
Destiny 2 Finally Revealed for PS4, Xbox One and PC; Check Out the First Trailer

It's finally time for Destiny 2 to show what it's made of, with a new reveal trailer.

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Ricegum2619d ago

This trailer is actually pretty decent. Hopefully they've improved the story from the first game.

Nitrowolf22619d ago

I hated this trailer TBH. Besides the fact it doesn't have gameplay, I really thought Cayde ruined it with his comedic input. I love the character, but I was more interested in seeing where the story was progressing, and I really hope this isn't a sign to come for how they'll approach the story as some sort of "comedy" borderland style game.

-Foxtrot2619d ago

Reminds me a little to the DC-Marvel thing

A DC film thats dark, gloomy and serious comes out...it does shit...the next film comes out and they are cracking jokes

mikeslemonade2619d ago

Bungie still sucks. Haven't made a good game since Halo 2. COD has made them irrelevant.

But I'm for sure getting the PC version. Consoles can't even play on acceptable specs for a shooter unless you have a PS Pro.

xHeavYx2619d ago

What did you expect? It's just the first announcement trailer. I'm sure the gameplay will be shown at E3

thekhurg2619d ago

Trailer was great. Finally dealing with the Cabal now. Tower gets wrecked from the looks of it. Going to be fun times in September and beyond.

mikeslemonade2619d ago

Lol you guys like the pseudo campy style attitude. I call it corny. It's not even well done. This makes me less excited. I get the samey vibe. Destiny 2 should be more different than Destiny 1, not similair. It's needs changes, not just improvements.

Nitrowolf22619d ago

it not that i dont have a sense of humor, its just a bad tone IMO. Thousands dead, they are on the brink of being completely destroyed? One half of the trailer conveys this the other half basically says "i'm making jokes, who cares about the other stuff"

TimelessDbz2619d ago

The comedy is the reason why i just pre order and bought it :)

FamilyGuy2619d ago

May 18th will be the reveal trailer for gameplay

freshslicepizza2619d ago

Hard to tell much from that. I think I will preorder this since it's finally coming to the PC.

Nu2619d ago

Cayde reminded me of Deadpool my favorite super hero

MagicBeanz2619d ago

Games still six months away, you want them to reveal all the details now?

joab7772618d ago

Gameplay is coming! It's only been this way for how long? And this was important because it shows that story is gonna be paramount. Actual gameplay is the least of my worries.

Raiden2618d ago

We all need laughter in our lives don't we.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2618d ago
DillyDilly2619d ago

The first game had a story ?

Antarius7172619d ago

There's a pretty deep engrossing story, they just put in grimoire cards that can only be read through their app. Hopefully it will be handled better in the sequel

Palitera2619d ago

^ Still, the whole game is just a defense mission.

Kavorklestein2619d ago

AFTERTHOUGHT tacked-on lore will never be story. Sorry

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2619d ago
Mr-Dude2619d ago

It's great they made a sequel (was to be expected) and good for the fans, but I'll wait this time around.

Sevir2619d ago

The gameplay reveal is May 18th... My birthday... So we'll have to wait a bit. For gameplay but not too long.

xxjabberxx2619d ago

I would only consider buying this game IF it has a complete story and not make me buy what ever story the first game had through DLC.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2618d ago
leemo192619d ago

Very excited for this and PC players who wanted the game can now play it. If anyone wanted to see gameplay, May 18th is when Bungie will reveal it.

xwabbit2619d ago

LOL we PC gamers didn't wa.... yeah we wanted it

RedPill862619d ago

The hit detection is awful. If PC standards are your thing, lower them.

TheOneYouHate2619d ago

I wonder if all platforms will have the same content?

Asuka2619d ago

PS4 is going to have exclusive content for the first year (till fall 2018). most likely some cosmetic armour pieces, emotes, a weapon or 2, and a strike(ish) thing if strikes are even a thing anymore in D2

Asuka2619d ago

Welp time to upgrade my PC

Darkfist_Flames2619d ago

I have to say i really love this, but i still wont buy it until its 20(with all dlcs)

Gwiz2619d ago

It's indeed better to wait.They're going to milk the first expansions lol... rinse and repeat is literally happening here.

Antarius7172619d ago

I understand people wanting to wait, however the way the game has played out if you wait you won't have the time to complete all the content they give you as the game progresses. For instance the newest Age of Triumphs update. The rewards book covers all 3 years of content and if you are just jumping in there's no way you will complete it in 4 months.

kickerz2619d ago

I agree wait Antasuarus. U can wait and you will definitely get it way cheaper with all the expansions but you will miss out. You will be doing all the old raids and everyone will be doing the new raids. And you will get smashed in PvP by the people who have played it for months already. I'm getting it day 1. Huge destiny fan. I even have a destiny shirt that says "keep calm and play destiny" 😂

Rippcity2618d ago

I'm with @Gwiz honestly. If they think they are going to pull the same bullshit that they did with Destiny 1 they better realize that a ton of people are going to wait. Destiny's content has always been the heart of the issues with the game. It shouldn't be that everyone is doing one single raid every week. There should be multiple raids to choose from, which all provide top level gear. And those raids should scale when new expansions come out not rendering them useless to complete. Pvp should be separated entirely to provide a competitive environment rather than this "pick the weapons everyone is using and win mentality (I'm look at you Thorn and shotguns with shot package)" . As a person who paid for the season pass and up until The Taken King, you better damn believe I'm gonna wait to get D2. Because they promised so much with D1 and the content just wasn't there. And then to make matters worse (or should I say more grindy) they set a new level cap with each bit of DLC that artificially lengthened the game because you had to grind back to the top tier. Not a good model at all.

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