
Battlefield 4: Which is better - Xbox One or PS4?

Videogamer: One of my main criticisms of Battlefield 4’s campaign was that it did little to make the player feel as if they were a part of a much bigger war. But in reality, they are: simply by coming along for the ride, every Battlefield 4 player is a combatant in a far more significant battle. And with the console war heating up as we edge closer to the next-gen launch, DICE’s shooter may end up being a key factor in the war between Microsoft and Sony, with the PlayStation 4 version displaying a clear advantage over the Xbox One.

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allformats3868d ago

Wow, the PS4 version kills the Xbox One version, man.

Wow! The tables have REALLY turned.

MajorJackHoff3868d ago

Well, I'm glad some developers aren't downgrading.

xHeavYx3868d ago

Just the first of many games that will show the PS4 superiority.
It has started ladies and gentlemen

GiggMan3868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )

@Major, I was worried about the same thing. PS4 version looks like a better direct port of the PC version.

PS4 vs PC

Xbox One vs PC

Abash3868d ago

PS4 version is the level of quality I expect from next gen gaming

NewMonday3868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )

glad these guys address the different color/brightness setting on the video captures

XB1 has the worse resolution at 720p, but the inferiority doesn't stop here, the jaggies make small objects look horrible also the lighting is #@$%d up.

PS4 has a smoother images because of the higher resolution, also better AA and lighting engine, and according to multiple previews today this version is close to high end PC settings.

ShinMaster3868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )

Xbox loses all detail in the shadows. It's way too dark due to the increase in contrast.
PS4 matches the PC version more closely in this regard. It also has better AA, ambient occlusion and runs at a higher resolution.

ShinMaster3868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )

[double post]

UltimateMaster3868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )

Here's something to compare:
Looking at that, no doubt the PS4 is better.

Sevir3868d ago

Well at $100 more xbox fans must be buy the console for the TV, because Games so far with multiplatform releases show that the PS4 wins... Battlefield 4 on PS4 runs more closely to the PC than the XBOX ONE!!! I'm Hearing nothing but criqettes right now from JOY, GreenPowerz/MorePowerOfGreen and all the other Usuals that have been living in lalaland!


Amiroo3868d ago


not even close to high-end pcs. it's high quality on pc, yes but not very high and not ultra.

XO = 720p , aliasings everywhere
PS4 = 900p , blury but better than XO

both are pc's high quality

PC = 1080p (atleast), Ultra quality = twice the resolution of XO and 1.5 PS4 + better textures,lightning + HBAO and other stuff

shivvy243868d ago

the ps4 version is clearly superior but honestly its not a "massive" difference, all these articles bashing the x1 kinda seems pointless after watching the video !

decrypt3868d ago

Well both are far behind the PC specially considering PCs can now be running games at 4k Resolutions.

ShinMaster3868d ago

@ decrypt

Can yours?
Regardless, I find it funny that PC gamers, even if they only have an average PC, boast about higher resolutions and framerate that they themselves can't even achieve on their own rigs.

NewMonday3868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )


PC = 1080p (atleast)

really?! so no 720p setting for the PC?

no hyperbole at all

and how much money dose it cost to get that level of performance? do tell

exactly! I bet I have a better rig than most of them.

abzdine3868d ago

pay more for less, i have nothing to add

pyramidshead3868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )

They probably had to a little bit from 1080p to 900p which is a big shame. Dice should have utilised all that ps4 power and not worry about parity at all.

Looks like this gen PS4 is going to be multiplatform king, which for me is pretty damn ideal considering some shocking ps3 ports this gen. PS4 holds up the frame rate the best and at a higher res.

If 900p still isn't acceptable....there's always Guerrilla ;P.

ChrisW3868d ago

Well... here's a better comparison...

PS4 vs XB0:

Ezz20133868d ago

i said developers don't have any more excuses about ps4 since it's not hard to work with and have the best hardware
so multiplat games will look better on ps4

and as it seems ....i was right

Computersaysno3868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )

Sooooooo Microsoft want me to pay over 500 pounds for....this? Console + game + live sub?




Yea....ok. Don't think so.

Perjoss3868d ago

Its not too late to cancel your Xbox One console pre orders.

I'm just sayin

AndrewLB3868d ago Show
no_more_trolling3868d ago

the xbox one version is much sharper
why are people having selective blindness

go to the youtube video and see 6:15 with them in the elevator and youll see how much sharper the xo version is

VENOMACR12273868d ago

People acting like its PS4 compared to XBOX 360. Yea, I could see some minor differences but the game was still beautiful on both systems. That alone wouldn't deter me or anyone from buying an X1. Some of these comments are just ridiculous. If you didn't see the compare and just saw the X1 version, everyone would be saying how amazing it looks. I'll admit I noticed the differences, but when the screen was cut in half and you saw both systems side by side, it was tough to see the difference until they slowed it down and took snap shots comparing the two images. Lets stop acting like it was this huge, insane, ridiculous difference.

LetoAtreides823868d ago

UltimateMaster looks like something seriously wrong with the lighting on the Xbone version, it takes away the camouflage out of that soldier's uniform! Also takes away some of the clouds in the background.

Boody-Bandit3868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )


and how much money dose it cost to get that level of performance?"

I can't speak for decrypt but I can comment on price of my rig I built nearly 2 years ago. It ran me around $3k. I didn't even look into how it can run Battlefield 4 since I prefer console gaming (plug and play) to PC gaming. I just built a gaming rig on a whim cause I wanted to play iRacing on my FFB rig.

I would be surprised if my rig (dual GTX 590's) can run BF4 at 1080p on max settings. I should download the demo and test it just to see. But again I rarely even use my gaming rig and have no interest in playing BF4 on it. I only power it up when Steam is having ridiculous sales on games I've already played on the consoles. I like to compare them just out of curiosity.

I will be playing BF4 on the PS4.

finbars753868d ago

Just a friendly reminder is that both the comparisons where both shot in 720p 30fps.So this means we havnt eve seen the 900p on the PS4 yet.Read the article fully before judging.The fact that the PS4 stands up better then the xboxone 720p means that this game will look better then the xbone by a lot.That to me is disturbing.

Lifendz3868d ago

I'm getting the PS4 version, but I honestly didn't see that much of a difference. I guess it's due to the compression and them uploading in 720p. This will be one of those things you have to go to a Best Buy or Gamestop to see the games side by side to really appreciate. Regardless, both versions look fine.

3867d ago
Pixel_Enemy3867d ago

Xbox isn't sharper, those are called jaggies.

NukaCola3867d ago


Why is the Xbone version showing Desert BDUs and PS4 gets Cry Multicam... lol.. weird

Kevin ButIer3867d ago

4:40 look at the jaggies in the truck... seriously? I wonder if we can argue lazy developers or hardware limitations at this point... i'll wait and see...

memots3867d ago (Edited 3867d ago )

Wow the threads are loaded with crazy Fanboy, I think some bot created about 10 accounts or something, The idiocy level went 10 fold.

I am pretty sure we will see about 10 articles claiming the opposite anyway, Can't you guys see its a never ending loop.

+ Show (29) more repliesLast reply 3867d ago
xHeavYx3868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )

I agree, now there is proof that the PS4 is superior, but I've already seen the" graphics are not everything" comments

reko3868d ago Show
VENOMACR12273868d ago

Superior would suggest the difference is large, like a Corvette is superior compared to a Mustang. But to suggest the PS4 is superior based on some minor details, I don't think you know what the word means. PS4 compared to Xbox 360, superior. PS4 compared to X1, marginally better graphics, but not mind blowing. I doubt anyone who saw this is going to cancel their X1 preorder because the shadow or some lighting looks marginally better.

Thevariance3868d ago


Definition of superior: "higher in rank, status, or quality". The word superior does not entail that there is a significant quantitative difference, but only that there is a difference.

I would say that xHeavyx used the word appropriately and I agree that based on the evidence provided by Battlefield, the PS4 is superior.

Boody-Bandit3868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )


Of course that's what you're going to hear. It always doesn't matter what you don't have until you do. It was the same way last gen with too many things to list. Don't you remember the whole "PS3 has no games"? Yet the last few years exclusives no longer matter. Now it's look at the exclusives. *head spins*

The whole thing is lunacy. I preferred MS hardware over everything else the past decade plus. Mostly because that is where my friends were gaming. Next gem I'm jumping ship and headed towards the land of Sony. I won't be looking back. Why anyone would pay more money for less simply boggles my mind.

To my friends that don't make the jump. Ciao, it's been real, but I'm moving on with or without you.

MysticStrummer3868d ago

@ Venoma - You need to grab a dictionary, sir.

OT - PS4 looks better, and as they say in the video this doesn't even show the difference properly because of capture method and YouTube limitations.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3868d ago
Pintheshadows3868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )

This is much better than the other video from Eurogamer where it seems they have gotten drunk and played around with their televisions picture settings.

I'll add to this as well that the lighting in the X1 version seems a bit OTT.

darren_poolies3868d ago

Apparently it's because they weren't allowed to use their own capture cards at the review event so the PS4 version came out with the contrast looking a bit f'd up.

infinitewords3868d ago

I laughed way to hard at that.

HappyWithOneBubble3867d ago

Vince walk always make me laugh. Too funny.

ThunderSpark3868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )

I'm a xbox fan but even I can't deny that PS4 is showing its graphical superiority. But at the end of the day, it's about the exclusives. Even though right now Sony fans are reaping from the benefits of a stronger game console.

@black0o: you have a point. even tho I love halo..

black0o3868d ago

dude take a look at ps3 exclusives this year or the year before that and compare it to the x360

xHeavYx3868d ago

Agree with black0o, Sony has had superior exclusives for years

Pintheshadows3868d ago

I understand what Jack Tretton said at E3 now.

The PS4 version seems to be a downgraded version of the PC build yet the X1 is entirely different in more ways than one.

The Digital Foundry videos comparing the X1 and PS4 versions to the PC are worth a watch. It will open a lot of peoples eyes because some on here would type that the X1 version looks better than the PC version based on their logic.

Jubez1873868d ago

You realize that the xbox hasn't really had any exclusives in the past 2 years besides a new Halo and a Gears of War cash grab? I'm not even trying to flame but I honestly think you're lying to or confusing yourself when you speak about console exclusives. IGN pretty much stopped doing System of the Year because it would be no-contest nowadays. It's cool if you like xbox but I just don't know where you come off talking about exclusives. I guess the XB1 has exclusives like Ryse but early-bird exclusives never amount to much (Lair, Heavenly Sword, Genji, The Outfit) they're more just psychological justifiers to tell yourself the console was worth a few hundo.

slimeybrainboy3868d ago

@pintheshadows Its not a downgraded PC build. PC version is scalable, this means that alot of people will play at lower quality than than the PS4 build and alot will play at a similar level and alot will play at a higher l;evel. Not every person who plays on PC has a rig better than PS4.

Sorry, but It really bugs me when people say compare PS4 to PC graphics its annoying. I dont mind videos that show specific builds like PS4 vs 7850 and i5 but to compare against PC which can be anything is dumb. It's like comparing a dolphin to a pokemon.

morganfell3868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )

"But at the end of the day, it's about the exclusives."

Look how that worked out this generation. And the last generation. Simply put Sony has the studios and the commitment to provide more exclusives. Period. You just made the PS4 case. Even toward the end of this generation they are still delivering. Next generation it will be worse with more developers jumping on the PS4 bandwagon.

abzdine3868d ago

it's all about exclusives after it was all about multiplatforms.
history shows who always wins when it comes to exclusives.
for me it's about them both, on PS3 i just boycotted the inferior 3rd party versions and i'm glad that first game on PS4 shows how the trend is gonna be from now on regarding 3rd party games.

Let's not forget the lower price and the Sony exclusives they have always been delivering.

AndrewLB3868d ago

Pintheshadows- Those Digital Foundry videos were taken on PS4 and Xbone devkits. Not retail hardware. it says so on http://www.eurogamer.net/ar...

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3868d ago
black0o3868d ago

Next stop AC4 or NFS .. since ms is setting on CoD version

MajorJackHoff3868d ago

AC4 looks like crap either way lol. If the PS3 Vs. PS4 comparison I seen earlier is legit that is. That shit looks like a lazy ass port if I ever did see one.

pedrof933868d ago

Cod ?

1080p vs 720p ?

I think Ps4 wins here.

abzdine3868d ago

KZ: Shadow Fall blows every FPS right now, BF and COD combined.

AliTheSnake13868d ago

KZ: Shadow Fall is 30 fps. I wish bf4 single player was 30 fps. Then It would have been 1080p.

nub_cakes1013867d ago

@MajorJackHoff actually there is apretty substantial difference http://imgur.com/a/j7L6F

MajorJackHoff3867d ago

lol what? Substantial? If you think that qualifies as a substantial difference, then you and I have a different definition of the word substantial. Also, if you're going to show me a comparison, at least make it of the same scene.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3867d ago
MynextGen3868d ago

Not it doesn't look Meh compared the Xbox One so please keep thinking that the true does hurt you

CRAIG6673868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )


And thats assuming this is legit footage from the latest builds of each platform, the my little sony defense force are insane.

Based on "Dave's" experience WTF!? are you kidding me!!?!!?!?!?!

ALARM-clock3868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )

Look at this and tell me they are identical:


darren_poolies3868d ago

If you ever followed videogamer.com you would know they are all pretty bit Xbox fans especially Dave, so for them to say the PS4 version is superior is a big thing.

Neonridr3868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )

@ALARM-clock - so you are telling me that at EXACTLY the same part of the game, the developers decided to give your character an entirely differnet camouflage clothing between the XB1 and PS4 versions? Look at the guys sleeve, why would they have made a different texture for the same game on a different platform?

My spider sense is telling me that these photo comparisons are BS.

JOLLY13867d ago

Alarm clock you're correct. That image shows off which one really does look better. The Xbox one has much greater detail. All of the close up textures are so flat on the PS4. I wonder if the PS4 will look better in motion with the stuff in the background.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3867d ago
Izzy4083868d ago

You're kidding me right? Did you even watch the video? Fanboyism at it's peak. -_-

Sci0n3868d ago

The thing is the casual xbots who are actually interested in pointless BS like adds spam and shiny objects with there ignorance and untrained eyes won't see the difference. Those are the type of people you can sell a sanyo HD TV because they are impressed by looking at the display with max settings all tuned up. They have no idea how calibrations work and how to get the best out of there display. Microscam was smart to darken the textures to hide the inferior version. A casual doesn't even know what deep crushed blacks is.

pedrof933868d ago

So 50% percent more powerfull then ?


kataloni103868d ago

I dont no way i see that the X1 slightly better, if its 720 and the ps4 is 900 :S wtf is this

Ps4Console3868d ago

I hate it when people don't actually watch or read the article & just give an opinion .

Ps4Console3868d ago

Flamebait they both look good .

gamer78043868d ago

were you watching the right video? They look incredibly close with a little lighting difference and slightly more aliasing on the xb1.

xXxSeTTriPxXx3867d ago

Slighty more aliasing?

The aliasing on the x1 version is hideous.

tagan8tr3867d ago (Edited 3867d ago )

lol Peter Moore said no more jaggies in 2005 when they introduced 360 with 720p minimum watch the video at 44min 30sec


gamer78043867d ago

it does have more aliasing i agree, its at a lower resolution and lacks AO which makes the aliasing stand out more with the lack of lighting and shadows.

They did say they wanted to delay the game so they could polish it but decided against it, instead they are patching the xb1 version at launch to fix the AO and some other things which they couldn't comment on yet.

alb18993868d ago

If this will be the big difference that you fans are talking about for so long......I don't get it!!
I will take dedicated servers over this all the time!

darren_poolies3868d ago

Oh so you're going to pay £80 more for dedicated servers which the PS4 also has? Have fun with that.

3868d ago
Gekko363868d ago

@All posters on this article

Just read all the message on this article and all I cam say is "JESUS H CHRIST" (H for Herbert!!)

I watched the video and it was just like sitting next to an annoying CU*T in the pictures.

When I play a game I don't do so with a hardon over how pretty it is. I don't think I've ever cared about the pretty pictures.

You guys need to get a girldfriend or a boyfriend or both. That should stop users masterbating over utter nonsense.

Maybe then this site with dissapear up it's own arsehole.

GuruMeditation3868d ago

Some of us can have a love life AND a hobby. The whole "get a girlfriend DEERRRRP" Argument makes Jesus cry. And makes you look like a tard.

Gekko363868d ago

Jesus isn't real, just like Father Christmas

A hobby doesn't forgive the diarrhea being written over this article.

Retard or Retarded or Tard (for short) means to "hinder" or "to hold back"

Using that word is "cildren's play area" mentality and it doesn't make you clever.

In fact it makes you either cruel or stupid.. I'm curious which it is?

GentlemenRUs3868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )

There's only one rule of the Internet...

Never go full Retard, Which by looks of it you just did...

EDIT: I mean come on now... Who makes such a comment like that up towards the newsboiler service?

Gekko363867d ago


That must be an American thing.

Brits wouldn't use an offensive word like that as a throw away comment, we'd bring out the big guns and call you all a bunch of C*@T's

Disdain for the media is rife in the UK. So when we come across explosive fecal matter like this, we tend to say so. Nice to know there are some "special" people on here thast eat it for Breakfast, Dinner and Tea

I'm surprise so many guys on here deep throat this crap as often as you do.

The only good journalist is a cold dead one and the posters on here are most certainly NOT journalists. More spotty Tw@t's with nothing better to go :D

Mind you, you can't call the turd coming out of this site anything close to news.

Game Journalism - Don't make me laugh!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3867d ago
Mystogan3868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )

Hahahahahha so MUCH damage control! They look almost identical. If you come here saying the PS4 version is Lightyears better then you are obviously high.

Only slightly higher resolution,barely noticeable due to up scaling.and slightly better textures on PS4. If it wasn't side by side. You couldn't even tell the difference. Its so small. Xbox 360 vs PS3 had a much bigger gap.

finbars753868d ago

Just a friendly reminder is that both the comparisons where both shot in 720p 30fps.So this means we havnt eve seen the 900p on the PS4 yet.Read the article fully before judging.The fact that the PS4 stands up better then the xboxone 720p means that this game will look better then the xbone by a lot.That to me is disturbing.What damage control are you talking about?

GraveLord3868d ago

Don't act surprised. We all saw this coming.
Numbers never lie.

finbars753868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )

Just a friendly reminder is that both the comparisons where both shot in 720p 30fps.So this means we havnt eve seen the 900p on the PS4 yet.Read the article fully before judging.The fact that the PS4 stands up better then the xboxone 720p means that this game will look better then the xbone by a lot.That to me is disturbing.

Benchm4rk3868d ago

I wouldn't exactly say kills. Yes the ps4 version looks better but the margin isn't as wide as people are making it out to be. Both look great in my opinion and when it comes down to it while your actually playing the game most won't notice the little differences

MiHX23868d ago

WELL SAID?Why is everyone voting for this fanboy?

JsonHenry3868d ago

I knew there would be a difference. But I didn't think it would be that big. Glad I pre-ordered my PS4..

TheKayle13868d ago

better u go on neogaf lol

theres a melting coz ps4 look the worst

look here

posted on gaf

georgenancy3868d ago

man xbox fanboys are getting desperate, look at the digital foundry analysis for Christ's sake

TheKayle13868d ago

i know the res is 900vs720 (seem) but still the iq is better on xbo...the ps4 version look so washed

Magicite3867d ago

Playstation Domination issssssssssssssssss BACK!

PSX043867d ago

ps4 really way better than xshit version

AngelicIceDiamond3867d ago

Force, nearly hemorrhage yourselves into seeing something that's not really there, or barely there. Nobody will question your purchase.

Take it from somebody who's not a psycho fanboy, trust me I know.

I'm sure X1 or PS4 owners won't be upset when they purchase this game on there respective console.

starchild3867d ago

Which one looks better? The PC version. But fight like a pack of rabid dogs over second place scraps and then turn around and pretend you don't care about graphics.

3867d ago
Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II3867d ago

Jokes on you just dropped his knickers.

Bathyj3867d ago

Im pretty happy about how this is turned out.

Not because I care if the Xbone is worse or that PS4 is better, but it sets a precedent for 3rd party devs not to hold back and work to each consoles strengths.

Anyone not doing that now will have some questions to answer on why they didnt.

All eyes are on Activision now. Will they gimp CoD on PS4 if Xbox cant make 1080p? The world is watching.

Harmy6663867d ago

Ambient occlusion was missing from Xbox One review version, and will be added on launch day. So this video has no meaning to the final version...

solar3867d ago

LOL graphics only matter when it's your console of choice wins. all you consoles mates are hypocrites.

+ Show (31) more repliesLast reply 3867d ago
M-M3868d ago

This one better proves my point, the Xbox One version used post processing to boost the contrast and sharpness to compensate for it being 720p. They did the same techniques with the PS4 to have a better comparison. After those tweaks, it's easier to see that the PS4 is the better version, but that does not take away from the fact that the Xbox One version looks great as well.

TheKayle13868d ago

no problems with elgato and video capture ...

Kuse3868d ago

PS4 looks way better? Sure if you like washed out colors, texture issues and jaggies...The Xbox One looked far crisper and sharp..

CGI-Quality3868d ago

Jaggies? Yeah, denial is heavy with this one. The jaggies are one of the WORST parts of the X1 version!

Sci0n3868d ago

his eyes are untrained let him be, I don't even get mad at xbox fans for being ignorant anymore he honestly doesn't know.

Rachel_Alucard3868d ago

Well aren't you just a special person :3

Mikeyy3868d ago

Crushing blacks is not a good thing. It's a gimmick, all the detail is completely lost in the shadows.

And the aliasing is out of control on xo.

Pintheshadows3868d ago

And the blacks really are crushing. In the comparison gif that has been making the rounds you can barely see the stock of the grenade launcher and it is maybe 2 feet in front of you and it isn't dark outside.

Sarobi3868d ago

You must really like those Xbox jaggies.

Sevir3868d ago

LOL Kuse is on some good shit!!! keep it up!

ShinMaster3868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )

Dude, high contrast does not equal "crisp".

PS4 preserves more detail in shaded areas, much like the PC version. Whereas on XBO, that detail is gone, it's just black.
PS4 has better AA, ambient occlusion and higher res.

PS4 version shows the character's hand and face cast a shadow on the gun and shoulder respectively. Xbox lacks a few things.

MAULxx3868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )

Lol, dude, you are reaching but there's nothing to grab hold of. You can see on a youtube video that the PS4 version has better lighting & less jaggies. "From a youtube video". At home the difference will be seen in even more detail. The Xbone contrast is overblown & unrealistic. You loose the detail in the shadows.

RIP_Weazel3868d ago

..and in todays news, Kuse's parents decide now is the time to teach him how to tell his left from his right so he doesn't make any more shocking mistakes in public forums.

3868d ago
imt5583868d ago

No dude. Digital foundry use some picture correction ( sharpening filter ).
Dark10x (who another poster said works for DF) has surmised that DF used their own capture device but didn't have time to really configure it properly for the new systems, while the other outlets all used the same Elgato capture device that DICE provided. That's why DF's [comparison] is the only one that looks massively different.

Look this when PS4 version goes trough sharpening filter : http://i2.minus.com/i3UK6ta...


This is real deal. Or watch IGN videos or videos from Jack Frags.


PS4 is clear winner! LIKE IT OR NOT, DEAL WIHT IT

JsonHenry3868d ago

The aliasing problem is the most noticeable thing on the Xbox1. The PS4 has a lot better anti-aliasing. At least in this game.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3868d ago
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Battlefield 1, Hardline, BF4 Servers Are Being Taken Offline by Cheaters; EA Silent on Issue

Cheaters & hackers have been causing grief on Battlefield 1, Hardline & BF4 servers, with nonstop DDoS attacks among other things. Unfortunately, EA has remained silent about it.

-Foxtrot795d ago

Course they are silent, they are hoping people flock to 2042

gamesftw250794d ago

Maybe it was a inside job then haha.

jeromeface794d ago

wouldnt be the first time, titanfall 1+2 anyone?

PapaBop794d ago

Not even if they paid me.. EA always do this with old games with less money potential, if this was Ultimate Team, they'd address and sort it faster than stories could spread. Why invest time in their products when they will just dump it in the following years? Then again EA never could see the forest for the trees.

Inverno794d ago

I imagine after those games were given out for free a couple months back through Amazon, anything that makes people go to 2042 is a plus for them

XiNatsuDragnel795d ago

They want people to go on 2042. My theory

excaliburps794d ago

Nah. I think they can't do anything about it or they want to sink money into fixing it.

Pudge102888794d ago (Edited 794d ago )

EA owns all BF servers so yes, they can do something about it but they refuse to because they dont want ppl playing their old games instead of the new one. Its EA we’re talking about here

pr33k33794d ago

if this happened in 2042, they'd have something to say. which is weird, considering battlefield 1 has more players on steam right now.

Pudge102888794d ago

Its so obvious that EA is doing this or hired ppl to mess up the games so that we’d be forced to have just 1 Battlefield working.

FPS_D3TH794d ago

Honestly it’s probably the devs themselves. They did an update to bf4 way back that kinda made assault rifles doo doo in hopes that people would flock to BF1 cuz BF4 was too perfect

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5 Great Shooter Games on Xbox Game Pass

The shooter genre is one of the most beloved videogame genres in the gaming community, and rightfully so. From DOOM Eternal to Battlefield 4, passing through The Outer Worlds, the Xbox Game Pass has a lot to offer when it comes to amazing shooter experiences. Come check out some great shooter games available on Xbox Game Pass!

Read Full Story >>
MadLad809d ago

There's a bunch of great shooters on gamepass; both legacy and new.

A recommendation I have is a work in progress preview title called Anacrusis. It's a lot of fun, and has a cool aesthetic.


5 Games That Started Out As A Buggy Mess

KeenGamer: "Sometimes a game starts out as a buggy mess and we all just stop and think, “that definitely could have spent a bit more time in the oven”. This is the case for these 5 games which infamously marked their place in recent game memory."

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KingofBandits901d ago

"Games That Started Out As A Buggy Mess - A Bethesda and CD ProjektRed tale"