
Sony's Lack Of PS4 Cross-Play Support Continues To Be An Embarrassment

With Fortnite players unable to keep their progress from PS4 to Switch, it's Sony who once again look like fools.

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ObviousGoldfish2179d ago

Almost as embarrassing as their e3 presentation?

xHeavYx2179d ago

So many hurt people with memory issues. There is no need for Sony to allow cross-play at this point, it would be most beneficial for the other 2 companies at the moment.

starsi3602179d ago

I think it would actually be MOST beneficial to gamers and the gaming community. Maybe they should look at it from that angle. You know, the people that throw money at them year after year?

JaguarEvolved2179d ago

PlayStation 4 Total Sales: 78,572,659

Xbox One Total Sales: 37,261,546

Switch Total Sales: 16,671,979

I guess they should be embarrassed judging by their success

Gunstar752179d ago

What if you play fortnight on switch and PS4 u won't be able to sharw your profile.

Just another anti-consumer move by Sony

Gazondaily2179d ago (Edited 2179d ago )

"So many hurt people with memory issues. There is no need for Sony to allow cross-play at this point, it would be most beneficial for the other 2 companies at the moment."

Oh so its okay for them to hold your Epic account to ransom? Why not let users unlink the account so they can use it somewhere else?

So many people excusing this BS.


LOL! Did you just plug in sales figures? 😂

Smitty20202179d ago

i thought the same, ps4 doesnt need it other companies do!

RosweeSon2179d ago

Exactly it benefits Microsoft most being as they have half the players of course they want it and of course they put pressure on by giving the moral high ground well we’ve done it Sony should too, yeah go back 5 years when 360 was bossing it and they’d (Microsoft) would have agreed to something like that, Hell No, but like the GWG you get now wouldn’t have happened unless Sony started doing it at which point months after xb1 had lauchned they begrudgingly started doing the same and giving free games away, rubbish ones but still. People just love a drama these days and fanboys always gloss over when it suits I’ll game with any company as long as the quality of games is there this Gen it’s all Nintendo and Sony with the quality.

morganfell2179d ago

Let me fix that headline:

Fans of Other Consoles Begging For PS4 Cross-Play Support Continues To Be An Embarrassment

bluefox7552179d ago

@starsi360 Using that logic, why doesn't Sony release their exclusives on Xbox platforms as well? That would be "most beneficial" to gamers. You might even be able to make an argument for that, but you shouldn't discount the role of competition in Sony's success. They're not a charity, they're delivering what gamers want, because they are profit driven, and that is making them successful. If they didn't make business decisions that factor in their competition, and operated like a charity, they would go out of business almost instantly. You have to walk the line between doing things that are "popular", and not doing things that help your competition. Frankly, the crossplay thing seems to be a non-issue for most people outside of those that think it's ammo in the console war.

Sayai jin2179d ago (Edited 2179d ago )

The length people will go to spin or defend their favorite console is ridiculous. It would be a good thing for Sony to allow cross play. It doesn't have to so with anything with sales or success, it's just the right thing to do.

Giving gamers what they want.

Man this site is toxic.

trooper_2179d ago

Yeah, pretty much.

I wonder where was this fake outcry when Microsoft turned it down?

Realplaya2179d ago

Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to the developer. If I hav a PS4 I’m not going to buy a switch or Xbox because I can play against those people.

senorfartcushion2179d ago

The way you're on the side of a faceless conglomerate....

You're a civilian and a shill - a shill they care nothing about.

starchild2179d ago (Edited 2179d ago )

It would be good for gamers and good for developers, but of course the first priority for corporate cheerleaders is 'what's good for the company'.

Papafynn2179d ago

☝🏽I have a reason: For the players.

Markusb332179d ago

Exactly MS would not allow it when they were no top with the 360 and doing timed gta dlc etc but now it's anti consumer. These xb fans are translucent, talk about change the narrative to suit

xHeavYx2179d ago

To all the people saying they this would help gamers and that's what gamers want. The vast majority of people asking for crossplay are Xbox fans.

tehpees32179d ago

You what mate? How is adding crossplay going to send them out of business?

Gazondaily2179d ago

The BS arguments these shills are coming out with. It's pathetic.

Why is Sony locking off Epic's account when others aren't?

How are the vast majority of players Xbox players asking for this?

Just plain stupidity.

WelkinCole2179d ago

@starsi360. I throw money at Sony to play games that are only available on the PS4. I don't throw money at Sony so that I can play with Swtich or xbox fans online.

G3ng4r2179d ago

I mean, their e3 conference was fine if you're a hardcore fan of musical chairs. As for crossplay I say let them continue their complacency and hurt themselves.

Army_of_Darkness2179d ago (Edited 2179d ago )

Want to play with ps4 gamers? Easy. Buy a Ps4! More games and gamers on it then the competition combined anyways 😉

kreate2179d ago

I dont think Sony or playstation fans really care about cross play.

I'd rather Sony spend the money on more games. Not that Sony needs anymore games at this stage.

neutralgamer19922179d ago

Sony still has more titles that offer cross play than Xbox

So once again


NeoGamer2322179d ago

The only embarrassment is for gamers that defend sony on this topic.

There is no sensible gaming reason to block crossplay, especially if it is optional and default is off.

Name one gaming reason to block crossplay assuming it is optional and by default turned off?

r2oB2179d ago

My take on the matter is not allowing cross play isn't that big of a deal to most gamers when looking at the whole picture. Sony provides compelling games to gamers, which is why more gamers buy their console. If it were a priority feature, and the PS4 didn't have it, people wouldn't buy it. It's that simple. It's like backwards compatibility, a nice feature, but at the end of the day focusing on providing a user base with more new games is what matters most. Evidence? Despite all these so called "anti consumer" practices, consumers are still buying more PS4s, so they must be doing something right by the consumer.

Einstien said insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different outcome. Well, seems a lot of people are insane because they keep complaining about the same thing, expecting something different. When is this dead horse going to stop being beaten? It's like asking the same girl out time and time again, constantly being rejected. It's embarrassing, give it up, move on. Sony is not going to allow cross play with Xbox One or Switch at this junction.

I'll tell you what. This whole cross play thing is a God send for Microsoft and Nintendo to deflect their own problems and keep their gamers focus away from them. The people so vocal about cross play should have been more vocal towards Microsoft providing compelling games, and Nintendo allowing local back ups in 2018.

prankster1012179d ago (Edited 2179d ago )

Totally agree.

Losers like Nintendo trying to band together in order to recapture some of the market share that they so arrogantly lost to TWO "startup" rivals - Sony AND Microsoft.

Maybe Nintendo fans need to take some of their ire out on the company so as to ensure that their Switch's aren't just glorified paperweights. Because you know... if it's all about the games, then where were the games?

Bet you're going to get some tard saying "Smash". And? "Daemon". And?


The Switch is a glorified $300 paperweight. For that amount, you can buy a PS4 AND an XBox One.

"Buh buh buh you can take it on the go".

Shut up. I've only ever seen 5 Switch machines in the wild. And the people carrying them are usually sad man-babies.

Gaming_1st2179d ago

Exactly, this benefits the other 2 companies. Why should Sony bend over backwards for these other 2 companies when they have a install base bigger then both combined.

Aenea2179d ago

I agree with you on cross-play, progression saving between consoles is silly that you can't continue on another platform if you want to...

gamer78042179d ago (Edited 2179d ago )

well no need for Sony != no need for gamers. Although Fortnite and other games are going to probably make Sony face up to the issue sooner or later or continue with this egg on it's face.

NewMonday2178d ago

it's like demanding Apple bring the App store to Android.

if Sony do this their console business will end, they would rather live with constant complaints.

KillBill2178d ago

The real point is not cross-play but the locking of game data to PS4 where person can't even play on Switch if they chose to go mobile. Because Sony does not allow the data to be shared to another console. I think Epic themselves though can resolve this without Sony's assistance. Just allow players to unlink their data from PS4 and link it to Switch.

+ Show (28) more repliesLast reply 2178d ago
Babadook72179d ago

And yet Sony was the first to have cross platform support.

The 10th Rider2179d ago

So if it's a good thing that they had it first, why isn't it a bad thing that they don't support it now?

neutralgamer19922179d ago

The 10th

Check your facts they still have cross play with pc

They will never allow cross play with Xbox and that is the right decision

TekoIie2179d ago (Edited 2179d ago )


Okay, so what happens when they're surpassed by both Switch and Xbox in Cross-play support? Everyone's know cross-play was possible between PC and a console but we've never been this close to fully having one community playing together across all platforms and Sony is the one who is stopping it from happening. Not MS, not Nintendo, but Sony.

If your answer to this is "Yeah well Sony don't need to because they're winning" then they deserve to lose some of their market share to make them wake up. Otherwise, we're going to see them go back to having the attitude they had during the PS3 launch.

Ceaser98573612179d ago (Edited 2179d ago )

Sony is covered till E3 2019 end so how's it embarrassing? Each and every exclusives show is a system seller so again how's it embarrassing.. Well unless you can't play them or your choice of system cant come close to them then i can understand where you are coming from, hence you can DISAGREE

Well you could say the presentation could have been better or not upto the mark since Sony always stand out better from the rest but embarrassing not at all

neutralgamer19922179d ago

Bro it's embarrassed because it's up by 45 million so fans of other consoles want to play with the best fans in gaming

Playstation Nation

We don't want to play with Xbox or switch but we will keep our cross play with Pc

Sayai jin2179d ago

You people realize how ridiculous it sounds to talk about console fans vs console fans. It's not some elite club. If someone is a Ninty fan and wants to play Playstation games then they can go and easily buy a PS4 and so on.I have all the consoles and gaming PCs.

blackblades2179d ago

And yet they're still the best place to play.

neutralgamer19922179d ago

Instead of worrying about cross play other companies need to offer same level of quality experiences games wise

But you will never see Xbox defense force admit to that

neutralgamer19922179d ago


Yes so embarrassing that they still showed more exclusives than ms and Nintendo

Keep begging we the playstation nation don't want to play with anyone else besides the other best platform


Cross play with the biggest platform in the world. Haters will hate

80 million sold
More exclusives

Yet Sony is anti consumer. Ms is so pro consumer with offering below average games and trying to enforce Drm with always online along with Gaas

Doge2179d ago

Hate to break it to you, but no corporation is gonna give a single toss about anyone online defending them or hating them.

People are just numbers. Numbers are money. Restricting platform login on a 3rd party account because of platform association is garbage, and deserves to be called out on.

neutralgamer19922179d ago


Yet somehow playstation has a long history of caring about its fans. Yes these are corporations but one corporation is making excellent games and the other is talking about making games

Doge2179d ago (Edited 2179d ago )

"A video game company makes games?! They really do care about us!"

You're. Missing. The. Point.

Petebloodyonion2179d ago (Edited 2179d ago )

Instead of trash talking about How Sony is dominating or crap like that perhaps you should educate yourself on the subject.
Like learning that MS didn't ask for crossplay, nor Nintendo but companies like Bandai-Namco for their fighting games, Epic games for Fortnite, Psyonix with Rocket league and probably a lot of small indy dev.
You know companies that job depend on the success of these games.

But hey, you can also continue to trash talk about the feature and why not call it dumb like Cliff Blizinsky because Lawbreakers was a huge success after the players count drop next to zero. (doubt that he would say the same thing today).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2179d ago
S2Killinit2179d ago (Edited 2179d ago )

almost as embarrassing as xbone's lack of games?

neutralgamer19922179d ago


Stop don't you know games don't matter. It's

Game pass
Ea access

Games don't matter services matter


starchild2179d ago

Uh they both matter. But exclusives are a minority in this industry. People that act like exclusives are everything are out of whack, seriously.

Hypothetically, if I had to choose between losing backwards compatibility on PC but getting two extra exclusives a year or keeping backwards compatibility but not getting those two extra exclusives a year I would choose in a heartbeat to keep backwards compatibility and not get the two extra exclusives.

I honestly don't even care whether a game is exclusive or not. I get no thrill from knowing that gamers on other platforms don't get to play a game.

S2Killinit2179d ago

You are missing the point. We HAVE devices that play those older games, they are PS3/360. So, when making a decision on which console is the best choice, we go by which console offers the more compelling GAMES. They ARE game consoles after all. If all consoles play the same games, then the one with "exclusives" (meaning more games) is the better option. Trying to move the goal posts so far as claiming that having more new games is not determinative of which console is the better one, is a new fad created by PR heads at Microsoft.

TallonIV2179d ago

Sony are an embarrassment for doing this and now they're locking people's accounts they don't even own? How is that allowed.

Markusb332179d ago

Move on cry babies the best selling console in thr world doesn't nee cross play just like xb didn't allow it when Sony wanted it during the 360 generation.
As for e3 Sony showed gameplay not cgi and not exclusive Ips going to pc.
Oh and xb fans are gushing over yet another new console. So the most powerful console in the world did nothing ?

AgeInTheCage2179d ago

The Embarrassment is showing nothing but multi plat games and trying to pass most of them off as exclusive.

zodiac9092179d ago

You didnt watch the conference if you thought it was bad.

MIDNIITE_Z3RO2179d ago

I'm sure plenty of people will dislike me for saying this, but honestly, I gotta say, I thought Microsoft's press conference was much better than Sony's this year. And I'm being 100% honest. I don't own an Xbox One, I do own a PS4, and I just wasn't blown away by anything, other than maybe The Last of Us 2. I thought Ghost of Tsushima was interesting, and Death Stranding, but Microsoft showed so much. A lot of those titles will be cross platform for Microsoft. But after The Last of Us 2, I may end up selling my PS4 in preparation for the next gen consoles. But I need Sony to turn it up a notch. If they want me to buy a PS5, they need more, better exclusives.

2179d ago
alstruck2179d ago

Why are you thinking about next gen? Buy a ps4, and you dont have to.. Personally, no game tops that look from tsushima's fight with autumn leaves falling

kowan2179d ago

Oh, you mean like Nintendo's?

nucky642179d ago

F#CK the presentation - i don't care how they show them - i wanted GAMES. and SONY DELIVERED with great GAMES and GAMEPLAY.

JesusBuiltmyHotrod2178d ago

All those great exclusives versus Games I can play on multiple systems? LOL

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 2178d ago
RainbowBrite2179d ago

Well maybe in some games, like this one. But I don't know. It's something for Sony to decide, if it's convenient or not to their business

Cmv382179d ago

I get why some ps4 players would be upset, for me only certain titles I would like the feature for. Mainly titles with dying communities. But other than that I don't care. My question is why do people who game on other systems exclusively or mainly care so much about playing with ps4 players... like why does that even matter.

Markusb332179d ago

It's a false narrative and distraction from the lack of new Ips exclusives and push towards a digital all platform service model

alstruck2179d ago

Not false narrative.. just some parts of the media really bought what microsoft are saying.

Edito2178d ago

It matters because xbox live is a ghost town.

DeadSilence2179d ago

This is bad, Sony needs to get their shit together in regards to their policias.

Alucard_4202179d ago

why?? so they can take a chance and lose some of the player base to the competition??? if that's the case why don't we boycott until all 3 companies become one??? Jesus it is business people......... SONY could lose player to the X because that would be more enticing to play there if I could still play with my PS4 friends, it is a losing cause for SONY honestly

2179d ago
Alucard_4202179d ago

ok lots of people own multiple consoles for exclusives I have PC PS4PRO SWITCH VITA & WII U, if I own a ps4pro and a xbox one x, and cross play is possible. which console do you play it on if you want the best performance???

that is potential player base lost and leaves the door wide open for MS to take more players. PC players don't care about consoles so cross play with them would not be an issue.

you gotta remember this is a business and SONY isn't here to make friends with MS and why would they after how they continuously refused cross play and still did it this gen, they were the first to say no during PS4 and XBone era : https://kotaku.com/final-fa...

I get the strategy behind it, doesn't mean I agree with it tho. Don't take my comment as a stance opposing cross play. I am just being realistic about the situation, and the reality of the matter for SONY is to not do it because they are ahead of the game.

alb18992179d ago

Incredible how creative ps4's fans get defending something against them ajaja

Alucard_4202179d ago

@alb1899 incredible how uncreative you can be with such a reply. I like gaming I invest, about 5 grand a year on gaming, it is my hobby. You want to label me go ahead, I just don't like XBOX at all as they saturated the market and in my opinion has made gaming worst since the ps2 era. They have created great franchises and games but they also placed policies that created issues like the one I'm discussing unlike you just making fun of people and not being useful about the situation. Like I said I don't agree with the stance they are taking but I do understand it from a "business" point of view. So if you wanna be like that go away kid, I'd much rather speak to someone that has some kind of intelligent thing to say about the topic vs the likes of someone like you.

Imalwaysright2179d ago (Edited 2179d ago )

"so they can take a chance and lose some of the player base to the competition?"

How? If anything it could be better for them as it possibly could prevent people that want to play with their friends from buying other consoles. This could also ensure that those gamers would spend all the money they have set aside for gaming on their platform instead of giving some of it to MS or Nintendo.

Alucard_4202179d ago

@Imalwaysright oh yeah? do you have proof of that? If so show me!

Alucard_4202178d ago

I figured you had no proof to your claim, it is your opinion and I respect that, but there is no proof. So we will both have to wait with time to see what happens.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2178d ago
alstruck2179d ago

Somehow I saw a sarcasm tone in your post mate, lol..

SpineSaw2179d ago

Sony more than has it's chit together....They have already said "no" to cross-play. They said it as clearly as it could be said........no in no way means yes let's do it or maybe ...they said no! Time to move on.

maybelovehate2179d ago

I don't understand why they are doing this. It isn't their game, Epic should be able to do what they want with Crossplay. Such an anti consumer and also anti partner situation. Sony is only hurting themselves.

crazyCoconuts2179d ago

Sony sees it as their platform and their customers that they're giving Epic access to by allowing a game on their system. In exchange for access to the platform the platform holder gets a cut of all sales. On a free2play game I think the way Sony gets $ is when you buy something like VBucks. So I'm guessing their fear is that you go buy VBucks on some other platform while still playing on theirs, which disintermediates them outta the picture. It's been a long and ongoing struggle with platform holders and publishers, I just think the crazy popularity and unprecedented cross play capability that Fortnite has is bringing to light how crappy that is for the consumer.

Codedan2179d ago

This has always been Sony, they just pretended to be consumer friendly. They have a terrible history with this, and most of the younger generation were not alive during that time.

madforaday2179d ago

Codedan, you do you last generation Sony asked MS for this exact same thing and MS said no, for the same reason why Sony is saying no.

Also, Playstation was one of the first consoles to have cross platform play. I don't know what you mean a terrible history with this when it is almost the complete opposite.

As a gamer myself I am upset with Sony decision but understand it though.

MonsterChef2179d ago

So your comparing the CD copyright fiasco from a different division within Sony to their output in the gaming world? It seems your the one too young to even remember last generation when Sony let people Cross play on unreal tournament with the PC community and would've been ok with letting them Cross play with the 360 community if not for Microsoft. As it stands now, with a larger install base, more daily traffic, what does Sony have to gain by letting platforms with a smaller user bases gain access to almost double (with the Switch ATM, that number is more than double) their total users?

Imalwaysright2179d ago


When did Sony ask them? I tried to find it but couldn't find anything about it.

TekoIie2179d ago (Edited 2179d ago )


"Codedan, you do you last generation Sony asked MS for this exact same thing and MS said no, for the same reason why Sony is saying no."

And we absolutely bashed MS for it if you remember correctly. I know they got bashed for not having crossplay when Portal 2 was announced.

"Also, Playstation was one of the first consoles to have cross platform play. I don't know what you mean a terrible history with this when it is almost the complete opposite."

And do you remember which platform that game was crossplay with??? Hmmm? It was FFXI and it was crossplay with PS2, PC and Xbox 360. So I hate to break it to you but the "BUH SONY WAS FURST" argument doesn't work here.

TKCMuzzer2179d ago

Yeah becasue Microsoft are saints!!! It's true people see what they want to.

Codedan2179d ago

Mad, do you mean when Sony was string hacked constantly, and had a very unstable online infrastructure? I’m sure that had nothing to do with MS looking at quality and control.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2179d ago
Markusb332179d ago

Oh yeah I agree Sony are hurting right now. They are not in a great position at all.
It's a feature nothing more just like BC it should not be a system seller kind of decision

TKCMuzzer2179d ago

Epic can't do what they want because they are using the PlayStation platform to make money, that means PlayStation's owners have a say in how that platform can be used. Why is this so hard for people to understand? Would you allow something you own to make someone else a shit load of money and you not have a say?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2179d ago
masterfox2179d ago

oh my god I feel so embarrassed I can't play against kiddie gamers in the switch or against xboners. oh my god the embarrassment........-_-...... . seriously please stop this begging nobody is freaking asking for this only some ridiculous gaming journalist that only wants to downplay Sony and want to benefit the competition by giving them a chance to sell more hardware and that's isn't competition at all.

maybelovehate2179d ago

You are so wrong. Everyone who owns both PS4 and Switch which is a lot of gamers are mad.

GTgamer2179d ago

That's a reach 😂😂😂

Hanilugtehul2179d ago

All the people i play with dont give a duck about cross-play. So is not EVERYONE who owns a ps4 that are mad about lack off crossplay. peace:)

Cmv382179d ago

I'm not ma's in the slightest

trooper_2179d ago

What, do you have statistics to prove that?


-cricket chirp-

Man_Among_Mice2179d ago

I'm not mad at all. I actually could give a rat's ass about this feature and don't really understand this recent obsession with Sony allowing other platforms to play with their customers. If you want to play with Playstation owners then buy a PS4. It's their right to protect that line of thinking because they make a profit off of it not you. There can't be that many people mad about it when they're still the number one selling console in the world.

Aceman182179d ago

I own both the Pro, and Switch yet I didn't ask for crossplay gaming as I don't give two sh*ts about it.

I wish ppl stop generalizing for those who don't care.

Also on both these companies community blog or whatever is this feature even in the top 10 of requested features on them? Or is this just some vocal minority, and sh**ty gaming way of jumping on Sony?

OffRoadKing2179d ago

" Everyone who owns"

You can't be serious making an outlandish claim like that, who asked you to speak for everyone?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2179d ago
Neonridr2179d ago

you don't own both platforms, so it's a non issue to you. I own a Switch and a PS4, so this affects me greatly. I cannot enjoy this game across both consoles now because Sony decided to do something so foolish. But hey, masterfox is ok with it guys, so it must be all good.

Kribwalker2179d ago

exactly. There’s a lot of angry gamers out there, this small corner of the internet is one of the only places that this is being defended

masterfox2179d ago

"I own a Switch and a PS4, so this affects me greatly." ... seriously no effing joking that sounds so childish, imagine if Sony tries to please every gamer of each game they would never finish pleasing everyone, what's next issue?, I can't paired my mobile phone to my PS4 ?, "Damn you Sony for being so closed we need some gaming articles about this!!!pronto!!" , seriously just stop it!, if you bought a Switch deal with the Switch features and what Nintendo is offering you and don't come asking for other stuff like if it was you are entitled to have it and make a fuzz of it, also Sony or Nintendo when you buy their hardware in the box doesn't even mention this crossplataform gaming nonsense, this thing was brought by MS cause they are desperate in saving its dying gaming hardware, so what's happening my child, is the Switch dying too already ?.

Neonridr2179d ago

@masterfox - clearly you don't understand the issue. This isn't about crossplay. This is about Sony taking my Epic account, something that doesn't belong to them, and restricting me from using it on an Xbox or Switch. That is not their right to take my account and tell me where I can use it.

sizeofyou2179d ago

No...this is Sony protecting their infrastructure that you play on under an agreement of PSN. Nothing to do with your Epic account.
It's a shame, I don't understand it personally, but I'm not losing sleep...

maybelovehate2179d ago (Edited 2179d ago )

Exactly, for those of us who do own both PS4 and Switch. this is a big deal

LOCO2092179d ago

I own a switch and PS4 as well but all I did was make an account for each platform..
It is not like the game is unplayable if you can't jump from one platform to another.

Zeke682179d ago (Edited 2179d ago )

@maybelovehate @Neonridr
I had to buy Diablo 3 on both PC and PS4 but I know they are two separate platforms so I don't complain. Seems you are in the same situation?

MrBeatdown2179d ago (Edited 2179d ago )

"clearly you don't understand the issue. This isn't about crossplay. This is about Sony taking my Epic account, something that doesn't belong to them, and restricting me from using it on an Xbox or Switch. That is not their right to take my account and tell me where I can use it."

Such a load of crap. Sony didn't take anything of yours. Epic agreed to Sony's terms to release the game on PS4. Epic consented to everything Sony required. It's Epic's accounts in Epic's game. The fact that you're trying to pass this off as something that was outside of Sony's right is absurd. Nobody put a gun to Epic's head.

Neonridr2179d ago (Edited 2179d ago )

@MrBeatdown - yet look at the image that comes up when you try to log in with your Epic Account on Switch if it has been linked to the PS4. Epic is flat out blaming Sony in the picture.

You guys will defend anything Sony does, and it's ridiculous.

If you had bought or unlocked anything on your primary account that would be useless on the Switch version as you would have to make a new account. How is that ok?

MrBeatdown2179d ago (Edited 2179d ago )

That error message says nothing that disputes my point.

You can't use your account on Switch if you used it on PS4. It's Epic's game. Epic's accounts. They programmed that limitation in because they agreed to Sony's terms in order to release the game on PS4.

Sony had requirements.

Epic agreed to them.

Epic enforces them.

Sony isn't holding your Fortnite account hostage like you make it sound. Epic owns your account. Epic enforces the restrictions on your account.

Neonridr2179d ago

@MrBeatdown - look at the error message that pops up. That screams "it's Sony's fault". Otherwise Epic would be in a lot of trouble for that image.

MrBeatdown2179d ago

At this point, you either can't comprehend my point, or just choose to ignore it.

Every publisher has their own account service that you can tie to Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft accounts. Rockstar. EA. Ubisoft. There is nothing preventing Epic from allowing you to use their account on all platforms. The difference here is that Epic never told you that you can't carry anything over. That's something Sony required, and something Epic agreed to and designed their account system with that in mind.

Epic vaguely blaming Sony doesn't mean it wasn't Epic's fault for not being upfront about the way they were handling platform requirements. If you're trying to play an Epic game on Switch, you're an Epic customer, not a Sony customer.

Neonridr2179d ago

@MrBeatdown - yet ironically XBL doesn't have any requirements of the sort. I can freely use my Epic account with my PC, Xbox One (if I owned one) and Switch. It's only Sony that is taking my account and locking it out from other platforms. I am obviously trying to beat a dead horse. It's apparent that this is ok to the majority of people here because they are PS4 users. I get it, you want to defend your choice in console. But this practice is a slippery slope and it shouldn't be allowed. Again, if MS or Nintendo had chose to lock out accounts the uproar here over them would have been insane. But because it's Sony doing it, I guess it's ok.

To each their own I guess, but I can't accept this practice.

MrBeatdown2179d ago

You keep missing the point.

Sony isn't telling you to make a new account to play Fortnite on Switch. That was Epic's design decision. It's Epic's fault.

Numerous publishers allow you to use the same account across all platforms. Yes, there are limitations. Stats and unlocks don't carry over. But you could transfer your GTA Online character from 360 to PS4 and PS3 to Xbox One. Rockstar didn't tell you to make a second Social Club account.

You choose to specifically blame Sony. You can dislike Sony's no crossplay policy all you want. But disliking that, and choosing to take that as the sole reason Switch owners are dealing with this is ignoring the fact that Epic agreed to Sony's no crossplatform policy, designed a poor system to accommodate it, and in the process, failed to properly accommodate all of it's players as best they could within the limitations allowed by platform holders.

You seem to want to ignore that Epic had any responsibility to their paying customers, and instead place the blame entirely on Sony for sticking with a long-standing policy every other developer accommodates just fine.

PS4 can cross play with PC in Rocket League. I've never heard of a Switch lockout if you play on PS4 first. Psyonix made it work. There's no reason Epic couldn't do better. But do continue to blame this entirely on big bad Sony.

prankster1012179d ago

"I own a Switch and a PS4, so this affects me greatly."

The sense of entitlement is strong with this one.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 2179d ago
Skankinruby2179d ago

Lol exactly, nobody cares. As sony continues to pull away from its competitors loyalists and journalists both are grasping at straws to compose a jab at them, no matter how pathetic they sound.

Kribwalker2179d ago

go on resetera or twitter. This small corner of the world doesn’t care, but it’s a big deal elsewhere

the threads already 34 pages long and it started less then 24hrs ago

Goldby2179d ago

And there's also a band wagon of hatred in Twitter for last of us because Ellie is gay.

Maybe some of those people are just jumping on the bad wagon.

I have friends who have fortnite on their switch and ps4. And they don't have an issue, if anything it'd getting them to play more on switch just to get their items back.

Kribwalker2179d ago


so they don’t have a problem if they bought items on their PS4 and have to buy it again if they want it on the switch or anywhere else?

seems silly to me

Goldby2179d ago

@Krib, you can earn any item in game if you are a) good enough and b)take the time

2179d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2179d ago
Asuka2179d ago (Edited 2179d ago )


Name Last Name2179d ago

I can't believe the amount of people defending Sony in this.

madforaday2179d ago

I think it is more about that they understand why Sony is doing it just like when MS did the same thing last generation.

Personally, I rather have it because I am a consumer and being to play anyone regardless of platform is awesome. Just like everyone said at least once in these comments, this is a business first which sucks for consumers like you and I.

I just think people are taking this WAY out of proportion. No one bats an eye when MS did the same exact thing last generation. Sony does it and now they are under the microscope even though it is common sense on why they don't. Like I said, as a consumer I am for cross platform.

trooper_2179d ago

I can't believe the fake outrage over crossplay now when no one batted an eyelash when Microsoft refused to do it with Sony.

You want to play with PS4 gamers?


starchild2179d ago

Crossplay was extremely uncommon last generation, so it wasn't on as many people's minds. Now crossplay is becoming pretty common and more and more developers are wanting it for their games. It's completely understandable why it's a much hotter topic now.

Still, when the conversations came up about it last generation I was totally in favor of it and said that all platform holders should do the right thing and allow gamers to play together across different devices. I mean, how could any gamer not be in favor of it?

Vizigoth042179d ago

Seems like everyone wants a piece of the Sony pool.

2179d ago
Mr Marvel2179d ago

Agree 100%.
I own a PS4 and Switch, but I have no interest in cross-play whatsoever.
I'm pretty sure the vast majority of PS4 gamers don't give a crap about cross-play. It's just the negative vocal minority trying to make something out of nothing.

RumHam2179d ago

I don’t care about cross play either but I can’t play with my Epic account with switch players either. If Sony doesn’t want me to play with PS4 players that is fine, but why keep us from playing with players from the same platform. I have all three consoles and prefer my PS4 but I don’t get how strongly some are willing to defend Sony. Who cares if MS did this before, the point is Sony is doing it now and it’s wrong.

TallonIV2179d ago

"kiddie gamers"

Lol that's funny coming from you lmao!!

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2179d ago
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Days Gone Director Says Bend's Project Costs Over $250M; Says PS Co-CEO Doesn't Want 2 Zombies Games

Days Gone director claims Sony has already poured in at least a $250M in Bend's project; says Days Gone sold more than Death Stranding.

shinoff218315h ago

Well that sucks. Seems they want more online trash. I'd rather of had the sequel if it was single player

MrNinosan1h ago

What online trash games did PS Studios release last 10 years?

-Foxtrot15h ago

It would be a shame if it was true that Hermen never gave the franchise a chance simply because he didn't like it and they already had a "Zombie" game with TLOU.

NaughtyDog are most likely moving onto a new IP next so it would have been the perfect time to do it.

ThinkThink7h ago

Here's where xbox steps in and releases state of decay 3 day and date on ps5.

Grilla49m ago

Days gone 2 was canceled before Herman was in charge. That happened like 4 years ago.

vfl52313m ago

4 years ago he was head of Playstation Studios. He would've probably had a hand in the cancelation.

excaliburps1h ago

Yep. Kind of weird since it wasn't a sales flop, no?

I know we have to take what Ross says with a grain of salt since we're hearing just one side of the story, but even so, the game wasn't bad at all. Heck, it's my brother's favorite last-gen game from what I recall.

The amount of zombies on screen, imagine that with the PS5 and SSD? That would be insanely fun!

Grilla46m ago

Most copies were sold on sale. Not enough ppl bought it at full price. I paid 20$ for it 6 -7 months after release.

P_Bomb1h ago

Well I don’t want 10 live service games, but they have no problem doing that lol. Ugh.

CrimsonWing6949m ago(Edited 48m ago)

Oh great so we only get what the big wigs want… y’know, the people that really have their fingers on the pulse of what their consumers want. Faaaaantastic!


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