
This picture of the Nintendo Switch and Wii U is kind of mind-blowing

The Verge: I’ve owned a Wii U for over four years, for my sins, and I’ve spent a few hours with the Nintendo Switch, so you might not expect me to find a picture of the two next to each other.

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wonderfulmonkeyman2675d ago

The overall unit seems to be smaller, thinner, and lighter, meaning it will be more comfortable to hold, yet why does it look like the Switch also has a bigger screen?

porkChop2675d ago

The screens are both 6.2". I think it might just be the angle that's making it look bigger.

Double_O_Revan2675d ago

It's the bezel on the Switch. That black border makes it look like there's more screen then there is.

But it's also a hell of a lot sharper and brighter, which is nice.

nveenio2675d ago

It's called an optical illusion. The smaller surrounding space makes the screen look larger.

bouzebbal2674d ago (Edited 2674d ago )

gamepad is as portable as switch is. you need a bag for both.
never seen a pocket that can fit that thing in, it's still huge for a handheld.
one thing i dislike with 3ds is that it has sharp edges, making it uncomfortable to hold. Gamepad is more comfortable.

Lon3wolf2675d ago

Less surround around the screen gives that illusion.

gamer78042675d ago

the bezel around it gives the illusion, similar to why they now make the bezel as small as they can on tvs, it makes them look bigger.

That said, 370$ (pro controller a necessity without a proper dpad) doesn't warrant a switch for a little bump in resolution on zelda, nintendo is going to have to do much better than that.

Neonridr2674d ago

a little? 900p to 720p was like the first 100 articles on N4G with game comparisons between the PS4 and XB1. It seemed to matter back then.. now suddenly it doesn't?

gamer78042674d ago

@Neonridr yes, i consider 720 to 900p to be a little bump. now 1080p to 4k, that is a big bump. But why by a whole new system for just a small resolution increase in one game. I'd rather wait a year or 2, when we know the state of affairs of the switch, and have accessories priced at a better value. The only real new IP from nintendo won't til be holiday 2017 if they make their deadline, thats a long time and we are sure to see better deals then.

if there is nothing you'd rather spend your money on, then by all means of course buy the switch and zelda for that, but there are lots of games on the horizon for ps4 and xbox that i want as well, i'd rather spend it on that for now, and wait for a decent deal on the switch, if they can pull off the networking social properly on console.

phoenixwing2674d ago

@gamer I consider it to be about the same in terms of difference when it comes to a 720 to 900p and 1080 to 4k. However i didn't put down a disagree because i can't fault your logic of wanting to buy other video games for your ps4 or xbox with the money. However I wouldn't get your hopes up that nintendo will drop the price anytime soon. They simply don't do that as often as they should and i'm thinking there will not be much of a drop in price come december.

JamesBondage2674d ago

if the pro controller is a necessity, then a game is as well, so you're looking at $430+

Realplaya2674d ago

Th pro controller is not a necessity. It's a option.

Realplaya2674d ago

@gamer if the switch sales the way Nintendo wants it to. Other than 3rd party accessories do you think the switch will Price drop in the first two years ?

TheUndertaker852674d ago

@Neonridr: The only time you'll be playing Zelda at 900p is when connected to a TV. The Switch tablet has a maximum resolution of 720p.

What does your point have to do with the topic of comparing the Switch tablet to the Wii U GamePad?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2674d ago
RosweeSon2674d ago

Perceptions however the fact that the Wii u screen looks smaller prob comes down to the fact it's in the centre of gamepad which is bulky when sat next to switch which doesn't have all the extra space around the sides of the screen. Switch looks smart tho.

2674d ago
Kosic2674d ago

I'd rather get a case that has palm grips. I find tablets and phones difficult to hold for long periods, it's due to the closed fist issue.
It's why I never got on with the vita, hands cramp after a while, it might be a rare issue, but due to cubital tunnel syndrome, the lay out of the Switch isn't appealing for me.

gedden72674d ago

It only looks bigger because everything else around the screen is smaller. Also the screen is much brighter.

escott0132674d ago

It has that impression because the bezel is perceived to be thinner.


Looks good for sure! but how ugly was the wiiu pad!

pcz2674d ago

the screens look the same size after a tall glass of kool aid

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2674d ago
BrandanT2675d ago (Edited 2675d ago )

Taking into consideration how small the actual console is, it's rather powerful. It really makes you think how weak the Wii u was.

2675d ago Replies(1)
GameBoyColor2675d ago

i think it even fits into my gym shorts

MRMagoo1232675d ago


well that's unfortunate that you have that much space in your shorts 😂

InMyOpinion2675d ago

@GameBoyColor - Keep going to the gym with those shorts and they will eventually be too big for you. #staystrongbro

pcz2674d ago (Edited 2674d ago )

the official carrycase for the switch fits the system like a glove, its just the right size to take the console with you wherever you go


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2674d ago
2675d ago
2675d ago
Neonridr2674d ago

is an ipad not portable then? I guess they should stay at home too?

Summons752674d ago

And the kindle. My poor little 6-inch isn't allowed to be thrown in my back pocket, coat pocket, or backpack anymore :( haha. Actually my boss told me I need to bring the Switch to work when I get it so she can see it herself.

R00bot2674d ago

I could probably fit it in my biggest pant pockets without the joycons attached. Just.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2674d ago
Fishy Fingers2675d ago

Looks really nice when placed next to the Wii U pad, which I always considered ugly.

pcz2674d ago

the wiiu pad is hideous.

ninsigma2675d ago

Switch looks very nice and there's a noticeable difference in screen quality too.

niteight2674d ago

Lol, noticable difference? So you think it's a coincidence that they are both using 6.2" 1280x720 displays? It's far more likely that they are recycling overstock displays from the dumpster-fire that was the Wii U. Counting on their fanboys to not notice or care. Looks like they were right.

unknownbystander2674d ago

Sorry to rain in your parade but the Wii U gamepad's resolution is 854x480 with a resistive touch screen, while the Switch is 1280x720 with a brighter, sharper, and clearer capacitive touch screen. I'm a Nintendo fan who just happens to have a computer with an i7 and 2x GTX 1080 SLI's (don't believe me? check out my profile page) and I'm still hyped for this console. Research before spewing nonsense.


captainexplosion2674d ago

LOL. The wii U game pad is 480p. The Switch screen is 720p.

niteight2674d ago (Edited 2674d ago )

@unknownbystander bragging about your dual 1080's and rejoicing over a 720 screen while you have nintendo's corporate schlong down your throat is as impressive as showing off a 65" 4k oled tv to your friends while you proceed to play a movie on vhs. I don't brag about my i7 and forget about gaming in 1080 or 2160p so I can play games on a plastic box w happy meal toys instead.

quent2674d ago

Could say the same about the ps4 pro and how 90% its parts are recycled from the base model ;)

Still worth the $399 price tag ?

niteight2674d ago

@quent you could say the same and I'd agree. It isn't worth it.

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Inverno12h ago

Jesus. The AAA space is gonna implode on itself. We went from "indie is the future" to shutting down devs who make smaller budget games to make way for games that take 7 years to develop and blow through half a billion bucks with almost nothing to show for it.

badboyz0910h ago

You guys act all upset but don't buy the games. I bet none of you bought RollerDROME!

qalpha7h ago

I bought 'No Rest for the Wicked', which is published by Private Division, so it does concern me about its future.


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