
Mortal Kombat 11 DLC Fighters Leaked, Here's the List (Potential Spoilers)

Thanks to Nintendo Switch version of the game, the Mortal Kombat 11 DLC fighters list has been leaked! A few surprise characters are in it that might be considered spoiler-ish.

kltpzyxm1869d ago

Damn. This sounds almost too good to be true

Nitrowolf21869d ago

I hope it’s true, this sounds like a fun list ALTHOUGH idk about the Joker considering the team has said they wouldn’t have a rated M MK game where they’re ripping DC characters to shred, I guess I can see this working thought if they end up using the New 52 Joker where he wears his own face, that’d be cool

kltpzyxm1869d ago

The new 52 Joker would probably fit in well with the MK universe, although I'm not a fan of that design. At least it will probably be a lot better than Jokers design in Injustice 2. Since he is a villain and not a hero, I could see them not holding back with the fatalities.

Nitrowolf21868d ago

Yeah I’m not a fan of his design either, but all things considering at least it be different and be more fitting.

Even the man who laugh Joker/Batman could be a good fit

blackbeld1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

From the list I like Shang Tsung the most. Terminator and Spawn could be interesting.

Night wolf

BQ321868d ago

Just need Rambo and it will be lit.

syphon321868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

You got downvoted 4x because that list is pretty wasf. Spawn sounds ok but the rest. I'm not excited at all. I didn't downvote you because hey your opinion is your own but yeah, that list, a bit weak

kltpzyxm1868d ago

Guess I'm in the minority for being excited for these characters. To each their own. Cheers

nirwanda1868d ago

If it was too good to be true they would be unlockable from the main story mode like the original games rather than this pre planed dlc nonsense, wouldn't surprise me if they were already in the code waiting to be unlocked, but now Devs are wise to the fact people hate that and make you download it.
If you haven't guessed this is the reason I don't buy fighting games.

kltpzyxm1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

I did say almost too good to be true. But I agree, it would be optimal if you could just unlock the characters by playing the game. Guess I just don't expect them to that anymore.
It's totally understandable that people boycott fighting games or at least wait for the complete edition, so I can't really fault you for that, but I just really wanna play this day one and don't have patience to wait for it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1868d ago
Skuletor1868d ago

I guess Ash is Evil Dead's Ash Williams, along with his chainsaw arm and boomstick. Here's hoping

excaliburps1868d ago

Yep. It's Ash from Evil Dead which has been a fan request even before.

Silly gameAr1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

So they're making Fujin DLC instead of one of the base fighters? Kind of lame, but what can you do? Also, Joker? Waste of a DLC slot.

chiefJohn1171868d ago

All facts. Sick of all the guess characters too

Silly gameAr1868d ago

I'm not really sick of the guest characters, but if they're going to have them, they should be a little more exciting. Ash, Spawn and the Terminator might be pretty cool, but the Joker? If I wanted to play as the Joker, I'd play Injustice. Or it would be awesome what Nitrowolf suggested though. The Batman Who Laughs would probably be a sick ass addition.

Also, I think Nightwolf and Sindel are a waste too. Where's Mavado? Where's Rain? Add some fighters that haven't been in the series for a while that never really got their just due.

1868d ago
CertifiedGamer1868d ago

Ash Ketchum for Switch version

chiefJohn1171868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

The Joker!? -_- come on NRS really no one wants the joker's waste of a slot. WTF IS HAVIK!!!!. Honestly disappointed Fujin and Spawn is a go but idc about the rest tbh. I predictable sindel would be dlc

Tazzy1868d ago

I agree adding Joker is dumb they could add Chucky instead and I'd be more happy Joker is not known for killing people. :\

Natversion11868d ago

What are you smoking?!?!

"The Joker arguably has the largest single body count of any villain in the DCU."


Parasyte1867d ago

I was just about to post something similar. The whole point of Joker's character is that he is an unrepentent, chaotic, homicidal maniac!

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