
Alan Wake in talks for Xbox One port; a sequel might hit anywhere, including PlayStation

Talks are underway between Microsoft and Remedy Entertainment to bring the original Alan Wake to the Xbox One, Remedy's chief creative officer Sam Lake told Polygon.

"I would love that to happen," Lake said. "Nothing has happened yet, but we are discussing this possibility with Microsoft.

greenmiker3329d ago

Next Alan Wake will come to PS4, I doubt though for Wii U release.

DarkOcelet3329d ago

That would be good news. Such an underrated game.

Gazondaily3329d ago (Edited 3329d ago )

Yeah it would be wicked if the PlayStation crowd could get a chance to play this. It would help with sales too because Alan Wake didn't really set the world on fire with its sales (partly due its unfortunate release window).

[edit] Ah sorry I misread this. I thought the port could come to PS4. The sequel actually might:

"When it comes to sequels it's our thing, we can do whatever makes sense and what's best for the franchise overall,"

MS might be sweeping this up with Spencer on board.

vishmarx3329d ago

it was flawed and released alongside RGR. had a little too much combat as well.
that being said, I FREAKING LOVED IT.
IM A HUGE SUCKER FOR SUCH GAMES. if only it had pacing and world design more akin to 'life is strange'
the first few hours are so intriguing and then it turns into a shootfest later on.
i was saddened when ms wanted something with more 'commercial appeal' (sam lake's words) and cancelled alan wake.
and with a little better pacing and subtler action i can see this kind of game doing really well on playstation.
and its nobody's fault, its just each console demographics.
alan wake needed to be more story/exploration focused than it was

bouzebbal3329d ago

i loved this game in the beginning, but its repetitiveness let me down. good game overall

chrismichaels043329d ago (Edited 3329d ago )

Alan Wake was one of the few games I enjoyed on the 360 along with the Gears of War and Mass Effect games. An Xone remaster would be a pretty good sign that a sequel might be coming.

I'm glad Remedy can have more freedom with choosing which platform they can release Alan Wake 2 on. Much like with Respawn bringing TitanFall 2 to PS4, Remedy could also take advantage of the huge PS4 community and sell a ton more copies. I would definitely consider playing Alan Wake 2 on either PS4 or PC.

breakpad3329d ago (Edited 3329d ago )

i got bored with the first one ,i dont care for a sequel.. MS is nt idiot that didnt bought the IP immediately

HighResHero3329d ago (Edited 3329d ago )

Picked it up on GOG a few months ago. Happy to be playing through it right now.
It's a game that could use PROPER sequel.
As long as they don't try to "appeal to a wider audience" by turning it in to trash and alienating everyone(RE series) we could have a winner.
If they make it even more hardcore that would be great too.
Oh and p0lygon ;/

darthv723329d ago

A very under the radar type of game. i loved it and the xbla spin off. If a XB1 port is made, then i would hope they include the two dlc expansions and the xbla game american nightmare.

that would make for a great compilation.

Bdub20003328d ago

I don't know, it's better than nothing (it was a great game) but Getting tired of remasters.


Gority3328d ago


I think a lot of people who really wanted to play it were able to play on PC eventually. My guess is the game did a lot better on PC than on 360 as well, it was constantly very cheap on Steam sales. I really wonder how much the game sold digitally.

With that said, no doubt being available on Sony platforms would increase potential sales.

No doubt I'm going to get flamed for this.... but I feel the 360 just wasn't the right platform for Alan Wake. Sony platforms have always welcomed more niche titles, which in my mind Alan Wake is. The 360 just always seemed like the Halo/Gears/Madden box to me. The X1 on the other hand has done a much better job at getting away from that stereotype with Phil leading that charge, especially with games like Sunset, Ori, and in the future scalebound. I'm sure there are others as well.

oasdada3328d ago

It probably sold less due to more fps fans on xbox.. a port would be a good way to assess future expections on the ps platform for a possible sequel.. i just want them to stick to the original idea of an open world game where we investigate in the day and survive at night.. yea sounds a lot like folklore but that was the initial plan

Gamer19823328d ago

it was never under rated lets get that straight. It just wasn't well known that's the main thing. Critics loved it as did gamers who played it. Using underrated is wrong as it wasn't it just didnt sell as well as remedy thought thanks to remedy not having a mass advertising budget and not being hyped at all not many got to play it.

RedDevils3328d ago (Edited 3328d ago )

Played it on PC, it was meh not fall that trap again

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Neonridr3329d ago

If MS opts to not pick it up it might show up on PS4. I believe they have first dibs at the game. And they would be stupid to not make it happen.

I could see MS getting Remedy to make an Xbox One port and then have them work on the sequel after. This way it gets the new Xbox One owners a chance to try the game if they missed it the first time around.

I really loved AW and can't wait to play more.

BitbyDeath3328d ago

Probably just an empty threat.
AKA we want more money MS, pay up.

higgins783329d ago

I own a Wii U and very modest PC in which Alan Wake runs flawlessly. A good game, not a great game, but worth owning/playing just for the flashlight/attack mechanic. My Wii U on the other hand has far bigger fish to fry...

umair_s513329d ago

I never owned 360, so this would be no-brainer. But if it is only a simple port I will not pay a cent over $20.

Automatic793329d ago

Phil is on board for a sequel on Xbox One.

VealParmHero3329d ago

I think it would be good for the game to go multiplat. But I've been saying for years now, MS should really have purchased this studio a while back or if it's still possible. Great way to bolster 1st party and solidify exclusive content. But hey, w.e. As long as they continue to make great games, Idc where they come to .

AngelicIceDiamond3328d ago (Edited 3328d ago )

"Alan Wake in talks for Xbox One port; a sequel might hit anywhere, including PlayStation"

That'd be interesting actually. But the last thing MS needs to to do is let this game hit PlayStation imo. Its a unique Ip that MS needs to hold on to.

The last thing that needs to happen is letting go of exclusives. Enough of this timed jazz and start making projects that stay on X1. Phil's a smart guy he knows the repercussions of letting this game go. Xbox fans will eat him alive if this goes multiplat.

Sure it would suck if it ended up on PlayStation but I wouldn't be apart of the raging Xbox crowd. I'll be more upset of the fact that MS is carelessly letting go of its games and further prove MS is pathetic, nearly laughable holding on to worthwhile exclusives.

Like I said it'll be interesting and the game will in fact sell tons more. But MS needs its own personal portfolio of exclusives games and imo, they need to completely buy out Alan Wake Ip and make it their own full time game.

_-EDMIX-_3328d ago

"That'd be interesting actually. But the last thing MS needs to to do is let this game hit PlayStation imo. Its a unique Ip that MS needs to hold on to.

The last thing that needs to happen is letting go of exclusives"

....its not Exclusive...I played it on PC and MS doesn't own the IP.

They didn't when they were publishing Mass Effect, Ninja Gaiden, Alan Wake, Gears Of War, Dead Rising 3, Ryse and the list goes on.

I'm sorry but what you think MS would do or wouldn't let happen doesn't make sense as their history of publishing titles they don't own shows more they would be ok with it.

Consider the above, most of the titles ended up else where and published by the IP owners....

" MS needs its own personal portfolio of exclusives"

I 100% agree with you on that one, but they've shown over the years that they care more about the sales of the system and not establishing a owned library of IPs...

Out of Sony and Nintendo, MS publishes the most titles they DON'T OWN THE IP to. They seem to be quite fine with having timed games or being the "first" with a title that gets them huge sales on their system then building a library of life long exclusives.

If its cheaper for them to pay Remedy to make it timed and get huge sales for XONE, they'll do it vs actually buying the IP.

Ryse, Sunset Overdrive, Titan Fall, Dead Rising 3, Tomb Raider goes to really show you what they would pay for. If MS focus this gen was in house, those deals would not be made in the first place, at least not so many of them.

I see this deal likely being timed or Remedy making it fully mulitplatform from the start.

Neonridr3328d ago

@EDMIX - I fail to see your point. You do realize that MS still makes money in the end from PC ports right?

otherZinc3328d ago ShowReplies(1)
Magicite3328d ago

You know that third parties have abandoned WiiU, project Cars being last.

Pogmathoin3328d ago

Like some movies, they may not set the world alight when first released, but end up with that cult status, must play game. I would expect MS to get sense and tie down this game. A sequel will happen, and be for Win 10 as well no doubt....

reko3328d ago Show
_-EDMIX-_3328d ago ShowReplies(2)
+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3328d ago
Nirvana315913329d ago

If they actually want to sell their game they'd release it on PS4.

spicelicka3329d ago (Edited 3329d ago )

lol you could say the same with many PS exclusives.

P.S. If you scroll down you'll see an article saying Alan Wake franchise has passed 4.5 million. That's "selling" to me.

MasterCornholio3329d ago

Wasn't that with an install base of over 70 million consoles?

Ron_Danger3329d ago

Franchise includes the PC version and the downloadable content so that spreads your argument pretty thin.

Don't bring up a vague point just because you hope us Sony gamers don't know the facts.

Neixus3329d ago (Edited 3329d ago )

How would you know if it's ''selling'' if you don't know the figures it cost to make the game?

marlinfan103329d ago (Edited 3329d ago )

This is a first. A new IP hits 4.5 million copies sold but somehow that's not good lol. Okay...


How many games never hit 4.5 million between ps3, 360 and pc? A lot. I wouldn't call 4.5 million great but it's definitely not bad.

sparta763329d ago

@ master 4.5 million on 360, pc and steam.
I think they just hit 4.5 about a few weeks ago

MasterCornholio3329d ago


Oh OK.

I didn't know that the game was multiplatform.

Thanks for the info.

oasdada3328d ago

Most ps games wud not be even in development if they wrnt on PS.. no alan wake 2 on 360 proves that

_-EDMIX-_3328d ago

No...no you can't. Many PS exclusives are owned by Sony. Alan Wake is not owned by MS, Remedy owns the IP. MS merely published the game on 360, Remedy published the game on PC...

LexHazard793328d ago

@master, wasnt there plenty games on Playstation that didnt sell well, even with a 80million plus install base? it worked both ways.

vega2753328d ago


I posted this in the other thread. so i think I'll do the same here


Remedy asked MS to allow them to release it on PC. which is why it came to PC. so again Thank MS for allowing you guys to play it on PC. since had they not you wouldn't have played it.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3328d ago
Neixus3329d ago (Edited 3329d ago )

Lol @ people who think the sales number alone is worth anything. You need to add budget and the cost to create the game in.

let's say the cost to make Alan Wake was 50million dollars, and it sells 4.5m copies, that's profitable and it -sold good-

Now, let's say the game had cost the same amount of money, as GTA V. The game still sells 4.5m copies, but it wouldn't be profitable and it would be considered to have really bad sales.

Neixus3329d ago

Wow, disagreeing?
This like disagreeing with the fact that 2+2=4

I need to stop commenting on n4g.

star_lancer3328d ago (Edited 3328d ago )

Or you could just stop guessing what a game cost to make. Your comment seems to be trying to downplay AW's sales without any real numbers to back you up. That's why you're getting disagrees. 2+2=4 is a fact. Your guesses aren't.

I mean, nobody in their right mind would believe Alan Wake cost as much to make as GTA V - that's just a ridiculous comparison to make.

Dario_DC3329d ago

My favorite game on the 360! Loved the story, gameplay and the awesome soundtrack, was really disappointing that most of xbox owners were all over Halo\Gears at the time... This game deserves more attention\sales than it got.

RiseofScorpio3329d ago

Nah Remedy is THE best 2nd party MS has imo. I think Phil will give AW2 the green light, providing they increase their productivity. 5 years a game is a tough sell for any publisher unless its GTA.

BiggerBoss3329d ago

I think you misread his comment

Kingdomcome2473329d ago

I completely did lol. Sorry, coffee hadn't quite kicked in. After rereading it I completely agree, and strike my question.

ThePresentIsAgift3329d ago (Edited 3329d ago )

That would be so good, I have it on steam such an awesome game. Bring it back to Xbox Microsoft, do the smart thing!

I'll never forget when I played it on 360 in 2010, blew me away back then, so moody and atmospheric-still makes me jump now haha.

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No Steam And Physical Release, Alan Wake 2 Not Profiting Was Inevitable

Choosing Epic over Steam and antagonizing the entire physical media fanbase, it's no wonder the masterpiece Alan Wake 2 didn't make a profit.

thorstein15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

I asked for this game as a gift. My wife couldn't find it at Gamestop, Amazon, or anywhere else.

I didn't realize it was digital only, I just figured it sold out because of the reviews and how good it looks.

Most consumers don't read gaming news daily, how would they know it's digital only?

Plus, outside of seeing it on Jackfrags YouTube channel, I hadn't seen much in the way of marketing.

Dirtnapstor14d ago

It's a really good game. I platted this one on the PS5. Well worth your time exploring this universe.

Jingsing15d ago

Unfortunately Remedy has become a bit of a nasty studio over this past decade, You just need to look at their business decisions and other projects they attempted. They are not pro consumer at all.

Petebloodyonion14d ago

You know that it's Epic Games that funded and published the game right?

CrimsonWing6914d ago (Edited 14d ago )

Yea, people are kind of dumb. I mean, no offense to @Jingsing up there, I know that’s blunt but it reminds me of Bayonetta 2 when that got announced and it was a Nintendo exclusive. It’s exclusive because f*cking Nintendo funded the development. But people were all like f*ck Sega for sh*tting on their fans when in actuality the game never would’ve gotten made if Nintendo didn’t straight up pay for the development.

Alan Wake 1 was not a massive seller. In fact, correct me if I’m wrong, but it underperformed and that’s why a proper sequel never got made until now where Epic literally paid for the game to be developed… but you got people saying, Remedy isn’t pro consumer because this game is Epic exclusive 🤦‍♂️

anast14d ago

They did this to save money, but it didn't work.

Skuletor14d ago

Will be interesting to see if they try the same thing for the Max Payne remake(s). You'd think they won't but people continue to surprise me.

anast14d ago

I think they could do some kind of special edition physical release. This way the crowd that has been with this game since the beginning would have the option to buy a physical disk. They would sell more too.

Charlieboy33314d ago

@anast No, it needs a normal physical release.....not some bullshit 'special edition' physical release. This way we will be able to easily get a physical copy for if we want, instead of having to mission to own some kind of limited version. That's not actually gonna boost physical sales now is it?

Chocoburger14d ago

I wonder if they've learned their lesson? Who am I kidding, of course no gaming company does at this point. Keep making those mistakes.

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Alan Wake 2 Still Hasn't Earned Back Its Budget

Remedy has released its financial statement for the first quarter of 2024, and despite strong sales, Alan Wake 2 has yet to recoup its development costs.

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-Foxtrot32d ago

Well. They know what they gotta do…

toxic-inferno32d ago


With every article like this, I becomr more convinced that an announcement is inevitable. Hoping for something around the time of the game's 1-year anniversary.

-Foxtrot32d ago

I want to believe they are just hanging on to try and get the last drop out of the digital market but another part of me thinks it’s just spite at this point, not wanting to admit their business move was a f***** terrible decision

They made out it was because they wanted to offer it cheaper to us but me and others would have gladly paid the standard for physical. Even a collectors edition would have been nice to buy.

toxic-inferno32d ago

Absolutely. What would the harm have been? Offer the digital version at the lower price they want, and a "Collector's Edition" with some fairly naff additions for 50% more. I'd have gone for it without question.

Cacabunga32d ago

physical release or go home Remedy.

_Decadent_Descent32d ago

Bringing it to Steam would definitely help too. Although I suspect getting a physical release is probably more likely, and even that doesn't look good.

neutralgamer199232d ago

Waiting on steam release otherwise no buy. And I would double dip to get physical for ps5 or XSX but remedy have to first admit there is a problem before a solution is made available

darthv7232d ago

i think its an Epic game though.... does Epic release games on Steam?

notachance32d ago

definitely waiting for steam version, I never buy a game on another storefront at all.. even gamepass games I'd just try for a bit then buy the steam version if I like it.

Yui_Suzumiya31d ago

Yeah, I'm waiting on a Steam version as well.

wesnytsfs31d ago

Not sure at this point a physical release makes sense. Would you even recoup enough lost money on the costs to get the game released physically. Mots who wanted to play the game did not sure you would sell enough copies to recoup the costs to get the game out physically.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 31d ago
babadivad32d ago

IMHO, it just wasn't that good. It's not as good as QB or Control.

TheEroica31d ago

Exclusive games.... The cancer of modern gaming. Only corporate friendly husks root for exclusive games as a model.

seanpitt2331d ago

What were they expecting.. release digital only and make there money back, come on! they shot themselves in the foot alienating all the fans of physical media.. now the hype has gone down it will be difficult to shift copies now even if they do release disks. Only way of making extra $ release on ps plus

wesnytsfs31d ago

Blows my mind someone would pass on obtaining a game they wanted to play just so you can have the case and a game disc that is already out of date to the current live version. The boxes upon boxes and totes full of game and game related accs and hardware when I moved made me grateful for all the digital stuff I had.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 31d ago
darthv7232d ago

I bet it would if they just pressed a few discs and sold them at retail.

monkey60232d ago

I still haven't bought it. Would have if it was physical though

TheProfessional31d ago

Alan Wake 2 is also just not that good. Its the sequel to a good but not great game to begin with and the case board "gameplay" was terrible and there wasn't enough combat. Also the live action stuff looks really cheap and Sam Lake didn't need to put himself into alan wake 2 for no reason.

shinoff218332d ago (Edited 32d ago )

Lol. I imagine there's still alot of people that buy physicals. Or atleast see what kind of new games are out by what they see in real stores. This is on them. Idda paid 70 day one physical. Now I won't pay more then 15 for it

Crows9032d ago

You don't have to imagine
...still at least 40% of sales come from physical.

Amplitude32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

I'd imagine significantly more than 40% of PC gamers also only buy games on Steam.
Maybe a crazy remastered Steam release will launch alongside the RTX 6070 or something once the Epic Store's gone for good. EGS is basically a Fortnite launcher that also sells games with an unreasonably amount of missing features. Alan Wake and Fortnite have absolutely nothing in common either. I can't imagine this sold well and there's no way Epic would ever fund something this big ever again. Basically though; when Fort dies, EGS dies and I hope a Steam release will come after so this game can get the audience it deserves.

I bought a 360 for AW1 and have been waiting years to play AW2 but I just haven't had the ability to buy it yet. I was gonna "steal" it but I just felt too terrible about it half way through the intro. I've since just stopped caring. I'm patient

Good-Smurf32d ago

This game and Sonic Dream Team needs physical release fast.

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Remedy Makes Changes to Core Management Team, Wants to Grow Alan Wake & Control in Larger Franchises

Remedy has made a couple of changes to its core management team with the goal to grow Alan Wake and Control into larger franchises.

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Jingsing36d ago

Changes like not being anti consumer? putting out Alan Wake Remastered on disc but not the sequel?

ElaBosak23d ago

No one cares about games on discs.

ElaBosak23d ago

Good for them! Can't wait for Control and Max Payne remakes.