
Bluehole Lashing Out Against Epic over Fortnite's Battle Royale Mode Is Downright Embarrassing

Bluehole's rash attack of Epic over Fortnite's Battle Royale mode is downright embarrassing and probably the worst PR move in a long time. It's chock-full of false statements.

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codelyoko2441d ago

They are just like parvenues. They're new to the big leagues and clearly can't handle the success yet

Thatguy-3102441d ago

The funny thing is that if they hadn't complain about it a lot of people would've ignored it and not pay attention to it. They put the spotlight on it themselves.

nX2440d ago

They clearly don't deserve the success of PUBG, they ripped countless other games themselves.

warriorcase2440d ago

Exactly. Have a few friends that never ended up getting PUBG, now theres this free to play game that everyone can just jump into and check out. I have PUBG myself but after this much hooaa and carryone I think im gonna check it out to see how it is.

Edito2440d ago

You are right because now i know that Fortnite exist and i will check some gameplays on youtube lol...

badz1492440d ago (Edited 2440d ago )

I think they are pissed because now they actually have to push for quicker full release and they are feeling like being forced out of their early access heaven. if they stay longer in early access and Fortnite fully released first, then people will start calling them out

2440d ago
SkippyPaccino2440d ago

More money, more problems.... Cocain is a hell of a drug also.... Basically Bluehole in a nutshell

camel_toad2440d ago

The ironic thing is that this is free and likely huge publicity for Fortnite. A lot of people that may have not heard of it most certainly have now since one of the most popular games at the moment is targeting it.

Thatguy-3102440d ago

And now many will try it out.

rainslacker2440d ago

It's quite impressive just how much more attention fortnite is getting since this all started. Before it was just the occasional article, and I'd wager most people probably forgot about it in the wake of things like Overwatch. Kind of in the same league as Palladins. people know about it but it's not getting much press.

It's only going to help Fortnite. I don't think it'll have a significant effect on PUBG, but at the same time, it may make it less of a thing if it comes to other platforms later, or cause people to try out Fortnite more on PC since it's getting noticed it's out and free, thus taking away focus from their own work.

If there really was something here worth pursuing on Bluehole's part, they should have waited before making a public comment and made sure they had something to pursue. At least then they'd have something to back up. As it is, they just come across as the petty new kids on the block, and we've seen plenty of good devs brought down by their own ego.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2440d ago
Chris_Wray2441d ago

Can't see how they have a right to complain. It's not like they invented the concept, all they've done is refine it. Now, Epic are just going to attempt to refine it even further. This is what competition is and considering Bluehole have put in the F2P gambling boxes in PlayerUnknown, I have no sympathy nor empathy for them.

yeahokwhatever2440d ago

You don't even understand the problem. Its got very little do with with "borrowing" the game concept. Epic Games provides Bluehole with the game engine being used in their title. Now they're a direct competitor. There's plenty of reason to believe improvements to the core engine will be withheld in order to give Epic a competitive advantage. It's also now possible Epic games will steal Bluehole's code to use on their own title because apparently they have access to it. If this was EA and not Epic, the articles would be worded differently and you all would be up in arms against EA.

Razzer2440d ago

you really the for one second that Epic would need to steal code from pubg? Please.

BH is butthurt. That is all.

equal_youth2440d ago

You're so wrong that it hurts. Do you work for EA or why bring them Up? Why should Epic hold something back? If you license a product, you license it, there is no holding Back, because if they would choose to do so, they need to hold it back for all of their customers which will Hurt business. Epic is not the First company to implement BR and they won't be the Last. Simple as that. Now of you would Bring Up frostbite engine(which Nobody wants anyway, besides that it is an inhouse engine) IT would be no different.

TheGoodestBoi2440d ago

Yeah, ok. Whatever.

TejasTV2440d ago

Pubg probably signed an agreement that covers epic. They can switch engines. It's a lot of work but this is why the big guys are the big guys. It's not fair at all but looking for a solution is the way to go not making an outcry to the public. It's silly.

ShadowWolf7122440d ago

Epic technically competes with literally any game using their engine that might be in the same genre. But Epic also rolls out updates equally to said engine for devs to use. They're not gonna withhold those updates from all their licensees just because of one game, nor will they isolate said game and get sued. Come off it.

yeahokwhatever2440d ago

Why not? PUBG does a lot of really uncommon stuff for that engine. Again, you're arguing from a point of ignorance. Why assume work done by some engineers isn't valuable to others?

rainslacker2440d ago (Edited 2440d ago )

Epic provides the game engine for roughly 30% of all games made nowadays. Is Epic never supposed to make a game because someone else is making something similar to what they're working on? Even if they took the idea from Bluehole, Epic isn't restricted from competiting in the market. There is no wrong doing here.

There is no reason to believe improvements to the core engine will be withheld in order to give Epic a competative advantage. Never in their history have they been accused or known to do this. They often release all the tech they build for all their licensees once they deem it ready to release. Every tool used for Unreal Tournament and Gears of War were included in their engines before or soon after those games released.

On top of that, it's pure speculation that they had to create anything specific to implement BR in Fortnite.

On that note, did Bluehole create some technology for PUBG that they feel Epic is somehow using inappropriately, or is Epic releasing a game using technolgy they created....not just the engine, but any tools attached to that engine. If so, it means Epic has done more than Bluehole has done, and since they created the tech, they are free to use it first, and before releasing it within their engine as they see fit.

It's pure assumption that Epic is stealing Bluehole's code. Epic makes the engine that PUBG runs on. The creator of PUBG has said very publicly that he's not a coder, and while they have coders I'm sure, Epic has more expertise in making new ways to do things than almost every developer in the industry.. It's laughable to assume that Epic somehow had to steal code, when everything in PUBG could be done with a decent knowledge of the engine itself.

There is absolutely no ethical problem here that I can see. Their complaints seem to be based on hypothetical situations that may or may not exist, and trying to explain it the way you do just shows that is the case.

In order to support your argument answer these questions

1. What reasons are there to believe improvements will be withheld from the core engine, and how exactly does that give Epic a competitive advantage if they created said tech in the first place for use in THEIR OWN PRODUCT?

2. Why would Epic steal Bluehole's code? What code within PUBG is so unique that it couldn't be derived on it's own with a decent knowledge of game design?

3. What does EA have to do with it? Is the potential double standards of the community somehow relevant to if Epic is in the wrong?

So, yeah, we don't understand the problem in the way that Bluehole is presenting it, because there is no problem except them being irrational.

"PUBG does a lot of really uncommon stuff for that engine"

No, it really doesn't. In fact, based on what I've seen of the game, and what short time I tried it out, I would say that almost everything in it can be implemented using nothing but in engine functions and script. Maybe with a bit of external C code thrown in.

WelkinCole2440d ago

You are nuts if you think Epic would steal code from bluehole.

First of all Epic does not need to. Secondly there is no way in hell Epic would steal code because it will the end of them if they do.

zerocarnage2440d ago

That is such horse crap lol

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2440d ago
UCForce2441d ago

Yup, this is just getting ridiculous from BlueHole.

KaiPow2441d ago

Really don't see how Bluehole can get out of this without a proper apology..

WePlayDirty2441d ago

Fortnite's Battle Royal mode isn't that bad.. I just wish people started with guns first..

neocores80552440d ago

THen that would just take away the point of the mode lol

WePlayDirty2440d ago

Everyone starts with the same gun. Let it be a pistol.

WePlayDirty2440d ago

The mode is literally last man standing... having a simple gun, like a pistol at the beginning wouldn’t detract from that.

SilverDemon2440d ago

Yes it would.
If I had a gun the moment I hit the ground,I would look up and kill anyone who still im the air(parachuting). It will be who drops to the ground first

Not having a gun gives the other a chance to reach the ground while I look for a gun to shoot

WePlayDirty2440d ago

That's why you don't make it able to shoot until everyone is on the ground.

SilverDemon2440d ago (Edited 2440d ago )

So if someone take their sweet time (forever) to reach the ground, we should just sit there doing nothing?cuz I'll do that just to troll 99 player 😂😂

Also, most people would choose to start with sniper to shoot other from afar and NEVER come close to buildings.

Finally it would take away the randomness of the game. You never now what you or others have

So here is how I would play if I start with a gun.1.pick a sniper 2.drop as far as possible to never in counter players 3. Snipe every one from afar. But the fact that I cant do that because I need to get close to buildings to refill ammo which mean getting close to other make this OP strategy usless

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2440d ago
whothedog2440d ago

How dare you have an idea to alter gameplay!

NarooN2439d ago

He can have ideas, but that doesn't make them any good. Some people aren't cut out to be game designers and unfortunately many actual game designers have shit tier ideas just like that.

subtenko2440d ago

no way, its fine like it is, and of course it can all improve, thing just came out not even officially done, but its free. compared with PUBG...ill take fornite

PhoenixUp2441d ago

It's embarrassing when any developer thinks they own an entire genre to themselves

Goldby2441d ago

its embarrassing when people think that that is the reason behind all of this.

it has nothing to do with the genre at all. actually read up on the reasons why they spoke out about Epic and their use of Pubg as marketing for fortnite battle royale

Liqu1d2440d ago (Edited 2440d ago )

They're allowed to. They're also crying about nonexistent issues like Epic reserving engine optimizations for themselves. They wanted Epic to talk to them beforehand yet Epic have no obligation to do so, if they want to tackle the Battle Royale genre then they can.

Bluehole are afraid of competition from big companies and since Fortnite BR is the closest thing to a true Battle Royale game that has come from a major company they are trying to make Epic look bad, except it's backfired. They should concentrate on their game instead of being babies.

Aurenar2440d ago

What? They merely cited PUBG AND H1Z1 as games in the genre they've been inspired from. What's the problem with that?...

rainslacker2440d ago

The stated reasons are embarrassing enough. Not only are they accusing Epic of wrongdoing with no proof, they're assuming things are happening that may or may not be happening, and postulating an outcome that paints Epic as anti-competitive. This is all despite the fact that Epic has no history of doing this kind of thing, and Epic has a history of producing popular games in genres where it's licensee's are also making similar products, and there has never once been an issue before.

ccgr2440d ago

Imitation is a form of flattery

badz1492440d ago

apparently not for Bluehole. for them, imitation sounds like lawsuit!

yeahokwhatever2440d ago

Epic Games sucks and are incredibly shady at this point. This move puts them in the same box as EA.

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