
Microsoft explains why it is not possible to pre-order the Xbox One X

The Senior Director of Product Management for Microsoft Albert Penello has explained why the company has decided to delay the pre-order of Xbox One X.

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Gazondaily2542d ago

Sounds like some bundurus incoming

WeAreLegion2541d ago

I'd like to see a Brack Friday Bunduru with Crackdown and a special edition console.

threefootwang2541d ago

I was waiting for a bunduru to come out..maybe I WILL get this day one 😁

mkis0072541d ago

I think he may be talking about a trade up program actually.

Gazondaily2541d ago

Actually that's a really good shout. I hope they have some great trade programs.

joab7772541d ago

Isn't this something you want at the launch announcement? To capitalize on hype? Very strange!

mkis0072541d ago

"Fun stuff to talk about with preorders"
Maybe it's just a bundle he's talking about, but idk, it seems like more, and Xbox is on a roll with doing things differently right now.

pingthing2540d ago

Yeah, you can trade your PS4 if you ask nicely.

XanderZane2540d ago

That would be a plus for many gamers.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2540d ago
holysmokesbatman2541d ago

They are going to do a limited run of consoles marked 'Scorpio' too.

XanderZane2540d ago

Yes, something FREE to go alone with it would make it even more valuable. Through in an Elite Controller or a game would be nice. Make sure they have plenty of stock.

Mbofa6om2540d ago

Imwhat i understood from this article is there is no preorder. When its november 7th. The xbox will be available at the markets. Is that right?

SmielmaN2539d ago

No preorder means line ups and free marketing from news coverage. It's the Nintendo strategy. Makes sense.

If the preorders were weak those would make headlines and give free bad PR. No preorder means camp outs by die hard a and eBay resellers but it will look great on tv/monitors.

Makes sense from a biz perspective. The only bad PR leading up will be lack of preorder instead of lack of interest.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2539d ago
Cy2541d ago (Edited 2541d ago )

Their website says the FCC hasn't approved it yet, and that's why you can't pre-order. Or at least it did after E3. I just hope there's no Switch-like scarcity.

thekhurg2541d ago

I won't sell like the Switch is. You won't have to worry about that.

XStation4pio_Pro2541d ago (Edited 2541d ago )

switch supply was and is still low.. and also artificially constrained most likely (a lot of people suspect that) to drive the hype. same thing with the mini nes. still popular sure, but the biggest reason can't get one is from the source.

I'm definitely buying the one x and i know tons of people who are. like just about every single person i ran into at e3.

bluefox7552541d ago (Edited 2541d ago )

It will likely sell about as much as the Pro does. Like 1 in 5 Xboxes sold will be an X, is what would I would wager. Maybe slightly less considering the higher price tag.

subtenko2541d ago

Theres more than one way to interpret this so....

LexHazard792541d ago (Edited 2541d ago )

Lol..what does his worry have to do with how Switch is selling. Xbox One X could sell out at 1st pre order shipment. It all depends how many are made and alloted for distribution.

thekhurg2541d ago (Edited 2541d ago )


Xbox One outsold at first shipment too, but Amazon oddly had Day One edition consoles consistently in stock for over a year.

$599 consoles have no sell power to the market. Only the hardcore fanbase spends that kind of money for a living room box.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2541d ago
Summons752541d ago

Or PSVR scarcity where they intentionally didn't send out new units for months.

Prince_TFK2541d ago (Edited 2541d ago )

I think every companies do that to drive hype and create "artificial" demand, especially when something is not selling as much as they want it to.

Taero2541d ago

They had a display shortage iirc.

nX2541d ago (Edited 2541d ago )

Working at a big company I can assure you that many times, it's just that actual demand for new products was miscalculated or you have issues on the suppliers side which mostly come from China. These kind of products have many different components and sometimes even one of those (very often PCBA) needs to be in short supply to cause a 3-month stock-out.

Funny how many on here believe in conspiracies though.

XanderZane2540d ago

Yes, Andrew House said the purposely only shipped a small amount of PSVR's because they weren't sure how well they would sell. Pretty sure Sony didn't want to have millions of them sitting in their warehouse if the demand wasn't high for the product. Not sure how many they sold, but I'm sure it's a very small % compared to the 60 million PS4.

SmielmaN2539d ago

I disagree. If a company could get more units on shelves for holiday seasons they would. Your point is a bit nonsensical from a business perspective.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2539d ago
jlove4life2541d ago

Microsoft dont release xbox sale numbers so in my opinion this is to detour articles from reporting on low xbox x preorders that retailers might spill the beans so allowing preorders closer to launch help with the negative publicity

vallencer2541d ago

What? They literally can't allow pre orders because it isn't approved by the FCC yet. Without approval of the FCC you can't put things up for sale.

rainslacker2540d ago

I dont think that applies to pre-orders, because you're only selling the promise that you'll get one. No sale actually takes place until the product exchanges hands from the retailer to the consumer. Even if paid in full ahead of time.

However, it does make sense to wait until it passes FCC compliance before putting an SKU out, as if something changes, they might have to backpeddle on something for the consumer. I can't imagine what could possibly change of any significance though, but I won't fault MS for waiting it out.

2541d ago
Yohshida2541d ago

its #1 on AMAZON wishlist of ALL things they have.

sk8ofmnd2541d ago (Edited 2541d ago )

...because it might be delayed 😂 dont want yet another rushed console on the market. 3 times a charm lol

You honestly cant believe a damn word out of their mouths until the box is sitting right in front you playing "uncompromised 4k" games. 😬

Ilikethemall852541d ago

yea, I mean let's pretend like Sony has nothing to do with the games not being true 4K.

King_Lothric2541d ago

Blaming Sony like it was some kind of magical conspiracy ???? 😂

Wow. Just when you think these fans can't go any lower.

badz1492541d ago

Sony is to be blame for games not native 4K on XboneX? Nice logic you have there

LexHazard792541d ago

Dont worry Ill be playing and enjoying more "uncompromised 4K" games than you. Lol...

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Trying to push players over from PC to console is a terrible idea, PlayStation

As PlayStation announces its new strategy to encourage PC users to choose PS5 it is a bitter-sweet moment for PC gamers.

Christopher17h ago

I mean, it's a business based on hardware market. Do we expect them to not even try? It's not like Nintendo doesn't do the same by not putting any games on PC and Microsoft until recently did the same. I don't care what they attempt, as long as they don't abuse the community or lie about their goals/requirements.

Will it work? Not likely. Should we care? No. Let them waste their time, it doesn't affect anything.

RaidenBlack17h ago

let them try ... at the end of the day, we get few extra PC games ... yay ... and also promotes game preservation via PC ... so double yay.

LordoftheCritics25m ago

If only Playstation games provided the ease of pc gaming features.

Primary being very few PS games support m/kb.

Fishy Fingers16h ago(Edited 16h ago)

I wish them the best of luck.

But PC players are often a patient bunch, many will even wait for Epic launcher exclusivity to end until a game comes to Steam.

If they didnt buy the console when its games were exclusive, why would they do it now theyre not?

MrNinosan2h ago

Way more do than you probably think.

ravens522h ago

All you need is that one game that'll make a few switch at a time. Like a game a PC player REALLY wants.

-Foxtrot15h ago

PC gamers are just too patient and loyal to their gaming set ups, something they've spent a lot of money on to perfect. They have backlogs of games which many never get round to finishing or get round to at all and will always have other multiplatform releases to keep them going.

Over the many years Sony has published so many awesome titles such as The Last of Us, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Infamous, Killzone, LittleBigPlanet, Dreams, Puppeteer, Resistance, Heavy Rain, Gran Turismo, Motor Storm, God of War, Horizon, Ratchet and Clank, Spiderman, Ghost of Tsushima, Bloodborne

If none of those games BEFORE all these PC ports convinced a hardcore PC gamer to get a PS5 console then why on Earth would porting them them to PC now make any difference? All PC gamers now know 100% is that they just have to be patient, which they are good at anyway to get a PS5 game 2 years later.

I get GaaS games or multiplayer focused titles but if people really want to play these games they'd have gotten a PS console years ago.

helicoptergirl15h ago

Who cares? Then just stay on PC and play the waiting game. No big deal. Sony wins in the end anyway.

Number1TailzFan15h ago

I mean if there's any single player Sony games that I actually want that aren't on PC then I would buy said console to play them on. But the ones that I like that aren't on PC are few and far between anyway so no loss for me.

If I game, it's usually multiplayer titles, otherwise I like playing around with some other software.

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ARK: Survival Ascended Premium Mods on Consoles Q&A - By 2030, Time Spent on UGC Will Be Way Bigger

ARK: Survival Ascended has introduced Premium Mods on consoles. Wccftech talked to Studio Wildcard and their partner Overwolf about the rising importance of user-generated content, especially for live service games.

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Neil Druckmann clarifies true intent of new Naughty Dog game comments

Following a recent interview with Sony, Naughty Dog head Neil Druckmann claims the original intent was “unfortunately lost” in the process.

just_looken6d ago

He can take dog shit put it in a oven with seasoning then call it waistland cookies the sony fans will pay $40 a cookie give them a medal of cooking.

No mater what trash this sobs puts out/talks about it will sell.

The true fact in the 8 years sense uncharted 4 his first time in the main seat to a point all this "amazing" team did was get 2 dudes to fuck in a van then destroy a franchise they never created.

But being a port studio they are decent at they should keep in there lane at being just that a glorified port studio.

fr0sty6d ago

Salty Bots... gotta love it.

just_looken6d ago


Over what? naught dog under his command is a glorified port team tlou2 was mostly tlou 1 asset's with the same game play loop but forced a trans down your throat.

I would gladly help pay for this blight and his team to get removed from gaming in general.

fr0sty6d ago

Seeing a LGBT person exist in a work of fiction isn't "forcing them down your throat". Nobody is forcing you to play it. Nobody is forcing you to agree with it. If you think that just seeing a LGBT person exist is "force", it sounds like they make you very uncomfortable, and maybe you need to be doing some serious reflecting on exactly why... looks to me like you're suppressing something with all that fear.

just_looken6d ago


When i think of the last of us i think of a group of survivors crossing the apocalypse wasteland with a growing bond between 2 people that end up with Joel making ellie his new daughter.

Then you fire up the 2nd one bang joel is dead oh that comic series? bang dead

Oh you want to continue all that we grew in the first one? na f that toss it in the trash

Now here is a trans woman so strong superboy would blush go out there kill all what made tlou1 then halfway get a forced sex scene that you can not skip between 2 dudes.

The gameplay? just like the first game the combat/backpack system crafting sytem? 0 changes/improvements.

I could go on but lets face it they copy pasted that tlou 1 assets bin a shit ton of times.

There is nothing on the box or the ads or anything before the game that said you would going to spend most of the game controlling a new trans character that has no ties to anything of the first game the only existence was to kill what the first game made.

Oh but hey there is a mp mode coming out before 2022 wait what is that? oh we made it its own game then cancelled it now go but the game again as we port it a few times.


mkis0076d ago (Edited 6d ago )

What has Straley or Henig released since they left ND? Not a thing! stop scapegoating! Which of them is credited with co-writing a majorly successful show?

just_looken6d ago


You bring up Bruce Straley really? someone that gave us 4 generations of amazing games and was there in the creation of 4 legendary franchises but was tossed in the trash for the pos niel druckmann not 7? years ago

So yeah in those 7? years you right all he has done is get 2 awards one is a game award for a puzzle game he made oh boy right like for fuck sake's all niel has done is one game that was a overhyped fan boy orgasm underneath all that ps jizz was just a typical 5/10 game.

Then you drag Amy Hennig that poor woman was also kicked out then became this century's Brendan Fraser with her sexual misconduct information coming out.

We all know how horrible people are treated behind the scenes she might have been sexual attacked groped or something.

So yeah all she did after was battlefield hardline forspoken now that new marvel 1945 game but hey Brendan Fraser was a great actor till he also said he was sexually attacked just now he is allowed back in no doubt she also had to take a leave of absence out and or was forced out on ice.

Man there are way to many out there that look at niel at the new gaming jesus when all he had done is some work on uncharted 4 then tlou2

Oh also the tvhshow? for real all they did was use stuff from the 2013 game its like saying GOT was a 10/10 but never watching past season 3

-Foxtrot5d ago


That's highly unfair to them both

Amy Hennig got messed around working on projects that got cancelled by the publishers (EA) and then ended up on a awful game (Forspoken) where you had 4 other writers working on it which is just a recipe for disaster. She is now working on Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra. Not her fault she was pushed out of NaughtyDog, something both Nolan North and Richard McGonagle have both said in interviews.

Bruce Straley left after burn out, the rest of the story we don't know and will never know just like what happened with Amy Hennig. He decided to take a break and wasn't sure if he wanted to come back to gaming however he had an idea he wanted to make so he founded Wildflower Interactive, a smaller studio where they are currently working on a new game.

Tacoboto5d ago

@the obvious stain of a commenter

The trans character wasn't Abby. Try playing Part 2 instead of gatekeeping what you think Part 1 was about and meant.

Maybe try watching the show while you're at it, because you're terribly off with your opinion on that too

MajorLazer5d ago

Naughty Dog is better than all the MS studios put together.

derek5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

@just he has been behind 2 of the greatest games ever made. Tlou2 was easily the best non-vr game made last gen. Losers just can't get over Joel's death, mixed with the usual console war nonsense. The fact that you so casually call him a sob shows how deranged some gamers have become about Drunkmann.

derek5d ago

@frosty, for people like Just, including anyone that can be categorized as being a minority in any kind of media is "forcing it down his throat " lol. I to don't care for poor "checking box" inclusion for inclusion sake but that was not the case with tlou2.

fr0sty5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

The pathetic part about it is, you can tell just_looken never even played TLOU, because that was the game where Ellie's sexuality was first brought to light... No "that was forced down our throats" to be said about that.

Only terrified folks in the closet that use their hatred as cover from outing themselves fear LGBT people that much. They exist. They will exist in all aspects of life, including popular media. Get over it.

just_looken5d ago


Once again you drag out something like its a big win

Here is my old channel a clip of me playing TLOU on ps3

Search my channel for more clips

Proof its my channel? look at this profiles banner that is 7yrs old then look at other vids on that channel like my bf3 clips to see my psn id. But knowing this group that is way to much work.

Also elle being a lesbian is another trump card? one dlc is all we got of that a dlc that took over a year to be tossed out.

Rainbowcookie5d ago

Hey at least we have cookies to eat 😄

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 5d ago
Rangerman12086d ago

Glad he clarified it but i'm still somewhat skeptical. Plus, his comments about how Ai will revolutionize storytelling were still pretty iffy.

anast6d ago

No need to bow down, Stan your ground. The AI comments were gross though.

S2Killinit6d ago

Pretty excited as I read these. I just cant wait to see what ND is up to.

Export6d ago

put a chick in it and make her gay !

shadowknight2036d ago

Next they need a diverse couple, and perhaps some climate activists

StormSnooper5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

I would love that if only to piss off all the lunatics. Lol

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