
If you buy one thing on Black Friday let it be Hellblade

MWEB GameZone writes: "Let at least one of your Black Friday purchases matter and get to play a really amazing game in the process."

Sillicur2381d ago

It is on my wishlist, hoping to grab it today!

mikeslemonade2380d ago

No. Free on PC. And it's overhype and flopped game.

Lionalliance2380d ago

uhh, how is it flopped if it is making revenue for the developers?

lelo2play2380d ago

The game did not flop. It sold quite well... but it's not a good game. Great graphics but too weird for me. Played it for a hour or so and gave up. Simply wasn't enjoying the game.

Christopher2380d ago

You not liking it doesn't mean it flops. Sales determines that. Sales say it is doing better than most Indies and better than some AAA games.

Steveoreno12380d ago Show
Blastoise2380d ago (Edited 2380d ago )

So by "free on PC" you mean pirate one of the very few microtransaction, season pass and DLC free games released this year?

KwietStorm_BLM2380d ago

Well there's always that one guy

Testfire2380d ago

It didn't flop, and it's already been announced that the game is making a profit on each sale going forward.

FinalFantasyFanatic2380d ago

I'm waiting for a big enough price drop, my friend played it and likes it but it doesn't have enough play time to justify a $25 price tag.

GLITCHED_2380d ago

Care to explain your reasoning for saying it is a "flop."

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2380d ago
joab7772380d ago

At least to support them. Great devs and great development model for future games.

GLITCHED_2380d ago

Fully agree with you, they need to be supported as they've done something new and important for gaming.

2381d ago
AnubisG2380d ago

I want to get this but I don't like to buy digital only games. As soon as they release this on a disc, I will buy it. Maybe Limited Run Games could do it.

TheVetOfGaming2380d ago

I was the same up until about 3 months ago. Always wanted physical copies, but the only one I have now is HZD. Every other game I have is digital.

AnubisG2380d ago

I think that's a personal preferrance. I like to see my collection on a shelf. I kind of old fashioned that way.

v_eno_m2380d ago

i will definitely support them. This team will continue to shine.

GLITCHED_2380d ago

They've had a few mishaps with earlier titles, but Hellblade definitely lifted the bar. We're excited to see what's next from them.

opinionated2380d ago

All these cheap ass games and you’re pushing hellblade? Okay..

Araragifeels 2380d ago

Hellblade is a good game for a AAA indie.

opinionated2380d ago

Eh, it’s alright. I liked the Norse elements but the pacing is super slow and the combat arena style is kinda lame. For 20 bucks you can get an ass load of games right now. Get hellblade when games aren’t on sale lol.

yomfweeee2380d ago

Maybe true but his point is $60 games are currently as cheap as this indie. Maybe if it was 50% of like most everything else.

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Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II – Check Out the Minimum PC System Requirements

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II, the much awaited sequel to the award-winning Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, arrives on May 21st. With under three weeks left until the launch, the developers from Ninja Theory have shared the game's

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PrinceOfAnger29d ago

Waiting to see what the "Recommended" spec be like!

Skuletor29d ago

Waiting to see if "Minimum" spec targets 30fps 😂

PassNextquestion29d ago

It's my understanding that the frame rate is unlocked on the pc version

Skuletor29d ago

I've seen Ubisoft have PC specs that have targeted 30fps before.

PassNextquestion29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Why the heck do you need Windows 11 to run the game? I remember there was a ssd feature locked to windows 11 not sure if that's still the case and if that's the reason.. direct storage I believe it is called

DivineHand12529d ago

If those are the minimum specs on PC then why can't the series x do more than 30 fps? Did they intentionally lock it to 30 fps when higher frame rates are possible?

PassNextquestion29d ago

Maybe they didn't want to compromise on the graphics

DarXyde29d ago

Very probable, but I can't really believe that when literally, the Series S ensures that they do.

I kind of think they just want to make it 30fps now to make an update later to keep people "on the hook" or give game pass subs something to look forward to with this game later on.

Personally, I think this game can push at least 45fps, but that's just my opinion. I don't really see a game this short being announced before TLOU2 launched, only to come out *now* and they haven't gotten those frames up.

RedDeadLB29d ago

Probably because they wanted better fidelity and that is probably too demanding for the XSX to push a stable 60fps on. Judging how most games are these days, the performance difference between low to high is sometimes not enough to target double the framerate. A locked, smooth 30fps i better than an unstable 60, even though it feels like picking between two turds.


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RavenWolfx219d ago

The Dead Space Remake gets added to GamePass 10/26, definitely worth playing through.