
Exclusive Mortal Kombat 11 Cetrion Reveal Trailer

Get your first real look at the newest character for Mortal Kombat 11.

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Chaosdreams1886d ago

Why does this look so good!
"This is mercy."

1886d ago
Nu1886d ago

It's mother nature everybody

oasdada1886d ago (Edited 1886d ago )

What is up with her fatality? You gave her all the power in the world.. And u come up with this? Atleast if u want to go with it then just simply make her go big and fire the lazer.. Leave the irrelevant covering the opponent with rocks and stepping on them out of it

Nu1884d ago

It's some Azuras Wrath bullshit lol

Army_of_Darkness1886d ago

Damn! She looks so over Powered. Awesome character though.

thatguyhayat1886d ago

Yeaaaah she looks really overpowered. You can tell people will be spamming all sorts with her but damn she looks cool

Flewid6381885d ago

Looking cool and doing cool stuff on screen doesnt = people will be spamming.

Thats not how fighting games work. lol.

chiefJohn1171886d ago

I don't like simply because he's another combination character. Now rain and tremor won't make it.

Dizzy115231886d ago

SHE. One of us is gender assuming incorrectly.

chiefJohn1171886d ago (Edited 1886d ago )

It's called a typo. it's clearly a woman. The only one assuming is you

Dragonscale1885d ago

And one of us is vitue signalling lol.

Shezgear1886d ago

I dont get why they introduce so many new characters and leave them out in the next installment. Instead of her they could add Tremor. I have pre ordered MK11.. but that is mostly for the old characters. The new ones don't live up the MK standard. That is why they are so forgettable

Jrios3551886d ago

I for once am glad they're trying something new instead of relying on the same ol' characters over an over. Personally, I'm not excited for MK11 at all due to the over reliance on the same classic characters, and it's one of the reasons why I didn't buy MKX until a later date.

NapalmSanctuary1886d ago

Considering the mostly lackluster attempts at new characters from MKX and MK11, I'd say that Netherrealm lacks the imagination and creativity to properly fill a roster with new characters.

Jrios3551886d ago


Sadly, I have to agree, because when you look at the 3D era of Mortal Kombat (MK4, Deadly Alliance, Deception, Armageddon), many of the new characters from those 4 games were lazy or uninspired. Jarek, Hsu Hao, Kira, Shujinko, Dairou, Kobra, Meat, just to name a few.

And it's a shame too because that era also brought in some new characters who have potential, such as Ashrah, Hotaru, Nitara, Li Mei, Havik, Taven, and Onaga. And even though I think Dairou was lazy in terms of story and moveset, I do still feel like he could be something interesting.

As for MKX, Ferra/Torr and Erron Black were meh, I feel like they were trying too hard with D'Vorah, and the new younger gen of fighters were the worst part. Kotal Kahn being, in my opinion, the only good new addition.

It's no wonder new characters past MK Trilogy tend to be forgotten. The MK team just isn't good at new characters after the 2D MK games.

InMyOpinion1886d ago


Couldn't agree with you more! Don't get me wrong, in all other areas MK11 kills it. Graphics, animations, gameplay etc has blown me away and I can't wait to play it. But the character designs have only declined.

The reason the original characters are so popular is because they are subtle, look human & have a connection to traditional martial arts. For some reason Netherrealms keeps adding characters that are way out of place. Cowboys, insects, comic book & fantasy characters etc. Cassie & Jacqui also feel superflous imo.

Hell, they should let their strong community design them instead.

Shezgear1886d ago

Cetrion reminds me of someone they just took out of injustice 2. Even her fatality is like superman/fly out of the world thing.

The list of come and go characters is very long. Where is ferra/thor? Or kung jin and takeda? They were so identical they could be one. Imo instead of all these new characters, they could re introduce the ones that were abandoned after one installment that had potential. Like shujinko.

I wish they could've brought back Motaro.

CorndogBurglar1885d ago

Why didn't you buy MKX? Because of their over-reliance on classic characters? Half the roster was brand new characters. Lol

Are you just tired of classic MK characters? Because all fighting games are going to include favorite characters as the main part of their roster. People want those guys in there.

Jrios3551885d ago


"Half the roster was brand new characters."

Incorrect. MKX's initial roster was 24 (25 if you count Goro). Only 8 of those characters were brand new. Ferra/Torr, D'Vorah, Kotal Kahn, Cassie Cage, Jacqui Briggs, Kung Jin, Takeda, and Erron Black.

And while it is true that fighting games are required to bring back fan favorites, the only thing Mortal Kombat has is classic characters, and now the new MKX additions. Instead of giving characters from the 3D MK games a chance (Such as Havik and Onaga), we get Sonya and Johnny Cage yet again. And here I thought that the point of Cassie Cage was so that Sonya ans Johnny could retire.

At least other fighters like Street Fighter and Tekken bring back characters from the older and newer games. The Mortal Kombat team just can't seem to get their heads out of the original games, and toss the 3D ones to the side.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1885d ago
CorndogBurglar1885d ago (Edited 1885d ago )

Uh....what are you talking about? MK11 has a lot of returning characters that were introduced in MKX. Jacqui Briggs. Cassie Cage. Devorah, Kotal Kahn, Erron Black.

With fighting games you have to try to please as many people as you can with the roster. That means always bringing some of the older characters, some brand new characters, and some returning characters introduced in previous titles.

MK11 is doing exactly that. Its bringing over fan favorite characters that people would be pissed off about not being included. They are bringing at least 5 returning characters from the last game, and a few new characters.

It sounds like you just wanted Tremor. But come on man. They can't include everyone.

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