
Is FF12 the greatest Final Fantasy game?

There's nothing Final Fantasy fans enjoy more than debating which is the best game in the series - so with features editor Martin Robinson declaring "the best Final Fantasy is even better now that it's portable" with the arrival of FF12 on Switch, now is the perfect time to get into it ourselves on the podcast.

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PhoenixUp1849d ago

It’s definitely up there with the best

IMissJimRyan1848d ago

These articles are only praising ff xii because the game was released on Switch.

septemberindecember1848d ago

Both the original game and the remaster were received well when they were PS Exclusives too.

PhoenixUp1848d ago

FFXII was praised prior to that

Plus you seem to forget FFXII came to both Xbox One & Switch as well

RedDevils1848d ago

not for me. But it definitely better than 13 though.

Relientk771849d ago

I would say Final Fantasy X was the last great FF game, so no.

Cyb3r1849d ago

FF12 is where the series went downhill

Flynn_Ryder_8971848d ago

Final Fantasy 13 is when it fell off the cliff.

Kados1848d ago

There were several downhill moments for the series, 10 being one of them with the linear design. It was just as bad as 13 in that regard. 12 brought the series back up. It is easily in the top 5.

Princess_Pilfer1848d ago (Edited 1848d ago )

10 also has the best paced story, and the best developed character in the series (Yuna) that isn't just a protagonist.

12, however, has a garbage story, stuck between being a political drama and shounen anime nonsense and *both* aspects are dragged down by the presence of the other/ fighting over the overall tone that they do. Not to mention the almost total lack of character development and how poinltess and irritating Vahn and Penello are, having basically nothing at all to do with the main plot.

And this is *without* getting into things like the combat that's structured in such a way that it's *really* tedious to control all the characters yourself, but really boring to either only control 1 character or to simply let the game play itself FF13 style. (In fact, as much as I hate 13, 13s combat is probably actually better than 12s, because they addressed that issue by making swapping around the way the game plays itself at more fluid and intuitive than it is in FF12.)

So, no, I woulnd't put it top 5. If we exclude the MMOs (which is arguably unfair as 14 is really good) I'd say X, X-2, 9, 8,7, and 4 are all better.

meep3161848d ago

most of the final fantasy games are pretty linear with side quests.

Flynn_Ryder_8971848d ago

Final Fantasy 9 is my personal favourite.

iDadio1848d ago

Same here, it had everything.

Sirk7x1848d ago

One of my favorite games of all time, let alone FF titles.

Snakeeater251848d ago

No and far form it.
You are just to young to have played ff2 and ff3 and ff7

pietro12121848d ago

Played and beat every Final Fantasy except for XIII and I would place FFXII in the top three. FF2 is the weakest of the franchise, same goes for 3 including the DS remake and VII is just overrated

pietro12121848d ago

I would agree if you talking about FFVI, that game is truly a gem.

meep3161848d ago (Edited 1848d ago )

vii was really good, but it also had 100 million dollars worth of marketing in the late 90s (which was unheard of). if it wasnt for that marketing it would probably just be another cult classic Japanese role playing game. Sony really took a chance marketing it like that for square, but it really paid off!

Snakeeater251848d ago

Yes i Was talking about FFIV= ff2 because were dont live in japan and FFIV= ff3 again because we dont live in japan those are far better story/caracters

pietro12121848d ago (Edited 1848d ago )

FF2 and 3 have been released overseas for years now though on different platforms

Sirk7x1848d ago

So many people are familiar with how the western releases were numbered that you'll probably confuse people by talking about 3 as 6 now lol.

Cobra9511845d ago

It's more correct to call it FF VI (when you refer to FF III US). That way, there is no confusion in an international forum, regardless of what country you live in. "FF III" could refer to an entirely different game, as could FF II. The renumbering for Western markets was stupid; but then again, those were different times.

pietro12121848d ago

The character progression was awful and the story was really bland. It was the first story driven FF title so it does get props for that.

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716d ago
Zeke68715d ago

I'm glad Nioh got some love, but I think Nioh 2 should be there too, an even more polished game imho. :)

ChasterMies715d ago (Edited 715d ago )

The graphics of 2015’s Bloodborne do not hold up. This game needs a remaster.

shinoff2183710d ago

I personally dont think ff10 is the best ff on there and bloodborne imo is the best rpg on there. I guess i still prefer my jrpg to be turn based and not action rpgs.


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shinoff2183742d ago

Shame they dont have any 1st party jrpgs. Thats what made me buy a used 360 in the past. Blue dragon. Lost odyessy. One or two other games. But imo blue dragon was the best of them