
NBA 2K20 First Screenshot and Comparison To NBA 2K19 Visuals

NBA 2K20 was revealed by 2K Sports and it is set to launch later this September. This is a yearly sports franchise so there is usually a slight upgrade and improvements are made to the series every year.

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2pacalypsenow1791d ago

Already seen them, when I played 2k19 today.

1790d ago Replies(7)
DothrakiSea1789d ago

Such a stupid criticism for a game released yearly. What should 2K spend their time and money advancing the development of graphic systems, or should they keep making the games? Each year they take the technology and make the best of it, and we are gonna cry about it. As if anyone who buys these yearly is doing it for the graphics, just a classic thing for people that don't play sports games to gather and sniffle over.

DarXyde1790d ago

I want to compare ad screenshots.

Ideally, they would look better in 2K19 and no comparison can be made.

Iamnothuman121790d ago

Exact same game guys they just slapped 20 on the cover and refined the ways they get you to spend money.

SinisterKieran1790d ago

is this the game that has those ads in?

XxSPIDEYxX1790d ago

Yes, unskippable $60 advertisements. Game is littered with micro transactions as well.

1789d ago
Outlawzz1790d ago

Glad I'm not a sucker for these sports games, the cashgrab attempts are just sad and they are some of the best selling games too.

Minute Man 7211790d ago

I buy older versions used (ea/2k) and with community roster updates I'm good

jaymacx1789d ago

Smart! I think I will start buying it once it’s cheaper. They had this year’s game for $3 .

BlacKJesu51790d ago

It's no better than the amount I spent on Eso

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NBA 2K20 taught me about basketball and now I love it

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