
You’re Insane If You Think the PlayStation Neo is Releasing This Year

If you’ve followed PlayStation this year then there’s a good chance that you’ve heard quite a bit of chatter about the PS4.5, also known by its codename, the PlayStation Neo. Rumors about this new console began circulating earlier in the year when developers in the industry began talking about the next iteration of the PS4. This […]

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S2Killinit2835d ago

I think it will release right when scorpo releases and it will be just as powerful.

Nitrowolf22835d ago (Edited 2835d ago )

Doubtful. There's been way to many leaks, the console obviously been in the works for some time. They aren't going to back track after pouring money int o it already.

If Sony wants to compete with Scorpio in terms of power, they'll do it with a true next-gen console update. This is merely a midgen boost. Think of it like the N3DS vs the 3ds

I don't expect some crazy huge boost from the console, but enough to help with performance of titles that would have been otherwise struggling.

I do think it's insane to be releasing three products this year given how much time is left, but it's very possible. I expect February the latest though

Neonridr2835d ago

Agreed, assuming they are planning an early 2017 launch (which seems reasonable), a lot of the hardware would already have to have been finalized and put into production in order to meet their supply needs. Things like RAM, CPU speeds, etc can always be tweaked last minute, but the GPU has long since been decided. And I seriously doubt the Neo's GPU will push anywhere near 6 TFLOPS like the Scorpio is rumoured to.

NewMonday2835d ago

will not even bother to speculate

in less than 2 weeks this drama should be over

FITgamer2835d ago

It's releasing this year. There is no benefit to them passing up the holiday season. The console is what is and Sony isn't going to go back to the drawing board to match the Scorpio specs. It would be stupid for them not release it year. They have a much bigger advantage getting it out as early as possible.

Gazondaily2835d ago

Gonna bookmark this thread for the future 😂

Although I really can't see it coming out this year myself. It's such a hectic release schedule.

S2Killinit2835d ago

You're bookmarking my opinion? Interesting.

ziggurcat2835d ago

"There's been way to many leaks, the console obviously been in the works for some time."

not really, there hasn't been too much about the neo, and even then, the information that's out there could be obselete. and i'm also sure MS has been working on scorpio for some time, too. sony could have easily changed their plans based on the information about scorpio that was shown at E3, and decided to push back the release of neo until next year to allow them enough time to make any necessary adjustments to the API.

i'm skeptical of a 2016 release for neo, and i don't think that they would talk about it on september 7, then release it a month later. of course, i'm the first to admit that i could be horribly wrong, too. either way, we'll know exactly what's going to happen in less than two weeks.

lunatic00012835d ago

1.8 teraflops to more than 4 teraflops is not just a small boost either though...that's quite a big difference and that by going by the leaks of course...it may not sound like a huge upgrade because ms is going nuts on their xb1 upgrade but rest assured ...the neo is no small upgrade

neutralgamer19922835d ago


actually those were supposedly old documents for neo so i wouldn't put too mich into leaks and sony's own eurpop CEO jim ryan said let's talk specs when we actually reveal neo

people want ps4 neo to have lesser specs so badly on this site. if sony were to say on september 7th ps4 will be 8TF than some of you all will go nuts LOL

personally really want to see that

dumahim2835d ago

That, and I don't think they'd be having a PS event to announce the Slim.

jmc88882835d ago

Why not? Don't you think they might feel that losing some of what they put into it might be worth it in the long run?

Wasting money to not lose market and/or mindshare is not wasting money.

We don't know how things are going to go. Some people are thinking a PS5 is in 2018? Well, what if it isn't until 2020 or beyond? We don't even know if there will be generations any more. There may not be a 'true next-gen console update'. We might just be getting these updates every few years. Will a PS5 really be any different than a Neo, except for maybe a different OS? Is that what makes a 'full fledged' update now? Because in reality, Scorpio/Neo are taking up the gains that used to go to a new full fledged update, and so what PS5 is to NEO is basically the same as Neo to PS4.

In any case, if you have the opportunity to neutralize a competitors, competitive advantage by 'wasting' a little money, thus keeping your product more relevant, that is a valid strategy they probably are considering.

They might release Neo this year, they might release it early next year, or they might have had their plans altered by Scorpio and if they altered their plans who knows when it launches.

What I do know is, that all signs point to knowing more, if not having some definitive answers around Sept. 7.

If they are using the same architecture, it would indeed be easier to upgrade it. 4.2 TFlops is not that far behind 6 TFlops. They're both AMD, so it's not like either have the Nvidia advantage, nor Intel advantage over each other.

2835d ago
RosweeSon2835d ago

What's to say they can't upgrade a few key parts tho like hard drives and the techier stuff that's waay over my head... Teraflops? Sure if they've gone into production it might be too late but as we all now know they are clearly busy producing slims at the moment, I still don't see why it couldn't launch in October alongside VR but chances are with VR and slims launching they'll give them a good 6 months to sell a few and then bang Neo out after NX around March launch... Sometime before Scorpio in Oct/Nov.... Aug/Sep/ Early October latest for Neo gonna be an expensive year or so

amiga-man2835d ago (Edited 2835d ago )

For whats it's worth l fully expect neo to be released this year, and the reason is simple VR, Sony are making a big push into the VR arena and is it really a coincidence that PSVR previously Morpheus and the new PS called Neo?

The two were made to compliment each other, Sony wants to showcase VR and Neo will help them do that.

freshslicepizza2835d ago (Edited 2835d ago )

I still think it will come out this year but it might be smarter to release it next spring around NX. Sony has psvr and the new slim to sell. Having 3 new products is overkill. This way Sony can double dip. Get people to buy psvr and then next year show the power of Neo and get even more into psvr and trade up.

If Neo is coming next year it will get exclusive games in a couple of years. There is no way Sony will come out with the ps4 Neo to only be out for a couple of years and then the ps5 comes out? Sorry but that ain't gonna happen.

morganfell2835d ago

I am not positive when Neo will release but we should could consider this piece of oft forgotten information. Many detractors of the Neo have used the now infamous Giant Bomb documentation to attack the Neo's technical specs. Specifically the all important Teraflops - as if speed ever led to a console war victory. In those same leaked documents were Sony directives stating that all games release for the PS4 in September 2016 are required to have a Neo compatibility patch and all titles released from October on must be Neo ready out of the box. If the Neo is releasing next year, why require October releases to be Neo ready out of the box? If Neo isn't releasing until next year as some suppose, why not allow devs extra months of optimization?

Sorry but those leaked documents point to Neo releasing this year. In October to be specific. Or else you must discount the documents entirely, including the TFlop values.

And that may be just the case based on an interview with Jim Ryan.


Breakdown here: http://www.gameondaily.com/...

freshslicepizza2835d ago

"I am not positive when Neo will release but we should could consider this piece of oft forgotten information. Many detractors of the Neo have used the now infamous Giant Bomb documentation to attack the Neo's technical specs. Specifically the all important Teraflops - as if speed ever led to a console war victory."

then stop getting yourself involved in the console war. be happy with what the ps4 neo offers (im sure it will be a great product and sell very well), stop tyrying to downplay anything about project scorpio and be done with it. because the more you talk about scorpio in a non-positive manner its damage control on your part.

PeaSFor2835d ago


"release for the PS4 in September 2016 are required to have a Neo compatibility patch and all titles released from October on must be Neo ready out of the box. If the Neo is releasing next year, why require October releases to be Neo ready out of the box? If Neo isn't releasing until next year as some suppose, why not allow devs extra months of optimization? "

excellent point,

morganfell2835d ago (Edited 2835d ago )

You fail to comprehend matters moldy. Tsk tsk. I am not getting myself involved in a console war. It exists whether I am a part of it or regardless if I even know who makes which console.

Maybe you think people can be disconnected from certain events if they poke their head in the sand like an ostrich or put their fingers in their ears and run around the room screaming la la la. Reality does not function in such a manner. Perhaps one day you will realize this.

The only mention I made of a war was that speed does not win one. What does that have to do with my involving myself in such a manner? How is that involving myself in a war? Did you even bother to read what you have written? How about what I wrote? Did I use too many big words? Did you read some other post when you responded to mine? There is a great disconnect in what I wrote and what you think you read.

You obviously suffer from a persecution complex. I am not talking about Scorpio except in the most indirect manner and even then only as relates to Ryan's remark. A remark that points not to Scorpio but to the veracity of the supposedly leaked documentation on Neo. It isn't rocket surgery...

I am discussing the possibility of when Neo is launching. The dates bear direct relevance to the supposed documentation from Giant Bomb. After demonstrating how such documentation might point to an October launch I also had to be fair and show how ALL of the documentation might be in error. The only news which might indicate such fault is the Ryan interview. My point being if he is correct about the documentation being in error regarding NEO'S SPEED (Not Scorpio but NEO'S) then that would also mean the indicated October launch is also in error. It is a sophomoric deduction yet remains beyond your comprehension. Is such a principle so difficult for you to grasp? I am fine with any speed Neo provides and do not care what Microsoft offers over a year from now. You are the one that enters one Sony thread after another sowing discord. You are the one whose very actions show you cannot be satisfied with the company your words have clearly indicated you support to the nth degree.

freshslicepizza2835d ago

"You fail to comprehend matters moldy."

you will see that what i say will come to true.

"Maybe you think people can be disconnected from certain events if they poke their head in the sand like an ostrich or put their fingers in their ears and run around the room screaming la la la. Reality does not function in such a manner. Perhaps one day you will realize this."

who said anything about being an ostrich? we all know what lies ahead and what input we can expect from you.

"The only mention I made of a war was that speed does not win one."

i never said otherwise, i said it would be in your besty interest to enjoy what sony offers while trying limit yourself to comment about scorpio because again we all know what lies ahead regarding your input. go ahead and disagree but bookmark this and you will see i will be right.

"What does that have to do with my involving myself in such a manner? How is that involving myself in a war? Did you even bother to read what you have written? How about what I wrote? Did I use too many big words? Did you read some other post when you responded to mine? There is a great disconnect in what I wrote and what you think you read."

looks like the reaction i was expecting, again you are proving my point.

"You obviously suffer from a persecution complex."

i don't think you even know what the real meaning is. we are talking about videogames.

"I am not talking about Scorpio except in the most indirect manner and even then only as relates to Ryan's remark. A remark that points not to Scorpio but to the veracity of the supposedly leaked documentation on Neo. It isn't rocket surgery..."

you seem to type a lot without really saying much.

" I am fine with any speed Neo provides and do not care what Microsoft offers over a year from now."

actually you do care, which is what i have been saying all along. it is not in your nature to simply enjoy what the ps4 offers without downplaying scorpio. prove me wrong. i can live in a world where ps4 neo thrives and does well and also project scorpio doing well. you can't, it really is that simple.

"You are the one that enters one Sony thread after another sowing discord. You are the one whose very actions show you cannot be satisfied with the company your words have clearly indicated you support to the nth degree."

deflect all you want, we all know what to expect.

starchild2835d ago

Yeah, the best evidence we have points to Neo releasing this year. Which I'm happy about, since I want to play upcoming games like Nioh and The Last Guardian at their best. I don't want to have to wait until next year.

rainslacker2834d ago (Edited 2834d ago )

While I agree with you, the back tracking may not be as extensive as one might assume...particularly if it's using the same technology.

Only way Sony would actually expend effort to do so is if they are concerned Scorpio would cannibalize their sales of Neo, or put their overall position in the console market in peril, and that's hard to determine with MS only releasing target specs. In any case, if Sony does indeed decide to do so, they'd likely be coming up with a comparable system, at roughly the same price....so long as all other factors are equal.


If Sony comes in over the 4TF mark, say 5.something which puts it closer to MS specs, or comes in at 6TF, or for some reason comes in at the highly unlikely 8TF mark, then the narrative will just shift to MS will just release a more powerful console since they have a whole year to work on it. There could be merit to that as well, but if for some reason it's a reasonably priced 5.something machine, and MS comes in at 7+ TF, then Sony will be in a strong enough position with the year head start to not worry about it so much.

MS has more to do with their brand than just release a more powerful console. They're making headway with game selection overall, now they just have to work on getting that selection to resonate better with the consumer, and more importantly, work on making it a more global brand instead of just focusing on specific larger markets. That is of course if MS is looking to actually beat Sony, and not just gain more out of the markets they currently reside in.

@Overall topic

I think this year could be possible, or early next. Sept. 7 would have no other purpose than to announce a new console. There is no reason for a PSVR dedicated event, and given the hype going, it'd be terribly disappointing if they don't announce the Neo. Although I suppose they have a few weeks to dial that down like they did before E3 with Neo.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 2834d ago
2835d ago Replies(5)
neutralgamer19922835d ago (Edited 2835d ago )

well if u put 2 and 2 together ( and by that i mean a) sony qucikly removing PS4 neo out of E3 when MS Scorpio rumors arrived with 6 TFLOPS vs NEO 4,2 TFLOPS + b ) seeing this guy honestly laughing his as.. off = SONY is not dumb, they are playing this chess game with Microsoft for a long time, and since 2013 they are pretty much wining every single time, usually by tricking MS into underestimating them :) ( PS4 4GB RAM rumor says hello )

- SONY has thrown a bite out there with 4,2 TFLOPS to make MS react, now when they did, and SONY knows specifically its gonna be 6TFLOPS, all they have to do now is bringing 6,2 TFLOPS NEO and posting Jim Ryans laughing gif all over internet :) checkmate

SONY are very clever, by previously confirming yet not showing NEO at E3 and by concentrating on a whole bunch of amazing looking games instead, they kind of forced MS hand into revealing details of Scorpio....yet SONY very much stole the show with the games they displayed...people want to see games, amazing games and right now...not new hardware, not just yet. SONY are really on top of the game...but I think both camps will be testing each other over the coming months on this new hardware.

darthv722835d ago

for all we know, the scorpio is a minimum of 6tf. It could be more but it wont be any less. MS has plenty of time to revise if needed.

ShowanW2835d ago

this would mean that Sony would of had to backtrack on any chipset agreement that they may of had with AMD. Somebody would have to eat the cost of all these chips being mass produced...

Adding something is one thing, but changing up a part completely is another.

Neo is rumored to be using Jaguar still, where Scorpio is rumored to be using AMD's next gen chip set.

RegorL2835d ago

Before E3 SONY said two things
1. "Neo" exists
2. we will not show it here at E3

kstuffs2835d ago

You're revising history. MS wanted 8GB of DDR3 + eSRAM from the beginning. Sony gambled with 4GB of GDDR5 and it was increased a result of developer feedback. Sony was also fortunate that there were higher density GDDR5 chip in time for the mass manufacturing. Unless of course all of these stories are elaborate tricks that Sony played.


"Murakami stated that the PS4’s increase from 4GB to 8GB of RAM was approved during that line of questioning. He said that the Knack team were involved in those hardware discussions and asked for the RAM increase after learning that Sony was going to rest on 4GB. The company agreed, and that’s effectively why the console is the way it is today. It was quite a simple decision, it seems."

kstuffs2835d ago

Sony is SO on top of their game that they intentionally leaked the PS4 Slim to actual people and then send copyright to YouTube and anyone mentioning PS4 Slim. They're certainly on top of their game.

DeadlyFire2834d ago

No Darth. Scorpio is a minimum spec of 5.5 Tflops. If Sony wants to match it they easily could do so. The ram spec could also be matched simply by switching to gddr5x.
Sony loses nothing by launching in late 2017. Slim will be on the market keeping sales up until then.

sammarshall1022834d ago

Microsoft would have a whole year to come out with the more powerful console

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2834d ago
--Onilink--2835d ago (Edited 2835d ago )

Point by point, i couldnt disagree more with this article. At the latest, and still doubtfull, i expect a February-March release

1. Considering that the rumors were true and was confirmed to be in production earlier this year, the whole incentive thing is kind of a moot point because they were clearly already considering the release of the console. You seem to be going by the impression that something that was already in production could easily be delayed by another year just because Skorpio is releasing until Holiday 2017, not to mention that if Skorpio does end up being that more powerful, they have all the incentive they need, in trying to capitalize as much market as possible during their whole year alone in the market.

2. Im pretty sure that their whole marketing campaign is already crafted and we could see quite the marketing blowout in the 2-2.5 months before release starting on the day of the reveal. Its not like when a console is announced 1 year before release most of the marketing doesnt end up being in the couple of months prior to the release.

3.While true that they would be competing against themselves in the market during the holiday, it is looking pretty likely that the hardware in the regular PS4 isnt really gonna cut it for VR in the long term. The NEO might actually be the boost that the console needs to properly compete in the VR space. Its still probably considered a pretty niche market by itself, so probably pushing consoles would take priority anyway.

4. You are "insane" if you think Sony originally considered a launch in Holiday 2016 or Early 2017 and they would still have time to actually adjust most of their plans after the Skorpio reveal. Pre production, contracts and manufacturing of components happens a lot of months before the release of a console. They might be able to push some higher clocks on the processors, maybe try to alter something like the RAM, but most of the specs should have been pretty nailed down by the time Skorpio was shown.

5. I dont really see how the Slim would be relevant, regardless of when NEO is released, there were always going to be 2 SKUs, one the mainstream/regular PS4 and the Elite/more expensive NEO. The Slim coupled with a small price drop would only cement that position.

Extra point: Doing an early 2017 release would mean:
- Losing the holidays
- "Competing" against the NX (they might end being very different consoles, but it would still have to share the attention)
- Less time alone in the market before a more powerful competitor comes along.

Aenea2835d ago

Nope, it's releasing this year, my guess: mid to late October.

Just look at the Slim, if they wanted to wait until end-2017 they would've added an UHD bluray and 4k upscaling to the Slim as well, they would be stupid to let MS have the only console on the market with UHD/4k...

As for the specs, well, we got early specs leaked to us, when people say they didn't have enough time since E3 to up them 'cos of the Scorpio, don't forget that the Scorpio specs had been leaked way before E3 as well and I wouldn't be surprised when both MS and Sony receive way better leaked info way sooner than we do...

Artemidorus2835d ago (Edited 2835d ago )

Self entitled millennials won't agree with a comment like that, they will demand Sony brings it out early only for them to pay stupid prices and cry later on about why it's not powerful enough.

I do agree though it's going to be a near end 2017 or a 2018 date.

vegasgamerdawg2834d ago

No sense of reality. It would cost Sony BILLIONS to go back to the drawing board. I'm afraid the fanBOY inside of you froze your brain. Wishful speculation, not even in the same galaxy as reason.

DarkHeroZX2834d ago

Wouldn't really cost that much at all lmao. After all if they are using the RX 480 then they can just look for ways to OC on the GPU. Problem will be the scalability of the CPU.

rainslacker2834d ago (Edited 2834d ago )

Lol. They probably didn't even spend a billion developing the PS4. Even half that would be surprising. This isn't like the PS3 where they designed an entirely new computing architecture from the ground up, and even that didn't come up to the plural billions. It's fairly stock design outside the custom processor design, which is something AMD itself designed in conjunction with Sony.

Just because Sony spent a lot on the CELL, and MS spent a lot on the Kinect 2, doesn't mean those kinds of things are the norm.

Soulrakk2834d ago

That's highly unlikely. Money has been spent and it may be too late. I think Microsoft trumped Sony with the Scorpio announcement & have them reeling. They're kinda stuck. The word is Devs asked Sony if they can do better & get somewhat close to Scorpio which is why it's been silent. And it doesn't look like they were even on the radar. Even overclocking the Neo to burn levels or firmware advances wasn't even close. To come up with a whole new piece of tech would cost millions of dollars and waste millions of dollars on what you've done thus far with Neo. All thrown away. This stuff is all done way in advance. They're in a tough position now because they need the Neo to push PSVR or else that busts, PSVR running on a standard PS4 is base level, not so hot performance. So they can't just scrap the Neo. They need to release a better console. Sony is almost better off just scrapping the Neo in order to compete performance wise (even though it would be a massive blow), or just accept the fact that MS got one over on you, release it as is & look to the future. But Sony is no doubt in a really tough spot. The Scorpio as it stands would blow anything they can muster on the Neo out of the water. Game wise & VR wise. Let's not forget the Scorpio will no doubt support VR, whether it be Vive or Oculus or both. In comparison Sony will look very playschool & weak. You can try to find the silver lining but there just is none. This is not good for Sony either way.

2834d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2834d ago
ninsigma2835d ago

I'll laugh if it does release this year now :p
Don't really care when it releases as I doubt I'll get, but I'm just interested in the specs and if it looks the same as Base ps4.

iTechHeads2835d ago

it will obviously have a different look. hopefully premium..

blady_man2834d ago

I do hope its released in september and some rumors go by! Would buy it asap !!!

2834d ago
Summons752835d ago

I feel the Neo was the Slims codename

DragonDDark2835d ago

Lol i guess you missed when sony said it will be more powerful than the OG ps4 which the slim is not

ziggurcat2835d ago

nah, there's nothing that indicates that the neo is the slim. house has already stated that the neo is a premium version of the PS4, the slim (as we know it to be right now) is just a slimmer version of the current PS4.

Summons752835d ago

We know nothing. All we know is speculation. The Slim could be like the xbox slim, able to output video in 4K for blurays but not games. Everything about the NEO is wild speculation.

ziggurcat2835d ago

that's why I said "as we know it to be right now." we'll know whether the slim outputs 4K video in a few weeks. however, i think it's pretty safe to say that the slim is not the neo.

Mattachu2835d ago (Edited 2835d ago )

Where have you been lately? The Neo isn't the slim. Sony already confirmed the Neo is a higher end ps4 and the slim is a downgraded ps4 basically not a upgrade. Also there is a PlayStation event for the new console. They wouldn't have a PlayStation event for a slim console.... http://www.polygon.com/2016...

threefootwang2835d ago

I think it'll release this year. I thought Sony was getting into the habit of announcing new releases with its availability within weeks or a short time after. Plus if the Neo is meant to compliment the PSVR then a 2016 release makes sense.

BarneyS2835d ago (Edited 2835d ago )

Yes Andrew House said that:
“The dynamics of the tech industry are such that there’s a much heavier emphasis on immediate gratification than there was. A lot of that is to do with how Apple has very cleverly and elegantly managed the ‘available now’ approach."
source: https://www.theguardian.com...
So I agree, I think Sony will anounce Neo next month and probably release it about a month after the anouncement. The price for the slim hasn't been revealed yet but I wouldn't be surprised by a 249 PS4 slim and a 399 PS4 Neo. Seems like a perfect strategy to go into this holiday season.

Edit @Aenea: Yes I know the slim is already being shipped (that's where the leak came from) and will be released soon after the anouncement.

Aenea2835d ago

1) it's not meant to complement PSVR, people should stop thinking that
2) the Slim is already in warehouses at the moment, it looks more than likely they will announce it to be available in shops within a week after announcing it

threefootwang2834d ago

Yeah maybe "officially" it's not meant to compliment the PSVR, but you know for damn sure that Sony is going to show off how much better the VR runs with the Neo over the base model and at a potential of 4K resolution too. They need to create incentives to sell it afterall.

rainslacker2834d ago

At the same time, Neo is purportedly going to be an October release based on the Neo requirement in the leaked documents. While that date could obviously be pushed back, assuming an October release, it's still only a few weeks.:)

_-EDMIX-_2835d ago


Sony has in the past released revisions merely weeks after announcement, I don't see them changing that. I see Neo and Slim releasing this fall.

jb2272835d ago

I agree...I mean we've already seen how Sony in particular has the ability to keep its hardware production under wraps considering no one knew of the Slim's existence just a week ago & now that console will be hitting shelves w/in the month. So at the very least it is feasible that Neo could release during the Holidays, & I agree that if Neo enhances PSVR or is meant to compliment it in any way, they will need to at least fully outline the system & preferably release it in order to make consumers aware before they pick up their PSVR preorders. Even if Neo doesn't release until next year sometime, Sony will need to fully outline their system as opposed to MS' strategy of simply acknowledging its existence & throwing out lofty borderline arrogant claims like "Most Powerful Console Ever" before the thing even has any specs locked down & before dev kits even exist in the wild.

Also, the article says that Sony has no real reason to launch before Scorpio but I highly disagree w/ that idea. If MS pulls a rabbit out of the hat or eats a large loss & gets the Scorpio in price parity w/ Neo, if Neo is underpowered compared to it, and if they release in the same timeframe, Sony will have essentially given this round over to MS. Alternatively, if Sony goes first, they would be the first to actually show & prove what this extra power is capable of w/ true gameplay, they can have wiggle room to be able to drop the price by the time Scorpio releases, and the devs will have had a year head start on taking advantage of the hardware, meaning that Neo games could potentially look on par or better than Scorpio at launch to the naked eye on a 1080p screen even w/ the 2 tflops advantage.

I won't be a day one buyer myself because I typically spend my money on friends & family during the holidays, but either way I'm really pumped to watch the Meeting & see what all is announced. Hoping the RDR rumors prove true & that a handful of games like GoW make an appearance, some cool new features announced, and the official unveiling of the Slim & Neo.

Dark_Knightmare22835d ago

But power has never sold consoles like seriously we have three previous generations to prove that. The ps1 outsold the more powerful n64, the ps2 outsold the more powerful GameCube and og Xbox and the wii outsold the more powerful ps3 and 360. Seriously people who think Scorpio is going to sell just because of "da powah" are in for a rude awakening. I have an x1 right now and I'll tell you I have no desire to get a Scorpio and you know why because Microsoft haven't been delivering the games which is one of the big reasons people buy consoles and with their "exclusives" now going to pc it's almost pointless to own one. So they can have all the power in the world but if they don't have the games no one is going to want to buy the system.

freshslicepizza2835d ago

"I agree...I mean we've already seen how Sony in particular has the ability to keep its hardware production under wraps considering no one knew of the Slim's existence just a week ago & now that console will be hitting shelves w/in the month."

the system is out in the wild, sony is trying to bring down every uploaded video of the system being powered on and everything and you say they they have the ability to keep things under wraps? lol, they might as well just announce it now.

2835d ago
jb2272834d ago (Edited 2834d ago )


I fully agree...I may not have been clear, but I was just saying that power matters mainly when price is equal or lesser. That was one of the reasons why PS4 was such a success, the core fanbase that love their exclusives were always going to grab one, but Sony grabbed the general console gaming market as well when they released a more powerful box at a $100 cheaper price point.

Grabbing that lion's share of the market typically boils down to release window, brand recognition, price & power. Last gen was a pretty great example of the different tactics, you had Xbox 360 which was the hare, first to market & grabbing big sales for its release frame before starting to coast towards the end of the cycle, then you had the tortoise of the PS3 starting w/ a handicap but going on to really close that gap on the strength of its hardware, software & features like BD, then you had the Wii which put up those gargantuan numbers most likely down to its unique motion feature & cheapest price point. Those 3 systems each uniquely illustrated the different advantages any player can have in the console space.

I was just saying that if Sony releases the Neo now in tandem w/ PSVR or shortly after in tandem w/ Horizon that they've kinda got a perfect storm of advantages, beating Scorpio to the market by a year & NX to the market by a few months, having a unique feature available like PSVR (itself the lowest priced true gaming VR solution on the market), the brand recognition momentum of the PS4 being the biggest console on the shelves, then all of these amazing looking exclusives like Horizon on the....um.....horizon. If they hold off to launch w/ Scorpio it may just be a bit tougher race for them if history is any indication & if MS pulls some drastic moves (buying up big name exclusives, selling their hardware at a deep loss, etc.)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2834d ago
+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2834d ago
phoenixwing2835d ago

I'm sticking with my nathan drake collection ps4. I don't have a 4k tv and don't plan on getting one for some time. If god of war, spiderman, and horizon were running on the original ps4's then I don't need to upgrade for some time. Probably wait for the ps5.

FITgamer2835d ago

Even without a 4K TV, you'd still be able to get higher graphic settings and frame rates, the neo would still be worth it. If that matters to you.

jmc88882835d ago

4ktv's are cheap, thus whenever you need to buy your next TV, it should really be a 4ktv, unless you plan on getting the cheapest $150 HDTV you can find.

4ktv's have been as cheap as $249 for over the past 2 years (for 39 inches). You can routinely get them for $500-1000 now, with the ~$500 ones being 40-47 inches and 60 FPS.

4ktv prices are dropping far, far faster than 1080p did. Every year it's dropping like 3-4 years of 1080p prices.

Even without 4k, you'd likely see better/solid framerates with a potential for resolution and IQ boost on newer games.

SilverDemon2835d ago

for me personally, I dont see value in 4k tv right now
I dont watch tv at all anymore and if games will run on my ps4 I dont need to get code name: neo

maybe when ps5 comes out

peewee110162835d ago

4k tv for 250$ yall if yo uwant one of those cheap after market brands.

FITgamer2835d ago

Cheap 4K TV = High input lag.

mkis0072835d ago


Costco is selling a 55" Vizio 4k 2016 for 479.99 after instant coupon. Or an LG for $100 more.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2835d ago
DaGR8JIBRALTAR2834d ago (Edited 2834d ago )

Exactly...i'm actually relieved the neos not dropping right now. With all the games coming out and not to mention the vr dropping soon, its already too much money to spend this year.

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Can FSR 3 frame generation deliver the 120fps dream on PS5 and Xbox?

Frame generation technology has arrived on consoles, amplifying frame-rates and potentially transforming experiences.

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purple10118h ago

adds between 8.3-15.3 milliseconds of latency on the game they tested, - no thanks

darksky1h ago

Base latency is 130.8ms and frame gen takes that up to 139.1ms. A 7% increase in latency is hardly a deal breaker.

Zenzuu1h ago

That's hardly a deal breaker and not really noticeable. Even the folks at Digital Foundry said so as well.

darthv7218h ago

Impressive results... sadly I don't have a 120hz display. I was thinking this technique could increase fps on any game that supports it regardless of the display.

purple10118h ago(Edited 18h ago)

I have a vrr telly in the lounge,

On another point, what if it were the other way around where the developer aims for higher fps, then used something like pssr to make the resolution higher, that might be better?

Any which way, PS5 pro sure looks interesting now, being they have already doubled frame rate, with JUST just this fsr3.0

andy8542m ago

Now I've extensively tried it I'm not too fussed about 120 fps. Give me a locked 60 and more details and I'm more than happy


YouTube Will Probe Employees Following The PlayStation State of Play Leak

YouTube is probing its employees following the PlayStation State of Play leak that revealed all announcements ahead of the presentation.

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gold_drake1d 1h ago

i didnt even know there was a leak ha.

Profchaos2h ago

Wasn't a short detailed leak about 12 hours prior it was hey there's going to be a astro bot a VR game and a few other things specified but massively underwhelming leak tbh

Profchaos2h ago

For this state of play not at all

Relientk7720h ago

This is news to me. I had no idea the games from the State of Play got leaked.

Jin_Sakai12h ago

I seen the list posted and instantly got excited for Astro Bot. Everything else was meh.

CrimsonWing6913h ago

I’m pretty sure leaks or not, by the end of the show people will still be disappointed. The only highlight for me was MH: Wilds… everything else was mid to forgettable. Hope them HaaS games you got lined up really work out for you, Sony. Everyone asking for Bloodborne Remake, Wolverine, and, uh, well other games like that could’ve made this epic. Instead we get Concord, some derivative Souls-like games, that were fine looking, and a Silent Hill 2 Remake with horrible character designs and janky combat animations… great.

rayford1512h ago

I wasn’t disappointed it was a solid B

TOTSUKO10h ago

For a State of play it was actually alright. People are overshadowing it because they want to cancel Sony to high hell for Gaas which is not fair for the other devs who revealed great looking games that were just shown. I get it you don’t like gaas don’t buy it. If it sells well good for the people who had interest no big deal? If you are a PlayStation fan what’s wrong with PlayStation trying to cater every gamer? I don’t understand that smh

ravens5211h ago

Where Winds Meet and Ballad of Antara both looked good. Not to mention Astro Bot. It was a decent show. For me personally it was a 7. I'm sure to some people it was actually really good cause they'd play all those games. 🤷🏽 Personal taste

MrNinosan10h ago

I wasn't dissapointed.
And no, everyone doesn't want a Bloodborne Remake. There is probably very few who's actually asking for it, but the ones who do are loud on internet.

CrimsonWing6910h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Oh, my mistake. It’s definitely not one of the most requested games when it comes to remakes with news stories talking about it 🙄





Silly me. It’s just a very few that are actually wanting it…

MrNinosan3h ago

And you just proved what I wrote.

If Bloodborne was remestered or remade, it would still sell less than Final Fantasy XVI or VII Rebirth, probably be called a great succes from it's core fans, but most wouldn't care.

I love Bloodborne, I want a new release of it, but it's niche and has sold crap compared to most of Playstation Studios bigger titles.

Astro Bot will sell and mean more to Playstation than a Bloodborne Remake.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3h ago
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Get Ready to Armor Up in The Epic Games Store's Weekly Freebie

The Epic Games Store has yet another free game, and it's a pretty damn good one.

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