
Xenoblade Chronicles Comparison Shows How Definitive Edition Is a Full Remake

Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition was just announced by Nintendo Switch. It is not just a port of the original game but based on a comparison, it feels like a proper remake.

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Segata1731d ago

When was the first game ever censored? Never. Nintendo doesn't really censor anymore anyway.

jaymacx1730d ago

He might be talking about Xenoblade Chronicles X. That game was censored in two ways if I remember.
1. One of the characters age was changed.
2. They removed a slider that let you change the chest size .

Juusterey1729d ago

But this was wii u

InKnight7s1731d ago

But why characters looks softer??

1731d ago Replies(2)
Nodoze1731d ago

Will there be a collectors edition...please? I want the soundtrack, steelbook, and some other goodies.

Segata1730d ago

Last 2 games have so I see no reason why not.

1731d ago Replies(1)
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Nintendo of America never planned on bringing Xenoblade to North America despite announcing it at E3

These days Xenoblade is one of Nintendo’s bigger franchises – at least when it comes to RPGs – but that wasn’t always the case. The first entry came out in English more than a year after its Japanese launch, and that was for European fans only.

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shinoff218320d ago

Would've been yet another whack move on Nintendo. I'm glad they did. It's one of the few games I got the switch for.

XiNatsuDragnel20d ago

Well nintendo if you didn't do that big l

Knightofelemia20d ago

I guess Nintendo forgets how boosting sales numbers work. Why lock a game to a certain region or certain regions? You want sales number then flood the market and release the game in every region.

Lionsguard20d ago

I just don't understand why companies enjoy locking software behind such specific things. Imagine if Minecraft was only available for Xbox 360 and only North America and never again on anything else..

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10 Iconic RPG Weapons That Are Way Too Dangerous for Real-Life

Rules are meant to be broken in video games. The easiest way to quickly break a game’s world? An overpowered weapon that makes the main character a one-person army. Now, imagine that power if it existed in the real world.

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Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed Brings the Xeno Saga to a Glorious Close

Xeno fans rejoice! The six-part saga has finally been told!

Xenogears was originally supposed to be a six part series, but Squaresoft cut the budget for the first game and canceled future plans. Xenosaga, published by Bandai Namco, was its spritual successor, and it too was supposed to be a six part series but was cut to a trilogy after subpar sales for Xenosaga 2.

Future Redeemed is by far the best DLC of the Xenoblade series, achieving its lofty goals of introducing new characters, reconnecting with older ones, and closing a narrative that Monolith Soft’s main man Tetsuya Takahashi has been trying to tell since 1998.

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374d ago