
Are Base PS4 Owners Getting Screwed Over Already?

Sony's flashy new PS4 Pro is a great piece of hardware, especially for the price.

Yet despite some worry and speculation about it replacing base models, we were promised that PS4 games will still run fine on the base model. The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy XV have proven otherwise.

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FallenAngel19842716d ago

Could be the case, although those games aren't unplayable on non-Pro models

RashBandicoot2716d ago

That's my concern. If Sony thinks games running at 20-25 FPS as acceptable then base owners are getting the short end of the stick.

Gazondaily2716d ago

It's already happening and that's not cool. 20fps for a title that was in the works for the PS3 is just unacceptable in it's own right. I've already seen someone excuse this on the basis that they have a Pro so no problem.

And this is the problem with these mid gen consoles. I imagine the problem will be even worse with the X1/Scorpio. The Scorpio is so much more powerful than the X1 that I imagine we'll get some really shoddy x1 versions of games.

Then the 'no one gets left behind' tagine will slap MS in the face. It already will to an extent in terms of VR.

RashBandicoot2716d ago

@Septic I think the Scorpio will be pretty much a new Xbox given how massive the gap will be.

notachance2716d ago

lol whut, I played FFXV no problem on OG PS4.. couple of hiccups on crowded place like Altissia but nowhere near 'screwed over', last year's the witcher 3 was more laggy than those 2 titles and I didn't see this kind of articles

media and their clickbait words...

Death2716d ago


Best case is Microsoft approaches Scorpio games like we already see in PC with gamers choosing the setting they want to play at. Worst case is they approach it like Sony is with the Pro. It's still early, Pro games are being held back which is a slap to Pro owners. I think the issues with frames on the PS4 is just sloppy developers.

OrangePowerz2716d ago (Edited 2716d ago )

That would be a valid point if there wouldn't have been games before that had been badly optimised. Just play the unpatched version of The Witcher 3 and you will see large drops in FPS.

@Septic Just because it was in the works on PS3 doesn't say anything. The way it looks now it wouldn't have run on the PS3 and if they didn't change the engine it was designed for the PS3 architecture that had a very capable CPU but one that needed very specialised coding to use it to it's full power. Should it ship with drops to 20FPS? No, but other games before the Pro had issues if they don't optimise well or if the engine they use doesn't scale very well to the architecture.

curtis922716d ago

It's been happening all gen, people. This didn't start with the Pro.

bluefox7552716d ago

That's not Sony's doing. That's the developers poorly optimizing the games.

ziggurcat2716d ago (Edited 2716d ago )

"If Sony thinks games running at 20-25 FPS as acceptable then base owners are getting the short end of the stick."

and where's your proof that shows these games would run any differently if the Pro model didn't exist?

because to me, it seems your "concern" is just a little affected, and designed to spread FUD.

LordMaim2716d ago

Got news for you. Final Fantasy XV doesn't run smoothly on any system, PlayStation or otherwise.

darthv722716d ago (Edited 2716d ago )

There is the potential for developers to prioritize the Pro over the base model moving forward. That is usually something we see in the PC world with new video cards and devs realize that if they cater to those, it saves them time to try and optimize for something lower. consumers wanting to play the newest game will see that it doesnt run as well as it should and they will either upgrade their graphics card or play something else until they do but ultimately... they upgrade.

That is what sony is hoping people will do as well. As more games come out that look better, play better on the Pro... it is going to make base model consumers realize that they need to upgrade to stay current. sony said the core of the game needs to be the same between base / Pro but they didnt say that performance had to. So this is a new trend that consoles are getting that PC's have had for years.

@ zigg... The PS5 will be greatly improved over the PS4Pro until the PS5Pro comes out 2-3 years after that.

ziggurcat2716d ago


"There is the potential for developers to prioritize the Pro over the base model moving forward..."

except they've never said that.

"That is what sony is hoping people will do as well. As more games come out that look better, play better on the Pro... it is going to make base model consumers realize that they need to upgrade to stay current."

by that time, the PS5 will probably be on the market or announced (at the very least), so that's a moot point.

Ju2716d ago

Well, the alternative is to downgrade Standard games quite a bit more. Is that what you want?

PurpHerbison2716d ago (Edited 2716d ago )

Sony has ALWAYS thought sub30fps was okay. They try to target the best resolution and visuals and allow FPS to take a hit every single time. Evident with the entire PS3 generation and what we have now. The thing is, they aren't really doing anything different. They are doing the same thing they have done with the PS3 and PS4, just on the PS4Pro now. Juice the game as much as you can at 30fps. Older models have no choice but to take a nasty hit.

XStation4pio_Pro2716d ago (Edited 2716d ago )

one could say you're just getting what you paid for. some of us shelled out money to have those better frame rates and rez. this is where the reality sets in that the ps4 isn't really that powerful (nor the xbox one). the stranger thing still is that games are scalable so you can't really fault the ps4 pro. the dev's can dial down resolution, aliasing and more to get better performance on the base system with no fragmented versioning. its not hard.

I think this is the very reason Sony released the Pro though. The base ps4 is just too underpowered for what they want to do. Maybe these games are just too big for the base ps4 to handle and they knew that (in addition to 4k, vr and a few other reasons for a redo)

Unspoken2716d ago

This was predicted long ago. The disparity between the two was bound to split developer resources and a lack of developer support from Sony will cause consumers to experience severe growing pains.

And because it is Sony, poor performance and required patches are OK. Seems to be a trend.

game4funz2716d ago

Just because the Scorpio is a bigger gap then Ps4 to pro doesn't mean it should be considered as anything different then the pro. That's called an excuse.

Loadedklip2716d ago

Do the 22 dislikes you have at the time of this post means that 22 people do think 20-25 FPS IS ACCEPTABLE???

Or is it 22 completely blind Sony fanboys that can't handle a slightly negative post towards Sony?

Either way ... in-fricking-credible.

Realms2716d ago

It's one freaking game that runs like that and it should be noted that it was in development hell for years. So hear we go with sky is falling articles about how gamers are getting screwed. Why would Sony want to screw over the OG PS4 owners intentionally they represent the majority of software sales?

@ Septic you don't miss a chance to take shots and Sony right and you wonder why you get down voted even when you say something positive because it comes across as disingenuous as F$%!

Raiden2716d ago (Edited 2716d ago )

The choose is simple when it comes to x1 vs x1 Scorpio, the games will be released for both hardware but you will be given the option to change 720/900p and the same disc if you have Scorpio, it will be different, but I think the wait and see approach is better that speculations based on another Company's experience. If Sony expect they 40million plus ps4 owner's to just go out a buy ps4 pro, then that what will happen as we all want to play our games on system that can handle it.

2716d ago
2716d ago
darthv722716d ago (Edited 2716d ago )


Scorpio has been confirmed to be part of the Xbox family by Microsoft.

wheresmymonkey2716d ago

But by the same tokem there are games that have patches that dont run as well on pS4 pro. Skyrim and The last of Us remastered instantly spring to mind.

wsoutlaw872716d ago

will everyone stop crying and starting fake outrage about every little thing. Pro coming out didnt change tlg which was in development for like 9 years. Games had sh** frame before and will have sh** frame rates after. not a big deal. If you think only 2 games that are out, knew about pspro during development, you are being... silly.

2716d ago
Nathan_Hale532716d ago

Crazy how many dislikes you're getting when it is true.

Christopher2716d ago

***That is what sony is hoping people will do as well. ***

How do you know this? You tell people that they don't know if these two games would run the same or not on PS4 if the Pro didn't exist and then you go making the exact same mistake by claiming to know what Sony wants. Looks like you're just supporting your own opinion like anyone else.

The fact is, none of us know anything. What I do know is that these are far from the first games with issues at launch and they won't be the last. The rest is just opinion,

fr0sty2716d ago

Don't act like Final Fantasy games haven't ran like crap for a while now anyway... it just runs a little less crappy on pro hardware.

SirCharles2716d ago

Here's the thing tho, you have to change the resolution to 1080p on the pro to get a stable 30fps, so clearly it's an issue with the game. You also need to keep in mind that the base ps4 is much, much weaker.

darthv722715d ago (Edited 2715d ago )

@chris... Everybody knows that when a company has a new product release they are hoping consumers flock to it. No company releases a product expecting it to fail. That is pretty easy to understand as if they dont then that product fails. Seriously... dont pick out the most obvious part of my comment and then play dumb to how it works.

what i said is factually correct because that is what the companies are wanting to happen. It doesnt always but that is what they are wanting, hoping, expecting... etc. What you and others have said in regards to these games performing the way they do regardless of Pro is speculative. You dont know that answer and nobody does so just stop trying to pass it off like it was fact.

@sircharles, and you have to realize that the base PS4 is much stronger than the PS3 which was the platform these games initially started development on.

+ Show (27) more repliesLast reply 2715d ago
tontontam02716d ago

lol if you think ffxv run poorly on ps4 I'd like you to play the xbox version and make another video.

when xbox scorpio comes out I'm expecting an article from you
title should be
"xbox scorpio released xbox one and xbox one s now useless games run @5 fps"

Fishy Fingers2716d ago

Xbox runs better than OG PS4 according to digital foundry (albeit at a lower resolution).

tontontam02716d ago

@Fishy Fingers
raw performance ps4 wins, devs were forced to apply vsync to the xbox version to achieve parity between the two system, if they decide to apply it to ps4 no one would ever buy the xbox version.

Don't worry devs would not waste their time with xbox one in the future as the standard that will be set by microsoft for games on xbox scorpio will be too high it will be impossible to optimized it for the xbox one.

I'm sure sony will keep their promise that the standard ps4 users will not be left behind,
on the other hand microsoft have been tight lipped about the scorpio, and have been saying, teasing how much more powerful the xbox scorpio will be. (games optimized for the very powerful xbox scorpio will probably run like shit on xbox one, or microsoft will probably announce exclusive games for the scorpio).

PhantomTommy2716d ago

@Fishy Fingers
It doesn't actually run better on Xbox One, it's just that it doesn't have frame pacing issues so it appears smoother overall. That said, anyone claiming that the game is just fine on the original PS4 are either lying or completely blind to the horrendous frame pacing. It's not a deal breaker, but it's constant and intrusive enough that I can't ignore it.

bluefox7552716d ago

@fishy "lower resolution" is an understatement.
Frame pacing issues can be fixed via patch, low resolution can't be.

Kingthrash3602716d ago

I don't understand this article.
Games have had this problem far before the pro. Who's to say the pro is the problem? If the pro didn't exist these problems would still happen. All it needs is a patch just like almost every game on every console. More taxing games like BF1 run fine on og ps4... if Ff15 runs worse then it sounds like a developer issue not the pros.

game4funz2716d ago

The game runs the best on Xbox actually. It's the smoothest frame rate experience.

You should check your facts.

PS... Check digital foundry or other fps analysis sites.

2716d ago
BizarroUltraman2716d ago

I guess you forgot the part where Xbox One games and accessories will work on the Scorpio. Foward and backward compatibility... Xbox was first one to mention it aswell for consoles.

bow2yoda2716d ago

@fishy fingers oh no... i think you upset the sony fanboys with this comment lol

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2716d ago
S2Killinit2716d ago

If they are getting screwed imagine how badly the Xbox one and one S owners are getting screwed.

game4funz2716d ago

How so?
Please explain. There's no gap between standard and s

S2Killinit2716d ago (Edited 2716d ago )

When Scorpio releases. It will even have exclusives as the current Xboxs don't have and can't do VR

Not to mention original Xbox ones can't do HDR. (Unless I'm missing something)

2716d ago
Bruh2716d ago


There is a gap buddy, the OG Xbox One has 1.31 TFLOPS the One S is 1.41, not massive but there is a difference enough to see higher frame-rates and more consistent performance on one machine vs the other

darthv722716d ago

Not really bruh, you are talking 1-2 fps difference which you can't really "see" like you say. Unlike the 5-10 fps difference which you can see on the base PS4 in TLG.

wheresmymonkey2716d ago

Scorpio is a next gen machine that's going to have 100% BC. bit like the WiiU now that i think of it.

freshslicepizza2716d ago (Edited 2715d ago )

the last guardian has been so long in development one has to wonder why it still has development issues. i dont see this as screwing over ps4 owners and favoring the ps4 pro. it comes down to how minor the bump was this generation, why else are we already seeing midcycle upgrades? the ps3 could not do this game justice and by the looks of it the ps4 still struggles.

but as far as xbox one users, yes they will get screwed over and it also happened on the xbox 360 when they added hdmi later on. xbox one users who bought kinect are probably seeing even less value as they have all but abandoned the need of it.

2716d ago
ONESHOTV22715d ago

what does the scorpio have to do with this conversation we are talking about sony not MS so keep your focus

S2Killinit2715d ago

why? So that when Scorpio comes out we act like no one ever claimed PS4 Pro was "screwing" PS4 owners? all of a sudden Scorpio having exclusives or playing much better than current xbox owners will be just fine and dandy? I think we shouldn't dish out what we can't take ourselves. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2715d ago
2716d ago Replies(1)
Christopher2716d ago

Two games with issues that probably would have had issues without the PS4 Pro.

darthv722716d ago (Edited 2716d ago )

You dont know that. Nobody knows that. The only thing that is guaranteed are the games that already released and run optimally on the base PS4 because they were built for the base PS4. The Pro adds another development layer to the mix that has its pros (pun intended) and cons.

Base model users should not be treated like 2nd class citizens especially when they are the lions share of the PS4 ecosystem. Performance should be locked to the base model and the Pro would get visual gains like Sony said with the option to improve rates above what is supposed to already be an optimized rate for the base model.

That really isnt much to ask for.

Christopher2716d ago

***Base model users should not be treated like 2nd class citizens especially when they are the lions share of the PS4 ecosystem. ***

I know what I said just as much as you know this. In order for a game to run better on the PS4 Pro can take absolutely no additional programming on the part of the developers, especially when it comes to performance. Assuming they 'catered' to the Pro is aking to saying that a developer catered to the latest NVidia GPU compared to the last generation model of the NVidia GPU built upon the exact same architecture.

ziggurcat2716d ago


"You dont know that. Nobody knows that."

TLG was in development long before the Pro was even conceived as a concept - hell it was in development long before the PS4 was even a rumour. FFXV was probably also well into its development stage before the Pro was even a thing. That's how it's known that these two games would be no different without the Pro in the picture.

"The only thing that is guaranteed are the games that already released and run optimally on the base PS4 because they were built for the base PS4. The Pro adds another development layer to the mix that has its pros (pun intended) and cons."

there are no games, to my knowledge, out right now that were specifically built for the PS4 Pro. all games are likely built to run as optimally as possible on the base model - they have to be. And to be fair, there aren't very many games out right now that run 100% perfect on PS4 or any of the other available consoles. it's also said that it takes very little effort to optimize a game for the Pro. I think Infamous Second Son/First Light took all of two people:

"Only 1 person is working on enhancing Days Gone for PS4 Pro, according to a new video report by Digital Foundry, and just 2 on inFamous: Second Son and inFamous: First Light. "


So I think that makes the argument about the base versions of games being neglected/base PS4 owners being screwed a little silly. These two examples show, quite clearly IMO, that the focus isn't on the Pro version...

"Base model users should not be treated like 2nd class citizens especially when they are the lions share of the PS4 ecosystem."

they aren't though.

"Performance should be locked to the base model and the Pro would get visual gains like Sony said with the option to improve rates above what is supposed to already be an optimized rate for the base model."

Lots of things should happen, but they don't, unfortunately. And what about the few games that allegedly don't run as well on the Pro as they do on the base model?

2716d ago
kenwonobi2716d ago

Since we are on the point of screwing customers. Xbox owners who are waiting a year for Scorpio in the meantime have the same problem. For a entire year. Screwing Xbox owners double.

kenwonobi2716d ago

Since this is the point they want to make that completely includes every Xbox vs Scorpio version that they must await.

Neonridr2715d ago

"unplayable" No offense, but I never thought I'd see the day this gen when games are dipping down to the low 20's in framerate. This isn't exclusive to the PS4, but this is some bad optimizing going on.

I mean hell, even on the Pro in 1080p mode this game does not run at a locked 30fps (according to the DF analysis).

Is a locked 30FPS not too much to ask for nowadays?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2715d ago
ninsigma2716d ago

Those two games were built with ps4 in mind, not the other way around so any issues with performance would have happened whether the pro existed or not. The difference is the pro has more power to be able to deal with those performance issues when it runs in 1080p. Let's not forget that the 4k version of tlg has been seeing some problems too so it's not just the Base model.

CorndogBurglar2716d ago

Get out of here with your stupid logic.

Don't you know you're supposed to bash this? Geez....noob.

ninsigma2716d ago

Damn sorry! I'll try harder next time!

2716d ago
DCadence2716d ago (Edited 2716d ago )

Pretty rich of you to tell a man to go steal corndogs, I bet you'll never be as suave a burglar using that logic.

darthv722716d ago

Not true ninsigma. Both of those games were initially built with the PS3 in mind and their development shifted to the PS4. You don't know their performance would be the same if the Pro did not exist because the Pro exists now. This isnt like the scorpio which is a year away.

Pro had been rumored months before it was made official and it could be safely assumed that ANY game in development during that time could have been tapped to make a Pro version or improvements to be applied to a Pro version before their release.

The only guarantees that games made for the base PS4 are what they are would be those that have been released prior to the reveal of the Pro.

2716d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2716d ago
Aloy-Boyfriend2716d ago (Edited 2716d ago )

Some people in this site are so stupid they fall for everything it is said to them. Worse they never seen experience it to attest for anything.

TLG runs fine on PS4. I'm not sure what exactly FPS is running, but it is not a stuttering experience. There has been only one section where it really noticed it dropped while loading, and then it picked up fast. It is pretry much playable. Anyone playing the game right now can agree with that

Just because Pro onwers are getting a more stable experience doesn't mean I'm getting screwed over. That is what Pro owners payed for. If that is what I want, I get one too. If i'm fine with the performance on PS4, then I don't have to get one.

FFXV and TLG run just fine on PS4.I'm not getting screwed over whatsoever

Corpser2716d ago

You don't notice all these dips to 20 fps?

According to DF "between 20-30fps just by running around empty areas, and with stutters to over 110ms"

Movefasta19932716d ago (Edited 2716d ago )

There's evidence of it constantly dropping down to the mid 20s,that is not a stable experience.Facts.
@kurapika 21 fps isn't just dropping a frame... Just admit the game was badly optimized for the base ps4.

Aloy-Boyfriend2716d ago (Edited 2716d ago )

Your evidence is moot until you experience the game.

I'm not saying DF is not telling the truth, but you guys take their analysis more serious than you should or they even intend. God forbid if DF tells you X game drops a frame, and you guys think it is the end of the world or unaplayable

I have fun messing around with Trico. I barely notice few stutters but nothing drastic to say that I'm getting screwed over. Only one area where i really noticed a big drop, but that's it. Isn't this whst happens with every game right now? It doesn't happen very often. At least in my 6 hr experince in hasn't. I'm not done with the game yet so we will see if there is more

If PS4 Pro didn't exists, no one would be making a big fuss about it like before. If the PS4 Pro handles a game better, the fine. That is why it was designed for. It doesn't mean Sony is letting games in an Unaplayable,Ass Greed Unity state then focusing on Pro. That would be a real case of getting screwed over, not a minor fps drop

bluefox7552716d ago

I've played a few hours of it, I notice a few dips here and there, but it's rare and hardly intrusive.

game4funz2716d ago

To claim it runs fine first you need to direct yourself towards what running fine means nowadays.

Running fine means a steady 30fps which tlg does not have. You can't deny that as there is proof.

That aside. Many console gamers have gotten used to low frame rates since pretty much the dawn of time. So it is entirely possible that it is under an individuals idea of a good enough frame rate.

I've been gaming at over 30fps for a long time now and I am very sensitive to the fps experience.

To say you need to experience the game is complete nonsense and an excuse to debunk the fact, backed by evidence, that it doesn't run as smoothly as expected.

Your argument regarding your experience is moot... As It's not backed up by evidence.... Not to say you're lying.

Nivekki2716d ago (Edited 2716d ago )

When you're a Sony Fanboi you can deny everything.

Water isn't wet. Unless Sony made the water.

Then it's very wet.

2716d ago
Aloy-Boyfriend2716d ago (Edited 2716d ago )

I'm talking from experience @Nivekki. I'm not denying what DF said, but it is not something to be screwed over like the article says. I have the game, have you? I bet you don't, which is easy for you to agree with any kind of BS. If accusing me of beinf a fanboy is how you want to contribute to the topic, then shut up. You are contributing nothing.

Ok! Then I should say "playable" then? Because the game doesn't stutter as much and you would think or freezes... That would be being screwed over. The game's performance is not intrusive in any way. Of course if you don't play the game you will never know or even watch a video. DF will only show you the parts where the game struggles, not the whole game

This is an issue that has been even since last gen. It is silly that now people want to make a big deal about it.

jasonpugh2716d ago

So you're saying you don't mind paying for a broken or unstable game. Congratulations! You're a developers dream. This is why we get half done games yet they still get released and we have to wait for 5 updates to get them to where they should've been before they even released.

kraenk122716d ago

What I find remarkable is that there are several guys not owning a PS4 who try to convince XiKurapikaKurta, who btw owns a PS4, that he should feel inferior because a game they can't even play at all runs at a framerate they heard some site at the internet calls disappointing. Did I get that right?!

Aloy-Boyfriend2716d ago

No, that is not what I'm saying. Way to put words in my mouth @Jason. You probably bough halo MCC and Recore at launch, which were literally broken at launch, so please watch yourself...


More than right! I mean it is the case that the people who don't own certain product are always more affected with their hyperbole than the actual owners themselves... But no the actual owners are always the fanboys or the liars when trying o prove them wrong, or should I say try to ruin their fun?

I'm sorry if I'm not an idiot who agrees with anything and jump into the hate.

2715d ago
Kribwalker2715d ago

Yes sir, this video shows no stuttering at all and you'd have no problem playing it like this


Ju2715d ago (Edited 2715d ago )

"According to DF"...while this is great, and I love their analysis quite a bit, most of the people won't notice any of that would you not have an article to reference to highlight those things.

BTW: The guy above me...this is most likely a bug or the PS4 is simply clocking down (heat??). This has nothing to do with the Pro vs. Standard argument...

Corpser2715d ago

Yes I have the game, psn is on my profile,I see plenty of slowdowns, I use DF as a source because these kind of analysis is what they do, plenty of other people talking about the game on Reddit and gaf see slowdowns , this is just stating facts not a conspiracy

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 2715d ago
Liqu1d2716d ago (Edited 2716d ago )

People are assuming these games would run better if the Pro didn't exist. Sub 30fps isn't anything new for consoles.

ninsigma2716d ago

Yup exactly. It's not the pros fault. It's purely bad optimisation on the devs part.

kenwonobi2716d ago

Too much sense. Built from the ground up for the PS4. Went right over their heads. Xbox will probably struggle the same until Scorpio as well. Again right over their heads how that double screws Xbox owners who have to wait. Right over their heads.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2715d ago
quent2716d ago

I can't see why OGPS4 owners can't get there own system patches like the pro is getting, make the option available to play at lower res with higher more stable fps

UltraNova2716d ago

Its hard enought to convinve devs to develop a pro patch let alone a ps4 one..

That said its really strange since the OG ps4 is the base development system for devs. This means thay they did not optimise the game well enough to begin with and not that the og ps4 got the shaft.

2716d ago
Rhezin2716d ago

wow really calling it OGps4 already? Pro's been out a month. smh...

quent2716d ago

I meant "OG" as in the "Original" model

2716d ago
contradictory2715d ago

This should've been a thing from the start if you ask me..

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2715d ago
Rude-ro2716d ago (Edited 2716d ago )

Nope. These games are pushing as much as they can. This is not a new issue and in fact the games are running as mixed as last gen.
But the "gaming" media has to find every negative possible and make mountains out of mole hills.
nothing new here.
I mean, 3 years in and we have had less games actually run at a rock solid frame rate on all systems... but now it is news.

Added: I mean, was the halo mcc bad because of the Scorpio? No, but look at how big of mess that collection was.

Death2716d ago

The mess was from matchmaking with 4 games at the same time, a feat no one has done before or after that.

Rude-ro2716d ago (Edited 2716d ago )

Ummmm no.
The mess was the entire package.
With horrible frame rates and screen tearing in the campaigns.
this is not debatable. There is enough proof to argue your point.

Death2716d ago


The proof I have is I have owned and played it since launch. You can also look here and see what critics said, http://www.metacritic.com/g... The only ones that claimed the offline campaigns were broken were people that didn't play the game or own the system. Using your friends as "proof" hardly qualifies it as truth.

Stogz2716d ago

He didn't say offline campaigns tho, keep moving those goalposts fanboy. Online campaign was broken as was matchmaking. Anyone making excuses for that horrible release is lying to themselves.

Death2716d ago


Online campaign? Are you making up words...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2716d ago
Automatic792716d ago (Edited 2716d ago )


Stop lying you are only hurting yourself by doing that. No one believes what you saying, since you dont have an Xbox or played Halo MCC, did Halo MCC have issues yes at launch, the issues were primarily with matchmaking. However, the game runs smooth after fixes. Further, @Death is right I have yet to see any studio combine 4 multi player games in one. In the alternative your favorite publisher/developer gimps most of its games, the same way they gimped the Pro.

trooper_2716d ago

Can you prove he doesnt have an XBox?
Your hate filled agenda is showing.

Rude-ro2716d ago

Ha! You are precious.
"You do not have an Xbox". Why, because I hate microsofts business practices? That is because I studied marketing and business and know how disgusting Microsoft really is in the world of marketing and their dirty business practices over actually just trying to be something worth while.
Their mundane gaming business also gets under my skin because I did purchase their products and realize that they are chipping away trying to monopolize rather than be a gaming business. Known fact throughout my post history... no denying, but I assure you, I bought the Xbox one and the very big waste of money, the halo mcc. THE biggest pile of lard this gen. Not the series, the collection.

Gaming4Life19812716d ago (Edited 2716d ago )

rude-ro is very wrong, the 4 game match making was causing problems and even still I was able to get into online matches but the wait time was like 3 or more minutes which was the worst until the game was patched. I never had any problems with the campaigns and I had mine day 1. People always trying to spread lies on this site.

On topic I honestly havent noticed many problems with ff15, maybe cause I have the hdr on im not sure. I have seen frame drops but nothing unplayable and not often so as a base ps4 owner I dont feel like Im getting screwed over.

@Stogz Fair enough that you and your friend was having issues with the campaign, I didnt but clearly you was so thats that. I guess different people were having different issues with the launch of this game but all of mine came from the multiplayer and when I went to the halo forums that was the main issue I saw.

Stogz2716d ago

@Gaming4Life1981 no you're wrong. He's not spreading lies, the campaign was completely broken online, with crazy lag and freezing. How do I know? Because me and my best friend tried to get thru all of them and had nothing but issues. You defending that game is ridiculous.

2716d ago
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2716d ago
plmkoh2716d ago

Both the last guardian and FF15 were in development for well over 5 years. They're not going to wake up one day to 'screw' people over, why would they screw 95% of the PS4 population... very dumb. It's just the case that both games were destined to not prioritize frame rate in the first place, and seeing the PS4 Pro handle the issue better simply band-aids over the issue.

Death2716d ago

Neither was made with todays hardware in mind. The Last Guardian is a PS3 game ported and then finished on the PS4. I'm impressed it works as well as it does.

RememberThe3572716d ago

I don't think people are saying it's intentional, only that it's happening. I've been playing FF15 and it is visually mediocre, GTAV may even look better.

wsoutlaw872716d ago

of course they are. thats how they are getting "screwed". the framerate has nothing to do with pro

kraenk122716d ago (Edited 2716d ago )

If you're really honestly comparing GTAV to FFXV you have other problems than graphics quality.

2716d ago
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Activision team is opening a new game studio in Poland 'Elsewhere Entertainment' to build new AAA IP

Microsoft's Activision subsidiary announced today that it is opening a new game development studio to take advantage of the huge talent pool growing in Poland. It'll be the second Activision studio based in the region, joining Infinity Ward Krakow, although this studio is, in fact, not working on Call of Duty.

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Ubisoft to Focus on "Return to Leadership" in Open World Genre, Expand Live Service Experiences

Ubisoft says they are focusing on two "core verticals," and that's to return as a leader in the open world genre, and live service games.

enkiduxiv1d 10h ago

Calling Ubisoft a leader in open world gaming at any point in time would be like calling Dollar General a leader in retail.

excaliburps22h ago

Well, to be fair, they did pump out good open world games before. It was used as a template so much that people now know what it means when you say it's like an Ubi open world collectahon.

shinoff218320h ago

What though? I can't think of one game they had where I liked anything about it. Atleast since the ps3/360 Gen

Kornholic20h ago

If they have never been the leader in open world gaming, then explain me this: why does almost every open world game follow the same tired old Ubisoft open world formula?

Follow the Leader.

Aphrodia8h ago

YO dont' talk bad about the General. There'll be problems...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 8h ago
isarai1d 9h ago

You were never the leader bro 🤣

shinoff21831d 7h ago (Edited 1d 7h ago )

I don't think they were ever the leader tbh. I've never really cared for any of their open world games. I do wanna try watch dogs 2 because it looks like it's set in San Fran. Looked interesting

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How EA & Xbox Are Defining Gaming's Bleak Future

Xbox and EA have recently made baffling moves that define how bleak the future of the gaming industry is with major companies at the helm. Ryan Bates from "Last Word on Gaming" posits in this op-ed that maybe it's not ineptitude, but intention.

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Profchaos22h ago(Edited 22h ago)

Name someone that isn't trying to look us these days maybe cdpr.

Take two, ubi and yes even PlayStation are pushing us to own nothing and be happy with our live service ad injected games on a sub so they can raise prices at will and take access away when they see fit.

If it keeps up I'll be a full time retro gamer and this industry will be crashing hard

As rediculas as it sounds we need government reforms to defend consumer rights