
New Images Of Nintendo NX Controller Appear

"New images have appeared on Reddit that are supposed to be of the Nintendo NX controller."

Overload2991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

It is 100% real. Game Informer heard the NX controller has no face buttons.


Good luck, after seeing that my excitement for the NX has lowered significantly.


BrandanT2991d ago

It honestly doesn't seem as bad the second time seeing that controller.

Overload2991d ago

These are definitely better pictures of it, but it's still not great. It looks like a phone with joysticks.

Eonjay2991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

We need to name this thing.

I am gonna call it The Pill.

Edit: Also, this nearly confirms the rumor that the unit is a handheld and a console... because the controller is a handheld... a handheld pill.

ravens522991d ago

Exactly a phone with joysticks. They're are trying to integrate mobile (phone) "gaming" into it. They're trying to get the casual phone gamers :p

Overload2991d ago

Eonjay, it has to be something to do with Family Guy.


Eonjay2991d ago


You nailed it. We could just call it the Stewie.

Overload2991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

The new Stewtendo STENX

Edit: SteWii is definitely the name.

Kingthrash3602991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

Bye nintendo, just ...bye...
Not buy....no, bye.
No buttons....
No buttons tho....
Like a phone...you ever play a phone game nintendo?... playing ssmb with touch screen buttons..just man nothing was learned here, Nothing. I get it the nx will be portable and a console, awsomeness but design it in a more comfortable way...we need buttons bro....so tired of this.

RiPPn2991d ago

They're calling it the SteWii on GAF.

Nintendo has lost the plot..

LostDjinn2991d ago

Eonjay, I think "The Suppository" may be fitting. As that's what a lot of gamers are going to tell Nintendo to do with it.

Commando_Bro2991d ago

Touchpad didn't worked for the Wii U, what makes them think it'll work this time around?

darthv722991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

Funny thing is Nintendo usually uses parts that are familiar between controllers. Nothing on this has any striking resemblance to any previous controller design.

Prototype or not this does not look like something Nintendo is working on.

@Overlord... you forgot the rest of his tweet saying nothing is confirmed so it is NOT 100% anything other than a rumor.

LOL_WUT2991d ago

And just like that Nintendo will once again rely on the use of gimmicks instead of giving it's future user base a traditional controller. ;)

gatormatt802991d ago

That looks like it would be very uncomfortable to hold for long play times IMHO.

remixx1162991d ago

You know what......I'm going to give it a shot, might as well see where this all goes before I write it off.

PoSTedUP2991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

ah ok, the buttons are on the inside. haha nintendo you silly goose. i gotta little scared there for a second.

vickers5002991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

"Touchpad didn't worked for the Wii U, what makes them think it'll work this time around?"

Because apparently Nintendo thinks the problem with the Wii U was that the gamepad had too many buttons.

I hope this is some sort of extremely elaborate upcoming April fools day prank. If not, jesus nintendo... I mean, just, wow. How f'ng stupid can they be? Phone users wont buy this thing from you THEY ALREADY HAVE THEIR FREAKING PHONE, and you're pushing away the people that will actually buy this.

This is truly pathetic and beyond comprehension how a company so big and so relevant can be this out of touch and just flat out stupid. It blows my mind.

...if real.

freshslicepizza2991d ago

i would like to know 2 things if this is true,

1. what will the price be for an additional controller?

2. will the nx also be compatible with a standard controller like the pro on the wii u?

not sure why nintendo feels like they have to reinvent the wheel every generation. you are not going to win back fans if the system forces new concepts that add to the overall costs and does not improve what is already familiar or gives a better experience overall.

it will be a sad day if nintendo doesn't have a more powerful system because the added cost to the hardware is once again linked to the controllers expense and nintendo wanting to keep the overall cost affordable ( i imagine $299 will be their price point).

mikeslemonade2991d ago

I think it looks sleek but as far input accuracy and latencey I'm not sure. And seems like another waste of money on a gimmick. Instead of making an expensive gimmick why not put it in the hardware specs.

chazjamie2991d ago

this honestly looks like some dumb shit sony would cook up.

NewMonday2991d ago

Nintendo not giving up on trying to again hit lightning in a bottle

spinbot_lv12990d ago

Nintendo SteWii...the name fit perfectly for this gimmick (if true) ahahah

guitarded772985d ago

I'll name it "The Suppository" as it's Nintendo's way of telling us Wii U owners where to stick it.

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 2985d ago
-Foxtrot2991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

And if it is they haven't learned a f****** thing

God damn it

TRADTIONAL CONTROLLER...that's all most of us want

How do you see the criticisms of the game pad along with the high sales of GameCube controllers, adapted and the pro controller and go "Gee guys lets make another controller this time like a smart phone instead of a tablet"

I_am_Batman2991d ago

Personally I didn't like the Gamecube controller but I'd take it over this design any day of the week.

naruga2991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

^^Foxtrot totally agree.... good luck NIntendo :/

Philface2991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

If you don't like it don't buy it. It's that simple. BTW we still do not know what this is and what it's capable of.

GorillaSceptre2991d ago

They might still have a normal controller, this could just be the handheld part of the console that we heard about a while back.

SkullBlade1692991d ago

"If you don't like it don't buy it. It's that simple."

Yeah, we all know how well that attitude ended for the Wii-U and DmC: Devil May Cry.

SegaGamer2991d ago

I hate touch screen as it is so this is just going to annoy the hell out of me if this is how the controller is going to work.

UltraNova2991d ago

If this is true, they better include a Pro controller with every NX...

Logically, if most of the R&D budget went to the controller/portable concept thing we can safely assume it didn't go towards current/powerful hardware?

Are they really after the mobile game market now?

Jesus H Christ Nintendo, you're unbelievable.

jcnba282991d ago

AGAIN, Foxy jumping to conclusions stealth trolling.

mcstorm2990d ago

What I am confused about is no one has said this is real to start but also Nintendo did not say their next console was a home or handheld console. Wait for the device to be announced before saying xyz about it. People are just to quick to say negative things without any facts or details.

sk8ofmnd2990d ago

Im hoping that this is nothing more then the handheld to replace the 3ds. And that the console itself can be played with this thing but ultimately its not tethered to the console like the gamepad and the nx actually comes with a standalone controller WITH BUTTONS!

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2989d ago
skydragoonityx2991d ago

What the... nintendon't!! Haven't they learned anything?

TheCommentator2991d ago

You know Genesis does what Nintendon't. Now all we need is a Dreamcast 2 announcement with a dog shouting "Sega" at the end if it, lol.

bunt-custardly2991d ago

An elaborate April Fools joke surely.

TwoForce2991d ago

I don't know. It looks real.

attilayavuzer2991d ago

At least we can now hopefully look forward to Nintendo going third party after this releases.

Ashlen2991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

It's not 100% real untill Nintendo says it is.

littletad2991d ago

Editor-in-chief at Game informer says it matches what he couldn't confirm.

magiciandude2991d ago

The controller looks cool. Getting used to virtual buttons will take me a long time though. I play PSP Roms on my Galaxy Note 5 and that helps.

Christopher2991d ago

Non-tactile buttons are a big no-no for me. I need those to be able to keep my one good eye on the screen at all times.

_-EDMIX-_2991d ago

Agreed. Many need to understand that MOST consoles/handhelds will be leaked before reveal.

Wii U was, PS4 was, XONE was..in fact XONE's leaks is a perfect example of how common it is to have new platforms leaked, the debates RAGED on the whole online only thing, many kept saying "its not confirmed so who cares" but many also were smart enough to know the HUGE chances that it was true based on the history of such leaks.

We know that some will be fake sure....but some will undoubtedly be real. I don't like the looks of what I'm seeing with this controller and if those leaks are true, how much of what we've heard about NX is also true? Like working on PC, PS4, XONE etc?

Trolltroll2991d ago

I notice the inclusion of the laptop and the Gamepad in the frame. By accident? Why clear everything else then. I believe this picture tells us more than that this is indeed the design of the "controller".

3-4-52991d ago

I'm more excited about the NX than anything else but..........

I do not want touch screen controls.

I hate ios games....I don't want my console experience to be that.

Also where are the grips ?

I'm wondering if this is the handheld portion of the NX and the console version controller we haven't seen yet.

I'm hoping this is just a prototype or something.

Thing is....this is an Iwata idea....we don't get to see the new guys ideas until the console after this.

-Foxtrot2991d ago

"Thing is....this is an Iwata idea....we don't get to see the new guys ideas until the console after this"

Tatsumi Kimishima was the guy who at the time didn't like the Wii U name and most likely thought it was going in the wrong direction.

If I was him and I got into power I would have scrapped Iwatas plans and took firm hold of the ship to turn it around. Yeah I know "it's about respect" but all your doing is continuing on the dead mans course charted out, if you could change that you would.

Trolltroll2991d ago

By the looks of the pictures the NX is complete. He took over in October i think. He was looking at a finished prototype, dev kits already being sent out. It was a done deal. I dont think it is a "out of respect" thing. I think it was more of a "eat this bowl of S" thing. That happens alot on the management side of things.

3-4-52990d ago

Yea they don't have time too abandon Iwata's last idea though so they are seeing it through and probably making some adjustments to it.

Kimishima will go in a different direction with the console after this but for now they will do the best they can with Iwata's last idea. ( not that it was specifically his..just that he lead it).

We saw multiple controllers for every Nintendo console so I'm guessing NX won't be any different.

Bobafret2991d ago

I must agree, it looks awful.

Bahamut2991d ago

Well I guess we can say goodbye to third-party support... And about 3/4 of their remaining consumer base.

2991d ago
BenRage32991d ago Show
pcz2991d ago

if its fake- they could have at least waited for april fools day

if its real- tragic

Bathyj2991d ago

Wow, you and I agreed on something.

*Crtl D*

What does that tell you Nintendo? I'm pretty sure its one of the seven signs of the Apocalypse.

XanderZane2991d ago

I agree. If that is truly the controller my desire to get a NX has dropped a lot. I'll have to try it for myself before I ever buy one. The funniest thing about the Alonzo Mourning gif isn't his sad face, but the score in the lower left hand corner. I couldn't stop laughing. Not sure what Nintendo is thinking, but I don't want to use a phone like controller for my NX games. Using the Wii remote and those little buttons and d-pads was bad enough the first time.

Rebel_Scum2991d ago

Just believe everything you read man.

Apocalypze2991d ago

Jeez, they really took Konami seriously when they said Mobile Gaming is the future lol

2991d ago
Infinite12122991d ago

Don't assume things. Consider the controller and the likelihood of it actually being the controller. I did not see any butons, and what's a controller without buttons. Suggestion that say the buttons are touchscreen simply venture into the utterly absurd category. Its nice speculating but, don't assume it's 100% true. Nintendo would be crazy to only have touch buttons, seeing as how terrible mobile gaming truly is. As of now, we're missing a key part of the puzzle.

Goodfella782990d ago

Nooooooooo seriously Nintendo what the hell are you playing at???.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 2985d ago
Relientk772991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

I'd like to try the controller first to see if I like it

Also like the confidential property sticker on it lol Nintendo better put that on every controller

Overload2991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

It looks terrible to hold and very fragile.

Antifan2991d ago

Like a smartphone.
Nintendo most really believe people love playing games more on their phone rather than their consoles.

curtis922991d ago

"Nintendo most really believe people love playing games more on their phone rather than their consoles"

Well that seems to be the crowd they've been gunning for ever since the Wii.

Vegamyster2991d ago

If it does something like this and its comfortable then i probably won't care.


That said I'll just wait for Nintendo to reveal the system before judging.

Bahamut2991d ago

I'd be okay with that.

2991d ago
Christopher2991d ago

I would also be fine with that.

rainslacker2991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

If it were like that, then I wonder if different devs could make their own skins for buttons. Would have to be a pretty sturdy skin though, so as not to get damaged and be useless.

Granted, if this is the controller, I'd hope there is some standard type controller as well.

I can see my carpel tunnel really flaring up with this controller. My vita and DS are bad enough for more than 30 minutes.

Vegamyster2991d ago


Honestly i don't think this is the real controller, maybe a early prototype but that's it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2991d ago
jb2272991d ago

I agree, the only thing that looks iffy to me is the shape...I feel like it needs to be a bit more substantial to fit in the hands, maybe throw on some grips & it should be cool. I'm not against the idea of digital buttons if done correctly. Maybe Nintendo has a grip peripheral that the controller can sit in or something along those lines...I'm sure a third party will make one if they don't.

Either way I'm gonna hold off criticism until the system is fully rolled out. My curiosity is always piqued at a new console though so I'm excited to see how it all plays out, hope Nintendo has a hit on its hands.

Herbalistic2991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

I just can't buy a console that comes with an ugly controller like that.it reminds me of that character from Family Guys head shape .

MasterCornholio2991d ago

A controller modeled after Stewie Griffins head?


Spatcad2991d ago

Meeh, I'm gonna go with Hey Arnold, the (american) football head since he was before family guy.. Family Guy is kinda a rip off of Wait til your father gets home anyways.

Germany72991d ago ShowReplies(1)
DopeTech2991d ago ShowReplies(2)
Neonridr2991d ago

oh it has to be real. That "Confidential Property" sticker makes it that much more legit.

Please. I won't believe anything until I see Nintendo demonstrating it on a stage somewhere.

Neonridr2991d ago

oh right.. because Andy says so it has to be true.

Overload2991d ago

That and the 2 leaks?


garrettbobbyferguson2991d ago

I'm not dismissing these recent images, but you have to realize that in no way confirms it is real.

"Hey guys, I heard this thing about this thing. That means it's definitely true".

1nsomniac2991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

Andy didn't say anything apart from he had heard it had no face buttons & these pictures don't have any face buttons. This is just the same item posted before with a simple "Confidential Property" label stuck on it.

Still can't believe people are falling for this. This isn't the controller for the console. It doesn't even have proper thumb-sticks. It's clearly not functional for a living room console. How hard is it to use the psp/vita sticks now imagine trying to use these.

_-EDMIX-_2991d ago

Agreed. Folks need to get that some leaks will be real and this is looking like a real legit leak.

Many can play the wait and see, but like I stated years ago during the XONE leaks....

were they not right about 3DS? PSVita? PS4? Wii U? Sooooooo suddenly all is fake now for a certain device?

This is likely real.

Imalwaysright2991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

Being real doesn't mean that it is the controller that we're going to get.

Remember this?


For all we know this could just be a prototype.

Pastorfuzz2991d ago

It's all part of Andy's Game Infarcer skit.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2991d ago
Timesplitter142991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

It is definitely real.

A few months ago we had a leaked Nintendo patent document that showed schematics for this controller exactly and how game devs could program their own buttons for it because it is a touch screen. Too lazy to find the article now, but if you search it you'll probably find it

EDIT: nevermind, found it: http://nintendoeverything.c...

I mean... I can see how programmable buttons can be a cool idea, but making them touchscreen buttons is one hell of a huge drawback

Neonridr2991d ago

I saw the old articles, in fact they are all relevant again because of this image. But this still doesn't mean that this is 100% confirmed the primary input source for the NX. That is all I am stressing.

--Onilink--2991d ago

well, first of all the patent wasnt leaked, thats public information.

2nd, patents usually include the most basic design possible for whatever device its supposed to be about, so it can cover the most.

The fact that it looks EXACTLY like the patent image could actually be seen as a negative point in regards to the credibility

eclectified2991d ago

Good call on the patent thing.

I'm willing to bet that thing will be the 'mobile' component we keep hearing about, but that the 'controller' will instead be a frame with handles and shoulder buttons that this thing snaps/plugs into.

Picture VMU for the Dreamcast except with more VMU and less controller.


ginsunuva2991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

***Hijacking this comment for visibility***

Some people discovered the reflection of the tree in the images matches a known game development studio in Sweden. And the keyboard in the image is Swedish as well.


Rebel_Scum2991d ago

Reckon, the amount of gullible idiots on here cracks me up. Think for yourselves, question everything.

But that sticker is heaps legit. rofl

Castlevania2991d ago

The people on this site are ridiculous for disagreeing with you. There is legitimately no valid proof of this being official at all. None. Even if it comes from a reliable source, and even if it's been "leaked" multiple times, it will never be anything more than pure speculation until it is officially confirmed.

Honestly, how idiotic does someone have to be to fail to understand that concept?

Castlevania2989d ago

You were right! It was just confirmed to be fake. All these people who were so sure it was real.. I hope they finally learn not to be so gullible. They probably won't, though.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2989d ago
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