cards thinking that they will sell out just like in the mining craze. I suspect reality has hit home when they realized most gamers cannot afford to spend over $500 for a gpu.

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Make your next GPU upgrade AMD as these latest-gen Radeon cards receive a special promotion

AMD has long been the best value option if you're looking for a new GPU. Now even their latest Radeon RX 7000 series is getting cheaper.

Father__Merrin39d ago

Best for the money is the Arc cards

just_looken39d ago

In the past yes but last gen amd has gotten cheaper and there new cards are on the horizon making 6k even cheaper.

The arc cards are no longer made by intel but asus/asrock has some the next line battlemage is coming out prices tbd.

Do to the longer software development its always best to go amd over intel if its not to much more money even though intel is a strong gpu i own 2/4 card versions.