
PS4 Pro Is An ‘Impressive’ Piece of Hardware But Hardly A Revolution – Escape from Tarkov Dev

The PS4 Pro is not a game changer, they reckon.

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RpgSama2786d ago (Edited 2786d ago )

Yeah, exactly, it's the PS4.5, these sites are treating it as a if it was the launch of a new console generation, don't know what were they expecting on top of impressive, which is a lot.

GrubsterBeater2786d ago (Edited 2786d ago )

"The President of Sony never said he loves babies, is he a baby killer?! Find out why with our one paragraph stretched out into 15 pages."

"PS4 Pro: Top 10 reasons why we feel lied to about things we expected that they never said it would be."

"You will NEVER believe what these celebrities said.. CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT!!"

krypt19832785d ago

It's because everybody is comparing it to scorpio thats why, it's a pointless box period ..

DeeBeers2786d ago

I did. And my opinion carries weight. Bad news for the industry and Playstation.

100_SavAGe2786d ago

How's it bad news for PlayStation huh? When you can see what sony's first party studios can achieve on the standard ps4 let alone what they will be able to achieve on the PS4 pro will be amazing nonetheless

trooper_2785d ago

Sure, whatever you day. Sony's making profits. Get used to it.

rainslacker2785d ago

When have you ever said anything PS was a revolution?

I call BS on your comment.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2785d ago
NXSwitch2785d ago

You all were preaching it was from the very start so don't even.

Muzikguy2785d ago

No. you obviously have a bad track record of following events. "You all" is wrong and "very start" is wrong. Most knew it would NOT be a revolutionary upgrade. I don't know why anyone would even want that every 4 years.

rainslacker2785d ago (Edited 2785d ago )

Most people seemed very much against the idea of mid-gen upgrades, and while most have come to accept it, I don't think anyone really considers it a revolution. I see more Xbox fans excited for some vague hardware specs set to release well into the future than I see PS fans thinking that PS4 will be any kind of revolution. Sony isn't promoting it as a revolution. MS is promoting Scorpio as some sort of revolution based on their reveal trailer with devs pretty much saying it is. Most PS gamers just consider it a more powerful console to play PS4 games on.

The only thing revolutionary about it is the new paradigm it brings to console releases and how the software is made for mid-gen hardware upgrades....which themselves have been done in the past and mostly failed. That said, it's just a paradigm of a constant cross-gen port mentality, which is far from revolutionary.

AngelicIceDiamond2786d ago

It was clear from the very start its a mid gen upgrade and not suppose to be "revolutionary"

Muzikguy2786d ago (Edited 2786d ago )

No kidding. I don't understand why some people or the media are trying to make things out to be what they aren't. Nobody expected a mid gen upgrade to be a revolution. Hell, people even say with a new generation that THAT'S not a revolution....

Too many idiots with a voice

NXSwitch2785d ago

Stop adding to it then.

Muzikguy2785d ago

Adding to what? You don't like what I have to say, maybe you're one of those I'm talking about. If you're paying attention, which it doesn't seem like you are, I'm referring to these sites that nitpick sh!t for a story.

The 10th Rider2786d ago

I don't think it was even conceived as a mid-gen upgrade. It only makes sense to make use of the new graphics card architecture, and while they're at it they may as well throw is HDR and 4K streaming capability. Thus the PS4pro was born.

Starman692786d ago

Indeed!!. I cant wait to play a better version of a console i already love 😍

ArchangelMike2786d ago

All I want it to do is increase the resolution of VR games. If there is even a 10% improvement in resolution, then I'm all in with that revolution :)

Aenea2785d ago

Well, the resolution isn't going to change, it's fixed for PSVR, but they can do way better anti-aliasing and do more graphical improvements with the Pro making sure you notice it less!

Whirlwind_Fanfare_082786d ago

Sounds like y'all don't listen well! Sony very well said it's a mid-gen upgrade, not revolutionary. SMH

Muzikguy2786d ago

They were holding onto that story all this time just to complain about it when the PSVR got released lol

NXSwitch2785d ago

Nah Sony preaching it was going to take the other 2 consoles down. The only thing its taking down is gamers with its motion sickness!

Muzikguy2785d ago

Sony didn't preach this. It was people jumping to conclusions because of what is going on in the gaming world.

rainslacker2785d ago (Edited 2785d ago )

Care to cite sources?

Sony hasn't said they intend to take the other consoles down with PSVR, they say it's its own platform that's supplimental.

Sony hasn't even gone on at length about PS4P being any kind of major revolution or advancement. They've been rather modest in saying that it's just an enhancement to the current gen.

MS on the other hand in it's reveal of Scorpio had devs gushing about how revolutionary the power was for them to be able to "realize their vision". MS has been much more vocal about how Scorpio is some sort of revolution to the console paradigm. When it's essentially the same thing, and the only thing revolutionary about it as of right now is more power.

Sony didn't need a new more powerful console to take the other two down. They were doing just fine with the stock PS4, and likely would have continued to do so without the PS4P, because until the PS4P releases, and eventually the Scorpio, it's still the most capable console on the market.

Salooh2786d ago (Edited 2786d ago )

As everyone mentioned here, pro is the same gen, it is just an enhanced ps4. It is not aiming to replace the original ps4, it is only for those who want it.

I also disagree, pro is opening a door to new necessary options in consoles. It let you choose the mode you want(60 fps or ultra setting.etc). It provide new features in mid gen like HDR, 4k gaming, sata 3 which means much faster loadings and boot up, greater experience in vr..etc

This step is very important to those who wanted more than the ps4, what's even great about it is that it is still cheap lol..

Muzikguy2786d ago (Edited 2786d ago )

I agree with all that, even the cheap part. Many won't because any money is too much money, but nobody works for free. I want to get a Pro and a new tv so bad right now. Might just have to take my card to Best Buy and make that plunge.

Tussin1872786d ago

I know what you mean. I have the Pro preordered but now I want a TV. I bought a 4k last year during Black Friday but it's non HDR. Now I want another with it. If there is a cheap one then I might be joining you in your thoughts.

NXSwitch2785d ago

You want it so bad then gtfoh & get a better job & buy the damn piece of S already.

Muzikguy2785d ago (Edited 2785d ago )

Hey Todd-the-asshole, why don't YOU gtfoh. I'm trying to have a civil conversation here with reflection on the subject at hand. You however are being a dipsh!t with nothing to say except rude remarks towards me. Maybe a better job would solve the issue, maybe not. Maybe I don't have as much time to invest in gaming. Maybe my job causes that. Maybe I have kids. Maybe, just maybe, you don't know what you're talking about.

And too, if you think it's a "piece of S" why are you here talking down to me because I want one? Go play your system of choice

GameHead852785d ago

Hey toddenpeon, what's your problem? Why can't you just talk with people on here about the subjects/articles?

This is the internet anyway, starting fights on here is totally pussified.

NXSwitch2784d ago

Run along now BOY, temps are calling you!

Muzikguy2784d ago

You're right, they are! It's beautiful outside!! 😁

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PapaBop32d ago

I still can't quite wrap my head around how Battlestate could have thought this would go any other way. $250 editions of games is something that rightfully deserves every negative article it can get.