
Why No Love For COD IW?

Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare sold more copies than any other game last year, and yet sales were still on the decline from the year before. How is that possible, and why is there such disdain for the COD series?

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SolidDuck2645d ago

Well if u compare it to other shooters nowdays for example titanfall 2. COD iw feels clunky, with poor map design, and horrible respawn position. It also has p2p servers. Depending on if your host or who is host, it always feels like u either have a leg up or down based on connection to host. With all the millions its made over the years its embarrassing to not have dedicated servers by now. The engine feels old. No destruction in there environments. I could go on. Basically tho, what was amazing with cod 4. Ten years later, kinda lame.

FITgamer2645d ago

It's terrible compared to Titanfall 2, the MP anyway. The only redeeming factor for IW is the campaign is actually done well.

mastiffchild2644d ago

Yes, the campaign was much better last year but both Doom and Titanfall2 also still had better single players. Being better than COD has been lately, in my eyes, still wasn't enough to bring the campaign level with iDs or Respawns-Doom was outstanding and TF2 made you wonder just why the first game had no SP it was that good.

IW's MP is what most people bought it for, anyway, and that was a pretty weak showing-to most people, it just feels formulaic and tired. The lack of dedicated servers is a joke, though, and we have been moaning since pre MW1!

Acti really need to put some cash back into the series and improve the quality all round. Battlefield looks and plays better these days, Titanfall is fresher and legacy titles like Doom offer something different. COD has to finally react and not with marketing!

MetroidFREAK212645d ago (Edited 2645d ago )

Because the weapon balancing in MP is down right terrible, the setting is not what fans wanted, (I don't mind it) the game is a blatant rehash of Black Ops 3 and it doesn't come close to the quality of that game, and the maps are not very fun to play on honestly. The campaign is solid though. I haven't and will not play zombies because that mode and zombies in general have been done to death...

Fist4achin2645d ago

COD is not the only cool kid on the block anymore. There are many other MP games that have sometimes a better formula and attract the players. Not only that, games are being developed and released at a much faster pace than ever, so peoples' interest are always fleeting to the next or newest game coming out. CODs formula has been seen and done over and over again.

SegaGamer2645d ago

Maybe people are getting bored of the series and are moving on.


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crazyCoconuts344d ago

I don't think it's in Activision's DNA to stick their neck out on something like this unfortunately. They've got a surefire winner with COD so why risk a winning formula.
fwiw, Firewall Zero Hour was more fun than COD for me, but obviously didn't have the same user base and budget
I wonder hypothetically if a non-VR COD style game were to integrate VR players, could you even balance such a thing out. I'm guessing no.

TheEnigma313343d ago

No it won't. They are lazy and people will buy anyways

ApocalypseShadow343d ago

Highly unlikely at the moment. Executives are more concerned with being bought by Daddy Warbucks and golden parachutes than moving VR forward. They had a chance last gen but released a spaceship, combat demo instead. COD would increase VR awareness but if they were bought, the same thing that happened to other developers under Microsoft would happen to them.

Just consider, before being bought by Microsoft, Bethesda had Skyrim and Wolfenstein Cyber pilot. Ninja Theory had Hell Blade, Dexed and helped with Vader Immortal. Inxile had Mage's Tale. Double Fine had Psychonauts. ID Software had Doom VFR and Doom 3. Compulsion had We Happy Few: Uncle Jack Live.

Ever since the purchase of those developers, zero VR games announced or released. And since Microsoft continues to shun VR, Activision games like COD wouldn't have VR either under them.

Firewall, Crossfire, Pavlov, and whoever else makes an FPS game in VR, will have to do for the time being. Maybe Sony will make one like Killzone or Resistance in VR. Also surprised that Valve didn't put Counterstrike in VR.

poppatron343d ago

I think the experience would be so different to traditional CoD and share so little with it that there would be no point in pinning the CoD label on it. I think Pavlov is about as close as you’ll get


I Miss the Original Overwatch

Blizzard's blending of the FPS and MOBA was a masterpiece of design that met its end too soon.

Tedakin370d ago

I miss 6v6, lootboxes and an actual player level. I used to look forward to Junkenstein's Revenge at Halloween and the Christmas event cause of all the cool cosmetics you could earn. I'd play it every day. Now you play it for an hour, earn some stupid charm, and you're done. No reason to play anymore.

ActualWhiteMan370d ago

RIP OW2 is trash. My friends stopped playing it like we used to the first one every Friday night.

smoothdude370d ago

this. loved overwatch 1. 2 is no fun. there is lots to play… find something you like.

Gardenia369d ago

I'd never thought I would say this but the loot boxes in Overwatch wasn't so bad compared to what it is now.

GoodGuy09370d ago

I remember those epic dreamworks-like CGIs. I wasn't a fan at all but man, I knew it was a rediculously huge game. OW2 I've seen...nothing, died maybe after a week.

moomoo319370d ago

OW2 is a disaster. All these years to make the game 5v5….? And they scrapped PvE? The game just sucks man zero fun.

100d ago