
First Images Of ReCore Gameplay Leaked

ReCore’s release date was recently leaked, and we have gotten our hands on a unique image showing off the gameplay. This shows the main character using some sort of grappling hook to open a door, something that we’re seeing more in games all the time.

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rmw2hot872910d ago

Wow that screenshot looks amazing, mega hyped for tomorrow.

Overload2910d ago (Edited 2910d ago )

It looks OK, this one looks better.


Still doesn't look amazing though.

TheOneWhoIsTornApart2910d ago

Yea ok buddy. You have impossibly high standards then.

Overload2910d ago

Not really. It just looks OK.

The textures (look at the ground) and lighting arent all that impressive. The art style is nice though.

Concertoine2910d ago

I think the first looks way better, appears to show off more puzzly elements and some really nice metallic surfaces. The second looks generic as hell, and i hope shooting isn't a big part of gameplay.

If i'm not mistaken this is being made by Armature (ex Metroid Prime) which is only a team of 30, with some help from Comcept which is also a small team. Glad to see small teams still making big games - allows more creativity to prosper imo.

YinYangGaming2910d ago

This is a leaked screenshot though, apparently there's a video planned for tomorrow so I'll wait for that before making judgements

Overload2910d ago (Edited 2910d ago )


Yeah, I'm just judging from the screens. It could look better in motion, we'll see tomorrow.

Fin_The_Human2910d ago (Edited 2910d ago )

Are you serious or just trolling and jealous that it is not coming to your console of choice?

The game looks fantastic and the art style is unique.

We have yet to see the gameplay which is said to be a mix of Metroid, Mega Man and Zelda.

NewMonday2910d ago

now I'm interested

this and Scalebound are the first games that would make me consider a W10 partition on my desktop

Zeref2910d ago

are you high? THIS LOOKS AMAZING

PistolsAtDawn2910d ago

Did your tears drip down and dry into salt in your panties again?

jb2272910d ago


Yeah I'm not typically fond of shooting in games like these either, but there's a balance that they can hit. Just give us unique weapons & make projectile based ones just an option & not the sole method of combat. I'm hoping the robot companion is integrated in interesting & intuitive ways too. Not sure if they will go the A.I. Route of just having the robots help you out or if you are actually directing them.

Either way, going solely off of the stuff we know & the stuff that's been leaked Recore will most likely be my personal MS game of the show. Games like these are just kinda rare on the big two consoles these days. We are getting a rebirth of the 3d platformer, but I like them when they are married with deeper intuitive gameplay mechanics & cool Metroidvania type progression like what they've mentioned for Recore.

miso_Jeff2910d ago (Edited 2910d ago )

you guys do realize it's possible to think something just looks "good" rather than "amazing" and not be an troll or jealous that it's not coming to ones platform, right?

Its also possible to no spit out hyperbole every single time you see a screen shot of an exclusive game... she I just passive aggressively called some of you "fanboys". Lighten up guys, cut the BS and rejoice, it's E3 time!!!

2910d ago
nix2910d ago (Edited 2910d ago )

Does neogaf have MS' presentation with them? They are showing almost everything. We still have like 20 hours to go.

And as happy as i am to see Recore for Xbox1, not many are going to buy this game also. That's the sad truth.

candystop2910d ago

It does look amazing ! Why can't you Sony guys just admit once an x1 game looks amazing is beyond me. This e3 is going to rock!

MachuchalBrotha3162910d ago (Edited 2910d ago )

I knew i should've brought the fanboy repellent. Its gonna be a long day..

Edit: @Miso, but he is a fanboy.. or are you new here?

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2910d ago
Fin_The_Human2910d ago (Edited 2910d ago )


I heard this game mixes a bit of the best from Metroid, Mega Man and Zelda while still remaining original.

MS please make an Xbox One slim limited edition for this game!!!!!!

Edit: That exo Skelton gear that she is wearing better be upgradable: )

Heard the premises for the story is that she is the only human alive and her quest is to find out what happened to the human race and why was she the only one to survive.

JB: I totally agree dude - if the developers need more time to make this what the envisioned then I hope that MS gives it to them.

The only game that I felt had the potential of being compared to Zelda was Kameo...not sure why MS did not take a chance and supported the IP.

Zelda is my favorite game of all time and I will buy an NX just for Zelda if I have to.

jb2272910d ago

So that "grappling hook" should really be called a hook shot....

The comments from the devs about this game hits all the right notes. I picture that desert area as an overworld, apparently you will receive new gadgets in each "dungeon" area off of the main map, a la Zelda. I really hope the devs have plenty of time to make this game as great as it could be. As it stands it'd be something fully unique outside of Nintendo consoles...Sony doesn't really have a Zelda type game so if MS beats them to the punch with Recore, I hope they respond in kind with something similar.

Games like these are just far too rare these days. I'm a sucker for environmental design, and a method like this allows for the freedom of an open world but keeps that unique environmental variety & narrative progression that open worlds typically just can't do. Recore is the MS exclusive I've been looking forward to seeing more of over any other, so I hope that 3 minute demo really dives deep tomorrow. Can't wait to see more.

DashArrivals2909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

I wonder with those 'power spheres' (like in the dog) that she can get more smaller ones and 'infuse' them into weapons to change what they do. Like gems into the weapons of Final Fantasy 7 if you've ever played that. Can be quite fun choosing what to put into a weapon with 2 holes for the 'power spheres' etc.

I just want to find out more about this game. I really don't know much at all

DoubleM702909d ago

Good to see people are still excited about a game. 35 down likes just proves that if it was on their prefered console they will be get you 35 likes instead.

sammarshall1022910d ago

That does look amazing and it releases in Sept :D

mark_parch2910d ago Show
Erik73572910d ago

Tbh you cant really get much information from the screen shots buts its from behind the guy who helped make metroid on gamecube which was dope so this will probably be as well.

Sunny_D2910d ago

This game has peaked me interest. Hopefully a live demo will be shown.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2909d ago
2910d ago
StormLegend2910d ago

The first screenshot looks amazing! Can't wait to see gameplay

SCW19822910d ago

Art design reminds me of Metal Arms, and that's a very good thing.

SpaceRanger2910d ago

Finally somebody agrees with me!
Some Xbox fanboys like Septic and Rookie didn't appreciate my comparison of the two when it was announced last year.

Good to see another Metal Arms fan! We are far and few my friend.

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Five Overlooked Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Gems You Should Play

Of course Sunset Overdrive gets a nod. It's Insomniac!

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shinoff2183511d ago

I personally think there's better on gamepass then what was listed. State of decay imo is better then anything listed. Recore seemed alright for what I played on there also.

511d ago Replies(1)
roadkillers510d ago

Is Recore any better to play now?

Concertoine510d ago

Yeah, especially on One X or Series X. It kinda feels like a PS2 platformer, but in a good way. I liked it.

KillBill511d ago

Odd that he specified 'Game Pass Ultimate' instead of just 'Game Pass' just so he could include a relatively weak choice comparably in 'Alice: Madness Returns' which is available with EA Play. SoD was a far better overlooked game to have listed.

Crows90510d ago (Edited 510d ago )

Dont know why they keep listing ultimate. Gamepass is the better value....but the reason I think is that ultimate includes online gwg.

MadLad510d ago

I mean, as someone who games both on PC and Xbox, Ultimate makes a whole lot of sense. There's console exclusives and PC exclusives. And, at the end of the day, EA Play is still a perk of having Ultimate. When I open Gamepass, the EA Play catalogue is sitting right there for me. It's as much part of Gamepass as any other title I'm looking at, right?


5 Games That Could Have Benefited From a Day One Game Pass Release

Omar Banat: Xbox Game Pass is one of the most ingenious services that Microsoft has come up with, but for these five games, it didn't come soon enough.

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RazzerRedux1170d ago

Game Pass certainly could have helped Sunset Overdrive which was underrated, imo.

"But the focus of the day is Remedy’s 2016 critically acclaimed Xbox exclusive, Quantum Break, and how Game Pass could have given it a much-needed bump."

Quantum Break received overall good reviews. Not great, but good. Critically acclaimed? Sorry, no. That's hyperbole.

"And fast-forwarding a few years, we saw what a boon Game Pass was for Gears 5. Not only did Game Pass help get the game into the hands of more Xbox and PC players, but it also helped it exceed Gears of War 4 in sales."

Gears 5 was launched on Steam day one. Gears of War 4 still isn't on Steam. I think that's important to point out if you are going to allude to reasons why one game outsold another.

darthv721170d ago

SSOD was free on GwG not too long after release. That is always fun for quick pickup and play. QB is one that I hope gets FPS boost support. It would just feel more natural being more fluid but it too is a good game. I assume it being on GP has somewhat helped it get some recognition.

CrimsonWing691170d ago

There’s no denying how good Gamepass is but I’m still foggy on how it benefits developers/publishers. Like, do they just get one lump sum of cash to put the title on Gamepass? I mean, I personally canceled my pre-order for Outriders when I saw it’s going to be on Gamepass day 1. Judging by that I’m not sure Gamepass helps with the sales of games, rather it does expose games to more players, but how much of that equates to sales down-the-road?

RavenWolfx1170d ago

I heard payment was based on number of downloads and time played in addition to a lump sum, but I am not sure on the accuracy.

demonseye1170d ago

I actually agree on this. because a lot of games will get played that people they normally wouldn't pay for. and its 10 dollars per month which is 120 dollars per year. The average game cost day one is around 70 dollars. i buy a lot more games than 2 on a yearly basis.
and well the gamepass for me just made my option ps5 pc combo. as long as they release every game on pc I don't even have a reason to buy an Xbox. so i wonder if this plan is financially smart in the long term. mind you Xbox already received money for every Xbox game sold regardless if it's Microsoft owned or not.


Revisiting Recore: Xbox One’s Lost Gem

Article on the story of Recore which includes new information on cut characters and covers its rumoured development hell. "Recore’s always been a title that’s fascinated me, as it's clearly a game that never fulfilled its potential for whatever reason.  It's filled to the brim with bugs and glitches and yet, despite that, still managed to charm many who played it. It’s the first game that I wanted"

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PhoenixUp1961d ago

Nothing Comcept has worked on can be considered a gem

LG_Fox_Brazil1961d ago

Had potential, but the progression is way too boring