
Analyst: Nintendo Only Gets About 10% Of Money Spent on Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO is taking the world (or, at least the USA for now) by storm. Generating millions of dollars of revenue each day, the game is nothing short of a cash cow. Unfortunately, according to Macquarie Capital Securities Analyst David Gibson, Nintendo likely only sees about 10% of the money spent directly.

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Segata2881d ago ShowReplies(5)
_-EDMIX-_2881d ago

LMFAO! I can't stop laughing right now!

I was praising Nintendo all damn day based on this deal, all the money they were making, low risk, no money spent on hardware etc.

then I hear they only getting 10%.....good god Nintendo, you had 1 job.

Maybe their next mobile game they can do themselves and get 100% profit or near it. Sad too, this deal sounds very, very bad for them and I seriously can't believe what I'm reading.

Nintendo has a legit problem with incompetence. Someone find out if this is true or not as I just can't believe a company would be so stupid as to do such a deal...seriously folks! This is so wild, I feel its likely not true or misread or something.

If true, R.I.P Nintendo. The dudes running this company seriously need to be replaced or jump off a cliff or something. We need new blood running Nintendo, those who have been there I feel are the direct reasons behind the companies latest failures.

Segata2881d ago (Edited 2881d ago )

Man you're clueless. Easily one of the stupidest comments I read all month.

wheresmymonkey2881d ago

So they're making millions off a low risk venture that has seen their stock price rise 25% in a couple of days and has put the company firmly in the spotlight, with a lot of positive response from gamers and the general public.

You do realize there's a new Pokemon coming out soon right. Think all the people that have got back into pokemon via go. are more or less likely to buy that game... This is what is known as a long con.

This is as far from incompetent. It's a calculated play to generate good feeling towards the company and raise the level of one of its most prized IP, before a new release this fall.

Yukes2881d ago

It's still 10% of a shed load for doing very little, and a raising in their profile. It's about more than the raw revenue.

Apex132881d ago

I'm not sure if you actually know anything or bother researching but I suggest you so. Nintendo is 1 of 3 companies who own the copy right to the Pokemon Francise. They are getting more than 10% and even if you assume 10%vwas true then tell me what is 10% of $7.5 billion added to Nintendos stock value in the last 2 days not including the 35% it went up again last night? There is nothing worse than hating for the sake of hating and not being able to back it up with your own knowledge. Kind of makes one slightly stupid.

_-EDMIX-_2880d ago

I would have bought out that company a long time ago if I was Nintendo.

I don't even get why they haven't.....smh.

MS bought the Minecraft IP..

Activision bought KING...

Yet Nintendo is doing classic Nintendo and just failing at everything. For why folks?

So the best choice is don't buy out Pokemon? O_o?

They sure wasted that Wii money on a lot of trash....

blawren42880d ago

Have you ever thought that the other investors in the Pokemon company are not interested in selling? I wouldn't.

MrMagz2880d ago

Even if the only profit Nintendo gets is the 10% share (which is not actually accurate), 10% of the reported 1.6 million on iOS alone per day only in the US is still a lot of money for a project like this, or any project for that matter.

deafdani2880d ago

Hate and stupidity go hand in hand, as evidenced by the abundancy of both traits in your post.

Well done.

rainslacker2880d ago (Edited 2880d ago )

Wouldn't laugh that much. This is just an analyst assumption. This analyst has no clue as to the deal in place for this game to exist. 10% seems extremely low for a publisher cut. 50% is more typical, with the dev maybe getting 20% if they're lucky(10% is more typical), and the rest going to other costs. There are other company interests involved as well, but with Nintendo being the publisher, it's pretty safe to assume they receive at least 50%.

More often than not, it doesn't matter what company interests are involved unless those companies are putting up a sizable portion of the funding. The publisher almost always gets 50%, because they're the one's marketing and distributing the game.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2880d ago
Godmars2902880d ago (Edited 2880d ago )


Using labels somehow passes for legitimate counterpoint nowadays...

Well, was the same back in the day, but, whatever.

jb2272880d ago (Edited 2880d ago )

What's 10% of "a buttload of cash"?

I think they'll be alright, damned Pokemon's are all over the place these days. Every news feed is crammed w/ stories on those things.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2880d ago
blackout2881d ago

WOW WOW WOW. How is that even possible. Who runs this company?

Segata2881d ago

Well because they are 1/3 the owners of the Pokemon Company. They still get a huge chunk of change from it.

LOL_WUT2881d ago

What's even more sad is that they'll most likely won't invest that money towards a true Pokemon console game ;)

_-EDMIX-_2881d ago

smh. Whats even sadder is they don't even own all of Pokemon.....

What on earth is going on at Nintendo?

MS bought Gears Of War IP......

That isn't even NEAR what Pokemon is.....

Nintendo needs to get their priorities straight.

Whymii2881d ago (Edited 2881d ago )

Clearly Nintendo have not made much profit on Pokemon all these years and been unable to leverage their close relationship with the brand. I'm sure they have no plan to leverage off the success of Pokemon Go with their new console/s or that Sun and Moon won't get a single sale more through renewed and broadening interest in the Pokemon brand.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2881d ago
OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2881d ago (Edited 2881d ago )

Nintendo owns 100% of the IP of Pokemon but the shares is split through Nintendo, Game Freak and The Pokemon Company.

Either way doesnt matter Nintendo still getting at least 200k-300k from it.

Mr Pumblechook2881d ago (Edited 2881d ago )

I genuinely didn't know this - ta!

Erik73572881d ago

"r Nintendo still getting at least 200k-300k from it"
Okay thats like in a day amount AT least thats gotten from this app, this app makes around $ 2 million dollars alone in a day just in America.

Mystogan2881d ago (Edited 2881d ago )

I think the Pokémon Company owns the Pokémon IP. And Nintendo owns part of the pokemon company. I think the only reason we're seeing Pokémon on Mobile is from pressure from the Pokémon company.

hangdang2881d ago

Mystogen, you think the Pokemon company is strong-arming Nintendo? Are yous serious?

_-EDMIX-_2880d ago (Edited 2880d ago )

"Either way doesnt matter Nintendo still getting at least 200k-300k from it."

sorta does.....

They own the IP......they should be getting 100% of the profit, they should be contracting the team to make the game.


This is just sloppy business and its becoming very clear why this company is shrinking in terms of its install base.

@Mystogan- could be, I didn't even know Nintendo didn't fully own the Pokemon Company.

@hangdang- could be if you factor Nintendo doesn't fully 100% own them.

This isn't MS to 343 or Sony to Naughty Dog.

Nintendo doesn't 100% own this company, merely a part of it.

As to why....I have no clue.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2880d ago

No. The Pokemon Company was created by Nintendo for the sake of expanding and marketing the Pokemon franchise. Nintendo owns them but they operate as their own much like Atlus under Sega. Iwata and Miyamoto are reason Nintendo owns Pokemon.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2880d ago
LOL_WUT2881d ago

Congrats to Nintendo! Even though I don't play mobile games, you can tell they have a real winner here with Pokemon Go. Everyone at college seems to be talking about it even my professor lol ;)

KilluaX32881d ago

Your professor? Is his name Oak?

wonderfulmonkeyman2881d ago

I don't know whether to laugh or cringe, but either way, well played with that pun.

SynestheticRoar2881d ago

Now trolls sweating what Nintendo makes from mobile games. Pathetic.

2881d ago Replies(1)
benji1012881d ago (Edited 2881d ago )

Yeah... Because analyst makes up bs. Nintendo owns part of the publisher of the game and the IP> The game was designed by a group of people one of whom was Iwata. It is a nintendo game it was released on the day Iwata passed away.

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