
Report: Leak Confirms Fallout 5 In Development, Pre-Production Has Already Begun

A leak has revealed Fallout 5 development is already underway.

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magiciandude3007d ago

Hopefully they learn from their mistakes with Fallout 4 and actually make a next-gen game. Fallout 4, while good, is predominantly a last-gen game.

gangsta_red3007d ago

They need to add back the more RPG elements from 3 and New Vegas.

Anthotis3007d ago (Edited 3007d ago )

Indeed. It was an overhyped, last gen, open world shoot em up that was lapped up by the mouth breathers.

If they're using the same crappy engine then i doubt i'll bother with Fallout anymore, because they've once again placed huge restrictions on what they can do by using that bugbryo piece of trash.

frostypants3006d ago

So they need to add back stuff from last-gen in order to make it less of a last-gen game?

gangsta_red3006d ago


Wha? Really wish I knew what you were talking about.

frostypants3006d ago

@gangsta_red, sounds like you have a problem with reading comprehension.

First guy said Fallout 4 was a "last gen" game.
You then implied they could fix it by bringing in features from what are last gen games.

gangsta_red3006d ago (Edited 3006d ago )


No where did I agree or even imply that Fallout 4 was a last gen game in my comment. That was Magician's own personal opinion of the game.

And I definitely didn't even hint that it could be fixed with bringing back the RPG elements.

I was commenting on what I personally thought was missing from 4 that was in 3 and NV and I "implied" that I would like to see those elements comeback for Fallout 5.

This is what we like to call a conversation about the topic. Care to join or are you still confused?

Rayven3006d ago

What they need to do is spend time developing a new engine and make a new Elder Scrolls game.

A huge part of playing open world games for me is how beautiful the world is. I haven't played Fallout 4 and that's because it does look last gen and a wasteland simply isn't pretty.

I know it's just my opinion, people seem to enjoy wastelands and that's fine. But I really wish they would just make the next TES or maybe even a new IP.

3006d ago
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SoulWarrior3007d ago

I dunno, I mean it had issues but put it next to 3 or NV and it's night and day to me.

Still I hope for another Elder Scrolls before this sees the light of day.

SolidStoner3007d ago

the last elder scrolls for me was Morrowind everything else after that did less for me...

But fallout in other hand.. I play it since Fallout 1, 2, then 3, NW and now 4... the best for me was Fallout new vegas, I think for obvious reasons!

Hope next fallout will come out soon enough and it will be just as good as F4 with more RPG elements!

DarkOcelet3007d ago

I believe what he meant by predominantly a last-gen game is that game is that it added nothing new from which we could have already seen last gen.

Black0ut3007d ago

Yep agreed! By no means did I not enjoy Fallout 4 but it did feel far less RPG-like in a sense than any of the previous entries. Played it for 35 hours but I can't go back to it as I much prefer New Vegas any day of the week.

Fingers crossed that Beth do a better job on the next entry.

Ocsta3007d ago

Even though I ADORE Fallout 4 and put over 300 hours into it, it seriously needs to feel like an RPG...

-Foxtrot3006d ago

They just dumbed it down too much like what they did to Skyrim

Too much shooting. I had so much ammo at the start of the game alone. In F3 it would have too me untill half way through to acquire the stuff I had

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3006d ago

Definitely agree. They should actually focus on the survival aspects of the game by decreasing the amount of ammo that can be found for heavy weapons and decrease the number of stimpaks that are to found. Having an abundance of supplies makes the game too easy.

babadivad3006d ago

Skyrim was such a disappointment to me.

sanosukegtr1233006d ago

I still haven't finish the main story. Oh well.

_-EDMIX-_3006d ago

No....no it doesn't bud.











I've put well over 200 hours in Fallout 3 across the PS3 and PC version, I've put around 60 hours in Fallout 4 thus far on the PS4 version and I can say that its not a "last gen game" By any stretch.

Hellsvacancy3006d ago

I totally agree but it's going to be no different, Fallout 4, as it is with it's low end grpahics, less rpg elements etc is their fastest selling game

Doubt they'll break the formula that has made them so much money

UnHoly_One3006d ago (Edited 3006d ago )

What does that even mean?

It's a "last gen game"?

That doesn't make any sense. It came out on the PS4 and XB1. It's a current gen game.

I don't care if you liked it or not but calling it a "last gen game" is a meaningless way to insult it.

jonivtec3006d ago

Whats kill me was the Animation.....it was felling like playing a post-apocalitic skyrim.I still enjoy it but i wont buy fallout 5 if they dont fix the last gen appeal of it.

_-EDMIX-_3006d ago

Good riddance bud, I don't really think they care as the concept of the game just doesn't rest on such a thing.

I enjoyed the game and I'm still playing it with over 60 hours and counting.

I know not of anyone who is buying a damn game based on animations..... smh

You might enjoy a pixar movie though =) I play games....well to play them bud.

HAC5223006d ago

Not with that lead writer they insist on keeping around, they wont.

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DarkBlood3007d ago

not without giving us another elder scrolls first.

Alexious3007d ago

Yeah, I don't buy it at all.

NukaCola3006d ago

Only way it's a new FALLOUT, is if it's separate studio. It makes zero sense that Bethesda would split up the team that much. I bet 20% are are on the FO4 DLC team and the remaining is doing ES VI. I am sure FO5 is a concept in a book but I don't think it's a game we will see this generation at all.

_-EDMIX-_3006d ago

lol, I think they are still doing an Elder Scrolls and likely already started development on it years ago.

We are not really sure who is even doing the next Fallout as Obsidian has showed interest in wanting to do another one, it could very well be them.

More Fallout is always welcome. I for one enjoyed Fallout 4 and if Obsidian change some things....I'll be fine, they keep the forumla the same.....I'll still be fine lol

Any fallout is a good thing to me, not a cry baby, not a nit picker. As an older gamer, I've seen IPs just out right disappear, developers go under etc. I never take for granted what IPs we have.

For some of the fallout fans to be crying over 4 as much as they are is just childish.

Ask the RE fans how they are loving how bro dude RE is now, ask the Xenosaga fans how that turned based RPG is going. Be happy we have a damn Fallout of this quality at all as many, many games didn't make it and I feel fans should be at least some what appreciative that they can still play a title like Fallout 4.

Us older gamers don't have a sequel to Xenosaga, will likely never see a sequel to title like Zone Of Enders and other niche games. You won't realize just what you had until its gone folks.

I recall hating RE3 as a child and it was always such a joke to my friends and I growing up.

After RE4-6......I realize just how silly and childish I was to really dislike RE3 the way I did, playing it over again, its still a great RE title and I find that next to Code Veronica, its my last favorite RE title in regards to the series order.

One day folks.....one of those IPs you keep complaining about will either change, get bought out, go under etc and I wonder if crying over it not looking good "enough" was really worth it when it doesn't exist at all.

--bienio--3007d ago

Same engine?? F@&# Not interested.

UgoGalimbertti3006d ago

I see your point, but do they have to make an entire new engine for each game? Like... seriously?

philm873006d ago

No chance they'll make a new engine from scratch, there's no need. Must be one of the best game engine's if not the best. All they have to do is continue to improve it.
I went back to Fallout 3 because I was confused why people were complaining about Fallout 4, there's massive improvements. People don't like that the graphics aren't as good as the top next gen games on consoles, but there's so much more interactivity than other games. On console they won't be able to do too much more with this generation.

UgoGalimbertti3006d ago

Exactly! The graphics aren't all. And even if they were, Fallout 4 is not an ugly game...

_-EDMIX-_3006d ago

@Philm- Agreed. Fallout 4 put side by side with some of the best looking games this gen, holds well compared to Fallout 3 last gen.

I love the complexity of how Fallout 4 looks, from time of day, to fog, to haze, to acid rain, to how the textures look like when it rains on the ground, objects, clothes etc. They did an amazing job with Fallout 4 and I just love walking around and just being immersed in its universe.

I have no clue how anyone thinks Fallout 3 is even near what Fallout 4 is even compared to the top games released thus far.

Fallout 4 is on pair with some of the top games, Fallout 3 for its time wasn't.

Heavy Rain for PS3


Fallout 3


The Order 1886 and Until Dawn



Fallout 4




I think they did a fine job with the game. They have to save processing for other task. This is a damn OPEN WORLD RPG! They have tons and tons of things to process and I'd rather they focus on making it work and look good, vs just looking good in some linear bore fest.

I anyone loved Fallout 3 even though it wasn't the best looking game last gen, whats changed this gen? IF someone is crying due to a degree of difference from graphics based on the TOP GAMES, I question why they game in the first place.

Watch a pixar movie and have at it lol. Loved Fallout 3 regardless of how it looked, LOVE Fallout 4 REGARDLESS of how it looks I think its looks STUNNING!

MrsNesbitt3007d ago

It's really not surprising it's already in development. I just hope they use a fresh engine!

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Fallout 5 -10 Ways It Should Improve on Fallout 4

It may be years away, but whenever it arrives, Fallout 5 needs to improve on its predecessor in several areas.

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-Foxtrot24d ago

They really need to get rid of weapon mods and bring back more unique weapons that are hard to get / find

anast24d ago

They won't improve it other than a slight graphical upgrade. They have always been better at live action than making games.

MocBistro24d ago

Only way it could improve is taking it away from Bethesda and regroup Classic Fallout (1&2) devs with decent budget and time to make it.

24d ago

Fallout 5 Might Be Here Sooner Than We Thought at Microsoft's Behest

Following the success of the TV show, Microsoft is reportedly in talks to fast-track Fallout 5 with the help of a studio other than Bethesda.

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MrBaskerville31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

If they start now, we can have it as early as in 2031!

redknight8031d ago

Heck yeah, we can have a teaser trailer in 2031!? I am so excited already!!

Hedstrom31d ago

Yea, the teaser 2031 for the trailer 2035 is going to be awesome!

DOMination-30d ago

haha was about to say the same thing.

All these articles about a new Fallout are pointless right now. A game of that scope will likely be 1 year pre-production and 4 years development MINIMUM and that's if they start on it tomorrow. Lets talk about it again in four years time when it's officially announced, not when they're still working out who may develop the bloody thing.

Kaii31d ago

Yeah, allow the studio that hasn't slam dunked any games In recent memory to "fast track" the next Fallout game.

jeromeface31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

Good, microsoft should look at their IP's with value and protect them from devs like bethesda after disasters like Starfield. Everyone would lose their minds if obsidian was able to make another fallout even though the new vegas team is long gone. .

Hereandthere30d ago

Lol, still port begging for hell divers 2.

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Xbox & Bethesda Have A Big Fallout Problem, But It's A Good Problem To Have

Discover the impact of the recent Fallout show on Amazon Prime and the white-hot popularity of the Fallout franchise. Will there be a Fallout 5 anytime soon? How about any new Fallout? Its a good problem to have.

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raWfodog30d ago

I’m going to get back into Fallout 4 since I haven’t finished it yet. The recent update will likely give me more of an incentive to get to it sooner rather than later.

Crows9030d ago

The recent update does nothing except take up more space...

raWfodog30d ago

New armor, weapons, and mission(s) is enough for me, especially since I haven’t finished the game yet.

mastershredder30d ago

Where is the problem part again?
There is a show
There is 76 that is perfect for non-standard fallout players and perfect for Bethesda to coin up on.
There is a Fallout Shelter
There is Fallout 4 updated for current gen (that went free for subscription services in most cases).

Also there is a whole new audience that has never seen or played fallout before. Seems like they have PLENTY to dig into, before they worry about FO5.

They are beyond trending and are banking with willing investors atm, and you are calling it a problem. Mkay. Sounds more like you are just chapped that FO5 is not point of discussion. No worries, it is coming, just gonna take a bit. Just be glad MS and Bethesda ironed out their multi-platform woes, THAT was a problem, the rest is cake.

danno_omen30d ago

I called it a good problem because they have so much momentum, or did you fail to read that part

anast30d ago

That momentum is going to die when the new players realize their games aren't very well made compared to other games.

andy8530d ago

The answer is no there won't. 2030s