
NVIDIA proves the cloud can replace a high-end gaming rig

NVIDIA's GeForce Now proves your next gaming PC could be in the cloud.

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MegamanXXX2312d ago (Edited 2312d ago )

"I was able to play Rainbow Six: Siege and PlayerUnkn own's Battlegrounds on underpowered PCs that sell for $200 to $300"

Hmmm interesting

2312d ago Replies(4)
Ittoittosai2311d ago

Yeah as long as you pay hourly to play the games.

akaFullMetal2311d ago

Eventually the technology will get there and seem like there isn't any input lag when playing games. We are getting a little closer every year. We just need faster internet speeds for this to actually succeed.

UltraNova2311d ago

As long as internet usage caps, high Ping and throttling are a thing these services will never be viable.

2311d ago
ginsunuva2308d ago

*You* need faster internet speeds. Some of us have enough that we can't notice latency.

InTheZoneAC2311d ago (Edited 2311d ago )

The same people probably believe 4k streaming by Netflix/Amazon are just as good as uhd Blu-rays.

We're in 2018 and PvP suffers because people still have lousy connections. Now we think we can just magically play high end games at a steady framerate? Okai!

I trialed ps now, only game I played was super stardust HD(I have it on all my systems) and I knew how fast paced it gets and the input lag was unbearable with the ps now version. It was definitely playable but it's supposed to be 60fps and it felt like my controller just had constant interference.

TankCrossing2311d ago (Edited 2311d ago )

You're absolutely right about 4k streaming vs UHD blu-ray, but at the same time you have to acknowledge that most people are actually entirely satisfied by Netflix, so the convenience and price wins out.

There is no reason to think games streaming can't reach a level of quality that the average user will be quite satisfied with if paired with convenience and a good price.

1080p60 might hit that mark for a lot of people. I don't think NVidia have the reach to make it big, but when PSNow/Game Pass or another big player like Amazon start offering this quality of experience straight to a TV/console/firestick or whatever that could have quite an impact.

2311d ago Replies(1)
Sirk7x2311d ago (Edited 2311d ago )

5G networks will be rolling out within the next couple of years, and the latency is supposedly so low that it can be used to perform surgeries remotely. I imagine in ten years cloud based services will begin to replace hardware solutions for many consumers. It's what businesses want anyways. Complete control over how you use their products, while collecting a subscription fee. In 12 years, I imagine Playstation and Xbox will be services people use on their phones, which by then will replace many PCs as well if said cloud processes are reliable. Rest it on a charge pad that automatically projects to a screen. I could be wrong, and there are always niche markets that thrive, but it seems to be the way that things are headed.

InTheZoneAC2311d ago

Gaming will not move from consoles to phones, you are absolutely crazy

Sirk7x2311d ago (Edited 2311d ago )

I'm just saying, with the way AI and technology grows, in 15 years the world could be a very different place. I imagine one day soon AI will probably also be able to create any kind of audio, video content procedurally and near instantly based on its owner's likes as well. I'm talking "Alexa, write me a book in the horror genre similar to my interests," or "Build me a game like Dark Souls." The day this becomes possible, what need would there be for people to work in those industries at all? I'm not saying I like it, I just think that technology making human work obsolete is inevitable.

Jalapeno2311d ago

I had the same response when I was telling people before the iPhone 4 came out that those things could replace handheld console games. There are already cloud gaming services available for $9.99 on mobile devices and none of them are named GeForce Now.

ginsunuva2308d ago

I.e. your superpowered phone in 2030 connects to a TV and streams games.
Nothing is moving from consoles to phones, he's saying it might all move to a single cloud irrelevant of what type of device streams it.

Ittoittosai2311d ago

I dont want to pay a subscription fee or hourly to play games dude neither does most of the gaming population. What companies want is irrelvent what we allow them to get away with is what matters.

Sirk7x2311d ago

If it's convenient enough, people will go to it. There was a time where people laughed at services like Netflix and thought digital music was silly. Granted, there are still markets for physical media, but I guarantee in ten years that gap will close significantly.

andibandit2311d ago (Edited 2311d ago )

If total cost, for the consumer, ends up in favour of these services, I wouldnt mind.

DillyDilly2311d ago (Edited 2311d ago )

The problem is you will go over your data plans easily

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Comparing All The Current Game Streaming Subscription Services

In 2020 the sheer number of game streaming subscriptions makes you wonder where you should focus your energy and money. Are you are looking for a streaming subscription to satisfy your gaming needs? Well, we put together a table overview for you to peruse and possibly see which ones you might prefer, or see why some of these are now redundant services.

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isarai1573d ago (Edited 1573d ago )

Sony just needs to up its resolution and framerate and it'll be quite the service, still don't like streaming though so doesn't really matter to me.

SpaceRanger1573d ago

Why is Xbox GamePass on this? Not a streaming service.

CaptainCook1572d ago

Xcloud will be included with Xbox Game Pass this year

RazzerRedux1572d ago

And they announced that.....when?

CaptainCook1572d ago (Edited 1572d ago )

Here's the link from the engineers themselves talking about Xcloud at Xbox London Event 2019.

"There's 2 things.. We are going to give you the games you own from the cloud or the games you've purchased in the future, and we will bring Game streaming to Xbox Game Pass so you are Free to discover and play anywhere and everywhere"


SpaceRanger1572d ago

Once again, why is Xbox GamePass on this? Your comment only further proves my point.

RazzerRedux1572d ago


Thanks. I missed that announcement obviously.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1572d ago
RazzerRedux1572d ago

Neither is Uplay or Origin. "Journalism"

2pacalypsenow1573d ago (Edited 1573d ago )

The only game streaming services are PS Now, Stadia and GeForce Now.

Xbox Game pass, Uplay plus and Origin aren’t streaming.

1571d ago Replies(2)
1572d ago Replies(1)
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24-year-old faces nearly 9,000 charges for trading game accounts

A 24-year-old inhabitant of Poland has received nearly 9 thousand charges of illegal distribution of games. His idea was to buy digital versions of the games and then resell access to the account to many people. Losses he caused were valued at nearly $260,000. He pleaded guilty to all charges.

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masterfox1577d ago (Edited 1577d ago )

it's over 9000!!! :D, sorry I couldn't resist.

Bleucrunch1575d ago

hahahahaahahahahahaaaaaa. GOOD ONE!!!

Exvalos1575d ago

Omfg lmao!!!!! Never a more perfect time to say that

badz1491575d ago

it's not over 9000 though

Father__Merrin1576d ago

these cretins are all over ebay you search for a game key and something cheap comes up once you click on the post its actually not a game key but rather access to a account. theres no option on ebay to report them

arkard1576d ago (Edited 1575d ago )

Should be, what does not participate in digital sales (unless something changed im unaware of) so a sale like that is against there terms and conditions

I was wrong, they do allow digital items now.

But I checked and there is still a reporting tool on the mobile website at least. You have to scroll pretty far down to get to it though

nucky641575d ago

not sure about that. i used to sell digital codes from blu ray movies i bought. i never used them so it seemed like a waste. i usually put them up for sale for a third of what the entire movie package cost me. the last time i tried to do this (around 2 months ago) i get message that trying to sell digital copies isn't allowed.

nucky641575d ago

so true. i was always curious as to how people were allowed to do that. now i know - they aren't supposed to.

Cyb3r1575d ago

Some websites sell accounts too Im surprised that noting is being done about this

JackBNimble1575d ago

And they're all stolen accounts

1575d ago
JackBNimble1575d ago

Why are they calling this trading accounts, this is plain and simply stealing.

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The Game Deflators E64 | Nintendo Loses and Exclusive to the PlayStation 4

This week on the Game Deflators #podcast, John and Ryan discuss the loss of Nintendo Exclusives, Pokemon, and TemTem. Also in the gaming world, we can't forget about the Xbox and PlayStation. Microsoft is re-hiring a a marketing exec of the Xbox 360 days and the PlayStation continues to proove why it will be a force to be reckoned with this next console generation.

To round off this episode the duo tilt their Game Boys and play some Pokemon Pinball. This classic game came out in 1999 to relatively good reviews. Does it still hold up for gamers?

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