
RUMOR: Zelda NX in 2016 & 3DS Lineup Leaked - Discussion

GameXplain discuss the recent rumors about the Nintendo NX rumors, that Zelda NX may be a launch title, as well as the entire 3DS 2016 line-up--all from the person that brought us the now seemingly confirmed Pokemon leak. All this and more in their latest discussion!

Relientk773016d ago

Please put Zelda Wii U on NX

Geobros3016d ago

Yes please!! And a Metroid by Retro studios....

3-4-53016d ago

Can't wait for E3 this year. Most excited I've been for it in a while.

* NX console & handheld info
* New Pokemon info
* New Mass Effect info
* new Dragon Quest XI info
* New FF15 & FF7 info
* New Shenmue 3 info
* Battlefield 5 WW1 info
* New Legend of Zelda Wii U/NX info
* Possibly new 3D Mario info

there is a ton of stuff to be excited about.

filchron3016d ago

Please for the love of all that is holy and sacred Nintendo make something like this: http://www.hanging-waters.c... http://www.superluigibros.c... instead of a 4K running around in catsuits game. PLIS 🙏🙏

Arguments3016d ago

Hold your horses buddy, most of those things are mere rumors. Some of them very likely to happen but even saying that the NX is a console is a rumor.

Chaosdreams3016d ago

I've truthfully held off completely on the idea of the Wii U, because if the NX releases as a better console, with a Zelda game no less, then It's an instant purchase (Zelda has that power over me).

But, still need to know exactly what the NX is.

jholden32493016d ago

I would still recommend Wii U, even with its limited library. Even if you have to pick up a blast from the past bundle at the end of the generation or something- there are some incredibly fun games to be enjoyed.

I still say 3DS is better, but only because of Monster Hunter and Fire Emblem :)

Ninja_G_Aidan3016d ago (Edited 3016d ago )

You may be able to play Wii U games on the NX so there might be no point in purchasing a Wii U console. A lot of people are holding out just to see what the NX is all about.
Monster Hunter 3 is on Wii U I know but not 4.

Chaosdreams3016d ago

The 3DS is indeed awesome. But as Ninja stated, the possibility that NX will play Wii U games, almost rules out completely the reason to obtain a Wii U. I love Nintendo, but I can't justify picking up a Wii U, not until I know what exactly the NX has to offer.

Debaitable3016d ago

Been saying this since yesteryear

3016d ago
CobraKai3016d ago

I hope there is still a Wiiu Zelda. It would suck if the WiiU is the only Nintendo console without an original Zelda title.

Philface3016d ago

Zelda wiiu will definitly released on Wiiu.

RosweeSon3016d ago

I fully agree and certainly hope so and agree it will be on NX... At a later date.

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After10Ben1736d ago (Edited 1736d ago )

Good article. I've found that video games help me take the focus off of myself when I am depressed. However, I've found that physical activity--running, yoga, BJJ & general exercise--combined with video games is the sweet spot for me when dealing with the angst of life. After a tough round of sparring, I love to sink into VR while resting my sore muscles. I recommend trying it. You won't regret it.