
GamesRelated | Game Review: Guitar Hero Live (PS4)

Ahh the memories. The Guitar Hero franchise once ruled the games industry. In it was a primal urge to be better than the next person. It was survival of the fittest in virtual guitar. If someone couldn't play the game on the hardest setting, nobody paid attention. It was a great time...ten years ago. In the years since the dust has settled (both figuratively and physically). The series seemed to lose its luster and all faded away like the ending to our favorite songs.

In 2014 word spread that Activision was bringing back the series to be developed by Freestyle Games and opinions were mixed. Did anyone really care anymore?

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10 Classic Video Game Franchises That Crumbled in the 2010s

Many video game franchises came and went during the 2010s, meeting ends ranging from sudden and surprising to drawn out and painful. Of them, these are 10 classic video game franchises that crumbled in the 2010s.

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ilikestuff1596d ago

Metal gear was probably the worst way to end a franchise that was at one time the best out there, sad how that went down. Call of duty was good and it’s crapping out hard if u ask me. Uncharted ended right

1596d ago
jambola1596d ago

I wouldn't say resistance crumbled
it came to a natural end

SlagWolf1596d ago

Losing Dead Space and Silent Hill really sucks. Good horror games are hard to come by

Fist4achin1596d ago

RIP Dead Space! Puns intended

specialguest1596d ago

I liked Killzone 2 and 3. KZ2 amazed me with the graphics. KZ3 refined the gameplay mechanics, although a small minority of fans thought the movement wasn't heavy enough like KZ2. I thought it was perfect

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7 Times Games Forced Us Online (Against Our Will)

Some games force online-only measures onto people. It sucks! Especially when some titles, like these seven, 100% didn't need it.

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shauzy1855d ago

i dont even know what to gain from this

meep3161855d ago

publishers gain control by forcing you online.

shauzy1854d ago

i meant what to gain from this knowledge, this list, whats the point of it why make it why should i know these games, sure yeah i do recall some games needing me to be online even to play single player but, why should i know this "seven times" thing

Xavi4K1855d ago

I don’t care I cannot recall the last time I didn’t have internet connection

PiNkFaIrYbOi1855d ago

You are either sort of young or very old and have memory issues.

Besides the internet can go down for various reasons.

Lord_Sloth1855d ago

Lookit me, I can't even type 7 paragraphs on a single page! Give me clicks!!!

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The Destruction of Guitar Hero Live

With Rock Band 4 still chugging along and the actual teaching tool known as Rocksmith teaching guitar in a world where that music is a dying breed, there may not be another renaissance for the music gaming genre. Guitar Hero Live will likely be the last Guitar Hero game ever released.

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