
Fortnite Review: Epic Games’ Survival Sandbox is Building to Greatness - J Station X

J Station X reviews Fortnite, the Epic Games survival sandbox that combines looting and crafting with fast-paced combat and the fun of defeating zombies.

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ccgr2411d ago

Looks fun but I'll wait til it's complete

ULTp0ltergeist2411d ago

The game is very well optimized.

IanTH2411d ago (Edited 2411d ago )

I think that makes plenty of sense. I'm playing it now as my friend got one of the editions with giftable copies. It is certainly fun, doubly so with friends, but it does start to get stale after a bit. There are only so many mission types & you end up playing a lot of same-y feeling games.

The grind really starts to set in after you've played the handful of game types, and then as you realize how slow your "power level" rises thanks to it not having any real connection to your ability or time put in. It comes almost exclusively from llama pinatas (read: loot crates). You get skill points to get powers and other tech points to unlock slots, but those slots are filled with all the things that come from crates, and crates alone. And you do all this just to grind the same missions again. I really feel like they have to add more to have any staying power.

The game will go free to play next year anyway, so keep an eye on it & if you can get a founders pack that comes with a bunch of starter gear/heroes/llamas, then maybe also consider that as it'll be a better deal then straight up buying pinatas (and otherwise having to slowly grind out in game currency to buy llamas).


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