
10 more arrivals hit home with Xbox One Backwards Compatibility – Are they worth the return?

Carlos writes "It’s been a great month so far for the backwards compatibility scheme on Xbox One, but this week may just be the busiest week of all since its introduction. 10 more Xbox 360 titles have made the generational jump and are now playable on Xbox One, so let’s take a look and see if they are worth returning to once more."

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neil3632591d ago

Is Dead Space 1 on BC? That was the best one.

XMarkstheSpot2590d ago

And its part of EA Access, hoping they put 2 and 3 in the Vault so I can replay those aswell, never beat 3 Co-Op

brich2332590d ago

Yeah, its been there since about the release of BC.

Cobra9512590d ago

Nothing I care about there. Too bad.

rando 2590d ago

xbox is killing it with backwards compatibility. but they'll STILL find a way to downvote any xbox-positive comment into oblivion. N4G is completely infested with Sony fanboys lol smh

superchiller2590d ago

While I agree with your comment about BC being a great thing, I downvoted you because of your fanboy comments about Sony. I own both the XB1 and PS4 and enjoy both of them, and really appreciate that MS has worked so hard to bring 360 games to the XB1.

rando 2590d ago

@ superchiller: my comment was about N4G not about Sony. so i'm going to give your reading comprehension a downvote.

Razzer2590d ago (Edited 2590d ago )

Nice job turning an Xbox positive article into a whine about fanboys. You are as bad as the people you whine about, dude.

rando 2590d ago

@ Razzer: i'll just say something like "phil spencer is doing a great job" & it'll have 50 downvotes for no reason... if somebody says "Phil Spencer, more like FAIL Spencer... amirite?" it will have 50+ upvotes & top comment. if you're pro-xbox, commenting on N4G gets annoying after awhile. you already know what people's opinion is going to be. PS4 = good. / XB1 = bad. no matter what good xbox does, its never good enough for them. it got so bad to the point where i had to address it. so i did.

Many-hat52589d ago

Yep. Oblivion is on there also.

Shadow Man2590d ago

Where is my silent hill HD collection ?

Lon3wolf2590d ago

Infinite Undiscovery please, when BD and LO got done I was hoping for that soon.

VincentCastle2590d ago

same, that and resonance of fate, magna carta 2, eternal sonata, fable 1, maybe even star ocean 4.

Lon3wolf2590d ago

Indeed, we can only hope :)


TimeShift - FPS Game Standing the Test of Time

TimeShift had a fairly muted launch in 2007, and while it doesn't rewrite the FPS rulebook it does offer an enjoyable campaign even now.

gurp30d ago

I played this on PC when it came out, it was actually good

Astrokis30d ago

Same! For its time I liked it a lot

PrinceOfAnger30d ago

It's a good game need a new one.

CantThinkOfAUsername30d ago

Never heard of this game until someone mentioned it here last year. Played it and it basically represents most games from the PS3/Xbox360 era—good graphics, amazing physics, and extremely fun gameplay (time powers rock), but barely any story, weird pacing, and at least one annoying AF level. I finished Prototype last week and the same applies, except Strike Teams. Fuck Strike Teams.

isarai30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

I miss when ganes used to experiment with physics and world interaction

RiseNShine29d ago

This game actually works on a decent phone using Winlator 6.1, amazing times.


EA Shoots Down Dead Space 2 Remake Rumors: 'No Validity to This Story'

EA has shut down rumors that EA Motive considered a Dead Space 2 remake before shelving it due to low sales of the previous game, saying there's "no validity" to the reports.

XiNatsuDragnel51d ago

Sure.... right.... at least remake dead space 3 w/o microtransactions bs.

XiNatsuDragnel50d ago

I sometimes I wished I didn't Ngl lol

Knightofelemia51d ago

Why not remake DS2 whether shot down or not it's still my favorite game next to DS1. As much as I hate EA I would buy or would have bought DS2 day one.

MeteorPanda51d ago

No validity XD "Guys guys, we cant possible make a good game or cater to the gamers wants, stop"

Yi-Long50d ago

I don't know if sales met their expectations or not. I just know that the high review scores received my attention so I was interested in buying it, but its price stayed high (50+ bucks) for so long that I simply never bothered picking it up.

Tacoboto50d ago

Doesn't pay full price
Doesn't pay *any* price
Ponders if sales met expectations regarding an allegedly canceled sequel.


Yi-Long50d ago

Well, for starters, I'm sure there are plenty of games I never bought which did, somehow, still, meet their sales-expectations.

Concerning Dead Space; I never played and thus cared for the original. It's in multiple genres (shooter, sci-fi, horror) I don't particularly care about so it was barely on my radar pre-launch. I was never its target-audience.

When reviews hit, and it was scoring big, it gathered my interest, so while it wasn't in my field of interest, it mrans that I wanted to give it a fair shot and at least give it a try, as I do with many games across different genres; I tend to just cherry-pick the good stuff and see if it's for me or not.

But, I do wait for sales on those games I take a risk on.

Kornholic50d ago (Edited 50d ago )

Lol, you are a huge part of the problem. If a very high-quality game is not even worth 50 bucks to you, then what is?

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13 Years Later, Dead Space 2 Is Still A Perfect Video Game

Nameer from eXputer: "Dead Space 2 is a sequel that delivers such a feast that by the time you're done, you're not only full but also satisfied."

Aaroncls770d ago

It was amazing. All 3 DS games game solid for me, but 2 was special.

hombreacabado70d ago

i can do without ds3 but the first two are solid.

mariopasta70d ago

Hope they remake this one too. Just like they did with number 1. The remake of Dead Space 1 was perfection

Terry_B70d ago

thanks to the digital pass for it it was not perfect..in fact its difficult to find a working copy since many years.