
Is Sony VR Joining Their Other Forgotten Ventures?

It wasn’t that long ago when Sony was proclaiming the greatness of their VR headset. These days, things are pretty quiet, worryingly quiet. Sony has a history of going all in on new systems and technology, only to slowly distance themselves from it over time. Will PlayStation VR join the heap of forgotten ideas?

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cberg252685d ago

With the closure of two different internal studios that are previously focused on VR development - it really feels like a repeat of the the Vita.

Eonjay2685d ago

They weren't focused on VR. Sony's North West Studio was created specifically for VR... so check your feelings. Its obvious that they used those studios to create content for launch and now are defaulting to their main studio. Its only been a few months though and they have commented on it several times so that now its not even news anymore. I don't want to hear them brag about being king of VR either. I just wan them to keep doing what they are no doubt doing... which is making more games for it.

GottaBjimmyb2685d ago (Edited 2685d ago )

IDK, I love my PSVR, but it certainly seems to be going under the rug as far as I can tell. There used to be 3 or 4 games coming each week, now third week in a row not a single new game. (This week has RE7 though, so that is nice) They never seem to talk about it and are not really doing much to restock it either.

super_bruno2685d ago

Is Sony VR Joining Their Other Forgotten Ventures?


thorstein2685d ago

PSVR just arrived in stock in USA stores, just bought mine at gamestop. I'll get it in a few days.

As everyone has known the production problems they were having have been solved and it is on sale again in the USA (and hopefully in the UK.)

It was amazing how it was sold out in the USA and UK, but doomz and gloomz for hateboys huh?

Death2685d ago


What production problems happened after launch?

donthate2685d ago

I don't know, the support for PS VR seems to be vaning. I mean closing two studios? One of them is the more likely game to be a huge success, Rigs. No more content is coming for it too. Needless to say, it wasn't a success.

GamingIVfun2685d ago

Well, it's been restocked everywhere around me after being pretty much sold out since before christmas. Pretty much restocked when Sony said it would be.

PSRV is great, it's selling very well. No need for the doom and gloom. Sony informed the public before it was release that the headset may be in short supply until after the holidays. Closing two studio does not equal abandonment of the hardware. If that were the case both the PS4 and Xbox One would be abandoned by now.

These dumb, uninformed articles do nothing for the gaming public or industry.

bouzebbal2685d ago

"Is Sony VR Joining Their Other Forgotten Ventures?"
It looks that way.. there isn't really any software that's worth it.
With PS you need can't go wrong with their primary devices (PS1 PS2 PS3 PS4).. any extra or extension is a waste of money. They drop support almost instantly.
Do people still believe VR will become the new standard? Like really ?

memots2684d ago

How long as it been out ? Teh doom Teh doooooom

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2684d ago
drunkenspy0072685d ago

The vita has been out over 5 years now and they still make games for it. Let the PSVR get as far before you make such claims.

SmielmaN2685d ago

I find it funny this article drops the same time that VR's first killer app (RE7) drops lol.

81BX2685d ago

Vr's first killer app??? Porn says hello. Jk but kinda not

2685d ago
deafdani2684d ago

But Sony themselves dropped support for the Vita pretty much after its first year.

It's Indie devs and japanese devs that are making games for Vita, not Sony.

memots2684d ago

@deafdani above.

How is Sony not supporting it? It still gets updates and its like you said tons of games are coming out. Just not from Sony directly.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2684d ago
yeahokwhatever2685d ago

Culling headcount post-launch is normal as breathing for the industry.

gamer11382685d ago

But the whole studio? Worse things is there may never be a reboot/sequel for MediEvil now :(

Fishy Fingers2685d ago (Edited 2685d ago )

A studio of 19 years? Sold short. Charged with making Vita and VR games, which by all accounts are some of the best on both platforms (KZ, Rigs). Canned.

State of VR aside. That doesn't seem 'normal' to me, seems a shame.

yeahokwhatever2685d ago

Things can be a shame and be normal at the same time. Length of studio life means nothing. Its not like the same team from day one was/is/has been there this whole time. Until you know the internal politics leading up to a culling, you cant really make any speculations. Source: Ive seen some things from within the game industry where I've worked for years.

ShadowWolf7122685d ago

Two studios? They only closed one, and only their last game was VR.

IamTylerDurden12685d ago (Edited 2685d ago )

There are so many big name and quality titles coming to PSVR in 2017 off the top of my head..

Resident Evil 7 - getting Great reviews already, it is a full multi million selling AAA that is VR exclusive to PSVR atm.
Farpoint - AAA fps from former Mass Effect devs. Coupled w/the AIM controller it's said to be a game changer.
Ace Combat 7- AAA/Top Gun.
Dreams - new AAA from the makers of LittleBigPlanet.
Dirt Rally - AAA Rally racer.
GT Sport
Starblood Arena - mix between Eve Valkyrie and Overwatch.
Psychonauts Rhombus of Ruin - links between Psychonauts 1 and 2.
Fated - viking game.
Megaton Rainfall - Superhero game.
Get Even - a AAA fps from Farm 51.
Xing - similar to The Witness.
Syren - horror.
Modern Zombie - Sony Santa Monica game.
GNOG - beautiful puzzler.
Dying Reborn - 1st person horror.
Ark Park - a dinosaur park in the game Ark.
Tekken 7 - rumored.
Warthunder - rumored.

Kribwalker2685d ago

RE7 is making a lot of reviewers sick as they say the control style just doesn't work well. That's at least what I have read in regards to that

IamTylerDurden12685d ago

I give facts and information yet ppl disagree? Wtf?

bluefox7552685d ago

Considering Sony recently said that they are improving PSVR software and technology, I would say that's a pretty uninformed take on the issue.

andrewsquall2685d ago

Because Sony Bend (Uncharted Golden Abyss), Sony Japan (Gravity Rush) and Clap Hanz (Everybody's Golf) are all closed down and not making games anymore. Wait................. how is this like the Vita????

2685d ago Replies(2)
S2Killinit2684d ago

I don't know because it's a really impressive tech with huge potential. I personally love it. And I think the games are going to only get better as studios learn to develop for it.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2684d ago
Kaneki-Ken2685d ago

PlayStation made studio for VR only and Residents Evil 7 is releasing soon which is exclusive to PlayStation VR for a year. PlayStation already have many exclusive coming this year for PSVR. PlayStation just recently allow to see 360 YouTube video now and they even talk about making more supplies. Kaz talk about how he going to use Sony Music, Pictures to make content for it and also talk about the future of PSVR 2,

PixelGateUk2685d ago

Sony have a habit of laying plans for the future but not quite sticking to them. I hope they do good with with their VR, i've been interested in it for some time now

yeahokwhatever2685d ago (Edited 2685d ago )

It's a great VR solution for the general public. For the price its entirely unbeatable.

I see nobody is willing to list a vr solution thats cheaper AND better than PSVR. Cool.

VforVideogames2685d ago (Edited 2685d ago )

For that price and all those cords mmmmm no thank you.... i'll stick with my Samsung VR its way better solution for the general public and way way way cheaper .

LordMaim2684d ago (Edited 2684d ago )

@VforVideogames: Also not comparable in any way. If cheaper is your goal, I'm sure you can get a VirtualBoy cheap at a used games store, since quality of experience isn't a factor.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2685d ago (Edited 2685d ago )

I am not surprised.
They abandon the PS Move, 3D and Vita after it didn't fly off shelves. The PS4 is all they have. Probably all they need.

PixelGateUk2685d ago

the psp did fairly well, until they started doing things like psp go

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2685d ago

Yeah that was a bad move. Which killed the PSP last 2 years.

2685d ago
mcstorm2685d ago

I loved the go and remember getting 10 free games with it to. I did not have that many PSP games on my 2000 but bought alot more on the go because I did not need to carry games around with me. That was a very good handheld. I was one of the people who were bitten by the Vita though that console had everything going for it and should of walked all over the 3ds but it lacked games. MNR having no MP sucked. PS all stars was ok but no where near as fun as smash bros. Resistance was fun but the MP sucked as all that happend was span kills. LBP was fun but to short and not enough people bought it to make online levels imo. After that the console went down hill fast and lost Sony's and 3rd party's support. I wish they helped it more but I also see Be doing the same. I said before it was out this will be another 3d. No one is excited about VR yes people who try it go wow it's good for the demo or moment they use it but the price of the head sets and psvr dose not have much going for it compared to the PC and phone versions for me I see VR staying around but only in a small market. If any take off it will be AR but again this won't be for gaming

rainslacker2685d ago (Edited 2685d ago )

PSP Go was just a PSP. They stopped making the hardware, but they still supported it through the PSP line. It's not like it went to waste if you had one, they just didn't market the Go itself anymore because it wasn't selling, because at the time, there weren't many people into what it had to offer, so it makes sense to not continue making the hardware if it weren't going to sell.

Gotta remember that back then, the idea of a full digital console was kind of out there.

As far as PS Move(since the OP mentioned it)

Sony didn't abandon it. They even still make games for it on the PS3, and even PS4. PS3 got a lot of PS Move dedicated support, and a ton of Move functionality added into other games. And of course, it's a core part of PSVR, so can't see how that's abandoned.

Suppose the OP has a point about 3D.

Vita....sort of a half made point I guess.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2685d ago
Aloy-Boyfriend2685d ago

- 3D was not Sony's failure. It was the entire industry and TV manufactures too

- PS Move came too late in the PS3 cycle just like kinect. Both companies tried but failed. Still both devices sold while they lasted

The only one device you can accuse Sony may be the Vita because they abandoned to favor the PS4 ( for the better or worse) Vita also came too late and too close to PS4. It was only expected that devs will move to PS4 to get their hands on the new tech. Notice it was all the devs who did this, not just Sony devs

The Vita is a tricky and risky business for Sony right now. Putting focus on it harms the PS4, just like the PS4 has harmed the Vita. And now with PS VR. They got too much in their hands. At least this is how I see it and thus I give them the benefit of the doubt. I had 2 years of fun with the Vita until the PS4 came and sometimes play JRPGs. I'm fine with it

PS VR has a better chance because it is a new tech with enough hype for devs to work on it. Whether this hype or willingness of devs will remain for the rest of this gen we will see. So far, PS VR is off a good start

yeahokwhatever2685d ago

If the Vita was Android-based and had open development it would have sold insane numbers. Oh well. Still a fantastic piece of kit.

blanka45452685d ago

Yup that's right over 250 devs for psvr!

Blank2685d ago

Nice well put analysis of Sonys attempts at tech, but still their silence is a bit startling along with their lack of in house development involvement to me personally E3 will be really telling about Sonys direction. I have a headset myself for the sole purpose of Rez VR but still I want this potential realized.

fr0sty2685d ago

Except PSVR became the top selling dedicated VR device in weeks despite others having as much as 2 year head starts, and supply constraints have been holding further sales back. When there are tons of PSVRs gathering dust on the shelves, then we can start talking about them abandoning it.

Silly gameAr2685d ago

"The PS4 is all they have"

So everything else that they have accomplished is pretty much fair game for trolls, amirite?

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2685d ago

PS1 and PS2 are discontinued.
So yes PS4 is all they have.
PS3 hasn't been relevant for years.

yeahokwhatever2685d ago (Edited 2684d ago )

Weird because I was just using my move controllers for a slew of new PS4 VR games.

3D had nothing to do with PlayStation? Tell that to my PlayStation 3D TV and my collection of PS3 games with the big 3D logo on them.

Aenea2685d ago

3D had nothing to do with PlayStation, the Moves are being used by PSVR.....

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2685d ago
PixelGateUk2685d ago

2017 is key for their VR headset. It needs a solid year to really say 'this is a way to play games' not just 'this was cool huh?'

Mr_cheese2685d ago

I love VR, and I really don't feel that it is being forgotten. It's early days and there is a lot on the horizon.

It would be really naive to think that Sony spent millions on r&d and marketing for it to just be dropped.

To be completely honest, I don't know where the ideas behind this articles keep coming from.

Immorals2685d ago

Because after its launch, all the hype completely died down and talk went back to non VR games.

Hell, since stock came back in retailers round me are full on the bundle offers which doesn't usually happen for a while after release

PixelGateUk2685d ago (Edited 2685d ago )

2017 is pretty key for Sony's VR. They tend to try to push new stuff for at least 2 years, so i'm sure E3 will have a fair offering of stuff to be interested in VR wise


''I just love how these articles come out one after another trying to kill the hype with what is really PSVRs killer app coming out.''

At no point does the article try to kill the hype off, if you looked at the thing it even mentions Reident Evil's key role in Vr...

'Make no doubt about it, Resident Evil 7 is a key moment in Sony’s VR first year plans. It’s the reason they’ve featured it during their E3 2016 conference. Resident Evil 7 is the perfect showcase for VR, putting it at the front of Sony’s charge is a smart move.'

IamTylerDurden12685d ago

Sony scaled back on advertising after launch bc they had problems manufacturing the RGB screens. PSVR was widely unavailable for months, and it is still scarce in the States. Demand was always there, but stock wasn't. Oh, and Resident Evil 7 is an 86 on Metacritic, a full AAA game, and fully playable on PSVR. I just love how these articles come out one after another trying to kill the hype with what is really PSVRs killer app coming out.

2685d ago
dillydadally2685d ago

This is only because they still can't come close to keeping these things stocked. Anyone who thinks the PSVR is failing hadn't tried to buy one. I've been trying to get one for months. They sell out within 15 minutes of being posted on every website. They can't meet demand.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2685d ago
yeahokwhatever2685d ago (Edited 2684d ago )

Nintendo fans..Xbox fans...PC fans...basically people who hate PlayStation.

"if they dont do well" ITS SOLD OUT.

Kurt Russell2685d ago

And realists. If they don't do well with it in 2017 it will be dead in the water. Technology in VR is rapidly advancing and their window to prove their understanding of it is fairly limiting.

dillydadally2685d ago

Exactly. If you think the PSVR is having problems, you haven't tried to buy one. They're almost impossible to find and sell out within 15 minutes after new stock is posted. That's not a system that's having problems.

Mulando2685d ago

Where do you live. Saw ~30 last weekend in the local Media Markt store. Actually they are there since month and just won't sell.
People buy the PS4Pro, not the PSVR. Sony made the huge mistake to launch both at almost the same time. Now PSVR is totally forgotten by the consumers.

LordMaim2684d ago

@Mulando: You want to give me their address and phone number so that I can call them, buy them all, and make a killing on eBay?

Mulando2684d ago

Everything you need to buy them all ;)
But, the prices on eBay are lower than "retail". The marked just get flooded with these devices here in Germany.
btw, PS4 Pro is sold out.

rainslacker2685d ago

Sony isn't talking about it, and not a lot of games released since Christmas. Since people have the attention span of a goldfish, they think that anything that doesn't get a game released every week is dead. Since game journalists aren't actual journalist that do any research to see why it's sold out, or bother to simply get a statement from Sony about if they've abandoned it, they just go ahead and say it's doomed. Seriously, go find any of these PSVR is doomed articles, and I bet you don't see a single one saying they reached out to Sony for comment.

Apparently nowadays, not mentioning sales numbers every other day equals abandoned.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2684d ago
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Days Gone Director Says Bend's Project Costs Over $250M; Says PS Co-CEO Doesn't Want 2 Zombies Games

Days Gone director claims Sony has already poured in at least a $250M in Bend's project; says Days Gone sold more than Death Stranding.

shinoff218318h ago

Well that sucks. Seems they want more online trash. I'd rather of had the sequel if it was single player

MrNinosan3h ago

What online trash games did PS Studios release last 10 years?

Notellin1h ago

The past has nothing to do with the future. This is such a terrible argument. Everyone knows about their current live service push.

_SilverHawk_21m ago

It's so tragic what happened to days gone. It is such an amazing game but bandwagoners trashed it and it underperformed in it's launch year. Days gone is the best open world zombie game released in the past five years. I was recently playing it on pc and I'm still amazed by it.

Games are very expensive to make and it seems like it's normal for a AAA game to cost over a quarter billion to make so if a quality game like days gone greatly underperforms then people shouldn't be upset when they see a lot of GAAS. I still remember a lot of bandwagoners calling days gone trash but years later it's now amazing when it's considered a failure by sony.

If a game isn't the best thing seen since hats with pockets then a lot of gamers who haven't played it automatically calls it rubbish and whoever made it should be incarcerated

-Foxtrot17h ago

It would be a shame if it was true that Hermen never gave the franchise a chance simply because he didn't like it and they already had a "Zombie" game with TLOU.

NaughtyDog are most likely moving onto a new IP next so it would have been the perfect time to do it.

ThinkThink9h ago

Here's where xbox steps in and releases state of decay 3 day and date on ps5.

Grilla3h ago

Days gone 2 was canceled before Herman was in charge. That happened like 4 years ago.

vfl5232h ago

4 years ago he was head of Playstation Studios. He would've probably had a hand in the cancelation.

Notellin1h ago

Man two seconds of research could have saved you from this comment. Amazing work Grilla you fit in with the uniformed N4G community who speaks before verifying anything that they say.

Redemption-6415m ago

Maybe encourage people to buy the game at full price and not when it's heavily discounted or go on plus. If this game had sold well when it was full priced a sequel would have been in the works. They made a single-player game that most people didn't support until they dropped the price.

excaliburps4h ago

Yep. Kind of weird since it wasn't a sales flop, no?

I know we have to take what Ross says with a grain of salt since we're hearing just one side of the story, but even so, the game wasn't bad at all. Heck, it's my brother's favorite last-gen game from what I recall.

The amount of zombies on screen, imagine that with the PS5 and SSD? That would be insanely fun!

Grilla3h ago

Most copies were sold on sale. Not enough ppl bought it at full price. I paid 20$ for it 6 -7 months after release.

Notellin1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Yeah we should never believe the creators side until we hear the corporate/big business side as history has shown we should always believe billion dollar corporations.

What a bootlicker statement.

P_Bomb3h ago

Well I don’t want 10 live service games, but they have no problem doing that lol. Ugh.

CrimsonWing693h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Oh great so we only get what the big wigs want… y’know, the people that really have their fingers on the pulse of what their consumers want. Faaaaantastic!

rippermcrip16m ago

Well consider they know the sales... they do know what the consumer wants.

It sold shit.

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Evercade Alpha Reveals Affordable Mini-Arcade

This looks fun and affordable for fans of Retro Cabinet games.
Introducing Evercade Alpha, the first Evercade-compatible arcade machine. This bartop-sized arcade gives you everything you want in a home arcade machine with one big feature - full compatibility with the Evercade cartridge ecosystem.

darthv721d 20h ago

I like the Mega Man one more as it has a better variety of games. Strider, Carrier Airwing, Final fight... The other is all SF. Plus i like that i can pop in any of my evercade carts to play as well.

Garethvk1d 19h ago

As long as it is durable; it's a deal.


Greetings from the newly minted CEO - Shams Jorjani

Operating under the username BigKahuna_AGS, Jorjani created a lengthy thread on the Helldivers subreddit to introduce himself to the community following his appointment as CEO in early May.