
Here’s what Slightly Mad Studios’ console might look like

Slightly Mad Studios (Project CARS, Need for Speed Shift) CEO Ian Bell has shared a couple of images teasing the potential look of the recently announced “Mad Box” console.

bluefox7551974d ago

They're in way over their head, lol.

ABizzel11974d ago

This is not for "console gamers". This is a high end gaming / VR / game development PC. It runs 4K games and has game design software equipped with it, and supplies will be limited.

The specs. haven't been revealed, only that it runs games at 4K, does VR in 60fps, and again it'll come equipped with a Game Development Engine. Considering they make Project Cars, I'm assuming they're aiming for 4k @ 60fps in their game which means the GPU is likely a Vega 64 / Navi ??? / GTX 1080 / RTX 2070 / GTX 1080 ti / RTX 2080 / RTX 2080 Ti, back by an i7 8700k / i7 9700k / i7 9900k / Ryzen 2800x / Threadripper CPU. More than likely 16GB / 32GB / 64GB of RAM.

Basically this PC is a high-end gaming PC more powerful than any of the consoles, and more powerful than the next-gen consoles as well.

FPS_D3TH1974d ago

So it’s a steam box? Yeah cuz that went so well...

ABizzel11974d ago

Steam Box failed because instead of Valve doing on their own they had too many variations from too many different manufacturers.

Have excess of 20 manufacturers all selling multiple SKUs, at multiple price ranges m, with multiple specs m, that “console gamers” are generally ignorant of, costing 2x as much as consoles they were targeted at up to over $2,000 is why Steam Machines failed. Valve killed it when they didn’t want to shoulder the risk on their own, when they could have simply had 2 - 3 SKUs and done modestly well instead of DOA.

Again this is a game development PC and for high end PC gamers, not console gamers. This is a minimum $1000 console gamers aren’t buying this.

jznrpg1974d ago (Edited 1974d ago )

Eh if I want a PC I can build my own or there are plenty of other options out there. Why join the crowded and declining PC space?

jznrpg1974d ago (Edited 1974d ago )

Steam box failed because there are plenty of PCs available already

Christopher1974d ago

***more powerful than the next-gen consoles as well.***

Tell us more Futureman.

ABizzel11974d ago


A next Gen console isn't going to have a $300 CPU (which the Ryzen 7 2800x currently is), when consoles sell for $500 or less. Hence more powerful than the next-gen consoles. Realistically expect a custom 6-Core or 8-Core Ryzen 2400g equivalent.

The next-gen consoles aren't going to have 32GB or 64GB of RAM. That's $200 - $400 in RAM when consoles sell for $500 or less. Hence more powerful than the next-gen consoles. Realistically expect 16GB of RAM, and at best 8GB DDR4 + 16GB GDDR6 which would be illogical for the motherboard, consume too much space, and again cost too much.

The next-gen consoles are highly unlikely to have SSDs for storage, because once again it cost too much and people are maxing out their 1TB HDD already. A 1TB is over $100, when consoles sell for $500 or less. Hence more powerful than the next-gen consoles. Realistically a 2TB SSHD is a more affordable, and higher storage option.

Last by not least the GPU. This is the only component that could reach parity depending entirely on when the console launches 2020 / 2021. For gaming the GPU is the most important component so it makes sense most of the budget would go here. The issue is the next-gen consoles only have up to 50% of their overall cost dedicated to the GPU portion and that's a HUGE stretch, so that's comparing a $250 MAX 2020 / 2021 GPU to a current 2018 / 2019 $500 GPU at minimum.... So AMD needs to produce a mid-range card for $300 or less, that's on par with their current RX Vega 64. Which is possible going to 7nm. And then after going into a console it will be underclocked from it's normal clock speeds. So yes a $300 next-gen console could potentially rival Vega 64 / GTX 1080 / and maybe even RTX 2070. It's not matching a 2080 / 1080 Ti / 2080 Ti. Hence more powerful than a next-gen console.

You don't need to know the future, you simply need to use common sense and have an understanding of computer technology.

rainslacker1974d ago (Edited 1974d ago )

So...it's a branded PC? If it doesn't include Windows, then what's the point as it'll severely limit the games available on it. If it includes windows, then why is it being called a console?

Game developers don't need these fancy computers to develop games, and aren't going to pay a premium for something that looks fancy. I know some that use Alienware computers, but they usually are upgraded to their own specifications, and a DELL, ACER, Lenovo, or HP is just as proficient as far as I'm concerned, not to mention cheaper. No major development house needs premium priced PC's, and the average indie or hobbyist developer isn't going to gain any advantage with this. For the most part, game devs aren't using bleeding edge technology in their studios. maybe the graphics cards, and the graphics artists or animators may have special set ups, but the average engineer doesn't need that much power....although its nice to have in the companies that afford to blow money on things. Like Epic seems to get new bleeding edge computers every year. But they're creating engines, and have to be at the forefront of technology and create tools that will be used years from now.

I have no problem with them entering the PC market. But that doesn't make it anymore special than an Alienware(or similar paradigm) created computer. If it wants to be a closed system like the Steam Box, then it's going to be dead in the water, and this studio has nowhere near the clout, marketing muscle, or resources that Valve had behind Steam Box. Even NVidia struggles to make a name for itself in the portable market, so how is a game developer with limited success going to compete in this day and age, and what investors are going to give them the billion or so dollars on such a risky venture, when they have no track record for this kind of thing.

If this is a closed system box, like the Steam box, then it renders its game dev potential moot, as visual studio is ubiquitous in game development, and DX is still pretty much required to be available on the system. If they aren't using Windows, MS is less likely to provide them with significant support for DX.

For the gaming consumer, I fail to see why they can make significant gains by having so much power. Usually game development is several years behind the curve of the power that's available. About the best one can hope for is there will be some support for a GPU that is less than a year old. I know some people really strive to have a really powerful PC, but they often make their own, and unless they're taking the Alienware approach, it's not going to get them very far. Even Alienware had to start making a wider range of PC's to stay afloat, because there wasn't enough of a market for the most powerful PC's to sustain them.

This seems like the wet dream idea of a PC master race elitist, and not the sound business paradigm of a reasonably laid out product plan. I can dream about a PC I might want to build on parts builder, and make it the most powerful system there is. but I don't think many people would want to buy all those parts if I put it together in a fancy case, and slapped a fancy name on it...even if I had a marginally successful game on my companies portfolio.

Christopher1974d ago

ABizzel, the thing is, neither will any successful console in the next three years. If they make that, it would be more expensive than a pre-built PC with the same specs.

Yet you're here acting as if that is what we will get. We won't. It will either be toned down more in line with Xbox Two/PS5 or won't make it at all.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1974d ago
Christopher1974d ago

It is also a minimum of three years out. Stop hyping what is only on paper (not aimed at bluefox755).

rainslacker1974d ago

Why's that? Fancy expensive molded plastic, and excessive LED lighting is always a good thing to spend money on when designing a console.

This thing kind of looks like the portable space heater I have in the garage. Although it doesn't have the fancy colorings.

italiangamer1974d ago

Looks like those fake PlayStation 8 designs made in 2007 by a 12 years old.

Yes, it sucks so bad.

1974d ago
Imortus_san1974d ago

Someone would have to be Slightly Mad to invest in this.

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Days Gone Director Says Bend's Project Costs Over $250M; Says PS Co-CEO Doesn't Want 2 Zombies Games

Days Gone director claims Sony has already poured in at least a $250M in Bend's project; says Days Gone sold more than Death Stranding.

shinoff218316h ago

Well that sucks. Seems they want more online trash. I'd rather of had the sequel if it was single player

MrNinosan1h ago

What online trash games did PS Studios release last 10 years?

-Foxtrot16h ago

It would be a shame if it was true that Hermen never gave the franchise a chance simply because he didn't like it and they already had a "Zombie" game with TLOU.

NaughtyDog are most likely moving onto a new IP next so it would have been the perfect time to do it.

ThinkThink7h ago

Here's where xbox steps in and releases state of decay 3 day and date on ps5.

Grilla1h ago

Days gone 2 was canceled before Herman was in charge. That happened like 4 years ago.

vfl52332m ago

4 years ago he was head of Playstation Studios. He would've probably had a hand in the cancelation.

excaliburps2h ago

Yep. Kind of weird since it wasn't a sales flop, no?

I know we have to take what Ross says with a grain of salt since we're hearing just one side of the story, but even so, the game wasn't bad at all. Heck, it's my brother's favorite last-gen game from what I recall.

The amount of zombies on screen, imagine that with the PS5 and SSD? That would be insanely fun!

Grilla1h ago

Most copies were sold on sale. Not enough ppl bought it at full price. I paid 20$ for it 6 -7 months after release.

P_Bomb1h ago

Well I don’t want 10 live service games, but they have no problem doing that lol. Ugh.

CrimsonWing691h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Oh great so we only get what the big wigs want… y’know, the people that really have their fingers on the pulse of what their consumers want. Faaaaantastic!

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