
EA Community Manager Calls Concerned Star Wars Battlefront II Fans "Arm Chair Developers"

Star Wars Battlefront II is a highly anticipated title, but recent concerns from fans about a pay to win system has caused some controversy

bobsmith2392d ago (Edited 2392d ago )

ruining game for every1 else so they can make tons ripping off mostly kids buying these with parents cc I bet

InTheZoneAC2391d ago

They're called whales. These "greedy" companies thrive off whales, a small percentage of trolls who blindly dish out money(most likely their parents).

Eonjay2391d ago

These guys need to go to hell. I'm gonna leave now before I snap.. I'm at work.

PeaSFor2391d ago

They deleted the tweet quickly.......... OR maybe they put it behind a paywall.

fiveby92391d ago

My response to that guy would be "The armchair gamers in these companies".

Good job picking a fight with the people EA is so desperately courting to buy their product. This guys attitude is basically summed up as, you all don't know anything about game development. So just trust us we're experts. We know better than you.

I love saving money. Thanks, EA and associated technorati, you make my purchasing decisions easier every day.

morganfell2391d ago

First let me say I do not approve of loot boxes in MP that are pay to win. Cosmetics is one thing but impacting gameplay a different matter.

But let me ask you a serious question. What is the difference between pay to win here and pay to win with REQ Packs, that are really just loot crates in HALO 5. Those have been around for 2 years and no one seemed to care.

RacerX2391d ago

I had already learned my EA lesson... This just further justifies it. EA needs to learn a big lesson here and make some big changes.

If enough people are fed up, EA will change.

Palitera2391d ago (Edited 2391d ago )

Morgan, the difference is probably on the magnitude. It takes a lot to actually ruin a game through greed and we all know EA is first in line for such a feat.

Mts in a 60 usd game is ridiculous, always, for anything. It is just worse when it relates to actual mechanics. And even worse when they are barely obtainable through normal gameplay.

"Everything can be unlocked without microtransactions."

I think we should name this the EA Truth Day or something like that.

Let it echo for a long time.

Palitera2391d ago (Edited 2391d ago )

PS: Gamespot spent 100 usd in their loot boxes. Ended up with less than half credits needed for Darth Vader.

Think about it for a moment...

240 USD...

For Darth Vader OR Luke Skywalker...

In a Star Wars game...

morganfell2391d ago


Its pay to win in HALO 5. It isn't time to split hairs on this. Weeks ago people were screaming about gambling with loot boxes. That is what happens in HALO 5. You do not know exactly what you will get. One Legendary item and One Rare item. That's what they tell you. Or something similar depending on the level of REQ you purchase. People on this board were posting left and right that this constitutes gambling and creates addiction. Well there it is and HALO got a pass. Don't get me wrong. I love HALO. I have every book ever published, comics, a stack of HALO loot crates and every game in every form. But PEQ helped ruin HALO 5 because HALO 5 MP was sped up to Call of Duty twitch standards - and I love CoD just not in HALO. The idea being you will die faster and when you die you lose your REQ pack. So go buy another. The system is designed to sell REQ...period. A loot crate in all but name.

Notellin2390d ago

@morganfell Req packs are a horrible example of pay to win. You could only use the weapon variants in warzone which is a mode for casual play. None of it was used in competitive play.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2390d ago
Leeroyw2391d ago

I'm out. No battlefront for me.
I never buy microtransactions anyway. But this is one sale they have lost. Don't treat people like that. I've had enough.

bloop2391d ago

They've lost a sale here too. Locking everything behind either a paywall or an unrealistic grind was enough, but how the publishers/devs are responding to the negative criticism has most certainly put the final nail in the coffin for me. They're really not handling this well at all and are coming across almost child like. It's actually a bit bizarre how they've reacted to the situation. Absolutely no tact what so ever!!

monkey6022391d ago

I had booked Friday off work just to play the game but I don't plan on getting it after seeing the chart on reddit earlier of the hours required to unlock things. I couldn't be bothered with all that.

joab7772391d ago

I hate when devs speak out in favor of the Publishers. My naive self likes to believe that devs like DICE and Bungie do what they do because they have no choice in the matter, that they have to go along with the Publishers revenue strategies. Both companies made AAA games before they were brought under EA and Activision’s wings.

That said, I’m a bit worried that they may eventually just stop making these games altogether. EA has already abandoned sp games because they aren’t near as profitable. Unfortunately, many of us are spending a ton of money on these things, ie. GTA online, Madden etc. So, the trend will continue. We have to find a happy medium. I thought EA had changed a lot with Titanfall and the free dlc for BF2. They could have made a lot more on TF and didn’t. Oh well!

XiNatsuDragnel2392d ago

Screw you EA seriously these criticism are trying to fix the issues rather than make this into P2W BS that this game is. Dont buy this game, hurt EA where it truly hurts.

2392d ago Replies(2)
2391d ago Replies(1)
Uken122390d ago

Don't buy any EA titles. They rerelease the same sports games yearly for a premium price. Nothing that can't be fixed with a $5 patch. But hey it's EA and people love that garbage. Also they have a Monopoly with the NFL. Another gold star for EA.
Activision is just as bad. Destiny and Destiny 2. This is actually gambling. I am paying money for a RNG. It's a garbage tactic and should never be supported. EA knows Star Wars is a huge sell, make it look good Graphically and play like garbage. Fans will buy it no matter what. It will sell like crazy.

I don't mind paying for additional content and stuff but this is ridiculous. MS, Sony and Nintendo should really take a firm stance of not allowing this crap.

-Foxtrot2392d ago

Oh great...the closer we get to launch the more immature these guys get on Twitter.

First of all we've seen Paul Keslin, EA's DICE defend the shit out of MTs and the like saying they are "needed" while giving other silly reasons about why they exist. Check the Angry Joe video of him for example.

Then in the last article on here there was a developer at EA called BiggSean66 calling people who were criticising MTs and the like. Read some of his tweets guys...


Now we have another one. It's kind of immature that they are letting complaints get to them when most of the issues fans are voicing are legit complaints. They just hate the fact people are calling their game shit and questioning their practices.

Keep at it guys, they are just making more of an ass of themselves

TheVetOfGaming2392d ago

One video angry Joe rants, then when the developer is being interviewed, Joe just folds.

-Foxtrot2392d ago

I do think there are small traces of doubt in some of the things he says to Paul where it seems Joe is basically like "yeah...well we'll see" and at the end it's coming across he's just being grateful for the interview but we still need to push back against this sought of thing. However he should have been tougher on the guy and called him out of his contradicted statements...now this was done before the "changes" from the beta so he probably couldn't have called him out more but I do think once Joe does his Battlefront II review and see's that the game is still P2W he's got to call them out. He has to bring up that interview and say "YOU guys said it would be fine, I've played it, you were lying, we are all noticing how it's still P2W, so well done ass hats" and because of this maybe give it an even lower score then they would have given it, even if the single player is amazing...dosen't matter give it a low score and put people off buying it. EA would be gutted if they saw that and saw the sales aren't as good as they had hoped.

EatCrow2391d ago

He pushes back in the interview. One thing is disagreeing...the other is being a total arse...Joe is not a total arse.

Matpan2391d ago (Edited 2391d ago )

He is just being a good sport... No need to call names or get all mad about it. He posts the questions several times, when he believes he is dodged he doubles back on the matter... There is only so much he can do. Of course he shows gratitude for EA reaching out (it´s a nice gesture, albeit, just a gesture in the end), as you are supposed to do as a professional (or aspiring to be so) journalist.... I think he did a good job. In the end he can only hope his message gets through.

The bottom line is, companies speak only one language, cash. The day the consumers TRULY rally behind a message and speak with their pocket (nowadays organization is pretty simple, tools are in the reach of everyone) by holding purchases massively, companies will go out of their way to really address a pressing issue.

knickstr2391d ago

I love how he's playing the victim card on Twitter to deflect. Haha.

rainslacker2391d ago

Sadly, EA has exclusive rights to make Star Wars games. Kind of like how Activision had Spider-man for so long. Given that, they don't really have to worry about other companies making better Star Wars games, and since Star Wars games will likely always sell, and be financed by Disney, EA can pretty much do whatever they want.

If people really want to do something, start complaining to Disney, and ask if EA talking to their fan base the way they are is how Disney wants to be represented.

it's not that Disney is much better most of the time, but they do try to avoid any kind of criticism or controversy. They may not do anything about it, but ultimately, they are in charge of the franchise.

CrimzonRazor2391d ago

They dont have long left with their disney deal, and to much heat on the ip and disney will start shopping around. Dont think for a second disney wont go elsewhere if this hurts their bottom line.

-Foxtrot2390d ago

Shame there's not a way Disney could cut the deal short and use that kind of shit EA have been saying to their fans on Twitter as an excuse. If I was Disney I'd give them the money back for the contract and find another publisher...but honestly I don't know who would be a good fit.

EA - Obviously not
Activision - Lol...nope
Ubisoft - Little better but would be again an online focused MT/Loot box shit storm.
Square Enix - Maybe the same as Ubisoft but they have their hands full with Marvel stuff
Konami - Nooooope
Blizzard - Too busy with online focused games and they take ages to make them
Sega - Well...hmmm...maybe...maybe not. Some games are good others are awful.

If I had to pick I would say Bethesda with the games published by them. Wolfenstein, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Dishonored, Evil Within, Prey. Single player focused, usually alright quality apart from usual bugs, care more about fans.

Only other thing I could think of is allow Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo to do one Star Wars game each, let them pick a studio, do whatever they want and be like "Have fun...battle it out". That would be my dream because a Star Wars Naughty Dog game :3

rainslacker2390d ago


Question is, would it actually hurt their bottom line?

On top of that, I'd imagine Disney would have been complacent in the actual implementation as it is, as they are going to be pretty protective of their IP. If the controversy is big enough, they may consider other alternatives though, but I wouldn't doubt they'd still be on board with supplemental forms of monetization if it actually works.


I'm sure there are clauses which would allow disney to back out of the deal. Kind of like how sports stars have them with their sponsorships. I'm not sure if people just being upset with what was implemented would be in there or not, but likely something about maintaining proper communication with the community, and likely maintaining a certain level of quality or sales would be. As of right now, we don't know how this current issue would affect sales, or if it will at all. Obviously people aren't happy with the way EA is handling the concerns being expressed, but nowadays, you can never actually please everyone.

I wouldn't mind seeing Disney continuing to maintaining the franchise, as they have their own publishing house, and passing it onto 3rd party developers like Insomniac or P*. Developers with a mostly proven track record for designing and delivering good games. I don't think it would remove any kind of MT or anything, but at least they could maybe come up with something more acceptable to the overall community.

However, I think it won't happen because of this. People in forums tend to express their discontent in a way that isn't overly productive for getting stuff done, and eventually they move onto the next thing. Even EA's response here is likely to be forgotten. Just look at all the stupid things that EA has said over the years which marginalize the communities concerns, and they are still one of the largest and most successful publishers in the world.

NovusTerminus2392d ago

I don't agree with this guy saying this as his defense, certainly not when the complaints in this case are valid.

But there are a lot of "Arm Chair Developers" on the internet.

TheVetOfGaming2392d ago

It's like that with everything. Armchair scientists who have proof the earth is flat haha

InTheZoneAC2391d ago

No one believes the Earth is flat

Ittoittosai2391d ago


unfortunately there are some morons who do and no matter what you say to them they will believe it. I think the best response Ive heard from a scientist was "well where is the edge of the planet then? cause thats where Im building my house, cause I want to build my bed room with a glass floor looking over the edge." perfect

DonkeyWalrus2391d ago


But then those flat earthers would just say "you can't build your house on the edge because it's surrounded by a giant ice wall all the way around that's guarded by all the militaries in the world. Even if you could get to the edge, the impenetrable dome that covers the planet would prevent you from having a room that extends beyond it."

They actually believe that.

Mirdus2390d ago

Have they explained where meteorites / asteroids come from?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2390d ago
EatCrow2391d ago (Edited 2391d ago )

ANd what do you think the developers who think of game systems do all day?
They likely sit in armchairs at meetings.

Concept developmental takes time...by time I mean a lot of thoughts and ideas...these are done sometimes while sitting other times standing...whatever works for the individual.

The invention of the Nike logo came from a student. So this kind of response is really ignorant.

fiveby92391d ago

To be fair, it's mostly not developers at fault here. They code what they are told to code. It's game designers driven by business people. I get it's a business, but when many in the buying public call out what they see as a sad turn of events in game design, the company attacks the customer? Not smart. Few gamers are enthusiastic about "longterm engagement and continued monetization" as a business practice.

Dirtnapstor2391d ago

Agreed. Too many gamers out there thinking they're experts when it comes to development. I don't care about the loot boxes either way. I think this whole issue has been overblown. Don't understand the uproar. You do not have to buy them to play. If someone wants to invest, so what.
And here's the thing...If the community as a whole hates the idea, then I guess the whole community will not buy in to the loot boxes, right? Apparently everyone hates this "pay-to-win", so that means no one will be partaking. No unfair advantages, problem solved.
Now the people are bitching about having to play the game "forever" to progress. Isn't that the point? Longevity? Actually playing and enjoying the game for a long time?

fenome2391d ago (Edited 2391d ago )

This is where the whole situation is tricky though, loot boxes and MTS aren't inherently bad on their own. It all just depends on how they're integrated and whether or not they get implemented into gameplay mechanics. These things started in mobile free to play games and these companies saw games like Candy Crush making $600,000 every single day so they want a piece of that pie.

They've slowly been integrating them into AAA full priced games for years but they've pretty much always been cosmetic only, or can be obtained easily through gameplay non issue stuff, no big deal. Now their real colors are starting to show though and they're starting to actually build their whole games around trying to fleece people into buying this stuff. The grind in most games is the whole fun of the game but now it seems like they're going to intentionally try to make the grind tedious and slowly drip feed minor content to encourage prolonged play and pay.

That's my take on it anyways, honestly I think they deserve the backlash. Give them an inch and they'll steal your wallet. Just make your games fun and let them carry themselves on their own legs. Provide new proper content that people will happily pay for, win/win for everybody.
Don't take advantage of loyal fan bases trying to catch whales, they'll keep supporting you as long as you keep supporting them.

EatCrow2391d ago (Edited 2391d ago )

No. The point is a good game.
Longevity depends on the kind of game. If a game decides to gear their mechanics around lootboxes...its a bad game. Gambling mechanics should not be they way you progress in a console video game.

No different from a pretty looking mobile game.
Paying to win isnt the issue entirely...if everyone who buys that game is rich with an endless supply of money then paying more wouldnt be an issue now would it.
The problem is there are gamers who have that extra cash to spend and who will spend it. They get an advantage over those who choose not to spend it. Thats the issue.

"You do not have to buy them to play. If someone wants to invest, so what."
No you dont have to buy them to play. But if the community decides to buy...either you buy or youll get owned.
The game doesnt look like its centered around skill so that can only get you so far.

"Don't understand the uproar."
Sure you dont. Lets pretend every single game released this gen has released with a pay to progress mechanic.

NapalmSanctuary2391d ago

The systems in this game were built around incentivizing MT purchases. Its the most obvious form of bad game design there is. Specifically cause it never tried to be quality game design in terms of reinforcing and emphasizing the good qualities of the game, as well as incentivizing players to do well.

If heroes had to be locked, they should be unlocked by either gaining certain ranks, or a separate xp earned by proper use of specific troop classes.

Star cards shouldn't be cards. Thats the most generic implementations of equipment and skills Ive ever seen. They should be represented as loudout items and Equipable skills, according to whatever troop class you're setting up. And they shouldn't be upgraded by an extremely hard to come by currency like upgrade points. They should be upgraded by using the relevant trooper class with them equipped. Attaining the cards should be set to trooper class specific levels/ranks, as should the number of cards the player can equip (not overall player rank).

Loot boxes should never have been in the game in the first place. They were exhausting to grind credits for when they were only 1000/1200 credits. Now that they are 2,200 to 4000 credits per box, its a straight up pain in the ass. They serve little purpose other than to distract players from the actual fun of the game and to line EA's pockets with MT profit. If they had to have a random aspect to attaining certain items in the game they should have just implemented a drop system where after every match you get a random item(s).

Everything I just listed would have reinforced the good aspects of this game and incentivized good player performance. It also would have generated nothing but positive word of mouth and review scores for the game, driving sales/profits through the roof. Good business and good game design are not mutually exclusive, as the industry would have us think.

Dirtnapstor2391d ago

Thanks for the constructive answers. I had already seen the interview with Angry Joe, was hoping Paul was not sidestepping the questions deliberately. Guess so...EA would have hanged him. DreamcastGuy laid out a pretty good explanation regarding the flaws of this loot system as well.

InTheZoneAC2390d ago

It's really sad when people start justifying their trolling such as this. You are so oblivious to the system designed around progression and loot boxes I'm surprised you managed to even find the comment section, let alone this site. At least understand the entirety of the situation. I have no idea why anyone would defend what many of us saw coming, especially from a publisher such as EA

Dirtnapstor2390d ago

That was not a constructive response... I'm not trolling or oblivious, until the games official release, just objectively hoping that my favorite developer isn't falling into the trap that has begun to plague gaming. You're the one trolling. Quit waiving your self-righteous flag as if you have the inside scoop.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2390d ago
rainslacker2391d ago

Arm chair developer is more like someone who acts like they could do better, and proceeds to talk about how they'd do something different. A consumer who is unhappy with a product is quite a different thing. They should be respected, and listened to. Even if you aren't going to fix what they have a problem with, still treat them with respect and not like they're just whiny little children.

NapalmSanctuary2391d ago

When one has played multitudes of games that have done player progression a million times better than this game has, its not hard to be specific about improvements. They can call it armchair development all they want. The simple fact is that they openly invite it when they crap the bed so badly.

rainslacker2390d ago

I realize that there are those who can recognize better ways to do things, but at the same time, it a difference between discussing those things and demanding those things. I'm sure in this case there was some of both, and this reply from EA tends to group everyone into those who are demanding such things. That's a problem, because it ignores those with valid complaints who actually want to see positive change, and tends to avoid actually addressing the real criticism that exists.

For the most part, a company making a consumer product has to treat their customers with respect, even if they don't think that highly of them. In this case, generalizing the concerns meant disrespecting their customers.

jrshankill2390d ago

the tweet had nothing to do with SWBF2 either

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Liqu1d2392d ago

What a great community manager. /s

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anast169d ago

Game companies are not mature enough to handle this concept without turning it into a casino.

shadowknight203169d ago

The remakes of battlefront should have been more simular to the originals. CoD/battlefield reskinned as Star Wars was not the anwser.


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mastershredder213d ago

Remembering or celebrating? It's Halloween yo, that's what people are celebrating.

franwex211d ago

The first game was really fun. I remember being disappointed with this one when it first released.

I went back last month actually, and had more fun than when released-but I still think the first one is superior. Do like the soundtrack!

ThichQuangDuck473d ago

To think of all the characters we have been asked to kill since No Russian

472d ago