
Why Fallout 76 is More Exciting Than Fallout 5

Fallout 76 and its multiplayer is more exciting than a single-player Fallout 5 could ever be. At least, that's what our hot taker argues in this week's Hot Takes Friday.

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smolinsk2142d ago

No it's absolutely not, let's just get this pvp crap over with so we can get a real fallout game.

solidossnakos2142d ago

I hope they fail miserably so they don't even think about doing it again.

Asuka2142d ago (Edited 2142d ago )

That's a pretty horrible thing to say. You can dislike the game all you want, but these are people's jobs and livelihood your talking about. Wishing people to fail is pretty disgusting if you ask me, and if you feel that way about a video game you may need to talk with someone...

solidossnakos2142d ago

I don't wish them to fail in life, but I do wish that this project so called fallout fail and doesn't meet their expectations.
To every developer who follows the trend and lose their IP identity, taking this risk is your fault.
Many sympathized with the Culling 2 devs after their tremendous fail, well I don't.
They run after the trend of BR and lost what made the first Culling enjoyable.

-T9X-69-2142d ago

They "thought" about it because believe it or not, Fallout MP has been HIGHLY requested. It was asked for, they were interested and now they're doing it. Culling 2 is a horrible example. The first game was completely abandoned, then announced a sequel out of no where launching a few days after its reveal. Now they canned that already and announced the original game is going Free to Play. Nothing close to Bethesda Games Studio TRYING a spin off MP game for the first time. You wishing failure on something you've barely seen any gameplay for but upset at the sole fact that it's MP, is just bitterness from your end.

kevinsheeks2141d ago

I don't recall fans asking for a mp themed fallout maybe you mean a single player co-op type fallout where your friends can jump into your singleplayer story and join your adventure and you guys can do the story together or any quest that i would enjoy this is a cash grab they are making to the guy saying we asked for this

ULTp0ltergeist2141d ago

Why? This is amazing and potential innovative gameplay on the horizon. You're just blind.

ziggurcat2141d ago


people didn't ask for this, though - no one asked for PvP, they asked for co-op PvE. they took the worst parts of 4 (the building nonsense), made that one of the focuses of this game, and then made it MP-only. fallout is a single player game, and that should always be the main focus of the series. I don't care whether they add the option to do co-op, but taking away the ability to play the game in a 100% single player mode is a no buy from me (and no... playing "solo" is not the same as a single player game because you're still having to deal with people griefing you).

you give people the opportunity, and they will just go straight to being jerks to each other - this game is going to be a grief fest regardless of how much they assure us it won't, whether it's groups of people going around wrecking other people's stuff for the sake of wrecking people's stuff or people ignoring everything else, and only going for those nuke codes to wreck the entire map, eventually making the game completely unplayable (I've not seen anything about whether a nuked portion of the map returns back to normal over time).

-T9X-69-2141d ago


And in Fallout 76 you can join your friend and do the story or any quest you want.......

This interview goes in depth on a lot of peoples concerns


JackBNimble2141d ago

What's funny is that everyone that I know who are gamers are actually excited for fallout 76.
The small vocal minority may hate on it, but from what I see, 76 may very well be successful.

shauzy2141d ago

@Asuka i wish todd fails and gets fired before fallout 5, i dont want to play a fallout where the grandson searches for his own son or something like that

shauzy2141d ago

@-T9X-69- you know what else is highly requested? obsidian making a fallout

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2141d ago
naruga2142d ago

..because you try to write an article in order to get paid ..that s why

PhantomS422142d ago

Yup. Give it six months then it'll be "Why Fallout 76 failed" followed by "Why Fallout 5 is better than Fallout 76" in 5-6 years.

ziggurcat2141d ago

followed by articles about how people are being griefed in the game.

FloydianAndroid2142d ago (Edited 2142d ago )

You have to get quests from robots....... there are no human npcs......... it’s not a fallout game, it’s a multiplayer game using fallout 4’s engine. No one wants this. They made this game because they don’t have starfield or elder scrolls ready because they rested on the profits from reselling Skyrim on a million different platforms.

Patricko2141d ago

I'm glad that not all people are blind...

Psychotica2142d ago

I have ZERO interest in Fallout 76 but would buy Fallout 5 today if it was out.

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Shane Kim13d ago

I have an advice. Go outside more.

OtterX13d ago

You wouldn't say that if you lived in a fallout shelter! ;P

Fonsecap13d ago

Save your time and play something else...


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