
The first few hours of Mass Effect: Andromeda are… well they aren’t good | RPS

The first few hours of Andromeda are a gruesome trudge through the most trite bilge of the previous three games, smeared out in a setting that’s horribly familiar, burdened with some outstandingly awful writing, buried beneath a UI that appears to have been designed to infuriate in every possible way.

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LordoftheCritics2635d ago

Trying to get in the clicks before release.

OB1Biker2635d ago

Haha that's what I thought.
In one sentence they try to put as many negatives as possible in a sort of satire of modern 'journalism'.

LordoftheCritics2635d ago

Exactly. If a game is bad, then the headline says Review and then the reviewer will objectively discuss the game.

Here, the headline itself is a statement to stand out.

Flamebaiting is such a sad trend today.

blitz06232634d ago

Watch dualshockers' first 35 minutes and you will see that while this headline might be clickbait it is understandable that they have a negative opinion in the first hours. Lower your expectations people

Pintheshadows2634d ago

I have to say, after watching quite a few videos, it looks pretty uninspiring. And a pretty broken. Like it needs about 6 months for polish.

starchild2634d ago

Game looks good so far. I honestly don't see anything that would really bother me. All games have minor annoyances to me, but usually they don't destroy my enjoyment. I've watched hours of this game and I think some people are making mountains out of molehills.

Anyway, I'm hearing plenty of positive opinions about this game too. For example, youtuber Minius GC says that from what he has played so far he would give it a 9.5. https://youtu.be/OK4DyxyPeF...

Truthfully, though, I won't trust reviews of this game either way. There's been a hate campaign against this game for years. Long before much of anything was really known about the game. I also see that people are mixing in their hatred of EA, their political anti-SJW views, their hatred of Manveer Heir, and various other axes they have to grind. Some of those things are things I would probably agree with on a personal level, but I don't think it should affect people's judgement of the game itself.

I usually ignore other people's opinions on games anyway because they aren't very reliable to me and what I like in games. But this game especially is one I'm just going to have to judge firsthand from gameplay videos and by a bit of reading between the lines of reviews.

Vhampir2633d ago


You've obviously been shot in the head one too many times.

Months without gameplay, years of tweets, mass exodus of Bioware employee's, and top it off with openly racist devs. Writing has been on the wall for a while now, and it's writing that is better than what you find in game.
"My face is tired"

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moegooner882635d ago

Other previews seem to be pretty positive

DefenderOfDoom22633d ago

Have not seen one positive preview so far . But did see a few negative previews , but they all said only played a couple of hours and maybe the game gets good . We will find out next week . Always hoping for the best .

Dragonscale2634d ago

Did you watch the video? The a.i. is terrible. I'll wait for more reviews. ME3 put me right off.

LordoftheCritics2634d ago (Edited 2634d ago )

The AI companions have been kind of like that in all the Mass Effects. They re-position to get out of your way or follow. As it is not a linear game, the AI accommodates for any scenario and environment, unlike linear games with a single AI companion.

Pintheshadows2634d ago

The thing is, the enemy AI looks dreadful as well. Just standing around waiting to be shot or running around aimlessly. It just seems they haven't paid any attention to it. People may berate me for bringing this up, but after playing Horizon, it really opened my eyes to how enriching challenging and smart AI can be. In fact,I would say it is one of the pillars of excellent combat. If the AI sucks, what's the point?

UCForce2634d ago

After I played Horizon Zero Dawn, the AI in ME:A are very terrible. The AI in HZD are very smart especially the machine, Those machine will attack you nonstop and you need to be more evasive and offensive in every turns.

Tankbusta402633d ago


"After I played Horizon Zero Dawn, the AI in ME:A are very terrible. The AI in HZD are very smart especially the machine, Those machine will attack you nonstop and you need to be more evasive and offensive in every turns"

Really? I thought the AI was brain dead, the entire game you can hide in bushes and whistle and critical strike almost every enemy in the game. The AI doesn't even see the pile of other dead enemies you've killed and continues to walk past them right into your critical strike. Mass Effect Andromeda might have some bad AI(Haven't played it) but claiming Horizon Zero Dawn was good....is incorrect

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2633d ago
Amplitude2634d ago

He was definitely nit-picking a lot but i dont know man. Seem's pretty rough.
That video of the AI was exceptionally bad.

GameCrateEd2634d ago

Yeah, I understand why people want to just wave this criticism off, but if you actually read the specific examples and look at the video...those are real things that are really in the game, that could clearly be better than they are.

MoveTheGlow2634d ago (Edited 2634d ago )

RPS is legit, they usually throw their honest and weird opinions out there on AAA to extremely obscure games at the risk of losing their audience, not getting clicks. I mean, who the heck structures their Game of the Year list like a broken advent calendar and thinks "THIS will bring people to the site!" (seriously, RPS, have you tried that on a phone? It's awful.)

With RPS, if they have some significant gripes - and it seems like they do, particularly with scripting, voice acting, team AI, menus, and side quests devoid of anything fun - they're coming from someone's actual opinion, not a click-farm. And this isn't a review because they've only been able to play the first few hours, like everyone will with the OA demo before it's released.

alexgibson2634d ago

How would this be different from a YT channel or any other anti-media outlet that people like you seem to love?

Lonnie182634d ago

Not so sure this time, instead of them running to a different solar system they should have built upon what the original created. Would have been cool to see commander Sheppard statues or memorials ect...

Zarock2634d ago

How dare they make a better game than Zelda and not pay us more to review It!!

MadLad2634d ago

RPS has some of the most reputable writers in the industry.
They put out proper content on the daily ..

Lone_Man2633d ago

As I can see that you know the concept of "Flamebaiting". You should also understand that the author is backing up his "TITLE" by his post which is more than 1000 words. He is now deceiving any1 with his title here. I was skeptical at 1st before clicking on the link myself bcoz of your comment but after reading the article, it really challenges our faith about this game being good. I wish this game to be good but the author and the 30 minutes video says the opposite.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2633d ago
SaveFerris2635d ago

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst?

Toonge2634d ago

but hoping for the best isn't preparing for the worst.

zivtheawesome2634d ago

yea i think it should be hope for the best and expect the worst

yeahokwhatever2634d ago

Hoping isn't a physical action, while preparing is. This is what the phrase is for. Hoping for the best was never intended to be preparing for the worst. I have no idea why you think that.

bluefox7552634d ago

@yeahokwhatever Dude, it's just an expression. It means be ready (mentally) for the bad, but also stay positive.

Retard2634d ago

Hoping; already pre-ordered. Preparing; investigating pre-order cancellation policy.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2634d ago
JackBNimble2634d ago

Just wait a few days after release before getting it. You will know by then from user reviews if it's shit or not.

Silly Mammo2634d ago

Still working through Horizon so I'll pick this up later, hopefully with all the patches and bugs worked out.

DefenderOfDoom22633d ago (Edited 2633d ago )

For me, i always keep my expectations low , that way, if the video game is good , i am pleasantly suprised .

extermin8or2635d ago

Went on the site decided to give them the click, articles trash tbh. Pretty poorly written imo. Comments section is like a circle jerk session of hating on bio ware.... They seem to decide that its like dragon age Inquisition in many ways which according to them was shit and boring. Now I dunno about anyone else but I recall meta critic rating of 89% and a good game. Standard bio ware in that some of the dialogue was ott/cringe worthy, usually from. The main character when being 'inspirational' but otherwise a good solid game.... Break to me like they all went in/are going in wanting and expecting to hate the game and thus will hate the game.

LordoftheCritics2635d ago (Edited 2635d ago )

DAI is an amazing game and deserves the GOTY it got.

In fact their site considers DAI was the best game of the year.

extermin8or2635d ago

Ironic really then hahaha

game4funz2634d ago

I think it was the worst Dragon Age game and not a very good game. Combat, companions and story all lacked tremendously compared to previous titles.

And the clear LGBTQ agenda within the game left a bad taste with the Qunari for me. Like seriously...Give me a Qunari as bad ass as the Qunari from DA 2

Pintheshadows2634d ago

I found the combat in DAI to be overly dull though. Even on the harder difficulties. It feels detached and unexciting.

OB1Biker2635d ago (Edited 2635d ago )

'had, by purpose or distraction, not found out anything about Mass Effect Andromeda [official site] before playing its review build, beyond that it was set in a whole new galaxy. ' the article starts with.
A bit weird to start with, as if the guy lived under a rock since the reveal.
Also nip picking on NPC awkard lines as if he was reviewing a 90mn movie or 'decent enough combat (but nothing beyond what you’d expect in a third person shooter), ' oh dear I was expecting something 'beyond' than what I would expect. /s (and that's it for the gameplay swept under the rug)

I have a bit more faith in this guy :

samden2634d ago

Yeah, I don't know why the guy didn't want the game ruined for him or story being spoiled before he got to play it. He definitely lives under a rock...

Dragonscale2634d ago

Dragon age was never that good really. 1 was good, 2 average, 3 was better than 2, but the souls game beat them all.

starchild2634d ago

Different strokes for different folks. You have your opinion and others have their own.

Dragonscale2633d ago

Its not just opinion. I think you'll find the souls games are better rated than the dragon age series and actual classics. DA games were never classics.

quent2634d ago

I'm done preordering for sure, but I still feel cautiously optimistic

More worried about EA's outside interference in continually diluting gameplay mechanics in order to appeal to a wider audience

I love BG, I love KOTOR and I love DA:O and ME1 and 2, but imo its been awhile since I've seen that kind of Bioware magic in anything they've released since 2010

Retard2634d ago

So true, I played and beat DA:I. It was clearly inferior to DA:O. I knew it when I saw "healing was obsolete and not fun"

Pintheshadows2634d ago

That's because since then, everyone who worked to create that magic, has moved on.

FloydianAndroid2634d ago

This seems a bit like a smear campaign. I don't think this game will be as good as the others but it won't be bad at all.

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Five Game Products Rushed Too Quickly

A little more time in the oven would've done these products some good a lot sooner.

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shinoff2183515d ago

Sega Saturn made it but not the 360. Don't remember Saturn having a horrid rrod rate. Absolutely horrid

RetroCaptainSteve513d ago

The launch games were all right, but look at how Virtua Fighter and Daytona USA compared to their re-releases.


Mass Effect Companions, Ranked from Worst to Best

From Xfire: "BioWare's Mass Effect franchise took gamers on a fascinating universal sci-fi journey that will never be forgotten. While fighting against the ever-looming threat of the Reapers was central to Mass Effect's storyline, what made the series so iconic was its vast and diverse cast of characters.

Not only do these companions accompany Commander Shepard as you make your way through hell and back, but, throughout your journey, you also get to learn who these characters were and are and what they think about what it is that you are doing. Some will even fall in love with you, and others will even become your enemy based on your decision."

sourOG1114d ago

When I looked at the list I thought they were saying Garrus was the worst lol. And tali being so far down the list was fighting words for me. But the numbered list is just the order they are shown so you are forgiven.

CYALTR1113d ago

I think they listed them from worst to best. Also keep in mind that this includes Andromeda characters that aren't part of the remastered trilogy. Interesting refresh on the characters though.

sourOG1113d ago

They did but I didn’t realize it until I started reading. That’s just the order they are shown.

Knightofelemia1114d ago (Edited 1114d ago )

I couldn't stand Miranda I could never like her as a character and I always skipped Jacob and James. I always liked Grunt, Jack, Legion, Tali, Garrus, Samara, Liara, Wrex, Edi, Zaeed, Kasumi I always use these characters. Using Martin Sheen as the Illusive Man just fits the character like using Keith David as Admiral Anderson was another good choice always feels like Goliath from Gargoyles is yelling at you which I like.

Rebel_Scum1113d ago

Kinda weird having a question mark at the end of that sentence?

Soy1113d ago

Garrus is best space bro.

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Mass Effect: Andromeda in 2021

Zahi AR. from Link Cable Gaming writes “Welcome back Link Cable Gaming fans, with me in andromeda. Specifically, Mass Effect: Andromeda in 2021. With the recent announcement of Anthem shutting down its future plans, I wanted to look at another recent BioWare game. My switch to a PlayStation 5 destroyed my save file right while I was at the end. So, I decided to do a fresh start on the new console to see just how well (or not) it’s been since launch. How has the new generation of hardware treated the game that fell from grace? Should you play Mass Effect: Andromeda in 2021? Let’s find out.”

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iplay1up21180d ago

Such a good game! It got a 4K X1X upgrade and it looks fantastic! Also like the story! Was playing it again before Series X dropped. Going to download it for the Series X, as soon as I have more room on my HD. Playing too many other games right now.

Instant resume is AMAZING! I can Switch between 5 games in seconds. Like 10 to 15 at the most! No closing a game and opening another one! Thank you Microsoft!

giovonni1179d ago

It’s was decent to me. I didn’t feel the magic I felt when I played two or even three. I don’t know. It was repetitive, and the worlds felt bland.

jeromeface1179d ago

There's a reason it reviewed so poorly in the first place... these reasons among others.

anast1179d ago

I had a lot of fun with this game, but I haven't played 2 or 3 yet.

giovonni1179d ago

2 was wonderful, three was just as good as two the ending though 🤦🏾‍♂️

Wintersun6161178d ago

I finally gave it a go last autumn and was amazed by how bad a game can be. And believe me my expectations were low. After 10ish hours I just had to give up.

giovonni1178d ago

I powered through it, myself. It was just repetitive, and the Land Rover Exploration wasn’t interesting at all. The story also we mahhhhhhh.