
Mortal Kombat 11 - Making One Fatal Mistake | Push Square

Those yearning for the gore-soaked days of old will find plenty to love, and newcomers will be enthralled by its excellent story and deep fighting system.

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Platformgamer1866d ago ShowReplies(2)
azizlksa1866d ago

Glad they talked about the ridiculous grinding for good items in the krypt. I’ve been playing the game for 4 days now and it’s ridiculous, people are going to be mad.

Sgt_Slaughter1866d ago

This is why I'm confused about the 9's and 10's. Seems to me those reviews are either downplaying or ignoring that huge problem.

GameStallion1866d ago

That’s why I always give love to TheSixthAxis They’ve been calling out that manipulative garbage for awhile. https://www.thesixthaxis.co...

Edito1866d ago

They aren't playing the game simple as that.

Gaming1011866d ago

I think NetherRealm wants people to play the heck out of the game to keep the online community booming. If you don't actually like the actual gameplay then yes, it will feel like a chore and won't be fun but if the gameplay is fun then you'll have no problem unlocking anything because it will just come naturally.
I think we've been spoiled by the dopamine rush of game design that give you unlocks every 5 minutes to keep you engaged. Back in the day we used to play games with no unlocks, we just played Mario over and over because it was fun.

victorMaje1866d ago

Yup, the grind is real & it’s messed up.
Everything is geared towards making you purchase in-game currency or konsumables...not good.

Michiel19891866d ago

Not sure how it is in this version but I remember previous crypts being grindy as hell as well. Is it that much worse?

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