Ipunchbabiesforfun4008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

^^^^^^^ GAME OVER!

Hell, pay for online? That $100 is 2 years worth of online... GO SONY!!!!!!


FriedGoat4008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

I cannot compute, did anyone else notice that you have to be a plus member to play multiplayer now? Not that it matters as im already ps+ :)

buddymagoo4008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

$399 and we get to buy used games!!

Sony are not messing about, they mean business!

Gazondaily4008d ago

£349 is a bargain to be honest considering the powerhouse that is the console. THat's almost £100 cheaper than the X1.

JhawkFootball064008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

This is HUGE. A $100 difference.

blitz06234008d ago Show
brodychet4008d ago

That is so unexpected. I'm sorry Microsoft. But you've been beaten.


hulk_bash19874008d ago

Great news, definitely easier to swallow then PS3 and Xbox One.

sunnygrg4008d ago

This is a huge advantage Sony has over Microsoft even with the pay-to-play online. Drive Club alone will make up for the first year of a Plus subscription.

darthv724008d ago

sega and the saturn @ $399 and then sony says the ps is $299.

Now we have ms and xb1 @ $499 and sony has ps4 @ $399.

Is that the only sku? There was a rumor there would be 3 sku's.

Haules4008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

- No DRM
- Support used games
- 10 exclusives games were shown!
- Offline Play
- $399 price!

Best conference in E3 History!

Newmanator4008d ago

I believe so but that $100 saved will make it irrelevant (plus free shizz!)

AngryTypingGuy4008d ago

That was the biggest E3 ass kicking ever! Great job Sony!

omi25p4008d ago

Now if only the showed off some more new Core Ips then it would have been worth watching the whole 2 hours.

But the only part worth watching of that whole show were the no drm and used game stuff and pricing at end.

Rest was pretty awful in comparison to the X1 because they showed exclusives from start to finish

Boody-Bandit4008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

I already am a PS+ member and will gladly continue to pay to have the freedom of all the used games and rentals I want, no restrictions of any kind and the PS4 is $100 dollars cheaper?


That was a megaton explosion Sony just unleashed (NO DRM, NO restrictions, $399). I guarantee that sealed the deal for a lot of fans that were on the fence being an MS fan and wondering if they should just say the hell with it and get an X1. I should know, I was ONE of them. That sealed it for me personally. 1 console owner next gen but it wont be the ONE but the 4, Playstation 4.

ArchangelMike4008d ago

I know right, I caught that as well. He definately said something like it's free to play single player... but then didnt say anything about multiplayer in general. I'm guessing he is just talking about online pass.

Army_of_Darkness4008d ago

No used game restriction.
PS+ continued..
Means Bye bye xbone.

abzdine4008d ago Show
princejb1344008d ago

Yea I noticed that. I was hong they went into more detail on that play multiplayer online part

Belking4008d ago Show
Salooh4008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

OMG !! I never thought that i will be glad to be wrong one day xdddddddd

Kingnichendrix4008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

No you werent listening you dont have to be a plus member to play online you need plus membership to get the benefits

ShwankyShpanky4008d ago

I'm curious as to whether that will only apply to PS4, or PS3 as well.

<-- + member since release.

darthv724008d ago

are essentially very similar. Both will do media (movies, music) both will do social interaction, both are similarly powered, both will play used games, both have a camera that will be used for some games and not so much for other games, both have a paid membership level that gives more access to the features of the system.

The $100 price difference is really the only difference. To many it is THE only difference. To me...Im still buying both. Im ready for the next gen. I have live gold and PS+. Now I just need to wait till they get released.

Speaking for myself, Im in the best situation as I will be continuing to play halo on the next gen xbox as well as play killzone on the next gen ps. Those who only choose 1...be happy with what you pick. Dont get upset if you got the wrong one because you can always buy the other when you feel the time is right.

The E3...everyone is a winner!

badz1494008d ago

it's not confirmed yet BUT even if PS+ is going to be required for online play...are you forgetting something before spouting your TROLLING?

aren't you forgetting Drive Club PS+ Edition FREE for all PS+ members on DAY FREAKING ONE?! and then 1 new PS4 game every month on top of free games for PS3 and Vita every month too in their Instant game collection? $50 aren't even getting you retail Drive Club which will be sold for $60 but with PS+, it's basically a GIVEAWAY!

so...what free games are you getting with $60 XBL Gold again? NONE! man...I swear some people are really THAT clueless when talking about VALUE FOR MONEY these days! no wonder they are willingly giving up their consumer rights by buying the XBone!

Autodidactdystopia4008d ago

Dude Sony Killed just absolutely MURDERed Msoft.

Its faster
Its Better Looking
Its Not always watching you
Its Actually yours
Its Not always online
Its Used gamable
No Checkins every 24hrs
Its Way cheaper online and amazing psplus benefits. (maybe)
and Its $100 cheaper than the competition


Good show Sony.... Good show!

metaltales494008d ago

even if you have to get ps+ you still get your money back in free games baby hell yeah

mrmarx4008d ago

microsoft set that precedent. glad sony didn't follow with the drm nonsense and always online.

patterson4008d ago

Sony didn't mess around!
This is like going back to the PS2 reveal. Holy shit what a massacre.

Since X1 has no backwards compatibility, I can't see why a 360 owner would even bother with a X1 over PS4. Every checkmark has been ticked.

wastedcells4008d ago

This is so f .... Holy f........awesome.

bootsielon4008d ago

I wish Kaz had announced it, and a bundle with Riiiiiiiiiiiiidge Racer.

Ritsujun4008d ago

Sony's final blow to Moneysucker-MS.

At the moment, PS+ offers 5 to 6 free games per month.
I'm expecting 7 to 8 free games per month after the launch of PS4.

Spawn-KING4008d ago

You can have the cheaper PS Plus for less than $5

SignifiedSix914008d ago

Do you have to pay-to-play online for the PS4? I didn't catch that in the conference :O

ABizzel14008d ago

LMAO where's GreenPowerz?

AliTheSnake14008d ago

399 with or without ps eye ?

ajax174008d ago

Yeah, it doesn't matter to me. PS+ is a great service. I would have had it anyway.

DVAcme4008d ago

Most Sony players already have PS+, so this is mostly a non-issue, and PS+ has already, for years, been a MUCH better value for the money than XBLive. I don't mind Sony taking measures to secure money when they're giving us SOOOOO much in exchange for our loyalty. PS+ offers Sony a way of revenue to counteract the insane value they're giving us with the system.

THANK YOU, Sony. I've been a loyal fan and customer for 18 years and you have rewarded me immensely :) 4>1!! Greatness Awaits!!

gta28004008d ago

When Sony was giving out the online required and DRM details they were landing big blows! When they announced the price, it was like "FINISH HIM!" lol. Greatness awaits!

loulou4008d ago

lol microsoft better be dropping that price if they want to even stand a chance.

nice one sony

Firan4008d ago

I try to stay somewhat neutral in my comments but Sony just blew me away. Best E3 conference ever. I haven't bought a console at launch since PS1 but I'm more than convinced to change that fact now.

Mainsqueeze4008d ago

It sucks for some of the good developers for xbox one exclusives. Some of the microsoft exclusives looked pretty good and the controller for xbox is the best one for me. But holy crap sony did everything right. Sucks that microsofts greed is going to get in the way of great dev teams.

ChrisW4008d ago

I can't help wonder how Sony is able to afford such a drastic price difference. Is the PS4 actually cheaper to build than the Xbox One?

Seriously, this is a valid question!

theaceh4008d ago

How much is 399 in 2006 money? I wonder how much of an initial hit are they taking with these prices? How long will it take for them to reach the 30 million install base with such an attractive price point? Nice Job Sony, limping all the way to E3 only to check-raise Microsoft at the river!

Will Microsoft fold?

sourav934008d ago

Though I have to say that I was disappointed with the pay-for-online model, I guess the whole no DRM and $100 cheaper made up for it. And one thing you all are forgetting is, that with Xbox, you need gold to access ANYTHING online. That includes your online games, as well as apps such as Netflix, Hulu, Gametrailers, etc. PS+ is requirement for MULTIPLAYER ONLY for the PS4, everything else is free to access. PS3 and PSVITA will NOT require PS+ for multiplayer.

DA_PRGamer4008d ago

im already a plus member so It dont bother me and you will get DRIVECLUB plus 3 more games for being a plus member so Its a win win for me

1Victor4008d ago

@ AliThesnake I Just Came From Reserving It And Can Tell You No And The Price Is 59.99 And My GameStop Only Letting You Reserve 1 Per Household :( .

sikbeta4008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

Online is behind a paywall now, so XBL users are not the only "dumbs that pay for something that should be free" anymore it seems...

Saying this because I was one of those who was always complaining about that, but it must be a reason to do it, right?

Psn8004007d ago


S2Killinit4007d ago

yeah I know, we heard too, but I guess you take the good with the bad and right now PS4 good completely outweigh the bad. I'm just glad Sony didn't follow MS's direction. So its a good day for gamers, we have a chance to keep our rights intact. I hope gamers speak with their wallets to let MS know that it's not cool to pressure gamers and assume we are naiive enough to just do whatever they please.

+ Show (52) more repliesLast reply 4007d ago
Pandemic4008d ago

That's the nail in the coffin for the Xbox One..

Blackdeath_6634008d ago

absolute ownage i say. a more powerful system at a cheaper price with no restriction and a large variety of triple A thirdparty games, exclusives and indie games you would have to be a moron to think otherwise

irepbtown4008d ago

I missed the conference yesterday, I've only read the comments on here and the article...

So far I'm pleased, £349 which is £80 cheaper than the Xbox One (£429.99). Supports used games, no need to be constantly online, the only downside is one needs to be a PS+ member to play online, however I've had PS+ before and it is well worth it so for me I'm happy.

I haven't even watched the conference and I'm bloody excited. Time to watch it I guess...

perdie4008d ago

and boom goes the dynamite

Enemy4008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

Game OVER. The was simply the best conference in E3 history.

whoyouwit044008d ago

No the conference was boring but i have to admit I do think Microsoft is in real trouble, but only time will tell. Remember how the PS3 stated off. So, A bad start doesn't mean a bad end.

ZodTheRipper4008d ago

^You seem to have forgotten how this gen turned out. Just like this time, Microsoft started pretty strong in terms of lineup. And look where they are now while we are getting TLOU, Beyond and GT6.

Ser4008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

^ That's grasping at straws...

Sony has been supplying a great lineup of games for a good long while now. I doubt they'd just suddenly bomb and tank out, especially after welcoming all of those indie devs into the fold.

The entire planet could be hit with an asteroid tomorrow, too. But let's focus on what's happening currently before we worry about tomorrow.

Rusty5154008d ago

Outside of KH3, FF15, and The Order 1886, it wasn't that great of a conference. But what made Sony win E3 was simply using microsofts cons against them...Displaying some games, but also showing you that this is a pro-consumer console. That alone, IMO, beats ALL of the exclusives that microsoft showed today. Yeah we have to pay for online now, but if that means I still get the same benefits that ps plus has, I'd be more than happy to pay. When they dropped those bombs, that was easily the best moment in E3 history. The way the crowd reacted to the price, used games being allowed, and no drm. It seriously gave me chills and I was just fist pumping the air like an idiot. Good job Sony.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4008d ago
adorie4008d ago

Sony slam dunked this conference. I'm done and off to play PS1 classics such as FFVII and Crash Bandicoot to celebrate. PS4 is going to be preordered too, paid in full. Celebrate. Gaming is as it was still exists.. on PlayStation 4.

kayoss4008d ago

I preordered two on amazon. I need to get some clarification on that multiplayer access thing though. Well at least we don't need plus to access other apps.

ZodTheRipper4008d ago

^Why? Get yourself PS+ even if it's not required to play online, it's the best thing you can ever subscribe to.

showtimefolks4008d ago

Damn damn damn damn damn damn

Ok I will pay for plus to pay online

MS nice knowing you, this is over

Kaneda4007d ago

You didn't want it free before? :)

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4008d ago

Not $499 $399!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

-Superman-4008d ago ShowReplies(3)
Brazz4008d ago

Hell!!!! 399!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell!!!!!!!! PS4 for the win!!!!!!!!

Raccoon4008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

Omfg $399.99 no DRM no RESELL POLICIES!!!!!! I FORETOLD THIS!!!!

cell9894008d ago

how much is the WII U right now?

BX814008d ago

I think it's important to note that Sony made it seem as if you need PS plus for multiplayer. I would rather have to pay for multiplayer than have to be online all the time or a camera on constantly. This whole time the Sony faithful harped on Xbox live but seems like Sony is pay to play. Sony is going to kill this gen, I'm personally getting a ps4 the games look sick and it has a good price.

Pillsbury14008d ago

Ps4 shines bright like a diamond!

FFXI1014007d ago

Already preorder mine today. Not one but two PS4.

fermcr4008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

In all honesty Microsoft had a better conference then Sony, but it's the PS4 that I'm purchasing.
Better price (399€), no DRM and no always online is a Win for me. PS4 it is. Guess I'll have to purchase PS+ to.

nirwanda4008d ago

I thought ms was slightly better but nearly £100 cheeper for better tech is a no brainer for me and I can't afford to buy both.

cell9894008d ago

oh Nirwanda its not just $100 cheaper, you can play it offline, you can borrow your games to your frieds, and you can resell them, and buy used games

sync904008d ago

Each to there own. but to say ms had the better games is just delusional. what they did show, didnt look that good imo.

kingmushroom4008d ago

Sony just assassinated M$ brutally

Hello_World4008d ago

Seriously I am so pro-Sony after seeing that! Holy Cow the Playstation from PS2 is back IMO

FITgamer4008d ago

Better than your butt. Some can't say the same.

imdaboss14008d ago

dont forget playstation plus comes with free games too! i love you SOny!!!!!

RedHawkX4008d ago

ps4 is the winnner it only make since to get the ps4!

4008d ago

Sony won E3 along with next gen.. confirmed!

3-4-54008d ago

$200 cheaper than PS3 at launch = big win for Sony

Hello_World4008d ago

Seriously Sony actually converted me into a PS4 buyer this gen. Didn't think I would be saying that 6 months ago and honestly it's not even close.

Anon19744008d ago

That'll do Sony. That'll do.

bobdog6264008d ago

I will b with sony this time also who ever said microsoft will kill sony at e3 man was he wrong

GraveLord4008d ago

Same here! Sony easily won E3.
Microsoft must be raging right now lmfao!

BuLLDoG9094008d ago

THey said, less then a fiver per month for plus(and online play), and free to play single player and access media services like netflix,(so no paywall like xbox)

The free plus games will more then make up for less then 5e per month for plus.

rainslacker4008d ago

Even if you have to pay it's bundled into the PS+ price. Well worth it just for that alone. And you get 4 PS4 games on day one in the IGC.

GuyThatPlaysGames4008d ago

I thought this was gonna be over $500 but I was clearly wrong. GO SONY!!!!!!!

bootsielon4008d ago

Microsoft should announce their retirement from the game industry ASAP. If not, it's going to be a bloodbath for them. A $100 price difference for a significantly less powerful console with shit tons of DRM and less first party developers. Who in their right mind would buy "One"? Just buy a PS4, and if enough people skip on Xbox One, all those "exclusives" from EA like Insomniac's and the one from the COD4 devs will sooner or later be on PS4; better if it's sooner though.

sync904008d ago

i still think it will sell well. the US will go mad for titanfall. cod with mechs.

El_Assenso4008d ago

Sony just killed Microsoft. FF15, KH3, a vast array of exclusive games and demos of games, no restrictions on used games, or having the feeling that i am being watch with that Xbone camera! Sweet!

Sony's conference all about games, games, games. As a neutral, this has definitely got to be one of the best E3 console launch conferences, ever! Heck the best E3 conference ever! Bravo Sony!

Slightly off topic, I think Final Fantasy 15 could be exclusive could be multi 50/50. Dunno with Squeenix. Me thinks that Sony are leaving the exclusive announcement for home ground at the Tokyo gaming show.

PiTCHBLaCK4008d ago

I Know that FF 14 is exclusive to PS4, not sure about 15 and KH III.

Tsar4ever014008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

HAAA!! I knew it! That's why Sony was sure to let Microsoft go first!! When I seen the article about "Sony willing to be flexible about the ps4's pricing" was posted here awhile back. That's when I started assuming if sony's gonna use that same tactic it used against the Sega Saturn back in 1995.

Sony let Sega go 1st then they quickly undercut them by $100 bucks. Sega Saturn-$399, Sony Psx-$299! After that PSX/PsOne simply DOMINATED!! And here's Sony doing it again against the Xbox one!

"History never repeats itself, People just keeps repeating history!!"

HAAAA!!! I told ya'll Sony's gonna undercut MS.

$399 for a next gen console! And on white paper Sony's hardware is clearly stronger than MS! YAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

jmidd004008d ago ShowReplies(1)
starchild4008d ago

It's gonna be a bloodbath. A total one sided victory for Sony.

Cueil4008d ago

You're talking about a generation that hasn't even started yet. Let's wait a couple of years into this thing. I have a feeling prices will align eventually and the numbers will be much closer to even. I'm hoping for another healthy console generation where Microsoft and Sony push eachother to make better games and lower the price much faster. This generation we saw some price drops, but they both kind of hammed it because of the way the world economy was going. Both these bad boys better by 200 dollars in 5 years and I want new compatible consoles in 5 years as well.

Syntax-Error4008d ago

Finished with a bang. I take my hat off to them. I am pre-ordering on Wednesday. They sold me and I was a skeptic. They beat MS fair and square. Being a PLUS member has its rewards according to them and I am drinking the kool aid. I just wish it had voice commands, but never the less...SONY YOU WON!

Veneno4008d ago

Insomniac bet on the wrong company. They will be out of business when that generic zombie shooter flops hard. They gotta be hitting their heads against the wall right now.

Cueil4008d ago

is it confirmed exclusive then? personally think it'll do fine at launch as many zombie titles do, and it has an interesting co-op feel to it...

sync904008d ago

I hope not. They dont deserve that, and im sure they'll make games for the ps4 eventually.

miyamoto4008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

PS4 -Behold the savior of video gaming is upon us!

I am just so happy for video haming because there is hope.

I am now a happy gamer.

thebudgetgamer4008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

Mmmmm,video haming.

kenshiro1004008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

Damn, Sony is not playing around this time. The PS4 at an affordable price? A lot of games being announced?

Wow, just wow.


I can't even get my money through the monitor. :(

Psn8004008d ago

What I witnessed a couple of hours ago was history in the making and £80 cheaper than that other contraption .

Cueil4008d ago

Game over... both consoles day ONE... I'll be playing my PS4 on my Xbox One while streaming over Twitch making fun of all the fanboys who want Sony or Microsoft to dominate a generation... Here is hoping for a healthy console generation full of new games and great competition

sinjonezp4008d ago

Wow, After Sony's reveal, Amazon discounted the Xbox One by THREE CENTS plus Free Shipping!. Pre-Order Now!..



PiTCHBLaCK4008d ago

Actually PS4 has free shipping to, most orders over $25 on Amazon offer Free shipping.

NumOnePS3FanBoy4008d ago

So with those 100 dollars I'm saving I will be buying killzone and knack and I will obviously have to upgrade to PS+ to get me some of that Drive Club.

god_o_war4008d ago

Anybody else find it a tad bit weird they didn't show how much it would be in YEN?
This does not affect me in the slightest, it just makes me think they've got a heap saved up for TGS!!!!

JeromeNtheHouse4008d ago

Yea I gotta say man... Xbox/MS jus got sh*tted on. I mean I been on (and currently have) xbox live for 7 years, but damn. Unless MS can come back and say "we were just kidding with all the do/don'ts," then I will be getting a ps4 no question.

...Anybody wanna borrow one of my games on PS4 after I beat it?

Goro4008d ago

Thing is you didn't really pre-order, your just saying that because your hyped...you probably intend to but i doubt you already have, just saying what's most likely the truth

Ipunchbabiesforfun4008d ago

I pre-order last night at 10:13, but sure.

4008d ago
avengers19784008d ago

What now XBOX Defense force
Sony did not follow MS restrictive poicy
and came in with the better price point....
I guess they will attack the PS plus membership to play online MP

xboxlj4008d ago

Well I guess I will have to change my username now. It's been a good run xbox.

4008d ago
Haules4008d ago Show
djsandman4008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

Final fantasy and kingdom hearts on Xbox one, camera is worth 100$, wayyy more exclusives, you now have to pay to game online.. Fatalityyyyy

g3t0b0y4008d ago

ummm multiplayer online for ps4 is NOT free so lets sony screw all da consumers! the xbox online interface is 10x better than sony's! xbox one is where im headed! oh and it comes with a connect! if u want the new ps move for ps4 dats an extra $70 so in reality is 30 cheaper... oh and how da heck is it possible that the ps4 is cheaper than the ps3 from 7 years ago?!?! lol, u get wat u pay for! just sayin....

Ipunchbabiesforfun4008d ago

Sony is screwing their customers to pay for online but Microsoft isn't? Um sure...

-I don't WANT PS move. That's called OPTIONS!

"Get what you pay for"

Ya clearly...since the Xbox One is less powerful.

OneAboveAll4007d ago

Uhmm...no. PSN requires ps+ now for multiplayer.

Either way these consoles aren't actually $399 or $499. The X1 is $559 + tax at gamestop because the fuckers are bundled with a game....

How obsurd....

Ipunchbabiesforfun4007d ago

Really? f gamestop, Amazon all day!!

titletownrelo4007d ago

microsoft is down. call an ambulance. wii u wii u wii u

manny1up4007d ago

Am a 360 owner , BUT sony killed it ..$399 Console with NO mandatory check in , PLAY offline , PLAY use games HELL YEA ! ..as a xbox fanboy am reluctantly opting for PS4 just to punish microsoft anti consumer policies .

tristanwerbe4007d ago

PS Plus is now Xbox Gold and 500 and 400 are both good prices, and the hate on XO is nearly as bad as hate on PS3 and PS3 is better than 360

otherZinc4007d ago

M$ has 3 must have games:
Halo 2014
Mine Craft 2

This will be a race & M$ has announced some great games!

+ Show (57) more repliesLast reply 4007d ago
NeverEnding19894008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

Looks like they'll be making that money back by charging for online

FriedGoat4008d ago

He is correct, I noticed that he said you now need a plus subscription for online multiplayer.

MoveTheGlow4008d ago

And a tried-and-tested free games program, but hey, who's counting? :P

Ju4008d ago

Yeah, that was a bit of a let down. But since I am already a PS+ member this doesn't really bother me much. Excitement won over that. And $399. Kidding me?

duli144008d ago

go sleep man, you need the rest! been a long day for you

wenaldy4008d ago


-Alpha4008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

We will also be making our money back with PS+

Everybody wins

BlaqMagiq244008d ago

Here you can cry on my shoulder. I know it's a hard pill to swallow.

GenericNameHere4008d ago

Lol drinking that Microsoft juice? Charging? There's no charging for online. PSN is STILL FREE! You are NOT forced to pay $60 for the other 50% of a game. PS+ is still the same price, if you have PS+ now, you don't have to pay another fee for PS+ on PS4. Plus, IT'S $399 AND DOES NOT HAVE DRM!

There's still Nintendo's Direct, but Sony's is gonna be HARD to beat!

FriedGoat4008d ago

you cannot play multiplayer on PS4 without a plus subscription.

Ducky4008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

"You are NOT forced to pay $60 for the other 50% of a game."

... I am forced to pay if I want to play the other 50% of the game I bought.
Or that's what the current rumors are for PS4 anyways.

Hopefully Sony clears that up.

Sevir4008d ago

the caveat to that versus MS is that PLUS is a rewards program that gives you free games, on PS3 and on Vita Multiplayer is free, on PS4 online multiplayer is tied to PS+... if you are a PS+ member already on PS3 and Vita you roll into the Program retroactively and continue enjoying your Free games ands, exclusive betas PS cloud services and instant game collection and discounts!...

Whats MORE You are getting a 60 game for FREE digitally, That ALONE pays for the entire year membership and then some. because cause its ONLY $50 a year!!!

For Me I'm already a PS+ member so I dont care! I renewed my membership last month for a year so i wont need to re-up till next may and I'll get Driveclub for free... beats reserving or purchasing at launch!!!...

So try to spin it as a negative! but as its stands already PS+ on PS4 is a better value than Live on XBOX One... with NO DRM, NO Online validation authentication and no User restrictions on USED GAMES... and all this for $399 +tax...

Spin this one Please!!!

PiTCHBLaCK4008d ago

Actually it was never really Clear yet if you need PS+ to play Online, He never said: You need PS+ to play MP Games.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4008d ago
SnakeShady4008d ago

Listen to NeverEnding1989
Sony is charging for online with the Ps4.
You can't play online without plus. It's pretty clear from the conference.

latincanuck4008d ago

yes they will be charging for multiplayer access, but unlike xbox I can use netflix, hulu and other online services with out having to pay for PS+. Like they said you can play single player and use online services for free.

kparks4008d ago

All the free content that comes with ps+ is ridiculous free games huge discounts early access

Ju4008d ago

^^ sorry mouse slipped. Yes, that's how I understand it.

Veneno4008d ago

Don't ever say listen to NeverEnding

Thats like saying stab yourself in the ear with a pencil. Nothing good comes out of it.

FITgamer4008d ago

I've been a PS+ member since the start and have no problem with continuing the service. So the only thing that's changing is the increasing level of awesomeness.

SnakeShady4008d ago

I Agree with you all. I love Ps Plus and I'm an happy subscriber of it.
I was just saying what will Sony do in the future.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4008d ago
asmith23064008d ago

Charging for online? What you get for being a PS+ member is still the reason to buy it regardsless of online play. It's such a great service for money. I'm already and always will be a member so this is completely transparent to me.

Pyrrhus4008d ago

Go to sleep, MS are done and dusted.

vlonjati77vlonjati4008d ago

hahaha funny.As son as i finished watching the conference I said to my self'holy im gonna be for hours on n4g I should heave slept.Im having a gallon of coffee :) kidding Cant wait for tomorrow to preorder the BE4ST

Clarence4008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

DAMN YOU SALTY. $399 and more powerful than xbone.

I guess M$ will make their money back by charging fees for used games and rentals.

Now run along 24hrs curfew is approaching.

SnotyTheRocket4008d ago

Still a better value. S Plus gets you free games, while you get nothing with Xbox Live, besides, yah know, Multiplayer.

Y_51504008d ago

Well now Xbox Live will offer free games. But still other aspects PS+ service destroys Xbox Live Gold when it comes to value.

Brazz4008d ago

I realy liked Xbox one games a little bit more,but... but... but....
Sony protected us consumer! they give us our rights over our games! they destroyed this "needed conection bullshit"!!! They give us a $399 next gen conle!!!!! Hell!!!!! Sony won!!!! it's over!!!!

karl4008d ago

how can that be a letdown with all those plus?

i barely felt it.. my mind kinda pause for a moment there and just went on with all the other great news and games and features this console has

at 399? thats crazy.. u are fanboy.. fuck off

TheBlackSmoke4008d ago

No they charge for ps+ which includes online play as well as ALL THE FREE SHIT THAT MAKES PLUS BETTER ALREADY!!.... but hey MS gave you Halo 3 thats nice of them, no one with a 360 has played that yet.....

Haules4008d ago

Cry me a river u M$ fan, go back to your lame DRM! Your no gamer....

Belking4008d ago

Now i see you guys see positives in paying for online...lol When MS charged for it they were greedy...lol

KillrateOmega4008d ago

Congrats. Here's your cookie.

Oh, would you like it DRM-flavored or used-game restriction flavored? Can I interest you in a $499 flavor?

garos824008d ago

Aww you sound distraught, let me lend you a game without waiting 30 days to play it


MRMagoo1234008d ago

The thing is people where paying for psnplus already it was and still is good value all they are doing is adding multiplayer to it, which means if i can be bothered playing online (because the ps4 works without the internet) i can because i have plus already like pretty much most of the playstation population.

PSN+ is better than live as it is and im sure it will only get better so who cares about the cost its not even a full game price and you get free games all year.

FITgamer4008d ago

They are greedy you got nothing in return and all online features of the console are locked without a gold subscription. Now you get AC 2 and Halo 3, which is better than nothing, but not much. Also im sure that 90% of 360 owners already own Halo 3 considering the lack of games on 360.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4008d ago
mydyingparadiselost4008d ago

+ members already make their money back with lots of monthly free games.

Veneno4008d ago

Exactly. It's such an amazing deal right now and it will only get better.

Belking4008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

Denial buddy. You must be one of those "I will never pay to play online guys"...lol

mydyingparadiselost4008d ago

Not denial, just the truth.
The price of Sleeping Dogs alone is $40, just ONE game pretty much pays for the whole year. Besides I don't do much MP so I wouldn't pay for online but I'll pay $60 for about 30 or so games in a year timespan.

Rhaigun4008d ago

I've had PS+ for a year now. No biggie. More than made up for it with all the free games I got in return.

I also paid for Gold, and got nothing in return. Finally, MS listened, but its too late now.

trenso14008d ago

We still get free games and all the other benefits, what did gold give you? You pay for online on both consoles except one clearly offers more for your money, and has a system that doesnt restrict you.

GraveLord4008d ago

Actually only multiplayer is behind paywall on PS4. You can still use apps and services like Netflix without paying for PS+. You can still play single player games offline without internet.

radecGaming4008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

this dude didn't even know what's a PSN!!
teach em guys!

cell9894008d ago

hey if that means I get to own the games I buy, not just have permission to play them, than Im all for it, Thank you SOny for standing up for all the gamers out there, you showed that corporate greed runs thru MS. When I buy my new PS4 games, I know theyll be mine 100% mine mine mine! for me to do with them as I please. With XBONE you only have permission to use it, it was never yours

FlunkinMonkey4008d ago

diddums.. :( i bet that hurt. don't cry poor baby

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )

Seems M$ is making the same mistake as ps3 launch.

Xbox gained ground from being $100 cheaper.

so sad bro..

Forcing everyone to have kinect is slavery. For $500.

Also ps4 is more powerful.
How can buying xbox make sense at this point?

Xian4007d ago

The problem I have with charging for online is that there are four gamers in my family. If PS+ is required for each account, that just raised the cost by $200 a year for something we have always had for free on the PS3. That was one of the major reasons I was not interested in a 360.

I have already preordered a PS4, but I hope that they come out with some kind of family PS+ plan. Microsoft used to have one for the Xbox where you paid $100 and got 4 Live Gold accounts, but that was discontinued recently.

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 4007d ago
Ben Dover4008d ago (Edited 4008d ago )


- Better hardware
- More variety in games
- No DRM
- No mandatory online
- Supports used games
- MUCH cheaper

There's no reason to buy an Xbox One really O.o

Hello_World4008d ago

Seriously this good vs evil, it's not even freaking close anymore. I refuse to play worse multiplats on a more expensive system with these anti-consumer restrictions. PS4 and Xbox One will have 99.5% the same games and even Titanfall will probably end up on PS4.

GraveLord4008d ago

This is exactly what I'm thinking. I thought the Xbox event was great but the Sony one easily made me choose PS4.

I'll get an Xbox One in a few years though. Its got some exclusive shooters that are worth looking into!

RevXM4008d ago

Yeah the MS conference for this E3 was suprisingly good. Forza, Halo, Quantum break and Ryse poked my interest as exlusives. and the multiplats were good too, BF4, Titanfall etc.

But it doesnt change the fact that Microsoft are unstable and unreliable cold liars. And that the One is a badly designed, restricted, privacy intrusive, anti consumer box and a waste of air. (Not design as in looks, but infrastructures and ideology)

And Sony did just as good with the games if not better. I LIKED EVERYTHING... except the Ps+ to play online thing. FREE CORE online experience have always been a huge selling point for PS.
It doesnt impact me much as I cant imagine Playstation without PS+. But not everyone shares my point of view allthough I will agree its sort of a careless move.

vlonjati77vlonjati4008d ago

yeah man I think im buying 2 ps4's one for my self and one for mmmmm my neighbour :) SONY rocks.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4008d ago
kingmushroom4008d ago

OMG !!!! that was so awesome!!!!!! Sony just Sparta kicked M$ in to Orbit !!

TXIDarkAvenger4008d ago

$100 below Xbox One. GG WP Sony. Seriously its over. That jab at Xbox One's DRM and now this?

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"Granblue Fantasy: Relink" has just released its 1.3.0 Update for PC and Playstation

"Video game publisher and developer Cygames, Inc. (HQ: Shibuya, Tokyo; President: Koichi Watanabe, hereinafter referred to as “Cygames”) has announced the third free major update coming to the action RPG Granblue Fantasy: Relink for PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, and Steam® on May 31." - Cygames, Inc.


Take-Two CEO Cites GTA as “#1 Entertainment Property of All-Time Across All Forms of Entertainment"

Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick claims that the Grand Theft Auto franchise is the no. 1 entertainment property of all-time across all forms of media, and cites the recent GTA 6 reveal trailer as proof.

CrimsonWing6913h ago

I mean, GTA V has pretty much stayed in the top 10 for the past 3 generations, which is absolutely nuts.

badboyz095m ago

Is this news? Mario or pokemon maybe.


Days Gone Director Says Bend's Project Costs Over $250M; Says PS Co-CEO Doesn't Want 2 Zombies Games

Days Gone director claims Sony has already poured in at least a $250M in Bend's project; says Days Gone sold more than Death Stranding.

shinoff218319h ago

Well that sucks. Seems they want more online trash. I'd rather of had the sequel if it was single player

MrNinosan4h ago

What online trash games did PS Studios release last 10 years?

Notellin2h ago

The past has nothing to do with the future. This is such a terrible argument. Everyone knows about their current live service push.

_SilverHawk_1h ago

It's so tragic what happened to days gone. It is such an amazing game but bandwagoners trashed it and it underperformed in it's launch year. Days gone is the best open world zombie game released in the past five years. I was recently playing it on pc and I'm still amazed by it.

Games are very expensive to make and it seems like it's normal for a AAA game to cost over a quarter billion to make so if a quality game like days gone greatly underperforms then people shouldn't be upset when they see a lot of GAAS. I still remember a lot of bandwagoners calling days gone trash but years later it's now amazing when it's considered a failure by sony.

If a game isn't the best thing seen since hats with pockets then a lot of gamers who haven't played it automatically calls it rubbish and whoever made it should be incarcerated

Cacabunga4m ago(Edited 3m ago)

Co CEO prefers gamers to boycott.. so be it. I’ll never buy a gaas.
Just imagine buying a game you cannot replay in some years.. this shit must stop.

Days Gone did zombies in a very original way. The story was also so engaging. You actually only meet Zombie hordes later in the game. There are many more enemy groups to deal with.

-Foxtrot18h ago

It would be a shame if it was true that Hermen never gave the franchise a chance simply because he didn't like it and they already had a "Zombie" game with TLOU.

NaughtyDog are most likely moving onto a new IP next so it would have been the perfect time to do it.

ThinkThink10h ago

Here's where xbox steps in and releases state of decay 3 day and date on ps5.

Grilla4h ago

Days gone 2 was canceled before Herman was in charge. That happened like 4 years ago.

vfl5233h ago

4 years ago he was head of Playstation Studios. He would've probably had a hand in the cancelation.

Notellin2h ago

Man two seconds of research could have saved you from this comment. Amazing work Grilla you fit in with the uniformed N4G community who speaks before verifying anything that they say.

Redemption-641h ago

Maybe encourage people to buy the game at full price and not when it's heavily discounted or go on plus. If this game had sold well when it was full priced a sequel would have been in the works. They made a single-player game that most people didn't support until they dropped the price.

excaliburps5h ago

Yep. Kind of weird since it wasn't a sales flop, no?

I know we have to take what Ross says with a grain of salt since we're hearing just one side of the story, but even so, the game wasn't bad at all. Heck, it's my brother's favorite last-gen game from what I recall.

The amount of zombies on screen, imagine that with the PS5 and SSD? That would be insanely fun!

Grilla3h ago

Most copies were sold on sale. Not enough ppl bought it at full price. I paid 20$ for it 6 -7 months after release.

Notellin2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Yeah we should never believe the creators side until we hear the corporate/big business side as history has shown we should always believe billion dollar corporations.

What a bootlicker statement.

P_Bomb4h ago

Well I don’t want 10 live service games, but they have no problem doing that lol. Ugh.

CrimsonWing694h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Oh great so we only get what the big wigs want… y’know, the people that really have their fingers on the pulse of what their consumers want. Faaaaantastic!

rippermcrip1h ago

Well consider they know the sales... they do know what the consumer wants.

It sold shit.

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