
PUBG takes US game firm to court

Korean game developer PUBG, a subsidiary of Bluehole, has filed a copyright violation lawsuit against U.S. based Epic Games, asking a court to determine whether the latter's “Fortnite” copied the former's “PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.”

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Bhai2195d ago (Edited 2195d ago )

So, instead of improving upon their own game that runs like crap, has fallen into mediocrity and staleness... they have resorted to sue Fortnite???...
Yeah, Fornite is going to invade Korean market now ;) adding to its growing popularity... this reaction was expected!

UltraNova2195d ago (Edited 2195d ago )

Instead of doubling down and trying to make their game the best it can be(e.g. iron out their engine) and offer gamers incentive to stay and invest time in it they consume themselves with bitter actions against the competition...

Why wont they diversify? They could easily create limited time modes where players have powers and/or quirky weapons. Take a jab at Fortine if you like. But no, they are vindictive.

Sour grapes I tell you. Bluehole is a sore looser.

DethWish2195d ago

"their engine" this is actually pretty hilarious as they're using epics engine (unreal)

UltraNova2195d ago

Well it is isn't it? But lets be honest here, Fortnite is Epic's game as is Unreal engine + PUGB is doing "realism" and bigger maps so thats that.

Eonjay2194d ago

I bet that this will result in the purchase of Bluehole by Microsoft. Mark my words. It is so easy to see how these companies operate.

morganfell2194d ago (Edited 2194d ago )

This just in, Greg Thomson, the guy behind Maze is suing every first person shooter maker ever for copying his idea.

Not really, but that';s about the extent of this idiocy by PUBG. As they go down they are like a drowning person scrambling to grab onto anything to keep them afloat.

Epic has a pretty good legal record. And they tend to really come back and utterly crush people that take them to court over frivolous matters. PUBG, about to be hoisted on their own petard. Not exactly what I saw when I forecasted that PUBG would not last but this is a bad sign and a horrendous move for them.

Skull5212194d ago

There is no doubt Fortnite rushed to capitalize on PUBGs success because no one cared about Fortnite, and PUBGs business was definitely affected. I actually hope they win this.

Goldby2194d ago

They don't need special powers in pubg, that's what hackers are already doing on the pc side lmao

rainslacker2194d ago (Edited 2194d ago )

Bluehole seems to have some sort of death wish in the industry or something. They have accused Epic of potentially having an unfair advantage because they own the engine that Bluehole decided to use, and used that to try and insinuate that Epic shouldn't compete against them. But that notion ignores that it means Epic wouldn't be able to make games, because there isn't a genre that doesn't use their engine.

Now their parent company is accusing them of copyright infringement.

That's a pretty serious claim, and it seems petty to try and push Epic out of the market just because they're doing better than PUBG is, and doing it much faster than PUBG is.

If Bluehole and their parent company have a problem with people doing the genre, then they're going to be in a very rude awakening over the next few years, because it's likely to become a standard game mode in a lot of MP games.

The notion that Bluehole somehow has rights to the genre is ridiculous, not just on a legal level, but on a standard operating or what people have come to accept. Imagine if when Horde mode became a thing, that other companies weren't allowed to because the first company that did something like that laid claim to it.


Doesn't matter if Epic rushed to include it in Fortnite, or their reasons for doing so. It's still not copyright infringement to make a mode in their game in the same genre. Epic could outright make the same game, and if they did it independently, they still wouldn't infringe with just changing a few things here or there.

It's effect on PUBG business is moot to the issue. If one game affected PUBG to the point they couldn't compete, then they didn't stand a chance when every other MP game ends up with the mode in the future.

morganfell2194d ago (Edited 2194d ago )

When are they filing against Activision? If they are going to go full retard they might as well go after them too.

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DarkVoyager2195d ago (Edited 2195d ago )

First he says they welcome the competition and now they filed a copyright violation lawsuit against Epic? Talk about a 180. Now that Fortnite has taking over the Battle Royale scene it's a different story? Smh.

ThinkThink2194d ago

Are referring to Brendan Greene, pubg corp or blue hole? I believe it's blue hole which initiated the lawsuit, not Greene or pubg corp.

IAreBeMrLee2195d ago

I hate how Bluehole act is if they've created the Battle Royale genre...

The_Jackel2194d ago

its funny really, all it really is, is a name change from "last one/man standing" to battle royale. think unreal tournament had last man standing i cant remeber the games they were off top of head just more isolated then that of a open word style game that fortnight h1z1 and pubg

shuvam092195d ago

Well then shouldn't Sony sue PUBG for copying MAG???
How one can honestly claim to own a genre just baffles me...
Better product sells more, simple...
Besides, Fortnite does enough to differentiate itself from PUBG...
So its just a non-case...
I hope that the only outcome of this is lower player count for PUBG...
They deserve it...

Magnetar2194d ago

Mag is nothing like these games, that’s the worst comparison ever.

shuvam092194d ago

You know what battle royale means right??
Mag was full on battle royale, albeit team based...

pinkcrocodile752194d ago

So like so many others on here, you presume to know the inner workings of a developer.

To which I say "B0ll0cks"

IAreBeMrLee2194d ago

They're trying to sue a company for copying there game... it's in black and white m8... no assuming here...

pinkcrocodile752194d ago


Crossed wires here, I was referring to comments regarding the lack of investment in their own game which is utter shite as we we all know.

They could take He-Man to court and I wouldn't care, hell they could f1nger Ivanka Trump and I'd sleep like a baby.

Next time I'll add a quote to what I'm replying to, so totally understand your confusion :D

subtenko2194d ago

Almost looks like PUBG is about to become another Day Z. Hype at first then forgotten and stuck in development mode.

Starcitzen makes more progress

Homunculus2194d ago

How is fortnite better? It has only 7 characters and is cartoony

morganfell2194d ago

Yet a free game passes PUBG in revenue. Right now Twitch has over 2.5 times the viewers for Fortnite vs PUBG.

Goldby2194d ago

Runs better, plays better, more attractive for streamers.
Art direction has no correlation with quality

rainslacker2194d ago

Unless Epic outright stole code from PUBG, there is no case here. Genre's are not something that can be copyrighted.

There's no reason that Epic would steal code from Bluehole. They have some of the most talented devs in the world, and could easily come up with their own solutions.

All that being said, it doesn't matter if PUBG is shit or the best game ever. Copyright infringement is something that is taken seriously when it's actually a real case. They can't copyright a genre though. It'd be like the author of Twilight trying to claim they now have rights to all vampire romance novels.

Anyhow, it'll be interesting to see how this plays out, or if it just fizzles before ever going anywhere. I believe this is the first time something like this has been attempted.

To me, it seems like it's derivative work at best, which is more than acceptable. But in reality it's just a different take on a theme. Same thing that any number of movies, TV Shows, Books, and most of all games, do on a regular base.

ramiuk12194d ago

its jut like apple vs samsung though isnt it.
if you cant beat them ,take them to court

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Liqu1d2195d ago

Great use of time and money. /s

Instead of wasting money on pointless lawsuits that you can't win how about you focus on fixing and improving your game to compete with the competition. Keep trying to sue competition and you'll fade into irrelevancy. It's ridiculous how bitter this company is.

UCForce2195d ago (Edited 2195d ago )

The problem with Bluehole. It’s their arrogant. They think themselves that they are the one who created the genre, but it’s not. Minecraft Hunger Game, H1Z1 and Culling are BR games before PUGB created. Of course, Bluehole doesn’t want to admit and they are afraid that Fornite will take their place.

Thatguy-3102195d ago

fortnite already took their place

UCForce2195d ago

@Thatguy-310 I see. But still, Bluehole is angry and jealous.

remixx1162194d ago


I have a question, not as an insult or anything like that so don't take it that way but is english your first language?

Ot: blue hole just lost its ground to a competitor that offered a free, more polished and more frequently updated game, they winner was obvious from the jump.

Ps: i hate BR games so theres no favoritism here, just being objective.

TheMustardCat2194d ago

Are you saying the owner of H1Z1 copied their own game (PUBG)?

UCForce2194d ago (Edited 2194d ago )

@remixx116 Look, my English is not perfect, but at least I know what I saying and understand what people saying. About PUGB, i’m tired of their arrogant.

Edit: @TheMustardCat I know that. But it doesn’t change fact that Blue Hole just being blinded by their overconfident.

remixx1162194d ago


Yes i understand you, i was just curious if you primary language was a different one, my bad if i was pushin buttons.

rainslacker2194d ago

Unless PUBG ramps up the completion of their game, which they should be able to do with the large amount of cash they've brought in, other developers and publishers are going to surpass them easily. Bluehole will be left as a footnote in history as the creators of a popular genre, but ultimately, won't be able to compete themselves in the genre they claim to have created.

They may still be around, as they're apparently making another game now. But it takes work to stay relevant. Just because you were first, it doesn't mean you are the best, or that people will flock to you when there are better options out there. COD doesn't keep doing well because they were the first to hit it big in the genre. It does well because they keep people hooked with quality relative to what is expected from the game. Bluehole OTOH, seems to think it can trickle out improvements or content and people will stick around, or keep buying their product. Even though they're early access, that can't maintain them in the face of heavy competition. It works for things like Star Citizen, but they at least show progress on a regular basis, and they don't have what I'd call heavy competition for what they're trying to make.

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Artemidorus2195d ago

Front page title of this file is called "butthurt".

lociefer2195d ago

Fortnite stole PUBG's already stolen ideas and shafted it, on the bright side maybe they'll both go away and put an end to this fade

Gaming_1st2194d ago

Have you played either game? Sure they're both BR games and you shoot people, but that's about far as it goes. Fortnite has physics, mining, building, jump pads, jetpacks and the list goes on and on. Pubg did not create the BR genre, so they just made a BR game and in a lot of peoples minds is much better.

If people enjoy these type of games why does it bother you? Let them enjoy it and have fun. And btw it's fad not fade.

lociefer2194d ago

Ya played both of them, got bored on the 3rd match , also did you see me saying pubg invented it ?
And btw it's people's not peoples

Gaming_1st2194d ago


Your best retort is me forgetting a apostrophe? But you said "Fortnite stole PUBG's already stolen ideas", that's a double negative. You can't steal a idea that has already been stolen. So basically you replied to call me out on a apostrophe and not address any of my rebuttal, go figure.

lociefer2194d ago (Edited 2194d ago )

Let me help you understand, might be a little complicated for you. It basically means fortnite stole pubg's ideas, that were already stolen from another game, by that i meant pubg had already stolen these idea from another game and fortnite stole these already stolen ideas, please let me know if you still don't understand.

Oh and also its a fade (lol), but hey , i think this extra E triggered you, so let me send you the google link for the meaning of this word


Gaming_1st2194d ago


You are making my point for me. So you are assuming Fortnite stole the BR idea from PubG, when PubG stole it before. So why couldn't Fortnite just steal it from the same dev that PubG did. Why does it have to be focused on stealing from PubG. Your opinion doesn't count as facts. If you can prove Fortnite did that, by all mean lay the facts out. Otherwise stop making baseless assumptions.

Hope that wasn't too complicated for you. Then if you can understand, address the other issues of the discussion that was brought up that you have failed to do so.

lociefer2194d ago

Lol you assume that i give a crap about any of them, but yeah, maybe just look when was fortnite released ? And their tweets regarding PUBG ? (Don't expect me to fetch them for you do your homework)

And lol at "other issues of the discussion"... wait you serious ? Lol .. ah you mean why does it bother me if others enjoy it ? Where did i write that ? Or did you just assume ? By wishing the fad would go away i meant for everyone to stop riding on this stupid fad(cod /bf), and all the celebrity crap.

But of course not, you had to take issue with it cause maybe you love fortnite a little too much. Just don't forget to return the credit card when you're done buying cosemetics

Gaming_1st2194d ago (Edited 2194d ago )


Again, being you have a reading disability.

"bright side maybe they'll both go away and put an end to this fade" <----Supposed to be "fad"

Again, being you have a reading disability.

"Sure they're both BR games and you shoot people, but that's about far as it goes. Fortnite has physics, mining, building, jump pads, jetpacks and the list goes on and on."

Again everything i said is a fact, unlike making assumptions. I mean if we want to get technical about Fortnite copied Ark survival of the fittest more then PubG. PubG is just a less optimized H1Z1 clone, being the same guy made both.

P.S. Seems you got triggered cause i called you out on your misspelling of "fad" or fade as you would like to call it...Btw, i do not play any BR games, i do not like them. Just not my cup of tea.

lociefer2194d ago

"Again, being you have a reading disability" - brings up the first comment thinking it was new. Lmfao

""Sure they're both BR games and you shoot people, but that's about far as it goes. Fortnite has physics, mining, building, jump pads, jetpacks and the list goes on and on."
"Btw, i do not play any BR games, i do not like them. Just not my cup of tea"

- Of course you don't, smh

Again, remind me what you're still arguing about beside your insecurities playing fortnite ?

Gaming_1st2194d ago


Again, deflect and deflect and make more assumptions instead of providing facts. Quick shot into your comment history shows that's a typical thing for you. It's obvious this discussion has been over a few comments ago. It's OK, i get it. You can not have a debate and you think your opinions are facts.

P.S. I did play the PVE of Fortnite.

lociefer2194d ago

Ah you're not only triggered, you're a butthurt stalker too ? Dare i say ..... fan ?

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Aenea2194d ago

"Oh and also its a fade"

Ehh, no, it's a fad... The google link you so nicely provided is also for 'fad' not 'fade'

lociefer2194d ago (Edited 2194d ago )

Yes thank you i know, also i'm planning a typo camping trip if you're intrested, but unfortunately it's still a fad(e)
Also while you're at it, look at my username, does it also bother you that it's lociefer instead of lucifer ?

littletad2194d ago

People can disagree all they want, it's the truth. And it's been reported and verified. But they shot themselves in the foot by working with Epic to begin with. But yes, Epic did copy them. The excuse that they're both "shooters" is hilarious. Either way, I hope they both go away.

bluefox7552195d ago

If you can't beat em, sue em, I guess.

badz1492194d ago

If they are Microsoft, "if you can't beat them, buy them"

remixx1162194d ago

Sony : if you cant join em, beat em.

Nintendo: if you cant beat em: f*** it, do your own thing

Microsoft: if you cant beat em, buy em

Sega: if you cant beat em, well f***

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