
7 Shameless Instances of Self-Promotion in Games

Every now and then you’ll come across something in a video game that crosses the line from being just a fun little extra to straight-up advertising. Here are some of the best such (or worst, depending on your point of view) moments out there.

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PerfidiousSinn3151d ago

Dang it, Life Is Strange. Quit reminding me that Final Fantasy movie exists.

Zotaku873151d ago (Edited 3151d ago )

"I don't care what anyone says. That's one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever made!"

Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat is a bit of a stretch, Max.

Eonjay3151d ago

I actually think its really good.

_-EDMIX-_3151d ago

lol, not really. Its a great sci-fi film even if its a bad FF film.

Best of all time? Errrrrrr not even in my top 20, not even in my top 60 lol But not a bad sci-fi film none the less.

Bathyj3151d ago

C'mon, the Metal Gear memory card thing was pretty awesome back in the day. Certainly Hideo putting himself directly in Ground Zeros and Phantom Pain (with incredible stats no less) is a lot more shameless.

I like the Jax & Daxter doll in The Last of Us.

Zotaku873151d ago

Shameless =/= bad. The memory card thing was definitely awesome. :)

Kojima in MGS V is definitely pretty shameless, but I didn't count that because you have to meet specific criteria to find him. Meanwhile, the fight against Psycho Mantis is a mandatory part of plot progression, so there's no way to miss it.

TheColbertinator3151d ago

Saw the title and thought Kojima. Surely enough...

DiaperFace3151d ago

The MGS one isn't even advertising; you already own the games he's talking about (and if you rented them then you already know about them and have decided to either buy or not, a mere mention in MGS when the memory is on your device isn't going to make a difference either way).

shwisha3151d ago (Edited 3151d ago )

I wouldn't consider these "shameless". They are promoting other game related products and I don't think there's any shame in that.

I'd consider shameless like Taco Bell or Doritos.

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Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Review | Nintendo Switch | NoobFeed

NoobFeed editor Azfar Rayan writes - Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door probably has one or two issues that might annoy you, but it's also one of the greatest and wildest role-playing games ever made. The remake adds several renewed concepts that make it stand apart even more and it's undoubtedly one of the finest and most adored role-playing games of all time.

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darthv722d ago

Great remake... it had been so long since I played the GC original that I completely did not notice a difference in fps. This feels very natural as it is and looks great doing it.

shinoff21832d ago

I've actually never played a paper mario game. Idk how the hell that happened but I'm definitely getting this at some point. Looks fun.


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