
Physical copies of Fortnite are selling for outrageous amounts on eBay

There have even been some copies sold for higher, including one example of a PS4 copy on eBay selling for $450.

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BiggerBoss2166d ago

Rich people will continue to waste money in ridiculous ways. I'm not even surprised, tbh...

darthv722165d ago (Edited 2165d ago )

PS4 is selling for hundreds and yet the xbo version is going for roughly $30...


Knightofelemia2166d ago

Question is will somebody be stupid enough to pay that price for a physical copy of Fortnite?

ziggurcat2166d ago

someone paid 2000 for a copy of NMS, so... probably?

Kabaneri2166d ago

People spend far more on cosmetics than they would on a normal $60 game.

2pacalypsenow2166d ago

Something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

Minimox162165d ago

I heard people get the physical disk to get access to files and create private server, idk or just rich people wasting money!

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KillZallthebeast2166d ago

Lol and people are saying physical media will be phased out in a few years. However these people are jackasses

neutralgamer19922166d ago

Don't believe that physical and digital will exist in same space but those who prefer digital only are trying to force their preference on others

Profchaos2166d ago

Why can't they co exist I prefer digital I hate having 100 titles to store away in a box somewhere which is painful to access when I want to dig it out. It's much easier to just fire up a console and press play.

But abd the big but is licensed properties in games like music can and have been patched out of digital games like gta 4 but you can't patch the physical disc and a off line console

letsa_go2165d ago

@Profchaos Painful to access? That isn't Sony, Nintendo, or Microsoft's problem! You should probably go to a doctor if accessing a game that is 3-4 oz is painful to you.

JackBNimble2165d ago (Edited 2165d ago )

Why would people who prefer digital over physical try to force their preferences on anyone?
That's the just paranoid, as long as I can continue to buy digital why would I or any one else give a shit if you want to swap discs all day?

Digital and physical do exist in the same space. Maybe I just don't understand what you are trying to say but I buy 100% digital.

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Skankinruby2166d ago

And this article is your basis for why they're wrong on this assumption? Anything rare becomes valuable to people who can afford it. Deadmau5 paid 15000 dollars for a bottle of discontinued McDonald's sauce, that doesn't mean the general public gives two shits about it. You're the only jackass here, and basic analysis of console gaming shows digital taking over, you're the only 'jackass' here.
Look at the bright side though, when that inevitable time comes you can sell those dinosaur discs on ebay to the first sucker who will buy them.

KillZallthebeast2166d ago

Lol you mean beanie baby economy

Elda2166d ago (Edited 2166d ago )

Deadmau5 has millions to waste which I can't see how because his EDM style is garbage. Imo the same analogy goes for Fortnite.

LiamKreptic2166d ago

Why...just why. What in the world is so special about this physical copy? Idiots...pure idiots.

Cmv382166d ago

Exactly, because once the server shuts down, it's over....

Damn I miss marvel heroes omega.

aconnellan2166d ago

That doesn't make the hours you spent on it any less fun though, does it? Isn't that what's most important?

Zjet2166d ago

Physical copies are great for game preservation and in this case collectors.

I agree it's a bit silly for an ONLINE ONLY game like Fortnite but you see how popular Limited Run games is as people want media as it dosen't have an expiry date or an off Switch.

Plus I can lend physical games to friends!

admiralvic2166d ago

"Plus I can lend physical games to friends!"

Yes, but literally everything about the Fortnite physical version is inferior to the digital counterpart. I mean, it's literally free, who cares if I can hand it off?

"but you see how popular Limited Run games is as people want media as it dosen't have an expiry date or an off Switch. "

That being said, I'd argue Limited Run games sell because people like the idea of rarity, over what it actually is. You'd probably have an absurd amount of demand for something like Basement Crawl if it had <1,000 physical copies.

CorndogBurglar2166d ago

How is a physical copy great for game preservation?

1. The physical copy can get lost or scratched making it unplayable in either case.

2. Digital copies can always be redownload for free with no worry of them becoming unplayable. (Unless it's an online game like Fortnite and the servers shut down. But that would make the physical copy unplayable as well.)

staticall2166d ago


What if your account with all your digital games gets deleted, banned (for any weird reason) or you flat out forget your password and can't reset it? Or what if happens the P. T. situation, where game was just removed from the store completely and you can't redownload it anymore. Your digital collection turns into 1 and 0 on some server.

At least physical copy (which i do agree, it can get damaged and/or lost) you can find, try run damaged and/or borrow from a friend.

andibandit2166d ago


What if a fire or flood, destroys your collection.

Honestly, life's to short to live by "What if..."

The 10th Rider2165d ago

That last point is a huge one for me. On my Switch, games like Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Splatoon, and others are great to have digitally and accessible at all times. However having Mario Odyssey, Breath of the Wild, etc . . . physical is great. Generally you play through the game once or twice, put it away, and maybe come back to it in a few months or a year, so having to swap out cartridges isn't a big deal at all. It's even better with games like Mario Rabbids, Fire Emblem or Hyrule Warriors, and others. With Odyssey and Breath of the Wild, almost everyone who owns a Switch has those games, but with the less popular single player games I can buy a game once, beat it, pass it around to friends, and by the time it's gotten back to me five or six people have played the game for the cost of one game. That's great. I've been trying to buy indies physically now because even though they're more expensive than their digital counterparts, three or four people can play it for the cost of one and if I don't like it enough to want to keep it long term, I can simply sell it and recoup the costs.

letsa_go2165d ago

@admiralvic literally literally literally literally?

JackBNimble2165d ago

That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

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Sirk7x2165d ago

People love what people love man. There's probably someone getting a Fortnite tattoo this very second.

LiamKreptic2165d ago

That's fine...but this...this is just pure stupidity. Why would someone spend upwards of 400-500 dollars on a free game or at least an almost free game?

The7Reaper2166d ago

Wow... just wow

I guess spend your money however you like but just know most people think you're dumb for spending that much for this.

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