
Nolan North Hosts Uncharted Reunion With Castmembers & Director Amy Hennig

Emily Rose even dressed the part as Elena Fisher

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NecrumOddBoy1490d ago

The glory days of Naughty Dog before Druckmann swerved far left off into oncoming traffic. I wonder if his insurance is Progressive.

stupidusername1490d ago

Yes, because Uncharted 4 and TLOU was such bad games. /s

1489d ago
1489d ago
AnubisG1489d ago Show
Imalwaysright1489d ago


Because Straley was keeping Druckmann in check.

Movefasta19931489d ago

@generic leaks aside, the gameplay and the graphics look far from garbage. Even if it ends up having the worst story it'll be a good game.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1489d ago
1490d ago Replies(2)
-Foxtrot1490d ago

I felt a little sad when Amy is like "I miss it"

Say what you want but I really miss Amy Hennig at NaugntyDog, I feel like she kind of balanced Neil Druckmann out

People shit on her for Uncharted 3 but she had so many things against her, Uncharted 2 was a massive success, Sony obviously wanted to strike while the iron was hot so wanted Uncharted 3 out as soon as possible, they split ND up into two teams and Neil/Bruce (god knows how many talented people who made U2 were put in the other team) went to work on the Last of Us. I don't agree about another lost city being the story point or how the gimmick fest direction the multiplayer took but she did a fantastic job all considering.

Hell I will always want her version of Uncharted 4, she wouldn't have made someone like Nadine that's for sure and even though I don't agree of using a long lost brother storyline for a final chapter being the villain that would have left room open for Elena and Sully to be in the game from the beginning and all away through. I mean I personally thought Uncharted 3 felt more like an Uncharted game than Uncharted 4 even right down to the tiny little things like the music or new modern lay out to the title screen. She should have been there to finish it, it seems she was great friends with them all and Uncharted was her baby at the end of the day.

Another Universe I guess....

BehindTheRows1490d ago

Nadine was fine.

That said, I enjoyed Uncharted 3, so yeah, I’d love to see what else she could come up with.

1489d ago
AnubisG1489d ago (Edited 1489d ago )

Nadine is a horrible character. I hated her. That twig of a character was able to beat the crap out of Nate and his brother with ease....yeah right. They would have eaten her alive.

-Foxtrot1489d ago (Edited 1489d ago )

Nadine was not fine

They knew this

They then forced her in story wise to Lost Legacy rather than Charlie Cutter, kind of in a way to say "In the future, Nadine will be around with Uncharted for a long time"

It's just ridiculous, she had no right to be there.

Peeler18291489d ago

the fact that Nadine beat up a couple of middle-aged men barely even registered as a thing for me. I can’t understand why people get so furious over her existence

-Foxtrot1489d ago

It's what she represents

Neil apparently is a big fan of Anita Sarkeesian and Feminist Frequency, so it's said that he created someone like Nadine to please them in a kind of "Look at me, I'm helping" way. In the end Feminist Frequency didn't like her mostly because you can't please those types of people.

Point is Nate has managed to take on so many people in the main games and prequel, he's took on highly skilled mercenaries, ruthless pirates, well trained secret agents and so on. He's always had the shit kicked out of him but he got a number of punches in aswell, it was a proper brawl, a fight for survival.

Nadine...well, she's just a trained mercenary, people who Nate has battled before and yet he can't land one punch on her...ONE, in all the times you fight her, it's ridiculous and you can see Neil's little agenda come through, it's just unrealistic when we know who Nate has defeated and had fights with.

Then when it become two against one later on, when Sam joined you, they BOTH couldn't land one hit on her, BOTH OF THEM. I mean that's just f***** ridiculous no matter how you spin it.

So yeah that's the issue, Nadine represents Neil's turn and how he creates a character that goes against past scenarios just to suit his own personal views.

Amy Hennig is a woman and she wouldn't have allowed that to happen, no way.

Kornholic1489d ago

It didn't register because you have a poor understanding of biology and physics.

Peeler18291489d ago

@Foxtrot fair enough. I just considered her to be a character, nothing more. any sense of agenda never came across to me - I’ve seen people refer to her as a feminazi, which seems absurdly hyperbolic to me.

As far as the realism of it goes - Nate really should have died many times over, and the very fact that he is a one-man massacre indicates that they don’t take the notion of realism too seriously.

It’s just a story, at the end of the day.

Peeler18291489d ago

I’m case you hadn’t noticed, Naughty Dod games don’t tend to adhere to biology (fungus zombies) and physics (falling out of planes) too closely

1489d ago
1489d ago

And in lost legacy the villain (a male) was also untouchable in combat. People are overthinking this, uncharted 4 was a masterpiece. 2 will always have the best story though.

BehindTheRows1488d ago (Edited 1488d ago )

Well said. Seems such a notion is like pulling teeth. And I also agree with you about the realism. Funny they talk about that, while Nate was able to "just dodge" death many, many times over. In some cases, very unrealistically.

As you say, it's just a story. The artist can tell it from what ever perspective he wishes. Don't like it? Too bad. Stay away from the material then. Doesn't require some ridiculous analysis of why a capable woman can beat up two capable men.


Well said my friend.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1488d ago
Solid_Malone1489d ago

@Foxtrot: Completely agree with you. Amy Hennig was so right to helm the Uncharted universe and with her gone from ND was a great disappoint and worry when news broke. I wonder what really happened and what her thoughts on Neil are. Uncharted 4 was okay but the story just didn't have the Amy Hennig quality content, instead it felt forced to introduce characters like Nadine.

BehindTheRows1488d ago (Edited 1488d ago )

I mean, it's fine if YOU TWO hated her, but she worked for the story. Yes, she was fine. Show me the proof that "they knew otherwise"...

And yes, there are women out there who can take men just as she did. It's not some new phenomenon and her looks are irrelevant to that fact.

-Foxtrot1488d ago (Edited 1488d ago )


It's not the saying she couldn't take them, it's the fact they never got a single punch in, even when it was 2 v 1, they wrote her as a mary sue who are way over powered. This just showed you where Neil was starting to go with his writing.

Look at the writing of Elena, Chloe or Marlowe, way better than someone like her.

You're telling me she was even better than a tanked up super powered Lazarević? I highly doubt it

BehindTheRows1488d ago

Well, stick to your view on it, I'll continue to respectfully disagree.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1488d ago
TheGamez1001490d ago

Really miss Amy, such a shame whats happened to her over the years with the talent she has.

Bruh1489d ago

she went to EA, so pretty much wrote the ending on her creativity there. Microsoft should pick her up if Sony doesn't offer a spot on another studio. She's a great writer

zielocz3k1490d ago

I miss her so much :( i hope she will come back to Uncharted...

Games1st1489d ago (Edited 1489d ago )

She is in a happier and healthier place. Developers should have a life beyond their game.

"What I remember most about all the projects is how we just crunched, and it got worse with every project."

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Days Gone Director Says Bend's Project Costs Over $250M; Says PS Co-CEO Doesn't Want 2 Zombies Games

Days Gone director claims Sony has already poured in at least a $250M in Bend's project; says Days Gone sold more than Death Stranding.

shinoff218316h ago

Well that sucks. Seems they want more online trash. I'd rather of had the sequel if it was single player

MrNinosan2h ago

What online trash games did PS Studios release last 10 years?

Notellin2m ago

The past has nothing to do with the future. This is such a terrible argument. Everyone knows about their current live service push.

-Foxtrot16h ago

It would be a shame if it was true that Hermen never gave the franchise a chance simply because he didn't like it and they already had a "Zombie" game with TLOU.

NaughtyDog are most likely moving onto a new IP next so it would have been the perfect time to do it.

ThinkThink8h ago

Here's where xbox steps in and releases state of decay 3 day and date on ps5.

Grilla1h ago

Days gone 2 was canceled before Herman was in charge. That happened like 4 years ago.

vfl52356m ago

4 years ago he was head of Playstation Studios. He would've probably had a hand in the cancelation.

Notellin0m ago

Man two seconds of research could have saved you from this comment. Amazing work Grilla you fit in with the uniformed N4G community who speaks before verifying anything that they say.

excaliburps2h ago

Yep. Kind of weird since it wasn't a sales flop, no?

I know we have to take what Ross says with a grain of salt since we're hearing just one side of the story, but even so, the game wasn't bad at all. Heck, it's my brother's favorite last-gen game from what I recall.

The amount of zombies on screen, imagine that with the PS5 and SSD? That would be insanely fun!

Grilla1h ago

Most copies were sold on sale. Not enough ppl bought it at full price. I paid 20$ for it 6 -7 months after release.

P_Bomb2h ago

Well I don’t want 10 live service games, but they have no problem doing that lol. Ugh.

CrimsonWing691h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Oh great so we only get what the big wigs want… y’know, the people that really have their fingers on the pulse of what their consumers want. Faaaaantastic!

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Trying to push players over from PC to console is a terrible idea, PlayStation

As PlayStation announces its new strategy to encourage PC users to choose PS5 it is a bitter-sweet moment for PC gamers.

Christopher18h ago

I mean, it's a business based on hardware market. Do we expect them to not even try? It's not like Nintendo doesn't do the same by not putting any games on PC and Microsoft until recently did the same. I don't care what they attempt, as long as they don't abuse the community or lie about their goals/requirements.

Will it work? Not likely. Should we care? No. Let them waste their time, it doesn't affect anything.

RaidenBlack17h ago

let them try ... at the end of the day, we get few extra PC games ... yay ... and also promotes game preservation via PC ... so double yay.

LordoftheCritics56m ago

If only Playstation games provided the ease of pc gaming features.

Primary being very few PS games support m/kb.

Fishy Fingers16h ago(Edited 16h ago)

I wish them the best of luck.

But PC players are often a patient bunch, many will even wait for Epic launcher exclusivity to end until a game comes to Steam.

If they didnt buy the console when its games were exclusive, why would they do it now theyre not?

MrNinosan2h ago

Way more do than you probably think.

ravens522h ago

All you need is that one game that'll make a few switch at a time. Like a game a PC player REALLY wants.

-Foxtrot16h ago

PC gamers are just too patient and loyal to their gaming set ups, something they've spent a lot of money on to perfect. They have backlogs of games which many never get round to finishing or get round to at all and will always have other multiplatform releases to keep them going.

Over the many years Sony has published so many awesome titles such as The Last of Us, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Infamous, Killzone, LittleBigPlanet, Dreams, Puppeteer, Resistance, Heavy Rain, Gran Turismo, Motor Storm, God of War, Horizon, Ratchet and Clank, Spiderman, Ghost of Tsushima, Bloodborne

If none of those games BEFORE all these PC ports convinced a hardcore PC gamer to get a PS5 console then why on Earth would porting them them to PC now make any difference? All PC gamers now know 100% is that they just have to be patient, which they are good at anyway to get a PS5 game 2 years later.

I get GaaS games or multiplayer focused titles but if people really want to play these games they'd have gotten a PS console years ago.

helicoptergirl16h ago

Who cares? Then just stay on PC and play the waiting game. No big deal. Sony wins in the end anyway.

Number1TailzFan16h ago

I mean if there's any single player Sony games that I actually want that aren't on PC then I would buy said console to play them on. But the ones that I like that aren't on PC are few and far between anyway so no loss for me.

If I game, it's usually multiplayer titles, otherwise I like playing around with some other software.

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Greetings from the newly minted CEO - Shams Jorjani

Operating under the username BigKahuna_AGS, Jorjani created a lengthy thread on the Helldivers subreddit to introduce himself to the community following his appointment as CEO in early May.