
Diablo 4 is in development, and it started as a Souls-like

An in-depth report suggests that Diablo IV has had a fraught development, but it's on the way.

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Jimboms2018d ago

I would have been so into that!

Seraphim2017d ago

as a spin off or something in the Diablo world I don't have a problem with that. Matter of fact it might be interesting if they pulled it off. As a mainline game, absolutely not.

In all honesty though I think Blizzard really nailed it with Diablo 3. Simply following that formula, making some improvements, perhaps a few tweaks/additions is really all that's required. Long as the level design is solid, game play is similar, etc. To date Diablo 3 is still a game I can pick up at any time and thoroughly enjoy. It's combat, world, classes, drops, goblins, Rifts, Paragon system, Seasons, everything about D3 makes it just a great game. Though I definitely wish there was more map to play and more classes to level up. So far, since release on PS4 I've replayed D3 and went on to play with every class except Demon Hunter and Necro so far. Next time I pick the game up or have time to kill I'll likely knock one or both those classes out. Forget exactly where I'm at and I know it;s low compared to many who've played D3 but I have something like 400 Paragon if I recall. For me a game is completed and that's pretty much it. Maybe stick around for a few trophies or the platinum if I'm enjoying it but overall once it's done, it's done Replaying or going back to a game is incredibly rare for several reasons. So for Diablo to continuously engage me when I have the time or desire to go back and continue to do so year after year really says something; at least to me.

2016d ago
TekoIie2016d ago


"At this point you'd want some exciting changes to the series, instead of just more of the same."

A mobile version good enough?

Sirk7x2016d ago

I would like a return to a more Gothic artstyle with Diablo 4, akin to 2. D3 was a very fun game, but it just felt too happy/colorful for the setting. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing wrong with colorful games, as I play tons of Nintendo games. It just didn't feel right.

2017d ago Replies(7)
Muzikguy2016d ago (Edited 2016d ago )

No way. I think this would have turned more people away. I definitely wouldn't want it. Not as a main game. I'd like to see more like Diablo 2 again. I really think 3 messed up big time coming off the success of 2

lelo2play2018d ago (Edited 2018d ago )

Thank God they didn't follow Dark Souls. To be stressed out simply by playing a game is not for me.
I'm no masochist... I play games to have fun.

Felix_Argyle_Catbro2018d ago (Edited 2018d ago )

Sometimes you must put in the effort to learn to play.

lelo2play2018d ago

Simply don't like the game. I find the gameplay clunky as hell and stressful.
I remember playing Dark Souls where I killed all the enemies at a section to reach the boss, after being killed by the boss, i had to repeat the whole section, killing the same enemies to reach the boss again... after that, I knew the game wasn't for me.
Like I said, I play games to have fun. Daily life stress is more then enough for me, don't need a game to increase it.

Lexreborn22017d ago

@lelo2play that’s how we used to play games in the old days. Mega mans a prime example... or Mario.... or donkey Kong.... or any game when you didn’t have save states

patrickman2018d ago

Is it really that hard for you? I had fun with both Dark Souls and Diablo though.

Yui_Suzumiya2016d ago

In Demon's Souls I got to the first few skeleton enemies after the tutorial area and that was as far as I could get. I began gaming in 1990 on the NES as well.

I_am_Batman2018d ago (Edited 2018d ago )

"I remember playing Dark Souls where I killed all the enemies at a section to reach the boss, after being killed by the boss, i had to repeat the whole section, killing the same enemies to reach the boss again... after that, I knew the game wasn't for me."

That's why you open up shortcuts, learn enemy patterns and memorize the level design. That's a huge part of what makes these games so rewarding. Going through a new area you are supposed to learn about those things. When you come back the things that seemed hard the first time are going to be much easier when you are paying attention. Also most of the time you aren't required to clear an area out at all.

lelo2play2018d ago (Edited 2018d ago )

No thanks. I tried it and simply don't like the game. End of story.

Ricegum2017d ago


No need to be rude bud.

pyroxxx2016d ago

you can also run to the boss most of the time, but game can be kinda pain in the ass,.. especially DKS1,.. where you need all the armors for one stupid trophy,.. and on NG+ or ++ it gets some things get really stupidly hard (Orstein &Smough fight with killing fatty first to get the other armor)

I_am_Batman2017d ago

That's fine. I'm not trying to convince you. I was just debunking your argument that you have to be a masochist to enjoy these games. I don't want people that never tried these games to read your comment and think that the game is stressful by design or you have to grind your way through hordes of enemies every time you die to achieve progress.

lelo2play2017d ago

Quite frankly, that's how this game feels to me. If they just added a save-point before the boss, that would improve the game so much more.
The way it's made, it just feels like a waste of time repeating the same section (killing dozens of enemies) over and over until you beat the boss.

Dragonscale2016d ago

Adding a save point just before a boss would be pointless. If you don't like the souls games fine, just play something else. Obviously the games aren't for you.

KTF262017d ago

You don't have to kill all enemies
run away until you reach the boss is a good strategy in dark souls

ninsigma2017d ago

" gameplay clunky as hell"
"I killed all the enemies at a section to reach the boss, after being killed by the boss, i had to repeat the whole section, killing the same enemies to reach the boss again"

That's exactly why I didn't like demon souls. Did not enjoy the gameplay. Died. Had to do it all again. Turned it off. It's not the difficulty that I had a problem with or even having to fight the enemies again, it was the having to go through that clunky combat again. I played bloodborne and I loved it because the gameplay was far better. Never had a problem of having to fight the enemies again and again because I found the combat far more fun. Dark souls 3 is the same. Much improved gameplay in 3 over the previous souls games.

MoshA2017d ago

I love that about dark souls. Puts casuals off thinking the game is psychopathic or something. Easily worth enduring all that just for the soundtrack.

TheGoodestBoi2017d ago

Not sure why you're getting so many disagrees. Diablo should just stick to being Diablo

2016d ago
jznrpg2017d ago

Masochist ? I’d say impatient and not willing to pay attention enough to figure out the obvious patterns. Souls games aren’t hard like most people make them out to be, you just have to pay attention and not try to button mash your way through. And you can always summon help which makes it way easier

william_cade2017d ago

In my opinion Souls-Borne games are some of the best and most fun games out there. Bloodborne and DS3 are mechanically beautiful.

Psychotica2017d ago

The feeling of accomplishment is the fun..

2017d ago
JesusBuiltmyHotrod2017d ago

Such a dumb comment i'm no Masochist and love souls, geta clue.

Imalwaysright2016d ago

Whole section? When I was a kid if we saw the game over screen we had to start from the beggining and in those days games weren't just difficult, they were also unfair.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2016d ago
Relientk772018d ago

It should be like Diablo, not Souls. Blizzard better not screw this game up dammit, already been waiting years for Diablo 4.

sinspirit2017d ago

They really could fit a lot of Diablo elements into a mix of Souls and Dragons Dogma type games, but it would be silly to do this with the main series name.

2017d ago
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Tapani11d ago

Is Diablo IV worth it for the Single-Player experience today? I understand it has got many patches and improvements.

Daeloki11d ago

I honestly don't know what they could have changed/patched to make the game enjoyable since last summer. I played the campaign a bit past act 1 with a friend and it just becomes incredibly boring and repetitive. I uninstalled shortly after and haven't looked back. However, with me it may just be a case of that it's not my kind of game. I just didn't enjoy the endless cycle of going into a dungeon, collect loot, teleport to town, sell/dismantle, teleport back to dungeon, collect loot, teleport to town, sell/dismantle... rinse and repeat. That cycle was about 80% of the game back then, completely drowning out the story for me. If there is a demo, or you have a chance to test a friends copy then I'd recommend that before spending any money on it.

Kosic11d ago

I loved D3 and would play a season for weeks.
D4 came out I reached level 60 ish and grew bored, I tried again in S1 and got to the same level and quit. I heard about the loot revamp, and briefly tried season 3 before jumping into the new season.
The game is better because it's easier to feel this progression smoothly increase, without hitting such a large road block, but I am level 61 and in Torment 4, and again I just don't feel the urge to continue.

I found a lack of direction of what to do, the thing that puts me off is the bland world, hell-tides are rather boring. Kill a non stop spawn of demons and summon a boss...

If you can get it for cheap, give it a try, or do a Gamepass trial and play it there.


Diablo IV is Available on PlayStation Cloud Gaming - Beats Xbox to the Punch

Diablo IV is now available to play via PlayStation Cloud Gaming! Still not available to Play on Xbox Cloud Gaming.

We ran our script again and found 15 other PS5 games (a lot of popular ones!) that got PS5 Cloud Gaming support within the last month as well.

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Hugodastrevas25d ago

Not for me, I'm 100% physical media all of the time.

jwillj2k425d ago

I hate that I have to keep calling this out, but your physical disks mean nothing if the game code attempts to connect to a server prior to playing.

Hugodastrevas25d ago

And that happens when? I'm playing completely offline here, stellar Blade to be more precise.
I'm sorry but I've never run into that imaginary problem you're talking about, I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but it has never happened to me.

jwillj2k425d ago

You not running into the problem yet has no bearing on my argument. You’re acting like the medium is the shield for you being able to always play your games when it effectively is not. The game code itself can try to connect to a server or the console you’re playing on may receive an update that requires that game to connect to a server. Just because you haven’t ran into it doesn’t mean anything lol you don’t own your games no matter how you try.

Hugodastrevas25d ago

So I have never run into the problem you're talking about and your answer is an hypothetical? Look I can play any game of my library offline right now without issue.
That issue is in your mouth and alone.

Crows9025d ago

Actually...there's an easy way...don't connect. If it doesn't require a connection and you don't connect...the code can't update...obviously....confused why you don't get what he's saying.

outsider162425d ago

Hold on..lets say i dnt have an online connection, can i atleast play the game offline though. Was thinking of getting this

jwillj2k425d ago

None of you use your brains.

OK, let’s explore this playing offline. not talking about Diablo specifically just gaming in general.

Are you going to buy two PlayStations? One offline one online? If not, moment you want to play something that requires a connection you’re cooked.

Does game experience you love so much stay the same offline?

Is the game even playable offline?

The whole point of my argument is that we don’t hold the keys anymore. The gatekeepers are the developers and console makers regardless of whether it’s digital or physical. You altering your play style for a lesser experience is not a workaround, it doesn’t solve the overall problem.

None of this matters since the move to the cloud is inevitable.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 25d ago
spicelicka25d ago

So you have to buy the game and can only stream to the PS5 devices using PS plus premium? What is the point of that. Much more useful when you can stream to other devices.

MrNinosan25d ago

Works great on my Portal while at work 👍

spicelicka25d ago

That's streaming off your PS5, not from the cloud. This is specifically referring to cloud gaming.

CrimsonWing6925d ago

Can’t you, uh, do this on your phone?

Tacoboto25d ago

Sony doesn't yet have a web or app-based solution to stream games off their cloud service, the closest you may be able to get would be Remote Play if they allow cloud streaming during a Remote session.

And yes this applies to the Portal too.

Einhander197224d ago (Edited 24d ago )


Please stop talking about PlayStation Streaming, you don't know what you're talking about.

I just explained this to you the other day where you were telling people that remote play was their only cloud solution, because apparently you didn't understand how PlayStation Premium works even though PS Now was a thing since shortly after the launch PS4..

You can stream to PC and Mac, and they had mobile clients for it in the past but probably for the same reason Microsoft is fighting Apple and Google PS Now wasn't allowed on App stores. Which is why it's not on iPhone and Android still.

And to be honest, I am glad they are trying to keep it on the console, all their moves away from the console seem like a step in the wrong direction, which isn't working so great for Microsoft...

anast25d ago

Blizzard is shoving this game everywhere. Diablo 4 is going to take an even bigger hit soon. Path of exile 2 is coming out and it looks insane.

Crows9025d ago

Well they're about to release the next season...I think that might be way they're pushing the game again.

anast24d ago

I mean I get what you are saying, but D4 isn't doing that well either.

UnbreakableAlex25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

I completed it on gamepass. Thanks God I dint pay it full price. It plays like a lazy mobile game. I am not a pro diablo gamer (Diablo 1 was the only one I completed) but D4 has no atmosphere, no creepy feeling and soundtrack like the first one and its so easy, I managed to not buy any weapon and had 4 Million Credits on level 55. I always used the same 4 attacks from the beginning and died maybe 10-15 times. It's so easy, wtf. I remember D1 to be pretty hard.
WTF happened? Is Diablo 3 also that bad?

jwillj2k425d ago

Diablo 3 was my first Diablo game. I had to use the mailbox cheats to keep it interesting.

Crows9025d ago (Edited 25d ago )

Diablo 3 was really hard at launch....then they made it easy.

They love scaling difficulty though.

anast24d ago

D2 is the pinnacle. I still fire it up from time to time.

GrmpyolGamer 25d ago

Considering that the PS cloud steaming is garbage compared to XCloud and is limited to certain devices this isn't something to brag about. Wake me up when Diablo is on PS plus