
Destructoid - We Happy Few Review

Chris Moyes - By choosing the fastidious "micro-management" path, We Happy Few distracts far too much from its true potential as a dystopian gaming classic. And that's the biggest downer of all.

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Bismarn2123d ago

Well I've been bitchin for over year now every time one of these articles about the "upcoming" release of We Happy Few shows up, a game that was reviewed poorly in early release. And every time someone counters "early preview release and finished product are completely different things". Well we now have the "finished product" and it got the same exact damn score as the early release from over a year ago.

lxeasy2122d ago (Edited 2122d ago )

curious to see what other sites give this game another site gave it an 8 out of 10.

Eonjay2122d ago

Windows Central gave it a 90 because Microsoft over truth, Microsoft over gamers, Microsoft over dignity.

-Foxtrot2122d ago (Edited 2122d ago )

People like to think you NEED to see and play the games final release...there's no criticism allowed or making comments because it's something you haven't touched.

However even when you've seen all the trailers, all the gameplay videos, screenshots, read all the details and even in some cases like this play a god damn early preview it's still "not enough to go on, play the game". This is how developers and publishers make fools of us because they see people doing just that and when they realise something they already knew about the game it's too late they have their money.

Nacho_Z2123d ago

It's always a shame when something with such a strong concept and visual flair to burn is crippled by bad gameplay.

chris2352123d ago

this was one of the games that suddenly appeared on psn waaaaaaaay before the release date was set or any info was out. this was done a few times since the release of the ps4. none of these very early titles they put on top of the psn list was any good. just saying. so no surprise here.

inxine2123d ago

aww thats a shame. i always thought it was a great concept.

NecrumOddBoy2122d ago

Another mediocre game from a mediocre studio that Microsoft wasted their money on.

crazyCoconuts2122d ago

What you don't realize is they will merge all these studios to create one friggin amazing game. A dystopian pirate zombie game with licensed race cars. It'll be epic just you wait.

NecrumOddBoy2122d ago

You just make me sad there was never a WaterWorld game :( Give it to the Mad Max team damn youuuuu!!!

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NecrumOddBoy724d ago

A game that should absolutely be on this list is Disco Elysium. That game is wildly deep in the field of its take on social issues, politics, religion, morality, and the internal struggles of the human psyche.

robtion724d ago

Still haven't finished it but Disco Elysium is really great. I love the dark sense of humour.

robtion724d ago (Edited 724d ago )

I love dystopian settings in general. We happy few is an excellent game. It is basically a mash up of 1984 and the other dystopian classic Brave New World. The drug 'Joy' is essentially 'Soma' from Aldous Huxley's novel.

724d ago
porkChop724d ago

Orwell was surprisingly engrossing. I enjoyed it quite a bit more than I expected. I bought the sequel on Steam but haven't gotten around to playing it yet.

awiseman724d ago (Edited 724d ago )

Don't need a game to experience Orwell. Real life follows it pretty well.


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Orpheo840d ago (Edited 840d ago )

Sad to read that "We Happy Few" is a disappointment. I own it but haven't gotten around to playing it yet. I am a BIG fan of their previous game, "Contrast."

I LOVE "Anthem," but I didn't get into the game until late 2020. I put in over 900 hours into the game. It isn't perfect, but it is a masterpiece. I look forward to the eventual sequel, which I predict 3 / 4 to around the end of the PlayStation 6's lifecycle.