
Why I Returned to Warframe and You Should Too

It’s been years since Warframe released, and with each major update came huge changes to the game. Is now the perfect time to jump back into the fray?

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gangsta_red2464d ago

The UI in Warframe is the worse I have seen in games. It's not intuitive and is a pain to navigate or to find anything you need.

The objectives are also hard to track or even do as most of the time I just get into a game shoot everything and hope I complete whatever objective was handed to me.

Other than that though, the style and combat of the game is satisfying I wish it was a more polished game though.

BlackOni2464d ago

I agree, there's still some work to do in terms of easing people into the game, explaining it's intricacies a bit more plainly, making navigation simple, but it's a far step from where it started. They will likely continue improving

gangsta_red2462d ago

I played it way early in the gen and then just started back up recently

equal_youth2464d ago

I started to play warfare about a month ago and since then all of my friends are falling victim to it one by one. I can't believe this game is free. Still waiting for plains of eidolon to drop :D

2464d ago

Warframe: Devstream 179 Q&A With Megan Everett

During Devstream 179 for Warframe, Digital Extremes unveiled a lot of exciting information for stuff coming to the game, and we were able to ask about some of it!

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Warframe's "Jade Shadows" Single-Player Narrative Quest Out in June

Warframe "Jade Shadows" will drop in June, and will feature a new single-player narrative quest, new cosmetics and the 57th Warframe, Jade.


Warframe Interview: "Any Loose Ends In The Overall Narrative Are In Our Sights," Says Dev

While discussing the future of Warframe, Rebecca Ford said the team plans to wrap up any loose ends relevant to the current in-game events.