
Ghost Of Tsushima Review | Ladbible

LadBible: "Ghost of Tsushima is a fine open-world game. It ticks all the boxes of what you would expect it to do - but it doesn't do anything more than that. This is one of the last exclusive games for the PlayStation 4, and it's disappointing that it has nothing new to say."

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solideagle1417d ago (Edited 1417d ago )

I wonder if they deduct points from COD/AC/Pokemon/Smash every year for not doing something new?

RpgSama1417d ago

I hate the double standards when it comes to game reviews, AC it's the exact same game since they revamped it with Origins, which just took things from other open world games, high scores all around, the same with other open world franchises, but when it comes to Sony, both Days Gone and GoT have been heavily docked because they didn't reinvent the wheel and I do want to add that they are at least new franchises.

solideagle1417d ago

I have noticed it too that when it comes to Sony Exclusive they do it, I will wait for stated games + Forza/Halo (great games btw) reviews for re-inventing :)
I was pretty +ve that this would be Sucker Punch's first 90+ meta game...

Blastoise1417d ago

84 metacritic out of 86 reviews is a very very good score though

aquamala1417d ago (Edited 1417d ago )

AC Origins and Odyssey 's 81/83 scores are lower than GoT

Gameplayer11417d ago

Thats why I've NEVER in my whole entire life bought a game reading a review. Gut feeling is the only thing that matters and it worked 99.5 % of the times I bought a game. YOU can't buy a game from someone else's opinion, you have to go with your own. What I do think is strange is this fixation with "something new" ....why can't a game be the same but damn frikking great?? Agree?

starchild1417d ago

What's dumb is that if you're trying to be negative or nitpick you can claim that about every game. There's nothing completely new under the sun after all. It's all about new combinations and refinements.

Just to play an open world game set in ancient Japan will be a fresh experience for me. How many games let you roam a huge beautiful world as a samurai/proto-ninja? Which other game has this exact combat system? Which other game is telling this story?

RgR1416d ago

The one difference between those open world's and Sony's is that Sony does not always inplement current social political correctness.

They wanted deacon to be something other than a straight white male. And I'm sure this new character should have been a woman or given a choice to be a woman.

RpgSama1416d ago


Not only you need to have the option to be a woman, but to also be able to have a relationship with anybody regardless of if your a woman or men, they love that.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1416d ago
NeoGamer2321417d ago

I hate this kinds of reviews. Just by watching the State of Play 1.5 months ago it is obvious this game is not a 6/10. Didn't see it as a 9 or 10 either. On Metacritic it is currently at 84. I expected to settle in at 85-ish so no surprises for me. This is a typical Sucker Punch quality offering!

Definitively in the must play category for me. Right after I finish TLOU2.

morganfell1417d ago (Edited 1417d ago )

"I hate this kinds of reviews. "

Not me. I hate ALL reviews. They are nothing more than opinions about what this or that writer (in this case a cast out from Kotaku) wanted or didn't want. That isn't how it used to be or should be. Reviewers are supposed to assess the game for the individuals that are the target demographic. Instead they review it for themselves and inflict on us, for good or bad, their narrow-minded views consisting of personal likes. No listed standards, no details on how they grade a title. They just fire off their blabbermouth shots for good or ill and move on with no consideration of the damage they do to the actual gamer.

Here is a hint mr writer. You aren't our friend and all you are doing is harming our favorite pasttime. You assist no one. You improve nothing. Time for you to go.

The only review that matters now is your own. That is it. The best thing you can do is not click on any review, favorable or otherwise. With newspapers, opinions used to be buried in one of the back sections. Why? It isn't news and no one really cares. Want to see the people really damaging our beloved hobby? Its the game media.

starchild1417d ago

I completely agree.

RememberThe3571417d ago

If anyone is looking for good reviews, check out ACG on YouTube. Guy does a great job explaining a game and what he likes and why. A lot of times I'll know I won't like a game he likes just by the way he frames his thoughts so objectively.

Morgan might be right about your opinion being the only one that matters but for folks who can't just buy every single game they're interested in, reviews are really their only option to narrow things down.

jbull1417d ago

@morganfell 100% agree, like some reviewing FIFA or a racing game when they are not into sports or cars they forget about the millions of people that.s their target market and like the product on offer.

RgR1416d ago


The whole point of reviews is to inform the gamers on whether they should dish out some cash or not.

Many current reviewers are pretty horrible but you just gotta find the people you tend to agree with since it will likely lead you to the types of games you enjoy.

I personally take in angry Joe's, skillups, laymens, acg and a couple of other ones from YouTube. I used to really like totalbiscuits reviews.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1416d ago
Rachel_Alucard1417d ago

They gave pokemon SwSh and CoD MW's campaign a 7 so yeah I guess they do.

Relientk771417d ago

Ah yes, it's everyone's favorite site for game reviews, LadBible. We have all totally heard of LadBible.

RazzerRedux1417d ago

Well...they provide the Bible...for lads?

yeah I dunno

wwinterj1416d ago

They post memes on Facebook. That's all I know.

CaEsAr-1417d ago (Edited 1417d ago )

Always hated this clown of a website. They should stick to cat videos on their FB page.

GoodGuy091417d ago

Itll be deducted for not having originality and being similar to every other open world sadly. I expected this. But a 6/10? Lol. Funny lou2 didn't really add anything new either but it got masterpiece praise. Ofc I havent played ghost yet but it doesnt look like a 6 at all. Cant wait to pick the game up!

KyRo1417d ago

Nothing else really plays like TLoU2. I do understand what you mean though.

The sad truth is is that all open world games have become nearly identical. You can change the locations, characters, and period but the core game mechanics always come down to go here, kill this, collect that, clear this camp. Rinse and repeat. Lazy game design has ruined open world games.

JangoMan1417d ago

Those who scored this game a higher rating, all have praised the Authenticity of Feudal Japan, Presentation, Sword Fighting and Open worldness

Its simple if u are fan of anime, Samurai, and Legendary Akira Kurosawa, this game will be a Masterpiece for you.

Those people who doesn't understand all this will consider it another Sony Game with zero interest to play.

You have to have Honor, Courage and respect to play this game, as a smaurai!.

I'm Ready

janus2251417d ago

"You have to have Honor, Courage and respect to play this game, as a smaurai!."
It have to be a marketing quote for this game! Kudos!

JangoMan1416d ago

Lol. I just spoke my heart out

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Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut PC Review - A Legend Reborn | The Nerd Stash

TNS: "Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut on PC is one of the best ports we've seen in recent years from one of the best action-adventure games ever."

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Ghost of Tsushima on PC delivers impressive upgrades over PS5

Ghost of Tsushima PC vs PS5, best settings and more in the Digital Foundry tech review.

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VincentVanBro6d ago

Playing this at a locked 175 fps on an OLED ultra wide at max settings is truly awe inspiring. A great way to replay this classic.

Psychonaut856d ago

Sweet! Glad to see it make the jump. Hopefully the PSN requirement doesn’t put too many people off. I think it’s only if you plan to play the Legends mode. It’s bullshit, but at least you can access the main game without making a PSN profile if that bothers you. I know on PC everyone’s sick of everyone trying to push their own launchers and shit.

Deeeeznuuuts6d ago

It's really not that big of a deal, PC players just love to complain, my friend has quite a few launches and never once complained, really no issues at all 😂😂😂 28514;

Goodguy016d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Indeed. It's for the trophies and online. I just hope Sony doesn't require ps plus subscription at some point for their online games. PC gamers have dealt with 3rd party launchers forever, just a bunch of silly complaints, nothing different.

just_looken6d ago


Right how dare those 180 countries that had this game listed a month ago but no longer do complain about a forced new regulation that is blocking the sale of the game even in japan.

Then you got the fact many countries need a goverment id to check if your legally a adult.

I have a psn account that is not linked to my steam account as having any form of vpn/antivirus and even something like discord can break there psn TOS. If your psn account gets banned via pc bs then your entire consoles online are bricked as do too them needing real information we all only have one account now.

FinalFantasyFanatic6d ago

I don't mind having a few launchers, just don't make me log into it all the time, it's astounding that some developers still persist with having their own launchers.

just_looken6d ago

Its a greed deal

Alot of them wanted to leave steam so they would not pay that 30% charge but then there overall number of sales dropped opps so now there back but with there launcher as a leach because all these games have attached bullshit like ubi points or capcom rewards/stat tracking even the activation launcher that needs to be a thing for cheaters/stat track i think even trophies to a extent.

Just be glad we do not have a sony launcher as it would no doubt be fighting rockstar for most unsecured worst launcher on pc.

anast6d ago

So we are lovin' PSN now? How fickle the herd is.

Aloymetal6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Some people love to complain but if it wasn't for Sony themselves they wouldn't be playing these amazing 1st party games on their PeeZees.

4d ago
HankHill6d ago

Cry more while your precious plastic box keeps losing exclusives.

anast6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

As long as your not serious, welcome to the party.

This is fun. My turn.

Yeah, all 10 people that can actually afford a decent PC isn't much. This is why they are drip feeding PC gamers because they'll eat up 10 year old games like they're new, and that's all 10 of them. Consoles gamers already wore that shoe, you all are getting leftovers.

Your turn

Number1TailzFan6d ago

@ anast uhh, looks like the video is showing last gen (soon to be 2 gen old) GPUs running it pretty well to me? I mean if you can't keep your PC decently current then that's hardly the devs fault now is it?

Shiore2u6d ago


You really need to stop trying so hard, it's getting downright embarrassing. Brand loyalty is a stupid endeavor, accept it, learn from it and move on.

FinalFantasyFanatic6d ago

A 7-year-old GPU can trade blows with a PS5 in performance, I don't think it's going to be that hard to match/beat the PS5, especially if you look at the second hand market for parts.

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just_looken6d ago

here and most of the internet will never go against sony or play station there like the apple logo.

InUrFoxHole6d ago

I guess the ps5 was holding this game back.


Has Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut PC sales earned around £18 Million in its first week on Steam?

CG writes: The question we’re asking is, has Sucker Punch’s just released stealth-action game Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut on PC earned over £18 million in revenue on release week via the Steam platform alone (also available via the Epic Games Store)?

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thorstein7d ago

"also available via the Epic Games Store"

I'm pretty sure Epic Games Store is available in over 190 countries and 30 territories. So anyone that said that this game was not available in them was just lying.

I'm so shocked by games journalists and fauxragers lying. Really shocked. I do pity them though. I can't imagine going through life with such anger... at everything.

bunt-custardly7d ago

Hehe, you do know how much PC players whine about having multiple store platforms when really all they want is Steam to run a monopoly. Thank ye heavens for Gog and Epic.

Giblet_Head7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

When Steam is one of the very few actually trying with it's feature set it's a hard sell to get people to want something on a storefront that could care less about improving it's service. GoG is another exception, but Epic, which is still missing many features that have been on Steam for years like every other publisher just half-ass it, so they've earned and continue to maintain their poor reception and presumably act confused come every quarterly report for failure to understand the market they're in. Who really wants to invest in something that actively instills little faith?

bunt-custardly7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

Interesting answer from co-pilot when asked what are the differences between EGS and Steam.

The Epic Game Store (EGS) and Steam are both digital distribution platforms for PC games, but they have some key differences:

Game Selection: Steam has a larger selection of games, including both indie and AAA titles, and has been established longer, since 20031. EGS, while newer, offers a curated selection of games, including timed exclusives and titles not available on other platforms1.

Revenue Split: EGS offers a more favorable revenue split for developers, taking only a 12% cut compared to Steam’s 20-30%, which can be a big draw for game publishers1.

Free Games: EGS is known for its regular giveaways of free games, which has been a major feature since its launch in December 20181. Steam also offers free games, but less frequently1.

User Interface: Steam provides a more feature-rich experience with user reviews, community discussions, game streaming, and non-gaming software. EGS has a more streamlined interface, focusing on a simpler user experience1.

Social Features: Both platforms offer social features like friends lists and chat functionality, but Steam’s community features are more extensive, including groups, forums, and user profiles1.

Exclusivity: EGS has secured exclusive deals for certain games, making them available only on their platform for a limited time before they can be purchased elsewhere1.

These are some of the main differences that set the two stores apart. Each platform has its own strengths and caters to different preferences and needs.

Co-Pilot forgot to mention: Both offer software, but Steam is very much more in-tune with VR with its Steam VR integration.

Giblet_Head6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

I wouldn't take AI as gospel, especially a corporate one that ends most every answer with meaningless neutral ambiguity. You're better off actually talking to humans that use either and have something to lose, be it time, energy or financial investment. Personal experiences AI can't relate to.