
Sony's backwards stance on cross-play hurts games as a whole

For a company that talks a lot about innovation, Sony is the only one standing in the way.

-Foxtrot2086d ago

Yet just recently...


"I’m telling you, anytime I wanted to do something and I want to make a drastic change, it was like, ‘Okay’. I never heard about anything, it was like ‘Go do it!’. The question was ‘Is it going to make the game better?’ and I’d say, ‘Yep’, and they’d go, ‘Okay’, and that would be the last time I’d hear about it”

You can’t make Sony to look like a complete and total villain going as far to make out like they’re killing the gaming industry just because of their crossplay situation. Yeah it sucks but the good outweighs the bad still and with how they handle their studios and games it’s something we should be thankful for in a time with MTs, Lootboxes and focus on repetitive multiplayer games lacking content.

Nyxus2086d ago

Much more important to me than something like cross-play.

VenomUK2085d ago

This article is a complaints list on why Sony PlayStation is bad - it lacks the balance and objectivity that a skilled journalist would be able to deliver.

naruga2085d ago

it doesnt hurts game as a whole ...it does however but-hurts Xbox HQ that doesnt have access to PS s million players installbase

2085d ago
TheKingKratos2085d ago

I swear to god i will never ever care about cross-play or multiplayer for thelat matter , i'm single-player guy.

bouzebbal2084d ago

some random PC fanboy saying sony is evil for not allowing cross play...
..well..... stay on PC.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2084d ago
Doge2086d ago

Good outweighing the bad by releasing good games shouldn't completely erase the issue. That's how Nintendo's getting away with all their backwards decisions.

TKCMuzzer2085d ago

What issue? an issue Microsoft and its loyal following are creating? Before this generation started analysts where saying console gaming was dead, mobile gaming will take over.
Sony went full out with the PS4 , pushing it as a games console and producing hype and then delivering.........a games console, not and entertainment machine.......a games console. Look what that has done to the console market. They have injected it with new life and have followed that by providing AAA software on a regular basis.
Sony and PS4 have contributed a great deal and are pretty much responsible for the success of consoles this generation, their focus on the important factor of games has kept gamers enthusiastic and fought of the mobile gaming nonsense by producing games you can't get on your overpriced smart phone.
If Microsoft want cross play, then i don't support it, they are not doing if for the games they are doing it for Microsoft and if we had left this generation gaming's hopes in their hands the industry would be a confused sideways mess.
When Microsoft are contributing the same amount of software to industry, producing the same high standard across that software then maybe in can be a conversation but at present they don't and are looking for the back door and to piggy bank of someone else's efforts. That is not how it should work and Sony are rightly digging their heels in, ultimately for the benefit of the industry, people just can's see that bigger picture as they have this 'want want want' mentality.

Doge2085d ago (Edited 2085d ago )

Again with the deflection. You wanna talk about “When Microsoft are contributing the same amount of software to industry, producing the same high standard across that software then maybe in can be a conversation” and use Xbox as an excuse to shift the blame from the fact that it’s an ISSUE when people are getting locked out of using their 3rd party account because Sony said so.

I could go on with the crap the PS4 is still bad at/missing, but we’re just gonna do the same song and dance until the next generation. Maybe then they’ll change their minds, like with HDCP...oh wait!


Another one. Y’all assume the same garbage. It’s all a goddamn Xbox conspiracy lmao.

Dude I call out whatever BS any of the big 3 do. Sony hasn’t been getting much crap from me because outside of these things here and there, they’ve been absolutely killing it. But that doesn’t give them a free pass lmao.

sampsonon2085d ago (Edited 2085d ago )

what issue? lol the only issue i see is a minority of people that don't own a ps4,and a few that do, want to create an issue and hate the fact that the ps4 is the best selling console because they invests in exclusive single player games that are highly rated and loved by their community.

there is a fake issue where there is none. only a few, that for whatever reason, need to have everything at the expense to sony's bottom line. it's not fare, and this made up issue should be frowned upon for being bad for the industry.

want to play with your friends? buy a $200 ps4 or play them with your pc, because the ps4 has the most cross play games with pc at this moment. easy right?

Godmars2902085d ago

Yeah. When MS "lead" the industry we got "consoles are dead" much like their repeated stance regarding exclusives and singleplayer games not mattering.

Raiden2084d ago

So all you PlayStation owners don't want to cross play in a game of COD or Battlefield, let's see which console has the best multiplayer shooter games, i can guarantee the trophy 🏆 would go to Xbox gamers, i believe this is the main problem facing Sony, there Server can't compete end of excuses and of all this side stepping crap, give the options allow developers to create the option and let the gamers decide , we are all competitive but we have those gamers who only play single player games and their nothing wrong with that at all, i wanna play with other consoles and pc that not my platform of choice. WHICH IS BETTER, console wise because as we are aware the PC is king.

TekoIie2084d ago


"i believe this is the main problem facing Sony, there Server can't compete end of excuses and of all this side stepping crap

I actually think their servers are more than capable. Overall this is just the same pattern we see every gen. The industry leader always gets overconfident and thinking they can control what they have. Happened to Sony with the PS3 launch, MS with the Xbox One, and Nintendo with the Wii U. They get overconfident thinking they know what they're doing after seeing huge success and can control the market and every time each of them has had to be knocked back to reality.

Sooner or later Sony will have crossplay and we'll all be happy about it and pretend there wasn't this nonsensical backlash against it.

trooper_2084d ago (Edited 2084d ago )

...Uh....what issue?

How could there be an issue when there isn't one in the first place?


Games do!

generic-user-name2084d ago

Yet we barely see any big sites complaining about Nintendo to the degree we see with Sony. IGN even acted like paying for Nintendo online was something they were excited for.

S2Killinit2084d ago

boohoo this whole crossplay thing is so yawn man.

neutralgamer19922084d ago


Don't don't want to do cross play with Xbox one or switch because they don't have to and that's that

To me and millions of others games matter and they know what their fans really want

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2084d ago
DarkVoyager2086d ago

“Sony's backwards stance on cross-play hurts games as a whole“

Microsoft locking F2P games behind a paywall hurts gamers as a whole.

Hardiman2086d ago

M$'s inability to allow 1st party studios to deliver consistent new IP's is hurting gamers!

ApocalypseShadow2086d ago (Edited 2086d ago )

It does make you wonder why there hasn't been **one** article about Fortnite's free to play behind a paywall. Not one. Zip. Zilch. Zero. Nada.

But Sony gets weekly harassment about saying "We'll think about it but we believe our platform is the best to play on" based on having a larger console community,console sales, etc.

All this manufactured outrage from some who think it's Sony's Achilles heel. Because they have nothing else to target Sony with. It's beyond ridiculous.

Article talks about Sony innovation when Sony does innovate. It's the only console with vr.

But the "gimme what I want because I want it" group are determined to get Sony to relent even if it means lost revenue and sales of their console which could lead to less money for first party content. And I wouldn't be down with that hurting 1st party even in the smallest way.

It's crazy.

TekoIie2085d ago (Edited 2085d ago )

@Apocalypse Shadow

"It does make you wonder why there hasn't been **one** article about Fortnite's free to play behind a paywall. Not one. Zip. Zilch. Zero. Nada."

Do you remember when this gen began? It was covered back then during E3 when PS+ became mandatory. The only reason it's not covered much anymore is that it's already been talked about years ago. But if you as someone who wants it to change wants to talk about it well there's nothing holding you back from writing something up on N4G and trying to start a wave.

The rest of your comment does the usual Sony defence "bu-bu-bu the exclusives" or some other deflection. Sony can make great games and still be anti-consumer on the issue of crossplay. Don't treat them like a god ffs.

Godmars2902085d ago

PS+ isn't mandatory. Or rather, its only really needed for online multiplayer. its not needed for MMOs, singleplayer games much less basic online access.

I mean, no one really talked about needing Xbox Gold to go on Facebook on your 360. From the very beginning MS have tried monetizing console online access, were focused on providing services rather then offering products, with it being celebrated regardless of added costs or something at a pipe-dream stage.

Go-to example: MS had Netflix exclusivity for nearly a year. Put it behind a paywall with many site reporting the "innovation". Still, Netflix itself only became notable, really took off in the mainstream becoming what it is now, when it was accessible without a paywall on the PS3. It being on Xbox didn't become less than a footnote until MS separated needing XBL Gold in the wake of the original XB1 lunch mess.

As much as you want to rag on the Sony their anti-consumerism and how they're defended, you should own up to MS's. Stop having the same blind spot that they seem to have.

TekoIie2084d ago (Edited 2084d ago )


"PS+ isn't mandatory. Or rather, its only really needed for online multiplayer. its not needed for MMOs, singleplayer games much less basic online access."

Just the majority of releases that have access to multiplayer like AAA titles lol. I do like them keeping F2P titles and MMO's out of it though they get credit for that. But f you want to play 90% of the multiplayer releases it is mandatory. That's why we say online play is locked behind it and well even Sony advertises online multiplayer as a PS+ feature.

"I mean, no one really talked about needing Xbox Gold to go on Facebook on your 360. "

Oh there has been talk but the Xbox community has just accepted it at this point. MS wanted to put the BBC behind the Xbox Live Gold subscription which is why it took ages for it to come to the 360 compared to the PS3. If you want to change all of that do what I suggested earlier to Apocalypse Shadow. Start talking about it and write a blog on N4G and bring attention to it. Otherwise no point in complaining.

Xbox Live Gold doesn't mean much to me so I have no intention of changing it. PC players had the right idea and opposed the subscription and MS had to give in. Shows that its good to not just accept what you're offered.

"As much as you want to rag on the Sony their anti-consumerism and how they're defended, you should own up to MS's. Stop having the same blind spot that they seem to have."

I should "own up"? What the fuck is that supposed to mean? See you're trying to paint me as someone defending MS. Stop trying to project onto people when they haven't done what you're accusing them of doing. It just looks desperate. I don't even own an Xbox and all you people in here seem to be able to do is accuse me of owning one and not a PS4 lol.

Argue with what I've written and stop projecting things on to me just so you can try and paint me as some sort of MS fanboy. I can hardly be a fan of a system that I traded in after owning for less than a year and buying its competitor later.

NeoGamer2322084d ago

Yup, so Microsoft's bad behavior means Sony is justified in bad behavior as well.

Two wrongs don't make a right. And I agree that both need to change. Neither behavior is good for gamers.

Godmars2902084d ago

You said PS+ was mandatory when its not. You also seem, have presented arguments, as if gaming on an Xbox matters to you. How am I projecting anything?

My issue with MS, and its community, pushing cross-play is the concern that once it happens they'll then try to make non-Xbox owners pay for access. The same way I and others were concerned about XBL effecting PS+, which it did. As Xbox fans only praised having to pay "their" subscriptions.

And don't tell me that it will never happen or that it wont be tried when that's exactly what happened for a time when XBL came to PC. Or that it's now integrated into Windows 10.

Sayai jin2084d ago

DarkVoyager, It east too long ago when people complained that MS was charging for XB and it was hurting gamers ad whole , then it stopped when Sony started charging for PSN. ...the containing stopped.

@Hardiman, agreed.

boing12084d ago

Windows Store versions not having crossplay with Steam versions on the same OS hurts gamers as a whole.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2084d ago
TekoIie2085d ago

So the best defence for Sony not doing crossplay is that they're good at making games? Good Deflection.

Just distract from the topic completely. This has to be the biggest joke I've seen on N4G in a long time. Imagine if Nintendo fans were going "Nintendo Online being trash is fine cuz Platinum said Nintendo made Bayo2 better".

Rhythmattic2085d ago

They do have Crossplay, Crossplay with PC and in which case have more titles than other consoles... Why do people disregard this fact?
The irony is this website is called PCGamer...
Its a desperate attack by the FB xbox community making a mountain out of a molehill...
Next up why do Sony have exclusives ? boo fking hoo.

russo1212085d ago (Edited 2085d ago )

You're really desperate to play with some Sony fanboys, aren't you? Don't you have plenty of Xbox fanboys already to play with? What? I can't hear you, tv sound is too loud playing GOW, Spider-Man.... Take a deep breath and ask Santa Claus, this winter, a PS4.

zodiac9092085d ago (Edited 2085d ago )

@Tekolie "The biggest defence for Sony not doing crossplay is that they are good at making games." You call that a "deflection?" Get your head out of your ass, cause you can bet 100% sure that THAT IS the legit reason for them not doing cross play. At the end of the day GOOD GAMES push sales, and sales are what drives this industry forward, especially to innovate. You sound like you live under a rock. LOL

TekoIie2085d ago (Edited 2085d ago )


Crossplay with consoles forgive me leaving that out. Thought it was obvious since that's why this is even a story.

"Its a desperate attack by the FB xbox community making a mountain out of a molehill... "

Cool conspiracy bruh.


Don't have an Xbox so nope none to play with unless it's via crossplay with Gears 4 but I don't play it often.

"Take a deep breath and ask Santa Claus, this winter, a PS4."

Already own a Ps4. No need to bring Santa into it unless you're planning on gifting me a Pro or something lol. Try and address my argument rather than make stuff up.


"At the end of the day GOOD GAMES push sales, and sales are what drives this industry forward, especially to innovate. You sound like you live under a rock. LOL"

HAH There it is again XD

"Crossplay doesn't matter cuz exclusives bruh"

You're deflecting because you can't actually justify Sony blocking crossplay with other consoles. Even said in another comment Sony makes great games but that it doesntvoid them from criticism when they do something that's anti consumer. Same goes for MS and Nintendo.

"You sound like you live under a rock. LOL"

You sound like a fanboy who can't handle an ounce of criticism being levelled against the company you worship. How about you give it a go. Why is it okay for Sony to block crossplay with other consoles on 3rd party games? Try and argue that without sounding like a corporate shill.


The funny thing is none of you actually argued the point here. What's wrong with full crossplay between all platforms? If you say it's not a big deal to you personally that's fine, but don't pretend Sony isn't blocking this because they think it'll eat into their profits. Just admit it's an anti-consumer move.

And it seems like I have to keep repeating this: Sony makes great games but it doesn't excuse them from making a bad decision that's ultimately anti-consumer when it comes to crossplay.

nucky642085d ago

it's not "deflection" - it's fact. you can't play "free to play" games on xbox without PAYING MS first. also, isn't that what MS has been trying to do?......using cross-play (or anything else they can think of) to deflect from major issues they have such as a lack of quality 1st party games or forcing people to pay them a fee for "free to play" games?

TekoIie2084d ago (Edited 2084d ago )


The topic is about crossplay and all of a sudden we can only talk about Microsoft. It's absolutely fucking amazing.

"using cross-play (or anything else they can think of) to deflect from major issues they have such as a lack of quality 1st party games or forcing people to pay them a fee for "free to play" games?"

So once more we're talking about Microsoft on a topic about Sony's stance on crossplay. See this is what's pathetic. I say something bad about Sony and the response every time is "YEAH BUT MICROSOFT". Microsft has done a terrible job this gen but I don't see how it changes the fact that Sony is anti-consumer on the issue of crossplay.

Deflection every single time and trying to change the topic to how bad MS is. Is it literally impossible to have a reasonable discussion about Sony's stance on crossplay without needing to talk about how terrible MS's performance has been this gen? Because I literally don't care which is why I don't own an Xbox One.

Try one more time: Why is Sony's stance on crossplay with consoles acceptable when it only offers advantages to gamers? If there's a drawback please tell me about it because so far I've heard nothing reasonable and go into detail as to why Sony denying this is good.

ShadowWolf7122084d ago

Not being able to play Fortnite or Rocket League with a dude on Xbox is not on the same level as forcing people to use a phone app for premium voice chat or telling people their cloud saves are subject to deletion if their subscription lapses.

Especially when you can already play both with folks on PC. (Even Mobile in the case of Fortnite.)

TekoIie2084d ago


"Not being able to play Fortnite or Rocket League with a dude on Xbox is not on the same level as forcing people to use a phone app for premium voice chat or telling people their cloud saves are subject to deletion if their subscription lapses."

Nope, but it is bad that they're telling 3rd parties what they can and cannot do with their own servers. Why should Sony even have a say? Sooner or later many games on every platform will have a case where their player counts fall into maybe a couple thousand or less and matchmaking becomes less reliable. Having all platforms userbase combined means that everyone benefits from better matchmaking and a more stable connection.

Before Sony became opposed to this 90% of people were in favour of full crossplay across all platforms. But now people cant be in favor of something that has no drawbacks because Sony is against it. Last gen there was nothing but support when Sony was ahead with crossplay but now its the opposite. Really is a shame to see that once Sony is against it peoples opinions when the roles of their favourite companies do.

Rhythmattic2084d ago (Edited 2084d ago )

"Crossplay with consoles forgive me leaving that out. Thought it was obvious since that's why this is even a story"
A story from a PC centric website...
great article headlines like:
"With so many extremely good and not bad Spider-Man games on PC, who even needs a PS4"
"God of War: Ascension and God of War 3 look great on PC with this PS3 emulator"
"God of War 3, Nier, Uncharted 2 progressing well on PC with PS3 emulator"
Mmmm.. What about all the reviews of PS4 games?

As for a story, its nothing but a reason to diss Sony and Playstation..
Though, as for Fortnight, cross play or not, (I don't play it) Sony are being completes arseholes by hijacking users accounts and not allowing progression on other systems.. That is really BAD FORM.

To Add.. Im a PC and PS4 owner.. I for one don't care in the slightest for any cross play... Whether PC or Console..... And I can pretty much guarantee most PS gamers don't give a rats either.....
Its only an issue because the "Opposition" are calling it one.

Godmars2902084d ago

We're talking about Xbox because crossplay between the PS4 and XB1 is what started this stupid argument. As if w/o across the board corssplay the whole of the industry will collapse. Meanwhile Spiderman is a thing.

zodiac9092084d ago

@Tekolie At this point dude you look like the biggest "fanboy"..you're the only one up here typing out ESSAYS. Are you getting paid to spend so much time on N4G?

TekoIie2084d ago


Okay but am I PC Gamer? Nope I'm just someone with my own opinion. Attacking them and showing me other articles on their site doesn't change my opinion or show me why it's a good thing that Sony is denying crossplay among consoles. No one as of yet has actually presented a reason for denying crossplay other than "I don't care about it".

You not caring is absolutely fine. But it doesn't justify their stance when no one can tell me the drawbacks of allowing crossplay among all systems.

"And I can pretty much guarantee most PS gamers don't give a rats ass"

Far to vague statement there. Most PS users? I don't know what we're talking here so I can't argue it. I mean it's like saying most ps4 owners don't care about god of war because it didn't sell as well as the ps4 system itself.

If we look at public opinion it's largely in favour of crossplay. N4G is the main outlier here.


"We're talking about Xbox because crossplay between the PS4 and XB1 is what started this stupid argument."

Then let's talk about MS within the context of crossplay. We can acknowledge last gen they weren't good on crossplay and then also say that they've improved and now have a far better stance in the issue.

Sony is now the one with the backwards attitude and they deserve to have their feet held to the fire same as MS. If anyone has a problem with that then you're probably a fanboy.


Fanboy of what lol? A system I don't own like Russo accused me of XD

"you're the only one up here typing out ESSAYS. Are you getting paid to spend so much time on N4G?"

Is Sony paying you to post these comments? We can go in circles all day if that's the calibre of argument you want to make pal. You should try writing an essay. It might help you make coherent points and actually capable of defending your position which, thus far, you've failed to do.

Rhythmattic2082d ago

"You not caring is absolutely fine. But it doesn't justify their stance when no one can tell me the drawbacks of allowing crossplay among all systems."

A Drawback? Financially to Sony i imagine a major one.

The Drawback To me? Ill never do cross play, just isn't the same playing field, Especially an FPS against or being a PC player., you know, ultrahigh frames rates, higher res ect.... Maybe even an Xbox or PS4 would have some advantages one over the other depending on developer code..ect.
Actually, Be interesting to see Statistics re player count, K/D ratio , wins ect
Of course a given, ALL games support console specific lobbies....(Do they now? I don't do cross play PC/PS4) so don't know.....

btw? I don't remember , Did MS get as much Flack for the 360 when Sony offered to do Crossplay?
Maybe Sonys just being Childish and holding up a mirror?

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2082d ago
Nu2085d ago

Nintendo and Sony both have crappy decision makers. Microsoft seems to be getting it's shit together ATM imo

2085d ago
SixFragz2084d ago (Edited 2084d ago )

But, the only thing you Xboners can play on your "next-gen" console is Xbox 360 games...

I mean, why even have an Xbone when you could save yourself the waste of money and just stick to the 360?

trooper_2084d ago

Lol @ Microsoft getting their act together.

On what planet?

Aceman182085d ago (Edited 2085d ago )

They still on this xplay BS? The people b***hing about this don't run a business, why don't you let them run their business how they see fit. They'll do xplay when they feel its necessary to with the other consoles. Until then just enjoy the xplay they do with PC, iOS, and mobile since THEY DO have the most xplay games out.

Also to those that are constantly b***hing about this why don't you go ask your lord master MS why aren't we playing xplay on PubGarbage?

gamer78042085d ago (Edited 2085d ago )

it does suck yah, but I chose to praise good decisions as well as criticize bad decisions. This is a bad decision and should be criticized even though Sony has done other things to move the industry forward, this one clearly sets it back.

ShadowWolf7122084d ago (Edited 2084d ago )

Explain how it sets the industry back. No seriously, I am beyond sick of this hyperbolic statement. Explain how it's applicable or stop using it.

Spoiler: You can't. No one can. Because the industry as a whole is free to move on without their inclusion. There is absolutely nothing stopping these companies from doing it with every other system out there. Hell, they've done it. So how is Sony's choice not to participate holding ANYONE else back?

You seem more than happy to harp on Sony for this, and insist people will "keep at it til they get what they want". So... why are you not crusading against MS locking Free to Play titles behind their paywall? That's a far more egregious offense, my dude.

rainslacker2084d ago (Edited 2084d ago )

Or the more obvious rationale that games have been fine for 40 years without cross play, and they'll be fine without it for the next 40 if it happens to play out that way.

If Sony allowed it, then all these websites wouldn't have anything to write about. They were fine barely writing about it for all the time its been available between PS and PC for the 12 odd years prior to about 2 years ago. Imagine all the lost ad revenue these sites would have if they didn't have this current topic to drone on about. All that time, and I barely ever saw any mention about how it was some massive step forward that was truly helping games as a whole. Maybe some good will mentions from media here and there on the rare occasion it was implemented and "oh cool" comments in forums. Then everyone continued on their way and didn't care and I don't know a single person that brought a game because of the feature.

I'm curious to see any actual data that shows how many people play these games in cross play, and how those games that offer it would be affected should the feature be taken away. Surely that data exists somewhere. As it stands now, it just seems like a lot of hyperbole and assumption which is making a lot of people and some developers say they want it, and it would be beneficial to them.

Imalwaysright2084d ago

So the developers that want it and are openly criticizing Sony's stance on cross play are risking a healthy relationship with the biggest player in console gaming for no reason whatsoever? Because of hyperbole?

rainslacker2084d ago

The developers that want it are taking the risk on their own. It shouldn't affect their games, or the players. If they withhold a game from a system due to this, then that's the developer holding itself back.

And no one is risking anything. Sony isn't going to not allow them to publish on the system. all they have to do is pay the licensing fee. They'd even let Nintendo and MS publish on their system if they so desired.

Imalwaysright2084d ago (Edited 2084d ago )

Yes they're risking on their own and they would risk it based on hyperbole? Are they complete and utter morons or something?

Sony's relationship with third party devs can extend to more than Sony allowing their games on their platform from marketing deals, tool support or even where you can find games in the PSN store.

trooper_2084d ago

This is really annoying now.

For the last time, unless crossplay becomes a huge deal, Sony doesn't have to do squat.


DarXyde2084d ago (Edited 2084d ago )

I think this is very well said, -Foxtrot.

Granted, I would not even say that "it sucks" because this generation began without this even being a conversation. For me, having cross play is like Microsoft having backwards compatibility on Xbox One or Sony having HDR on PS4. No one really knew that these were options in the beginning. They found a way to add value and make the consoles better, but exclusion really isn't a deal breaker, if you ask me.

I truly do believe cross play falls under "often requested, but rarely utilized"

Trigem2084d ago

I don’t even think about Cross-play.

alb18992084d ago (Edited 2084d ago )

So, there's nothing people can say without bring to the table the exclusive card? They are talking about crossplay and it socks that on 2018 there are still problems with it.
I think almost everyone wants crossplay so why not make some pressure to at least make Sony think about it?
Is it that bad?
I'm very happy because I have the three consoles but not everyone can afford it.

sawoosevens2084d ago

Yep atm Sony is at the top of restoring good game play without garbage practices in them, aside from Sony's games recently all games has gone to trash and it truly saddens my soul.

DivineAssault 2084d ago (Edited 2084d ago )

Well said. Its not like i cant find players online either. The first party exclusives and all the 3rd party support are well worth not having cross play.

KillBill2084d ago

So because a company or person does a single thing that is bad they should get a pass on that thing being pointed out as an issue because of other things they have done that are good? For sure you can't vilify an entire organization or person for most single actions but for sure some actions just deserve to have focus on them and be called out.

So don't mind you step-dad for sneaking into your room at night that once... other than that he was doing a great job. rofl

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 2082d ago
Nyxus2086d ago

I just can't bring myself to care about this. I mean, if they want to enable cross-play that's fine by me, but I don't care either way.

Markusb332085d ago

Exactly this is a strawman argument. So people on a different platform are angry on behalf on another platforms customers about the lack of a feature ?
This is so over argued and over blown.
I dont think sony is perfect but I don't think it effects a large number of people and certainly not games as a whole.

PapaBop2085d ago (Edited 2085d ago )

Exactly, while Microsoft/Nintendo and whoever are scrambling to get as many of their industry pals to run articles screaming about cross-play, Sony are too busy counting all their console sales. I can only guess these articles keep cropping up because Microsoft are going to try and use cross-play as a console selling feature for the nextbox, most likely to mask their lack of exclusives.

gamer78042085d ago (Edited 2085d ago )

Most of your arguments just aren't true.

1. It's not just people on one platform, its people who have friends that are all all different platforms, or have multiple platforms but only pay for the gold/psplus on one which is their primary. I know people on xbox who want this, people on ps4 who want this and people on switch who want this.

2. True it is a lack of a feature

3. It's not overblown, you are seeing repeated articles on this and choosing to get upset because gamers AND developers care about this.

4. Sony isn't perfect, and this is a clear failure on their part, they have done other things to move the industry forward like their psplus games and focus on single player games. This just isn't one of those times.

rainslacker2084d ago (Edited 2084d ago )


Sadly, I think MS will try to make something out of it for marketing their console. They already are to some degree because they have cross play with Switch and PC. It seems disingenuous to market it fully though since they don't actually have it with Sony, but I'm sure they'll make a big deal out of it. Sony never really made a big deal out of it when they had it for PC. Just mentioned it a few times, and the publishers would sometimes issue a press release saying that it was available when it was between PC and PS. Other than that, no one seemed to care until MS started talking about it, and I don't think people would even really care that much now if it was implemented. Once all the negative aspect of it not being available between PS and other consoles was gone, everything would simply go back to the same nonchalant indifference that we've had about it for over a decade before it became a thing recently. On top of that, chances are, most games still wouldn't support it, because not many games supported it when it has been available for some time now.


Some gamers care about it. Recent surveys though show that while most are fine if it was there, most don't care about it either way. I think something like 50% didn't care at all, 40% were fine with it either way(indifferent), and the rest cared.

So yeah, it's an overblown issue, and the reason we keep seeing articles about it is because its a hot topic right now that can get the media hits. But its a topic that's been overplayed, and people are getting so annoyed with it, they're starting to actually be more defensive about the reasons why it shouldn't be there, and stating louder and louder that they don't care. MS is spurring this on with their interactions with the community, and the media is happily playing Sony up as the villain because its getting them hits.

I just find it disingenuous that before 2 years ago, the topic was barely discussed. MS makes some comment about how they're open to it, and suddenly, Sony is arrogant and anti-consumer. While I don't give in to conspiracy theories, the nature of the conversation, and the conversation that preceded the current media/comments surrounding it does strike a chord of this being an issue that is made up for reasons that have nothing to do with people's desire for the feature.

admiralvic2084d ago

@ PapaBop

It keeps coming up because there are some people who legitimately want it and because Fortnite made it a much larger issue, or at least for a week. The real issue is people keep giving them clicks.

@ Gamer7804

There will always be people who want this, just like I'm sure I can find countless people who would want universal cross-buy (buy it on X and get it for A, B and C). The real problem is most people picked their loyalty based off what their friends are playing and it doesn't really impact them. Right now all my friends have a PlayStation 4 and will likely buy a PlayStation 5, so it isn't an issue, though I get why some people want it.

Well, it's not a true lack of a feature. Sony supports it for things like PC, so they have it and a lot of games simply don't implement it. If it was a much more common feature I could see this being a more relevant point.

I don't think a lot of developers care. It's easy to side with these things, since it's no stakes. Sony isn't going to go "oh sorry, you were against our cross-play policy, so we're not going to let you publish Fallout 76." Something like that would become an issue so fast they're safe. It also comes up because it gets hits. And it largely gets hits because people, like myself, take the time to debate it every time.

Is it a clear failure? The main issue I have with this is how it's basically a strawman argument against nothing. Like, let's say tomorrow Sony is going to support cross-play, regardless of whether it's an Xbox or TI calculator. This isn't going to mean my work friend (PC) and I can play Destiny 2 or that my one buddy who prefers PC will be able to join me in Fallout 76.

If you want the real truth, the issue is that so much of this is words. If bigger games like Destiny, Call of Duty, Battlefield V, Fallout, Doom and more had cross-play on the Xbox and PC, it would be a different story, but right now it's basically "we want cross-play because it means I can play with anyone anywhere," even if Xbox has it and that isn't the case.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2084d ago
zodiac9092085d ago

LOL 2 people Disagreed with you for having an opinion.....That's N4G for ya.

JonTheGod2085d ago

Hypocrisy! You're complaining about people disagreeing with someone's opinion? You do realise that disagreeing with someone (or agreeing) is also expressing an opinion, right?

2085d ago
nucky642085d ago

yea, it wouldn't bother me at all either - i (nor anyone i know) would use crossplay.

SixFragz2084d ago (Edited 2084d ago )

The only people who care are whiny, bratty, entitled Xboners who feel like Sony owes them something for their fail of a console.

The solution is simple: ditch the miserable Xbone, stop being an Xboner drone, and just buy a PS4.

Ez. GG.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2084d ago
AspiringProGenji2086d ago

I was worried this week would end without a crossplay piece...

russo1212085d ago

I can only agree with you, ouch, some fanboy (disguised as journalist) saved the day.

"For a company that talks a lot about innovation, Sony is the only one standing in the way" - something is wrong here, someone didn't inform him the retro-box is from other hardware manufacturer.

gamer78042085d ago

get used to it, it won't go away until gamers and developers get what they want. There will continue to be instances of gamers being blocked from multiplayer due to the brand name thats on the box.

2085d ago
FallenAngel19842086d ago

How is it really hurting the industry? Cross platform play isn’t even widespread across a lot of titles yet

Omnisonne2085d ago

I'm guessing it's the only handle some people have on Sony, so they keep hammering on it and trying to make it look like it's this huge problem in the industry thats halting progress. While 99% of gamers (specially on Sony's platform) couldn't care less about it.

gravedigger2084d ago

Really small majority of gamers cares about cross-play. I don't care.

gravedigger2084d ago

Ignore post before. There was a typo.

Really small minority of gamers cares about cross-play. I don't care.

gamer78042085d ago

Keeps people from playing together? Its a step backward. When my kids are playing with their cousins on Minecraft all on different consoles (they use xbox, switch and iPads) its a beautiful thing.

rainslacker2084d ago

Maybe having segregated consoles should be a thing of the past too. Going forward, all the console makers should work together to make a console that can play any and all games. On top of that, PC isn't open enough. All publishers that don't also make their games for Linux are holding back the industry.

This isn't a step backwards. Sony has been doing cross play for years before MS decided to make it more readily available. MS just recently stepped up to the plate for the big time, so they are moving forward, and now on par with Sony...and maybe even a step ahead since they offer it with Switch.

There is nothing about the industry that is being held back by the lack of cross play between consoles. I'd like to know how keeping people from playing together hurts the industry. The industry is doing better than it ever has both financially and in the number of games that can come out. Cross play is a very recent advent that to date has no discernible data to suggest that it has anything to do with all that success.

This is purely a consumer issue, and with or without cross play, games will continue to be made, people will continue to buy games, and people will continue to play games with those who they can play with. If they can't play with their friends because their friends play on different console, that does not affect the industry. It hasn't for years, and it won't for the future. If it becomes a problem, then it will affect the hardware/OS maker that doesn't allow it, as people won't buy that product anymore.

If Minecraft is such a big thing for you, why not rail against MS for blocking updates to that because Sony wouldn't allow their users to use an Xbox Live account on their system because MS itself locked the actual updates behind that requirement....not because Sony was against XBL sign ups as 3rd party accounts are actually allowed on PSN.

gamer78042084d ago


I'd rather a company learn from their mistakes and move forward along with the industry, then not learn and keep doing what they are doing because they happen to be on top of sales charts. Microsoft at least in this case is now ahead of Sony pushing crossplay with other platforms. They are doing this more than ever with alot of their software services.

Not having a beneficial (by any measured amount) feature, by nature, is a detriment to the industry. No one is rallying against it, they either care deeply or it doesn't matter. That is still a net positive.

This is not purely a consumer issue, this affects gamers, developers and their publishers. This is a benefit to multiplayer titles as it helps them to reach as many players as possible.

I didn't say Minecraft was big for me, I said my kids and their cousins enjoy playing cross platform. (I do have some fun playing with my kids though since their happiness is paramount to me.).

AspiringProGenji2084d ago

But Playstation is not lacking crossplay feature. It already does crossplay with Pc for several titles. If Sony doesn’t want to do it with their competitor, they are in their right. That won’t damage the industry. This gen was going just fine before MS made crossplay a big deal and the industry was not missing that

Tetsdah2084d ago (Edited 2084d ago )

@rainslacker It is an ironic and humorous the current gaming time line to be honest. Sony once was on board for cross play with MS during the PS3 gen and the beginning of ps4 gen with FF XIV, which MS rejected twice. It was inconvenient for MS last gen and the beginning of this gen, and now it is inconvenient for Sony. What has been an interesting turn of events is Nintendo hopping on board and the constant surplus of articles on this subject, especially really hammering on the significance of cross play. There were articles back then, but they were not as nearly as numerous and severe. While it would be cool if and when it happens, saying they are holding back the industry is an exaggeration in my opinion. I hope it does happen and I predict towards the end of this gen, Sony will likely be more inclined to do it because the slate will be clean again. If it happens, it happens, if it does not, it does not. My main concern is that Sony continues to deliver awesome games, a solid online service, and a respectable feature set, not raping the consumer.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2084d ago
lxeasy2084d ago

Sony should just do what's right and let cross play happen across all platforms

The_Sage2084d ago

No thanks. I don't want to deal with the throngs of loud foul mouthed squeakers from Live. I'd rather be segregated from them.

Born2Game832084d ago

Its PCgamer.com they are joke in the pc gaming community. Remember the 9/10 for Dragon's Age 2?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2084d ago
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Days Gone Director Says Bend's Project Costs Over $250M; Says PS Co-CEO Doesn't Want 2 Zombies Games

Days Gone director claims Sony has already poured in at least a $250M in Bend's project; says Days Gone sold more than Death Stranding.

shinoff218318h ago

Well that sucks. Seems they want more online trash. I'd rather of had the sequel if it was single player

MrNinosan3h ago

What online trash games did PS Studios release last 10 years?

Notellin1h ago

The past has nothing to do with the future. This is such a terrible argument. Everyone knows about their current live service push.

_SilverHawk_30m ago

It's so tragic what happened to days gone. It is such an amazing game but bandwagoners trashed it and it underperformed in it's launch year. Days gone is the best open world zombie game released in the past five years. I was recently playing it on pc and I'm still amazed by it.

Games are very expensive to make and it seems like it's normal for a AAA game to cost over a quarter billion to make so if a quality game like days gone greatly underperforms then people shouldn't be upset when they see a lot of GAAS. I still remember a lot of bandwagoners calling days gone trash but years later it's now amazing when it's considered a failure by sony.

If a game isn't the best thing seen since hats with pockets then a lot of gamers who haven't played it automatically calls it rubbish and whoever made it should be incarcerated

-Foxtrot18h ago

It would be a shame if it was true that Hermen never gave the franchise a chance simply because he didn't like it and they already had a "Zombie" game with TLOU.

NaughtyDog are most likely moving onto a new IP next so it would have been the perfect time to do it.

ThinkThink10h ago

Here's where xbox steps in and releases state of decay 3 day and date on ps5.

Grilla3h ago

Days gone 2 was canceled before Herman was in charge. That happened like 4 years ago.

vfl5232h ago

4 years ago he was head of Playstation Studios. He would've probably had a hand in the cancelation.

Notellin1h ago

Man two seconds of research could have saved you from this comment. Amazing work Grilla you fit in with the uniformed N4G community who speaks before verifying anything that they say.

Redemption-6425m ago

Maybe encourage people to buy the game at full price and not when it's heavily discounted or go on plus. If this game had sold well when it was full priced a sequel would have been in the works. They made a single-player game that most people didn't support until they dropped the price.

excaliburps4h ago

Yep. Kind of weird since it wasn't a sales flop, no?

I know we have to take what Ross says with a grain of salt since we're hearing just one side of the story, but even so, the game wasn't bad at all. Heck, it's my brother's favorite last-gen game from what I recall.

The amount of zombies on screen, imagine that with the PS5 and SSD? That would be insanely fun!

Grilla3h ago

Most copies were sold on sale. Not enough ppl bought it at full price. I paid 20$ for it 6 -7 months after release.

Notellin1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Yeah we should never believe the creators side until we hear the corporate/big business side as history has shown we should always believe billion dollar corporations.

What a bootlicker statement.

P_Bomb3h ago

Well I don’t want 10 live service games, but they have no problem doing that lol. Ugh.

CrimsonWing693h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Oh great so we only get what the big wigs want… y’know, the people that really have their fingers on the pulse of what their consumers want. Faaaaantastic!

rippermcrip25m ago

Well consider they know the sales... they do know what the consumer wants.

It sold shit.

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