
Great comparison: Windows Vista versus Mac OS X Leopard

Apple and Microsoft put great afford in enhancing the optical qualities of their operating systems. os-informer.de doesn't tell you who wins the fight, but they present a great direct screenshots-comparison. The competitors are Windows Vista and Mac OS X Leopard. Now see for yourself!

The main downside of Macs: Their bad game compatibility. Hey, but you can install Windows on a Mac (Intel).

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Fishy Fingers5746d ago

A bunch of screens showing how the different OSs render certain applications? Not really a comparison, more of an OS Beauty Pageant.

JsonHenry5746d ago

The fact it is even in question which one is better surprises me. Given the fact that OS X is developed within a closed hardware environment it should be blatantly better.

But it isn't. Which shows why, even with it's flaws, more effort and thought was put into action when creating a windows OS.

TheWiseguy5746d ago

Cant live without Spaces, Expose, Keyboard Shortcut, Time Machine, dashboard and my pretty looking dock.

Pain5746d ago

Max OSX >>>>Rapes wannabe.

habsfan95746d ago

Microsoft ripped off Apple for a lot of their ideas, especially the dashboard and spotlight ripoffs. Oh well, I guess Microsoft will never make something innovative...

mhr5125745d ago

Watch Pirates of Silicon Valley.... Bill Gates has never had an original idea in his whole life.

habsfan95745d ago

Yeah I saw that movie. I found it quite accurate...

rawd5746d ago

OS X no contest. Sorry Billy

CryofSilence5745d ago

OS X, no contest. I'm not sorry Billy since your original Windows OS was a rip-off of a Mac OS anyway.

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Inspired by Toy Story, HYPERCHARGE Unboxed blasts onto Xbox

HYPERCHARGE Unboxed blasts its way to Xbox, as an all-action hero adventure awaits; one that has been inspired by Toy Story no less.

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OtterX1d 6h ago (Edited 1d 6h ago )

Lol, how did you get Toy Story out of it? The devs even said themselves that the biggest inspiration was the film Small Soldiers.

"The core inspiration for Hypercharge is the 1998 movie Small Soldiers – a fantastic film that really resonated with us in terms of its story, characters, and visuals. While Small Soldiers introduced Major Chip Hazard, Hypercharge features Major Evil! We also draw inspiration from Toy Story, which influenced the vibrant levels in our game.

Other inspirations include video games like Sarge’s Heroes, Toy Commander, and even the Counter-Strike 1.6 Rat maps. The game follows a classic good vs. evil storyline, (90’s inspired!) where Sgt. Max Ammo battles against Major Evil to protect the Hypercore, which holds the precious memories of our beloved toys!"

Toy Story wasn't mentioned.


OtterX1d 4h ago (Edited 1d 4h ago )

Oops my bad, i somehow missed the Toy Story reference above when glancing over. I feel stupid now, put egg on my face! 😂

My apologies!


Silent Hill 2 Different Editions, Pre-Order Bonuses Confirm PlayStation-Exclusive Item

The Silent Hill 2 different editions, pre-order bonuses have been revealed, and yes, there is exclusive PlayStation content.


Hypercharge: Unboxed Review -- Gamerhub UK

Go on, play with some toys.

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