
Google Teases Gaming Reveal with Trailer Showing Various Environments

Google is gearing up to reveal its new ambitions in gaming and today they released a new teaser to shine some light on the upcoming event, quite literally.

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Sly051907d ago

This could be big if it truly is a non-streaming console.

They might make a dent in the industry if they sell a super powered console at half the price of Sony/MS and Google usually go that route when they want to break into a new market, since they can afford it.

Cheap + 3rd Party games could work.

Abriael1907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

I doubt it's non-streaming. Streaming plays to Google's strength. Not sure what they can offer otherwise that isn't simply a "me too!". They've never been a hardware company.

Sly051907d ago

I think there will be a streaming and traditional box like what MS might be doing.

And Google is a very "me too" company, just look at Android, Google Home and the Pixel. Which are examples of their new hardware direction....and of course Chromecast is another hardware example.

Eonjay1907d ago

No real reason to expect that they wont do both. Microsoft needs something to differentiate themselves.

-Foxtrot1907d ago

Pretty much

Every time a company that's not Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft announce their own console it's a stupid streaming box

giovanealex1907d ago

@Eonjay "No real reason to expect that they wont do both. Microsoft needs something to differentiate themselves"

errr...if the service is as good as it was on their beta testing phase, it is not ONLY Microsoft who "needs something to differentiate themselves", dude. Sony, who is already on the streaming business, will desperately need that too, since their streaming service, PS Now, has been working FOR YEARS and it has not changed the gaming business - it didn't leave even a scratch on it.

opc1907d ago

PSnow is expensive and isn't as good as the Project Stream beta though. Plus the Project Stream beta didn't require me to buy anything. Google already has hundreds of millions (maybe a billion) of accounts. If any of those people have a weak computer an decent internet connection, they might be able to start streaming games in a week.

starchild1907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

Streaming is a given, but I think they know that a huge percentage of the gaming demographic are not ready for streaming. If they want to get a strong foothold in the games market they need to reach those gamers by offering console hardware.

Microsoft wasn't a hardware company either...until they were. Google does make some hardware for other markets. I see no reason they couldn't do the same with console hardware if they deem it useful or necessary.

They know that Sony and Microsoft already offer, or soon will offer, their own streaming services. They probably also realize that it's going to be difficult to differentiate themselves and attract enough developers and publishers to their platform if they are only reaching a much smaller percentage of gamers through streaming alone.

If it's streaming only it's likely going to have a limited impact on the games market. I think they would be smart to have both hardware and streaming. We'll soon find out I guess.

Fist4achin1907d ago

Isnt Google Home and the Mini hardware?

darthv721906d ago

It's funny but I am seeing a sort of cautious optimism for this from many who shun MS so much for being in gaming. I'm curious if they too will crap all over Google being in gaming like they do over MS?

you know it was once that Sony was the new guy in gaming and people said they didnt belong but they managed to stick it out and prove their worth. MS has stuck it out and despite having a really down gen... they have managed to prove their worth as well. Google should be given the same chance that MS, Sony, Sega, Nintendo, even Panasonic and Atari have had.

How they proceed to use that chance is on them but they deserve a chance.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1906d ago
beulahland1907d ago

Well, a hardware is possible, but it would only be a bridge for the streaming of games. It is quite improbable that Google will reveal a "super powered console".
Besides that, they need to partner with the developers/publisher. Seems Ubisoft is already there, Sega seems to be partnering too, but Google needs more. Exclusive games would be a deferential too.

crazyCoconuts1907d ago

I agree, I think a traditional console wouldn't make sense for them. It should be something that leverages their already big install base of Android devices.

NarutoFox1907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

It would probably give Microsoft Xbox some competition. Microsoft is also releasing a streaming console after hearing rumors.

giovanealex1907d ago

@NarutoFox "It would probably give Microsoft Xbox some competition."

eeerrr...it would give some competition to EVERY company on gaming business? Like, you know, SONY (which, by the way, has a streaming service working for years, though it didn't gain any traction yet) AND NINTENDO?

NarutoFox1907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

I'm curious to see will it have first party exclusives and developers

ILostMyMind1907d ago

Why only half the price? Why not three times cheaper? Or four times cheaper?

Wait, I know the answer. They need to make money, not lose it.

Xavi4K1907d ago

I tested their streaming serive with assian creed odyssey...it was beyond amazing

The 10th Rider1907d ago

Yeah, I don't like streaming, but people are really overlooking how successful it could be.

In some marketed, import costs make consoles prohibitively expensive. Then games come in at an even higher cost. Giving those people the option to stream games for a monthly cost that, while taxed, avoids the heavy import fees, could be a very lucrative market for a massive company like Google.

In many countries I don't see streaming making a dent in physical hardware and software for a while, but there's definitely countered out there where I can see streaming completely killing the physical market.

nirwanda1907d ago

Here's an interesting question for all of you, let's says it's a streaming service that worked well, the graphics were the same if not better than one X/ pro , it worked on all android devices if you bought a pad and they launched along side a firestick style device that was super cheap, and every game was free but paid for with ads.
Would anyone switch for a steady stream of free content and a £50 buy in fee , I would

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1906d ago
Vasto1907d ago

GDC 2019 going to be huge.

lxeasy1907d ago

I think it would be cool if Google announces they are entering the Console market at GDC and they have a E3 Press Conference to show off line up price, release date, etc...

Deathdeliverer1907d ago

Will it be a 3DO? A Phillips CDi? An Atari Jaguar maybe? Or could they possibly create a system with the best of PS4, Xbox, and Switch in one system with a splash of PC? Whatever it is, PS5 and Xbox One 2 (Microsoft loves numbers lol) are surely not more than 2 years out.

1907d ago Replies(2)
Eldyraen1907d ago

Some recent rumors have been putting Google and Sega in some sort of relationship together. I’m not sure if true, but if they did work together it could be interesting. They could call it the Google Genesis, GG for short ;)

Sega is a shadow of its former self really, but the name still has some Clout and some of their published games are still pretty solid—but are rarer than they used to be of course.

I’m curious what it will be though, even if no Sega happens, but it’s a big wait and see before hyping it up. Although with Google’s cash flow they could easily try their hand in the market, much like MS did with the original Xbox. It’s just what will they bring to the table to make it stand out?

Will they only show third party games or have they been quietly picking up other studios and then break the news at GDC?

Streaming only? Dedicated hardware and streaming? VR or no? Because google has the cash for any of it really. Google Play (Mobile) might not be what a lot of gamers consider that special, but it could introduce some “gamers” to the more traditional gaming world as well (consoles or even handheld or hybrid). Rumors lately though say it’s supposed to be powerful.

rainslacker1907d ago

I doubt the Sega partnership is true. At least if there is a partnership, it's just Sega is making games for the system. Sega has clout with their name, but the people that long for the Dreamcast to make a comeback are limited in number, and mostly just a vocal group on forums who have a nostalgic twinge. Sega just has too much to lose if Google doesn't make it work out.

Eldyraen1907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

Probably true, but Sega could make some decent games for it.

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Google wants to bring Steam to Chromebooks

A new report by Android Police says Google is working on bringing Steam to Chromebooks.

NeoGamer2321594d ago (Edited 1594d ago )

There is nothing wrong with that. Gamers should be able to play on as many devices as possible, and even the smallest devices are getting good at playing complex games through streaming.

Steam is going to have to change otherwise it will become irrelevant in a few years. Vendors that don't allow me to play on many devices is going to be a major "must have" for me going forward.

Google Stadia, PSNow, and XB Console/xCloud Streaming will all allow that and I will favor platforms that give me the ability to reduce my costs and increase the amount of places where I can just pickup and play.

RazzerRedux1594d ago (Edited 1594d ago )

This isn't about streaming. Google wants a Steam client on Chromebook for playing games locally. That's fine, but they are going to have to come through with more capable laptops as they article suggests they will. The current offering is just pathetic unless you just want to browse the web and read email.

1594d ago
1594d ago
Shiken1594d ago

Streaming games is a concept that can crash and burn for all I care.

NeoGamer2321594d ago (Edited 1594d ago )

As a person who is "out and about" a lot I like to have streaming for when I am not at my home. I travel a lot in hotels, my country property, and in the city. Streaming to me is just an add-on to my gaming experience and allows me to play in more places without lugging my "portable" console setup.

I am also looking this next gen to save some money by not buying some consoles and reducing the ones I do buy.

battlegrog1594d ago

the key here is cloud gaming for steam. The core being on pc but a scondary option to play in the cloud. Geforce now is not great because its so complicated because its third party and only some games make it on it. Rumor did come up that steam is working on a cloud thing

Gwiz1594d ago

?So you can't install Steam on there now?s

porkChop1594d ago

They use a custom OS, they aren't Windows laptops. Steam would need to support Chrome OS.

rainslacker1594d ago

Chrome OS would have to support the games as well. AFAIK, Chrome OS doesn't use any standard gaming API that's used for most PC games like DX or Vulcan. If the chromebooks become powerful enough to support gaming, that'd be a good thing for them to implement into the system, because the high level API's they use for Google devices now is not good for higher end gaming. Some game engines can overcome this, but chrome books tend to use high level OS layers for applications.

1594d ago
Vits1594d ago (Edited 1594d ago )

They would have to revamp a lot of the core features of the Chromebook to make them by useful for gaming. Trading the current low end Pentium and Celeron cpus for Amd Zen 2 Apus would be a good start, but they would also have to finally ditch the low end DDR3 and 32/64 GB eMMC storage that most of Chromebook are still produced with.

Or they could just port Steam Link and call it a day.

SLiSH831594d ago

That would kind of making the chrome book, pointless if the specs would have to get bumped to support steam.
Chrome books are suppose to be cheap laptops.
And they have stadia

bluefox7551594d ago

Most games on steam have very low system requirements. Most people ignore these games, but they are there.

1594d ago Replies(1)
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Google Stadia Founder's Edition Release Date Revealed

Google has now announced the Google Stadia Release date. Google Stadia Founder's Editions and Google Stadia Premiere Editions will both begin shipping "in the same order that pre-orders were received." Shortly after Stadia packages begin shipping, those who pre-ordered will receive a code to activate their Stadia account and Stadia Pro.

1689d ago
demonic361689d ago

Selling out founders edition everywhere is saying how bad it's going to fail .... hmmmmm

arkard1689d ago

Guarantee more come available soon. Got to generate fake hype.

demonic361687d ago

I agree that sometimes this IS the case, but what makes you so sure this is the same?

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Google Stadia Fundamentally Misunderstands Its Audience

Google Stadia fundamentally misunderstands its target audience. Casual users aren't willing to adopt this new business model.

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CrimsonWing691755d ago

Are there any positive articles on Stadia?

gamer78041755d ago

Not really, it will eventually join googles app graveyard with google+

rainslacker1755d ago

I hear you can search for them on Google.

Tross1755d ago (Edited 1755d ago )

It's hard to put a positive spin on something that isn't shaping up to be very good. Some articles try, but they tend to be more in the context of pushing the Stadia as leading us into the future rather than focusing on why it's the future or why we want a streaming-only device and completely ignoring the potential drawbacks to getting one of these things.

traumadisaster1755d ago

No upfront hardware costs and you get to play the newest next gen game, that's nice for casuals who don't want to fork out $600 with games.

Tross1754d ago

@traumadisaster But as far as I know this PoS will only be able to play PS4/XB1 type games. That's not next-gen, and it will get left behind when the new systems release. I believe there is still a hardware cost too, albeit a lower one. I would think that casuals would rather just stick to their phones than fork over even that much and add an additional subscription to their monthly bills. So, I have no idea who the intended audience is for this thing.

1755d ago
1755d ago
Profchaos1755d ago

I can see a revision in proving happening at some stage you can't expect people to pay 10 a month to play games they already brought

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