
Nylongate: Did Streamers Grab Up All The Quality Fallout 76 Bags?

PC Invasion: Bethesda's got another Fallout 76 controversy brewing due to "Nylongate." This time around, it's streamers receiving actual canvas bags for free while paying customers ended up with nylon for their $200 Power Armor edition.

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RainOfTerror2009d ago

ROFL.. not really surprising that Bethesda would bribe streamers/bloggers and such with fancy trips and goodie bags.

badz1492008d ago

can't wait for people to crucify these scam of a company in court!

Lionsguard2009d ago

I know this is not good for Bethesda and all but come on guys. It's a BAG. It's a bag that you're going to toss in your closet and dig up a few years later full of silverfish and spiderwebs and end up storing a bunch of junk in. People are making such a huge deal out of this stupid bag, it's ridiculous. It's as if they're mad they're not getting a full size, functional power armor or something.

-Foxtrot2009d ago

It’s not the bloody point, it’s the principle...it’s false advertising basically

If people are going to drop £200 on a collectors edition then you need quality and get given what was promised...especially the second most expensive thing which was supposed to be in the box

So stop brushing it off when people have legit points here. Don’t care? Then don’t get involved.

Lionsguard2009d ago (Edited 2009d ago )

Ok alright geeze. Go cry over your bag. It's probably the only thing you guys have left in your lives after such a disappointing game anyway. I get it.

1-pwnsause-12008d ago (Edited 2008d ago )

I don’t think you still do sadly....

If I paid $200 for something that’s of low quality although i was promised that it was what I’m supposed to get, someone’s gonna be catching these hands...

porkChop2009d ago

Let's say you buy a car and the dealer sells you an expensive package to upgrade the interior to leather. But when you get the car the interior is cheap vinyl, not leather. Are you just going to say "oh well", or would you be pissed off that you didn't get what you paid for?

TheColbertinator2008d ago

Precisely. If its written down in the contract and they lied,we'll see them in court.

william_cade2008d ago (Edited 2008d ago )

Yeah, people should just take what they are given because people at Bethesda work so much harder than everyone else. In fact, we need to pay them some kind of tax just because they exist.

Can I sell you junk? I will tell you it's quality but you need to pay for junk. At the end of the day it's just junk ...right?

Nitrowolf22008d ago (Edited 2008d ago )

While it’s understandable that this probably won’t get used as a daily use item, it’s still a matter of principle. That’s a bait and switch, False advertisement at the end of the day.

Why settle for less when you paid for more? With that mentality it’s no wonder why some people think the game isn’t broken

rainslacker2008d ago (Edited 2008d ago )

Yeah....because people who spend $200 on a collectors edition just throw it into a closet to never see again.

People that buy $200 collectors editions don't buy them to hide them away. They aren't going to use the bag for general bag purposes. They're going to collect it, and do whatever it is they do with collector's editions.

That said, Bethesda advertised a cheap canvas bag....not a cheap vynol bag. Unless what they gave is better than what they advertised, then it's false advertising.

Their reason for not including it was that it was too expensive. They would have known this months before they ever made the collector's edition. It's not like they didn't have time to inform the customers, retract the marketing, and do the right thing. Instead, they put in something that wasn't advertised, and hoped no one would notice.

sinspirit2008d ago

You may think you're reacting to this like a cool adult because your point is "it doesn't matter". But, you're the epidemy of a terrible consumer. One who just takes whatever they're given so long as it distracts them long enough. Such a childish reaction. This is literally cause for them to be investigated by the FTC.

They made a quick cash-grab game with very little content, copy/pasted everything from the previous games with alterations, didn't even make NPC's, it has tons of bugs, the launch bugs were some of the downright most embarrassing ones ever to be seen by any online game, ever, made the game to be played in a group with the agenda that if you're playing it socially that you'll buy stupid cosmetic items and animations to impress your friends, their apology of 500 atoms is worth nothing in the game. The microtransactions aren't even affordable, because they know that if you're hooked on these things for all your gaming uses, that you'll spend the cash regardless. They even had the same mentality as you about how to save money on the expensive collectors edition. Oh, the bag surely won't be used, right? Lets assume our customers won't rep our game and that the bag doesn't matter because the big item is there. You know the profit margins are extremely high on these things? They could even spare a little to give an actually usable bag, like the canvas one advertised.

You must be pretty young not to be ecstatic about having an extra bag, even slightly. You can never have too many bags when you've got a job, projects, going to hang out with friends, daily rituals like going to the gym, holding random tools/gear, etcetera.

UCForce2008d ago

It’s about false advertisement. You should think twice when you made that statement.

Exvalos2008d ago

You completely are missing the point

Bhuahahaha2008d ago

consumer like you are the reason why we're getting more and more substandard product

MAULxx2008d ago (Edited 2008d ago )

It's not the bag itself. It's what it represents. Telling your customers one thing, then doing something else & not caring enough about them to adress it in any meaningful way. For me, the point is the fact that it reveals Betheda's lack of concern for their premeire customers who spent $200 on their game. Their lack of regard for their own prime customers & the quality of their own product seems very telling & sends a terrible message to all their fans.

Eonjay2007d ago (Edited 2007d ago )

You would make a good addition to Bethesda... duck the consumer. Get money! Costumer complaints: stop being a crybaby and give me your damn money. We deserve to get paid because we have the ability to snatch as much as possible. We can lie directly to them... if they don't like liars: stop crying and make me rich now damnit. Doesn't even matter that the game itself is worthless and the isn't worth the 30 we charge 3 weeks later.

InTheZoneAC2007d ago

smfh, there are people out there actually defending bethesda for their false advertisement on a product people paid $200 for, seriously gtfo

Highlife2007d ago

This is one of the dumbest takes I've read in a long while. What if you bought a game oh forget it this comment is so bad I don't have to say anything else.

mogwaii2007d ago

COMPLETELY missing the point. It's people like you that keep these shitty companies doing shitty things to their paying customers.

2007d ago
Idree2007d ago

No1 is complaining about the bag not being nylon.
They lied, and scammed their fans mkay?

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2006d ago
fluxmulder2009d ago

So these "influencers" who sit around all day playing games in front of a camera get the good stuff, while us common folk get the garbage. What an absolutely scummy thing to do.

Exvalos2008d ago

Pretty much, is how it works now. Streamers get free games, merchandise, vacations etc...and paying customers get jack and shit

giovanealex2008d ago

"So these "influencers" who sit around all day playing games in front of a camera get the good stuff, while us common folk get the garbage"

You forgot to mention the worst part: "common folks who paid for it"

DreadGara2008d ago

Welcome to the wooo~aaarld of tomorrow.


porkChop2009d ago

They should have either lowered the price, or told everyone prior to shipping the game in case anyone wanted to cancel. With the way they handled it, and their admitting to it, they've opened themselves up to charges and investigation for false advertising.

william_cade2008d ago (Edited 2008d ago )

hahahahaah-and people really think their reviews matter. Streamers and bloggers are entertainers (some are extensions of marketing): not critics nor journalists.

Wonder if Kotaku are going to attack gamers over this one?

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I have an advice. Go outside more.

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You wouldn't say that if you lived in a fallout shelter! ;P

Fonsecap13d ago

Save your time and play something else...


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