
Mortal Kombat 11 Nintendo Switch Comparison Makes It Clear How It Was Downgraded

Mortal Kombat 11 has received its first official gameplay trailer for Nintendo Switch and with the release date getting closer, more information about the game is making its way online.

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Mr Marvel1869d ago ShowReplies(6)
Platformgamer1869d ago

seems like a mobile version ahaha
also, playing a fighting game with that shitty mini-controller must be a pain in the ass.

MeteorPanda1869d ago

theres pro controllers...

sony fan here but holy hell. that controller is basically doing photosynthesis at this point. mines going on 40 hours no charge XD. they made a good controller

DEKUX121869d ago

Must suck to have to charge every two hours

KickSpinFilter1869d ago

Must suck to pay for batteries, when I can just put that money towards a second PS4 controller and have it all charged up when the other one is going to dump. Plus it's much longer than 2 hours, more like 8 hours.

Literal_Cringe1869d ago


We don't have to buy batteries, joycons last 20 hours each while pro controller lasts 40 hours

DEKUX121869d ago

KickSpinFilter um it does not last 8 hours i have 2 controllers for the ps4. And switch controllers don't use..... reg batteries so your the one who failed lmao

ScootaKuH1869d ago

The console wars sure have hit a new low. Now we're arguing about how long a controller holds its charge for?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1869d ago
lptmg1869d ago

you can even use an adapter and play Switch games with an Xbox One controller...

MadMax1869d ago

I have my playstation gold headset hooked up to my switch and it works much better on the switch than on the playstation! It gets 10 times as louder on the switch and sounds far superior. Which is very weird to me. Should be the other way around shouldnt it?

Cobra9511868d ago

Really? That's good to know.

Imortus_san1868d ago

I have one, works like a charm with the Regular PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox One / Wii U / Any arcade stick, and its a lot cheaper then buying a pro controller.

xX-oldboy-Xx1869d ago

Wait for the best place to play articles that seem to follow every switch release.

pcz1869d ago

The switch version looks better

just my opinion

Cobra9511868d ago

@jaycptza: Probably better than any other version on the bus to work or school.

averagejoe261868d ago

You're either trolling or legally blind.


I don't think the Switch version looks better than Vita remote playing the PS4 version.

lptmg1869d ago

some will say the game looks awful, but I'm actually impressed it looks that passable on the Switch's underwhelming hardware

PhoenixUp1869d ago

B-B-But it’s portable so i-i-it’s still the b-b-best version!!!

LOGICWINS1869d ago

*pats on head*

It's okay champ. Let's get you a milkshake.

King_Noctis1869d ago

Trolling on Switch article as usual I see.

Not all games are best played on the Switch, but the for the ones that really are, people like you would still pop up and try to downplay it however way you can.

Neonridr1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

well let me know how you plan to play your PS4 version anywhere but in front of your TV... I'll wait while you come up with a clever response. And having to spend $200 on an additional accessory that can only partially replicate what the Switch can do is not a solution nor an argument.

Every person has different needs Phoenix. At least with the Switch you are given options out of the box.

PhoenixUp1868d ago

@ Logic

As long as that milkshake is portable

@ King

How is it trolling? That seems to be the actual end all be all response for people saying NS is the best way to play various games. There’s hardly any game with better performance on Switch than on other platforms.

@ Neo

Let me know when Switch allows you to message friends, party chat, Share Play, livestream natively, play background music, save gameplay videos with built-in DVR, backup saves onto local external storage, engage in communities, & earn Trophies/Achievements across any game.

Yeah Switch gives you options just like every other platform gives you options. The fact that there are various ways you can enjoy a game depending on the platform you’re playing it on means it’s absurd to say one is inherently better than the other.

You can love portable gaming just as much as people love the features that aren’t available on Switch. Doesn’t mean your love is inherently the best way to enjoy the title.

septemberindecember1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

You can save gameplay videos on the Switch. And some games have shareplay too.

Portability trumps all of those anyway. Hands down.

PhoenixUp1868d ago

You can only save up to 30 seconds of video on only titles that support the feature which pales heavily in comparison to the DVR available on other platforms.

Switch does not have Share Play at all. Switch’s online barely has the minimal features available on other platforms.

You’re very narrowsighted if you’re still in the mindset of stating your opinion as a fact. Not everyone is willing give up a lot of options for another.

septemberindecember1868d ago


Switch does have a share play feature, it’s just much more limited. Look it up.

Yes, I’m the narrow sighted one when half of the people on here don’t even put it’s portability into perspective with respect to its hardware capabilities.

Also, we often say opinions in that statement form. That’s what an opinion is. If I say “I think” that technically makes it a fact. Little lesson for you. Also, I shouldn’t have to state everything as my opinion. You don’t.

PhoenixUp1868d ago

@ sept

The burden of proof is on you. You’re the one claiming Switch can Share Play like PS4 yet I can’t find any evidence to support that like how I searched the limited video capture on the system. Plus even if there were Share Play, which I still doubt is a thing on Switch, it’d still pale in comparison to how Share Play works for nearly every game on PS4.

Your narrow-sightedness is the exact thing I’m mocking. Regardless of how many factors there are against playing a multiplat on Switch, there will still be people such as yourself who feel their opinion that if it’s portable it’s factually the best way to play a game. So go on unironically telling people that that portable is the best way to play a game while I’ll satirically be right behind you doing the same thing.

What kind of logic is that? If I were to say I think the moon is made out of cheese or 1+1 =5, I guess that’s technically a fact as well.

septemberindecember1868d ago


It’s literally a ten second google. Look up Nintendo Switch “pass the controller”. Again, it’s limited I never argued that they were the same.

I never said my opinion on this to be fact. Not once in this article. Nor did I ever say it about Mortal a Kombat at all, because I know some people prefer graphics. So what are you even getting at?

Yeah, you're getting it. If you said the moon is made of cheese it would be a false fact, but a fact. A fact is something that can be verified as objectively true or false. An opinion can not be. So if what one saying isn’t objective, just treat it as an opinion. I don’t really want to go through the trouble of explicitly stating that all the time.

PhoenixUp1868d ago

But that’s only for NES games. Why even bother bringing that up. Speaking of which a side note it’s sad how Nintendo can guarantee voice chat to work on every NES game but not for every Switch game.

You said people don’t take it being on a system that’s portable into consideration. The point is that even the alleged docked version of the game was still downgraded from what was originally promised. It’s absurd to overlook what happened with what was promised for the docked version just because the system is also portable.

There are no such things as false facts, only hypotheses. And a hypothesis isn’t a fact.

septemberindecember1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )


I brought it up because it’s still a feature, it’s just not as robust. Like recording gameplay. Not as robust, but still there.

I’m sure voice chat is something we could agree on. It sucks I have to call my friend over the phone. Even the app doesn’t work as well.

It’s not absurd to consider its hardware capabilities when docked. Even docked it must continue to use its mobile chipset, which is built within the confines of the Switch hardware. And what do you mean from what was originally promised? I don’t think they promised the exact same visuals, they did promise 60FPS though, which it is.

There are such things as false facts. A statement that can be proved either true or false is considered a fact. Of course, more colloquially facts are referred to as being the “truth” but, that’s not entirely correct.

PhoenixUp1868d ago

Why even bring up a feature that only works with NES games when I’m talking about Switch games as a whole lacking that feature? The fact that it’s gimped on Switch shows that it’s possible to have better experiences on other platforms.

People are taking this “it’s portable so it’s the best” belief thing too far though. I’m certain that the same people with this mindset never said MK9 on Vita was the best version of that game.

Again the thing you’re describing, an assumption or an idea that is proposed for the sake of argument so that it can be tested to see if it might be true, is a hypothesis.

septemberindecember1867d ago

I don’t see a lot of people claiming that MK is best played on the Switch. I saw articles which claimed that for Final Fantasy and Cuphead. Which, frankly, none of those games sacrificed much if anything to go to the switch, so I don’t know why people would want to own those anywhere else if given the option.

Maybe they did say MK9 on the vita was the best? I bet you that if there were articles saying “PS4 is the best place to play” there wouldn’t be so many here disagreeing.

You’re assuming that you’re testing it. A hypothesis requires testing to be proven true or false, I’m talking about statements which have already been proven.

DEKUX121867d ago

Let me know when ps4 stops having cam girl scam adds message me on the messenger app.

PhoenixUp1867d ago

@ sept

There’s various reasons to play Cuphead & those Final Fantasy titles on other platforms as opposed to Switch.

I’d be annoyed with any deluge of articles being posted proclaiming any platform was the best to play on. We did get a lot of tech analysis articles from Digital Foundry that show how each game performs on each console, but those are more important factual articles than meaningless opinionated ones.

If you’re making a statement that’s already been proven to be false, it’s nothing but BS

@ Deku

Wtf u talking about

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1867d ago
hulk_bash19871868d ago

Using the phrase "best place to play" is completely unnecessary. It's all about preference. Are you more excited to play a mobile version of MK11 with lower graphical fidelity? Or are you excited to see the amazingly detail character models, stages and high framerates gameplay on a 4k tv? Which ever version you pickup, you are gonna be a ble to play it the way you want. So what does it matter?

Quetzll1868d ago

Talk about a back-handed comment: The "mobile version"? It's the full game, with graphics that meet the switch's hardware limitations while keeping 60fps.

It's glaringly obvious that you're trying to be open-minded, yet you're definitely biased (which is ok), based on your usage of the word "mobile" and what that word means in the context of true console games. You're right though, whichever version you get, you're gonna play it. Next time, just say that the sky is blue, and people will see a blue sky if they look at the sky. It will be just as helpful.

IanTH1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

Welcome to the Internet, where *my answer* must be the *correct answer*!

hulk_bash19871868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

No need to get uppity. I didnt mean it was "mobile game" quality. I meant it in the sense of being a portable version of the full game. But sorry if you were offended in my use of the word mobile.

Knushwood Butt1868d ago

It's strange how I still never see anybody playing Switch in public.

If its portability is such a great feature, then I don't see people making use of it. Certainly it's not popular for gaming on the go.

septemberindecember1868d ago

Do you know what an anecdote is? Also, portability has other uses than just playing in public. Like, at home when the TV is being used. In between breaks. Waiting for an appointment, etc.

Knushwood Butt1868d ago

Yeah, I know what an anecdote is.

I also know what it means to spend 3 days in Tokyo and not see a single Switch.

Certainly, it's not popular for gaming on the go.

septemberindecember1867d ago (Edited 1867d ago )

It certainly is, around 30% of Switch owners play their Switch almost exclusively in portable mode. And around 50% use both modes. So it’s portability is clearly important.

Again, just because you didn’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not used.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1867d ago
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