
Dragon Quest XI Switch vs PS4 Graphics Comparison Shows the Price to Pay for Portability

Today Square Enix finally revealed the first look at Dragon Quest XI S for Nintendo Switch, so you can finally get a preliminary idea of how it stacks up against the PS4 version.

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Neonridr1987d ago

I feel like this article / video was trying to make it seem like it was worse than it actually is. Sure the PS4 version looks crisper, but it's not like the Swtich version looks ugly by any stretch.

Theknightofnights1987d ago

I don't think that they are intending to make it look worse than it actually is, but I do agree that the differences are way more noticeable in a side by side comparison like this. When watching the trailer by itself I don't notice the differences nearly as much. In fact, at first I thought that they just used PS4 footage.

Neonridr1987d ago

way more again leads you to believe there is a significant difference. In this case I would argue the changes are minimal. Not to mention you get full voice acting as a bonus for the Switch version.

To each their own of course.

bouzebbal1987d ago

Both look great.. Switch will look good on the little screen.

mikeslemonade1986d ago

It would look worst when you play it on the Switch and not a streamed youtube video comparison. And thanks for reminding to play for free on PC.

Loktai1986d ago

@Neonridr It was only the Japanese version of Dragon Quest on PS4 that didnt have voice acting. The western release HAS voice acting.

StormSnooper1986d ago (Edited 1986d ago )

Definitely a noticeable difference. That’s not to say it looks bad on Switch. It depends on your definition I guess. Personally games like these, I like to play with better graphics, but there are other games where graphics aren’t as important.

Babadook71986d ago

If you don’t need to have portablity this decision seems very obvious to me. Ps4 version looks great.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1986d ago
Abriael1987d ago (Edited 1987d ago )

"That being said, the fact that there is a price to pay for portability should be expected. Overall, it seems to be relatively small, and the Switch version holds up pretty well. Of course, your mileage may vary, and we’ll be able to get a clearer idea when we’ll see more gameplay and the final frame rate."

No. It doesn't try to make it seem worse than it actually is. At all.

"it's not like the Swtich version looks ugly by any stretch."

Strawman argument warning. Nowhere the article says or even remotely implies that the Switch version looks ugly or even bad.

It says that there is a price to pay for portability in terms of visuals. Which there factually is.

Neonridr1987d ago (Edited 1987d ago )

sorry, the title seems misleading. The "price to pay" seems very little in this case. I wasn't arguing that there wasn't a change.

Abriael1987d ago (Edited 1987d ago )

@Neondir: The title doesn't say it's big or small. It's a price, and an absolutely factual one. Whether it's small or big depends on how much someone values graphics.

It being "very little" is just your personal opinion, and there obviously are others who believe it's quite sizable. Flatter lighting, almost completely flat costumes, simplified foliage, missing shadows and more isn't insignificant by any stretch of the imagination. You can't expect others to shape their articles and titles on your personal perception.

Nothing here is misleading. It almost seems like it annoys you that people are being informed that a tradeoff exists. It does, and people should know.

Neonridr1987d ago (Edited 1987d ago )

@Abriael - Agree to disagree then. I'll judge the finished product I guess. Cheers.

Abriael1987d ago (Edited 1987d ago )

There is nothing to disagree with. The fact that there is a price to pay is a fact. Whether that price is worth it for you, that's for you to decide, but the article doesn't answer that question.

GottaBjimmyb1987d ago (Edited 1987d ago )

Honestly, the criticism of the article is almost exclusively due to the fact that too many people read a title assume the content. To be fair, I don't think that is your fault, but I do think you are well aware the title and knowledge of that do kinda contradict your "I have done nothing that could remotely give that impression" stance. Unless you are implying you are unaware that readers (especially on this site) tend to do as described.

CyrusLemont1987d ago

@Abriael the phrase “price to pay” is a very common idiom implying that there is a high cost for something. Yes, you are right that word for word your article headline is “factually” correct. However it does carry a second meaning that is commonly spoken which implies a negative outcome based on the context.

That’s the reason I even clicked on the link at all.

Abriael1987d ago (Edited 1987d ago )

@CyrusLemont: "A price to pay" indicates a cost. Which there is. It does not necessarily indicate a high cost.

Incidentally, the cost is certainly not insignificant, whether you believe it's worth it or not, that's up to you, but disregarding it or minimizing it would be disingenuous and misleading.

The headline is 100% appropriate in this context. Apparently, some simply aren't ready to accept that.

NapalmSanctuary1987d ago

"It says that there is a price to pay for portability in terms of visuals. Which there factually is."

There is no other aspect of gaming that gets so much attention yet adds so little to the value of gaming, as graphics.

porkChop1986d ago

Abriael, just stop. You know what you're doing. In the print journalism world we call this type of headline sensationalism or yellow journalism. It's purposely misleading, and it's frowned upon. You can pretend it was just an innocent choice of words all you want, but it clearly wasn't.

"Price to pay" is a well-known phrase, and is almost always used to indicate a large difference or penalty. When the difference is small, the phrase "small price to pay" is used in its place.

GottaBjimmyb1986d ago

@pork Yea, that is my issue too. Obviously the article is great and even the title is fine, though clearly intended to stir emotion. My only issue with the author, is that he is giving a response that implies that he had no clue the title would be emotional to people, especially those who didn't read it. Very disingenuous.

He could just say yes, I made a headline that inspires more people to become emotionally involved and more likely to visit (aka click-bait) There is some weird reaction by the author that admitting that is some sin. Click-bait titles are fine IMO as long as the content for those who do partake fully is competent, which this article clearly is.

The whole denial or act that abe somehow doesn't understand (and didn't when giving the title) how people would react is all a lie, and frankly the only part that bothers me. Click-bait titles really are not a big deal, especially when you provide content worth clicking on. It is when you say "you won't believe ______" and offer no information on ________ in the article or use very well known information and present it as jew that click-bait is frowned on.

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TiredandRetired1987d ago

I'd say that 80-90% of my gaming time with my Switch I got last month, the first week of November, has been in handheld mode. I'm a huge handheld gamer... I played my Vita more than my PS4 sometimes. I was saddened to see the Vita fading out this last year. I'm a big fan of JRPGs, so it was still a good system for me throughout it's lifetime.

No, Dragon Quest XI doesn't look as good as the PS4 version, but I'm still amazed that it looks this good for a handheld system. If I was going to spend more time playing on the TV, then I'd get it on my PS4, or heck my laptop. I just know I like to travel, also over at my inlaws and relatives' pretty often. It'll be great to take it on the go. I don't take my laptop everywhere I go, but I do take my Switch now. My Vita still stays in my backpack as well.

Fist4achin1987d ago

I backpack my vita and a 3ds for down moments as im an rpg fan as well!

Theknightofnights1987d ago

I think they did great with the Switch version. Switch simply isn't as powerful as PS4, but it still looks good.

I wish they'd localize the 3DS version too, though. I want all the Dragon Quest XI versions.

shuvam091987d ago

Yeah man...
Hard to admit it, but the Switch version looks very.... decent...

Sgt_Slaughter1986d ago

Wow, you sure tried really hard there.

RedDevils1986d ago

Keep up the good work...

kayoss1987d ago

You guys recommend this game. I want to start getting back into RPG but wasnt sure if this game was good. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

TheGamez1001987d ago

Yes the game is excellent if you like traditional turn based jrpgs. One of the best in that catagory in years. A little warning is that you do need time dedication for the game though if youre just getting back to rpgs. This one in particular is 60+ hrs long depending on youre play style, which is the norm play time for any rpg these days.

Abriael1987d ago

It's one of the best RPGs this gen hands down.

capjacksparrow1987d ago

I would get Persona 5 first, this is probably my second favorite JRPG of the gen though.

Teflon021987d ago

Why'd you get P5 first. It's 100 hours give or take. (Me 133 hours on first finish but I got the true ending luckily first go which probably extended it a bit as I don't know the other endings at all lol)
I'd say get the good games first then go to these higher praised games. Depending if he wants turn based. DQ11 would be a better start as it's shorter and more friendly on the mind as you don't need to manage as much things. Persona is alot more advanced of a game. It's better to start here or than Persona but I'd say find something good and not the greats to start at instead so they can appreciate the good ones and not feel left down after playing the best.

Strafe1986d ago

Persona 5 was pretty boring half way through if I'm honest, it was a good game but it wasn't a great rpg.

gangsta_red1987d ago

I would play Persona 5 or Tales of Berseria first. I'm just now playing DQ 11 and while it's good, I would still recommend the first two before this one.

King_Noctis1987d ago

This game is a great way to start, but if you can wait, then wait for Tales of Vesperia which is coming very soon. Imo that game is the apex of modern jrpg.

Nu1986d ago


RedDevils1986d ago

Octopath travelers is another one you should out.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1986d ago
TheGamez1001987d ago (Edited 1987d ago )

Looks fine, not that bad of a downgrade and you get portability in return. As long as the game runs fine also. And you get jp voice acting which hopefully comes to ps4 and pc too. Just hope this ver doesnt take a millenia to localize...

Imortus_san1987d ago

Switch look like crap like always when compared to other consoles or PC, naturally.

Neonridr1987d ago

amazing, anything else captain obvious?

EddieNX 1987d ago

Consoles and PC aren't small portable devices you genius.

Teflon021987d ago

To be fair Nintendo doesn't consider Switch a Portable console and a home console so being compared to one is fair. Though I agree as I've stated since it was announced that it's a portable device no matter how people want to sway it. It's impossible to be called a hybrid. It's just portable with the video out realistically and when charged and video out is going it turns up the clock speed which makes sense because clock speed on portable devices are always turned down to save battery. Non the less as I've stated in my comment a while ago. No big deal, I've used my switch 99% in portable legit. So the downgraded textures aren't a big deal, the character lighting is only noticeable in a side by side or a play of the other versions, my only issue is how dull it looks, like FFX on Vita it really sucks the life out of the art style when that happens and I do hope they make it more vibrant by release

TheUndertaker851986d ago (Edited 1986d ago )

PCs have “small portable devices” called laptops & tablets. Most have more resources at their disposal versus Switch.

Neonridr1986d ago

@TheUndertaker85 - a laptop, while fitting the defintion of portable because you can take it with you, is hardly small or practical. Trying pulling that out on a bus or subway and actually do something with it.

pcz1987d ago

But can you play the PS4 version on a train? On the loo? Walking down the street?

Consoles that require you to be anchored to a television set... How 80s

TheUndertaker851986d ago

Yes via laptops, tablets, or PS Vita. The same also applies to Microsoft minus PS Vita.

Theknightofnights1986d ago


You can't play any of those walking down the street unless your whole street has a strong wifi connection.

NapalmSanctuary1987d ago

"looks like crap" is a serious exaggeration.

Imortus_san1987d ago

hahahah, it depends on the size of the TV you got, on my 55 it sure looks bad enough.

NapalmSanctuary1986d ago

I'm on a 51" TV. Both Zelda BoTW and MK8 looked fine on it.

1987d ago
RedDevils1986d ago

Wow, we found the second coming of Albert Einstein.

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PlayStation Plus Game Catalog lineup for October: GTA: Vice City, Dragon Quest XI, and more

"A bumper crop of PlayStation titles make up October’s PlayStation Plus Game Catalog lineup. All these games will be available to play starting Tuesday, October 18. Without further ado, let’s dive in. Also added this month: The Medium, Dragon Quest Builders, Dragon Quest Heroes and more. "

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nevin1597d ago

Wait, no new PS1, PS2 or PSP additions?

CrimsonWing69597d ago

It’s frustrating how they barely update that library. I get that Jimbo hates old games, but c’mon, the classic catalogue with trophies was a big draw for me. Was really hoping to get some heavy duty classic PS1 games to platinum. Looks like they’ll do exactly what they did on PS4 with the PS2 library…

LucasRuinedChildhood597d ago (Edited 597d ago )

Games like Resistance: Retribution have already been rated as well so they have some stuff ready.

I think they still don't have a healthy supply of classic games for the next few months and they have to really spread them out ... so because of all those Yakuza remasters on Premium this month ... they made the decision to hold off putting up more PSP or PS1 games until next month. :(

They need clearer communication on this. They could have said that we can look forward to some PSP games next month or something.

FinalFantasyFanatic597d ago

I'm so glad I stuck with the essential tier, I'd be ticked paying more with the expectation that the classic catalogue would be regularly updated and built up. The classic catalogue was the biggest draw of the upper tiers for me, so not seeing any new PS1 games is pretty disappointing.

Ben Dover597d ago

While the VC remake is a turd, this is an impressive month.

SlothLordPootus597d ago

Has vice city been fixed? If not it feels like a weird addition. Lots for Dragon Quests fans.

jeromeface597d ago

fixed? Its kinda hard to fix something that was a mobile port to begin with... so no

cluclap597d ago

It wasn't a mobile port though? The team that made them did the mobile games but if I remember the actual remakes aren't the mobile versions.

andy85597d ago

Playing it at the moment. It actually looks pretty clean. I'm on PS5 though, can't comment for other versions. I guess the updates helped a bit

VersusDMC597d ago

If you like assassins creed and Dragon Quest enjoy the multiple games.

Just plan on playing Medium and the Yakuza remasters right now.

EvertonFC597d ago

"inside" indie game looks interesting for sure too

SlothLordPootus597d ago

Inside is great. If youve played limbo it's very similar

dazzysima597d ago

Seems the PS Plus offer is running out of steam already.

Have they even added any new trials since launch?

rob-GP597d ago

Yes, loads - they just stupidly havn't updated the list on the console!

I can't recall of the top of my head but there's been a bunch of games, probably about 10 or so. I'm gonna drop Shu another email and try and get him to tell the UX team to update the list. It's annoying when they don't update things

VersusDMC597d ago

I checked out the soulstice trial recently. And i heard they added dying light 2 so i might check that one out as well.

MrNinosan597d ago

Running out of steam? This month is amazing, and the months before it has been great aswell.
At least 3 of the Dragon Quest games are great, Medium is okay, Assassins Creed is nice gems for those who missed put, Inside amazing, Castlevania superb, the Yakuza remakes are fantastic.

Lots of Trials has been added simce launch.
If you don't use the service or are interested enough to first check what's there, why comment?

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Lightning Mr Bubbles615d ago

Me being a Playstation guy and a huge JRPG fan, I can say that the only franchises I actually miss that are on Switch are The Fire Emblem series and The Xenoblade Chronicles series. I've played neither but I've heard good things. I've seen people play Xenoblade Chronicles games on youtube, and it seems like they think it's a big deal so I'm curious.

Rebel_Scum615d ago

As someone who doesnt like jrpg’s that much these days I went into Xenoblade Chronicles blind and had a blast. Reminded me of that golden age of 16-bit and 32-bit jrpgs. If thats the era you liked then it should hit the spot.

jznrpg615d ago

I only have a Switch for the games that don’t come on PlayStation . There aren’t a ton but there are some good ones.

repsahj615d ago (Edited 615d ago )

I agree with top 1, for me xenoblade chronicles 3(and 2) is one of the greatest jrpg to date. It's like the feeling of playing ff7 on ps1 for the first time again. Imagine if XC3 was done with ps5 graphics, that will be magical. I might get the xc remaster before the year ends or after I got the platinum trophy of GoW ragnarok.

jznrpg615d ago

I didn’t care for 2 as much . It’s good but 3 is sooo much better than so is the first one imo .

repsahj615d ago

yeah I agree, but much better than any recent jrpg releases.


Dragon Quest & Comfort Food: Why “Traditional” Isn’t A Bad Word

The Dragon Quest series is often criticized for being too traditional, but there's actually something really comforting about its familiarity.

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ZeekQuattro634d ago

I love that Dragon Quest stuck to its roots. I've been playing the series since Dragon Warrior. It was the first turn based RPG I ever played. DQ is basically the reason I got into turn based RPGs and why I still prefer them to this day over action RPGs.

Zeldafan64634d ago (Edited 634d ago )

Everything you said here applies to me as well. Been playing the series since 1992.

shinoff2183633d ago (Edited 633d ago )

Thats funny ive never really seen anyone complain about it being traditional but even if so. I personally think dq11 is the best jrpg ive played in years. Since like ff9 type of years. I cant think of 1 negative thing to say about it. If you dont like traditional then go play a action rpg like ff15. Leave dq be its one of the few games that have stuck with turn base battles.

I started dq series kinda later in life. Played when i was younger but didnt remember much. Ff is where i stuck my jrpg roots at. Ff lost me at 12. Its never been the same since ff10 and i was so sad to see the world map go.