
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice Review - IGN

Ninja Theory has created a thoughtful, masterful marriage of mechanics and story that breath life into a world steeped in darkness.

XiNatsuDragnel2489d ago

Support this over shadow of war please

Dario_DC2489d ago

That's what I'm doing! Games like these deserve our support.

nveenio2489d ago

I'm skeptical of this score but happy if this dev finally has another golden product on their hands. They had a rough patch they didn't deserve!

Genuine-User2489d ago (Edited 2489d ago )

Nah I'm cool. I'll support both studios.

morganfell2488d ago


Agreed. Purchased Hellblade and preordered Shadows of War Mithril Edition already.

UCForce2489d ago

This game focus mental illness which terrifying to be honest. It's remind me of Spec Op The Line which also focus psychological and morality. Spec Op The Line haunted me because the loading screen quote : "This is all your fault" and the music sound terrifying. Hellblade will push Senua psychology to the test.

Obscure_Observer2489d ago


Yeah, it´s really interesting. The voices in her head curse her and bless her at the same time. Terrifying paradox and a heavy plot.

Rimeskeem2489d ago

What's up with Shadow of War?

XiNatsuDragnel2489d ago

MTs in SP game = no thanks

Btw MT = Microtransactions

deafdani2489d ago

Microtransactions and always online despite being single player.

vallencer2488d ago


It's not always online. They've explained that it was a misunderstanding. Still has MTs though. However I'll just buy both. I'm looking forward to shadow of war.

UnHoly_One2488d ago

It's not "always online" for Christ's sake.

You have to be online if you want to use the completely optional microtransactions that you hate so much.

So essentially, none of what you are saying will affect you if you play the game.

I do not get the hate for something that you can totally ignore. You people just grab your damn pitchforks and go nuts over just hearing a word that you don't like. "Omg they said always online, burn it with fire!" ("of course I have an internet connection that is always plugged into my console and hasn't gone out once in the last 7 years, but still, I hate it")

It's ridiculous. If you have to rally against something to feel important, find something more impactful to protest than a feature in a game that doesn't affect you in any way whatsoever.


Microtransactions out the wazoo....ive had enuff!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2488d ago
bluefox7552489d ago

Totally agree. The last thing we need is publishers thinking it's cool to put microtransactions in single player games. We have more than enough in multiplayer games already.

DARK_WOLF2489d ago

Why? Shadow of war looks great and they are two completely different games...

Uncharted 4 has MT should everyone have shunned that too??

l3w1s2489d ago

Does Uncharted 4 have microtransactions in single-player campaign that allow you to skip gameplay mechanics and/or open the possibilities for devs to artificially increase difficulty and/or the amount of required "materials" to make people want to buy those microtransactions?

As far as I remember - no.

GTgamer2489d ago

MT wasn't in uncharted single player tho

UCForce2489d ago

Only Uncharted 4 Multiplayer have microtransaction which I don't like but one thing I appreciate the treasure chest doesn't have variations and doesn't have duplicate items. The Daily challenge earn you about 400 or 500 relic by completing it. You can earn those items just a day. Don't believe me, I earn those weapon and almost all cosmetics by using relic only in a days. And again, no duplicates items in Uncharted 4 MP. Uncharted 4 SP doesn't have Microtransaction.

imtiyaz62489d ago (Edited 2489d ago )

Many gamers value pure/unbastardised single-player experiences the most and this could set a dangerous precedent. I enjoyed shadow of mordor a lot but I won't be buying the sequel.

rainslacker2488d ago

Does Shadow of War artificially increase the difficulty to promote the purchase of MT?

While I wouldn't put it past WB to actually do that, because they suck IMO, there is no evidence of this being the case right now, so it's just speculation that that's the case.

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Amyellevivv2489d ago

I agree games like this need our support, honestly im in love with this game.

Obscure_Observer2489d ago (Edited 2489d ago )


Lol. Nobody is gonna miss a great game over another great game. The microtransactions are indeed disappointment but it is not a deal breaker since you can earn all the game has to offer if you want.

I´m a hardcore gamer and finished the original Shadow of Mordor with 100% completion so this MT BS don´t bother me much.

2489d ago
TejasTV2489d ago

Agreed. Shadow of War is going to be more of the first game. I hate modern gaming. It's so boring and I'm on my way out but games like this will keep me around another day.

Thunder_G0d_Bane2489d ago

Hurry up and just leave gaming. We don’t need your kind. It’s obviously not a passionate activity for you.

Thunder_G0d_Bane2489d ago

Shadow of war looks a million times better than this game.

notachance2488d ago


if we're talking about looks this game is literally better than shadow of war...

UCForce2488d ago

So you support Microtransaction, right ?

Chexs19902488d ago

"Hurry up and just leave gaming. We don’t need your kind. It’s obviously not a passionate activity for you."

rainslacker2488d ago

I disagree.

Look as in terms of graphics, I actually think Hellblade looks much better. but SOW is more open world and not as focused as HB is.

In terms of story, can't say really, but HB has a unique story premise, and is said to be extremely atmospheric and moving in this regard. SOW seems like a bastardization of middle earth, with story aspect which defy the actual lore that was put in place by Tolkein, and seems more like a cash in on the LOTR IP than any attempt at making something connected to the work of tolkein himself.

Game play wise, hard to say. They're too different to really be able to compare them.

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Why o why2489d ago (Edited 2489d ago )

It won't allow me to purchase it yet. Says 'this content cannot be selected at this time' . . . Arhh well

SixFragz2489d ago

Support this over shadow of microtransaction please

KickSpinFilter2488d ago

Just did but prob buying Shadow also

UnHoly_One2488d ago (Edited 2488d ago )

I'm not going to support a game that looks awful over a game I know that I will love, just because YOU don't like the fact that it has optional microtransactions that won't cost me anything or have any effect on my enjoyment of the game.

As if they were even the same type of game that could be compared. This review said the game was six hours long and mostly puzzles, whereas Shadow of Mordor gave me something like 80 hours of playtime and was all about combat.

Just stop, really.

UCForce2488d ago (Edited 2488d ago )

The thing is Shadow of War is Single Player. Microtransaction shouldn't have been in it. The grind will be very slow and hollow for a lot of reasons. This is where we gamers will confront WB and Molinith for their greed. Horizon Zero Dawn is also open world where it doesn't have Microtransaction and the grind feel reward and balance. You need to think twice about this.

UnHoly_One2488d ago

You have no way of knowing if there will be a "grind" and if it will be needlessly slow. You're just guessing.

As someone who has spent a couple hundred hours playing through the first game multiple times, I think I know what I'm getting into buying this game. I had so much fun hunting, threatening, killing, and capturing orcs in the first game I can't imagine it is going to be some boring affair that I'm sick of doing after an hour.

You people just fly off the handle and lose all sense of reason at the mere mention of one of your trigger words.

God forbid they make a little money by selling shortcuts to players that don't affect me in any way whatsoever.

If it's fun, I won't care how long it takes, and I can't imagine it won't be fun.

UCForce2488d ago (Edited 2488d ago )

Oh really ? It's not fun. It's jealousy and it's also make you impatient not in a good way. Here the thing, if someone in Shadow of War looks fancier than you, you will get jealous and will buy the loot chest right immediately by using real money to look fancier than them. But even that, it's like gambling system which I find is toxic in SP and MP. So yeah, I completely hate microtransaction from get go. Don't try to convince me about microtransaction.

UnHoly_One2488d ago

I'm not trying to convince you of anything, I'm just saying you aren't going to convince me to skip a game based on some phony moral system that I don't believe in.

And nobody is going to "look fancier" than me and that's going to make me buy a loot crate. lol

The game doesn't have a multiplayer mode that will even let you see other players, so who cares what they look like?

And here is the kicker. If I decide I want to buy a loot crate......... So what?

Guess who that hurts?

NOBODY, that's right.

I don't get all the self righteous bullmess I'm reading in this thread, some of you people are insane.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2488d ago
Segata2488d ago

Not going to support either. Can't stand Ninja Theory as much as I dislike MT's.

_-EDMIX-_2488d ago

How could you? Neither are coming to Switch so.....thats that.

_-EDMIX-_2488d ago

or....or...buy both.

I don't buy games for "support", I buy based on fun.

Please leave the agenda BS out of this please.

Segata2488d ago (Edited 2488d ago )

I don't own a switch. I have a PS4. http://www.rfgeneration.com...

Segata2488d ago

I've also said on various websites including this one in the past. PS3 is my fave system last gen. I've said on my twitter and on a big name forum. PS4 is my 4th favorite console of all time. The other 3 are Dreamcast at 1. SNES at 2. Saturn at 3. PS4 at 4. Favorite handhelds are PSP and PSVita. I even have a PocketStation next to me right this very moment to change it's battery. I also have 2 PlayStation 1 systems, PS1 & a PSOne. lol on this site I have been called a Sony fanboy and a Nintendo fanboy. Which is it? Only one I know of is classic SEGA fanboy but overall just love gaming period. I play on all systems.

rainslacker2488d ago

Shadow of war issue to make people upset(requiring a connection) was refuted by the publisher a couple days ago, so see no reason to not support SOW if you're interested in it.

I'd say one should support hellblade also though. It's a cheap game, and all the previews, developer diaries, and now reviews indicate that it's a great game and something rather unique.

I brought the game, but might be a while before I get around to playing it.

thorstein2488d ago

And at that price!?! Of course I will.

Never was going to get Shadow of War though.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 2488d ago
PhoenixUp2489d ago

Another quality Ninja Theory game

-Foxtrot2488d ago

Except for dmc...lets just scrub that one away

Sam Fisher2488d ago

It was a pretty good dmc, dmc4 and 2 were the worst

DevilDanteX2488d ago (Edited 2488d ago )

Sam fisher DmC was bad... DMC4 was good just needed more dev time.

Mikefizzled2488d ago

As someone who never played Devil May Cry, DmC oozed style and confidence. Think if Ninja Theory were given a second chance that it would one of the most visually appealing games this gen.

rainslacker2488d ago

DMC was a good game overall. The hate it receieved was because of the deviation from the originals.

ziggurcat2488d ago

The amount of hatred that game got over hair colour was mind-boggling.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2488d ago
DigitalRaptor2489d ago (Edited 2489d ago )

Well this confirms my support.

Congrats NT on believing that making an independent AAA game could work, and thanks for sharing the journey.

talocaca2489d ago


I've always liked Ninja Theory's games (specially Enslaved and Heavenly Sword).

I was waiting for reviews....they are all either pretty good or great...and $30 is surprisingly cheap.

Well done NT!

Rude-ro2489d ago

Enslaved was the most underrated game last gen. Soooo good.

Segata2488d ago

Meh, I had it on 360. I heard all the hype how great it was. It was pretty meh. Played a few hours. It sat on my shelf for a few years until I traded it for Street Fighter Alpha 2 on SS.

Rude-ro2487d ago

That was the hard part.. the first couple of hours. The game plays like it had 4 different developing teams on it. It just progressed into a truly great game with a lot of hours of gameplay.
But I actually agree with you, if you only stuck with the first couple of hours... you were greeted with an ok game and I could see how a lot of people lost interest.

lellkay2489d ago

I'm holding out in hope for a physical

Yui_Suzumiya2489d ago

Maybe Sony will see how good it's doing and offer to publish it in retail

coolbeans2488d ago

Considering it's PS4/PC (with a potential-yet-noncommittal to other platforms), you're more than likely looking at someone like 505 Games psy. release publishing rights.

MrWonderful2488d ago

I was just thinking that starting a publishing company for things like this. I hate digital only games 😭

Segata2488d ago

I get the joke but LRG and Play Asia do it. LRG has however confirmed this game isn't happening.

rainslacker2488d ago

Limited Run games maybe. But some other publisher may pick up the call.

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Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II – Check Out the Minimum PC System Requirements

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II, the much awaited sequel to the award-winning Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, arrives on May 21st. With under three weeks left until the launch, the developers from Ninja Theory have shared the game's

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PrinceOfAnger29d ago

Waiting to see what the "Recommended" spec be like!

Skuletor29d ago

Waiting to see if "Minimum" spec targets 30fps 😂

PassNextquestion29d ago

It's my understanding that the frame rate is unlocked on the pc version

Skuletor29d ago

I've seen Ubisoft have PC specs that have targeted 30fps before.

PassNextquestion29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Why the heck do you need Windows 11 to run the game? I remember there was a ssd feature locked to windows 11 not sure if that's still the case and if that's the reason.. direct storage I believe it is called

DivineHand12529d ago

If those are the minimum specs on PC then why can't the series x do more than 30 fps? Did they intentionally lock it to 30 fps when higher frame rates are possible?

PassNextquestion29d ago

Maybe they didn't want to compromise on the graphics

DarXyde29d ago

Very probable, but I can't really believe that when literally, the Series S ensures that they do.

I kind of think they just want to make it 30fps now to make an update later to keep people "on the hook" or give game pass subs something to look forward to with this game later on.

Personally, I think this game can push at least 45fps, but that's just my opinion. I don't really see a game this short being announced before TLOU2 launched, only to come out *now* and they haven't gotten those frames up.

RedDeadLB29d ago

Probably because they wanted better fidelity and that is probably too demanding for the XSX to push a stable 60fps on. Judging how most games are these days, the performance difference between low to high is sometimes not enough to target double the framerate. A locked, smooth 30fps i better than an unstable 60, even though it feels like picking between two turds.


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RavenWolfx220d ago

The Dead Space Remake gets added to GamePass 10/26, definitely worth playing through.